Winter Nuntius 2

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The Nationals Experience
Any Latin student can find their place at National Convention. Due to being on a different campus
every summer, no two conventions are alike. Although it is a similar itinerary every summer, the
atmosphere of the campus and the unique number of students are just two of the many things that
make nationals truly enjoyable.

This week-long event is packed with competitions, colloquia, recreational events that will fit any
student's passions, ranging from athletic to academic to artistic. The competitions are divided by the
grade you previously completed; ribbons are awarded through fifth place, certificates are awarded
through tenth place. The awards you can win at Nationals can make you stand out on your college
applications. Nationals also allows you to show your JCL spirit through daily spirit competitions.
Through this event, I have been able to meet other people that not only enjoy Latin but share other
MEET YOUR STATEMost of the friends that I have made at Nationals I am still in contact with today. If you
BOARD already have a position on your state executive board, you also have the opportunity to run for a
position on the National Board. Nationals is a unique event that will not only further your passion for
Latin, but it is also a place that will facilitate lifelong friendships and memories.
- Molly Moran, Pennsauken High School
Regional Meeting

The Northern and Central regional

meeting was held on November 14th
at Franklin High School. The meeting
involved a competitive volleyball
tournament as well as casual games
for all players. Congratulations to
Franklin for winning 1st place!
Participants included 65 students from
4 schools: Franklin High School, Ridge
High School, Bayonne High School,
and Christian Brothers Academy.
- Albert Gu, Ridge High School
Venus De Volleyball
Gateway Regional High School hosted Venus De Volleyball, which consisted of
the Southern Regional Meeting, a Pandora's Box auction, and a volleyball
tournament to round out the night. The auction raised $130 for the NJJCL
scholarship. There was 68 students and teachers from 3 schools, including
Pennsauken High School, Clearview Regional High School, and Gateway
Regional High School. Congratulations go out to Gateway for winning first
place in the tournament, as well as to Pennsauken for their second place win.
- Nina Fedoryka & Olivia Jones, Clearview Regional High School
Ice Skating Trip

On Friday, January 25th, Latin students from Clearview

Regional High School and Gateway Regional High School went
ice skating at the Flyers Skate Zone in Voorhees. They got to
meet other students who also study the classics while also
trying to stay upright on their skates. Latin Club members and
their teachers had a great time getting to hang out with friends,
new and old, on this cold, winter afternoon. Make sure to come
out and join us for the next upcoming event!
- Nina Fedoryka & Olivia Jones, Clearview Regional High School
Classics Day

On October 30th, 2018 students from several high schools

attended Classics Day at Stockton University. Among the various
Greco-Roman themed events were Jeopardy and lectures on
military formations. Students had the opportunity to visit campus
and learn more about Greek and Roman culture. Several high
schools from surrounding counties attended.
- Katelyn King, Ridge High School

Upcoming Certamen @ Princeton

March 19th
Due Date for Convention Contests
April 5th
National Classics Week
Events! April 15th - 21st
State Convention
May 4th
Officer Essays for the 2019-2020 Year

Aine Pierre Running for Parliamentarian

I believe that I am an incredibly strong candidate for NJJCL leadership because of my professional writing
skills, my mind for parliamentary procedure, my unyielding work ethic, and my love of the classics. As editor
of my school’s newspaper, ranking member of the GSSPA student chapter, and youth liaison to the executive
board of Labrador Hill Sanctuary, I have become acquainted with Roberts’ Rules of Order and with writing
professionally. I have written emails to senators, congressmen, mayors, superintendents, and many more. I
am more than comfortable writing to large amounts of people and with making cases. Furthermore, I actively
follow British and American legislative entities and have learned parliamentary procedure that way.
Furthermore, I have an incredible work ethic. I take all AP and Honors classes and maintain a heavy
extracurricular presence. I do this because I am a hard worker and can get things done both efficiently and
well. I think that I will be an incredible asset to the NJJCL organization. Finally, I believe that my love of the
classics will be an asset to the NJJCL. I am an avid student of Latin grammar and classical
mythology/philosophy. This passion will be my guiding light in participating on the executive board and will tie
me to my work.

Jason Lyons Running for Proconsul

I, Jason Lyons, a junior residing at Bayonne High School, wish to run for the position of Proconsul for the
upcoming 2019-2020 school year, after demonstrating leadership qualities and civic virtue in my town and
within the NJJCL chapter. Having such passion, determination, and ambition within my chapter’s board as
proconsul on a local level, I have demonstrated examples of order, discipline, and management, I wish to
further extend my abilities to the state board for another year. Being Corresponding Scriba has helped in not
only demonstrating, but improving these qualities. By sending emails, the position has helped me to
familiarize myself with the state board members, and I wish to extend this camaraderie for my senior year.
Under the position of proconsul, my goal is to enact the service projects provided by the NJCL on a
monthly/seasonal basis. Having snazzy flyers with detailing information being sent out to other chapters
would show the spirit and dedication of the NJJCL. Another duty as proconsul would be to aid the consul in
his/her meetings, and to conduct business, which I am looking forward to.

Anna Merigala Running for Proconsul

When I began taking Latin my freshman year I didn’t know what to expect. But over these past three years
I have loved to learn not only about the language but also about the culture and people. I would have to say
that my favorite part about taking Latin is the people I've had the opportunity to learn it with. Being a part of
JCL has given me a home and a group of people who I consider family. Many people think that Latin is all
about the classics when it is really all about the people. One of the primary roles of Proconsul is to plan
community service oriented projects. With my experience with numerous charity organizations I think that I
can bring a lot to the role. Something that I can contribute is my drive to help other people. In my experience,
a big part of JCL is helping others. I wish to hold this position because I want to be a member of a board that
makes a difference in the community. When I first joined JCL I didn’t know what to expect but it has
transformed me in tremendous ways. Being Proconsul I would have the opportunity to make a difference in
the lives of many. I promise that if elected I will to the best of my abilities help this NJJCL board go places
that it has never gone before.
Molly Moran Running for Consul
The JCL is one of the most influential aspects of my high school career. I have been a member of the
NJJCL since my freshman year, attending Certamen, State Convention, National Convention, etc. I have
also been a member of the NJJCL Executive Board since 10th grade. The ability to see what works and
what doesn’t within the board will benefit my approach to certain issues on the board if elected. To have any
board run smoothly, you cannot have undedicated people that put in egregious effort. If elected as your next
Consul, I will strive to clearly state the responsibilities of my fellow board members. Additionally, I will
individually communicate with them throughout my term, ensuring that everyone is pushed to their fullest
potential as a member of the Executive Board. I will reach out to less-developed JCL chapters, offering
guidance on how to expand and be more active within the NJJCL. I plan to expand the number of
opportunities for NJJCL members, such as hosting more events like trips to museums, an informal Certamen
competition, or even seeing a classic-related play. I have the connections to make any of these events and
more happen on a regional, statewide, or tri-state level. The foundation of any organization such as the
NJJCL is the people. I will use my previous board experience, connections, and thorough communication to
ensure the stability of not only the Executive Board, but the entirety of the New Jersey Junior Classical

Ishareet Sohal Running for Corresponding Scriba

I often organize my father’s paperwork for his business, and occasionally manage his employees. Thus I
believe that I am well qualified for the role of corresponding scriba for the NJJCL, since this title requires
managing skills that I already possess from my experience of sorting my father’s paperwork for his business.
Also, as the second vice president of my Latin club, I’m familiar with handling information and collaborating
with my fellow officers for events. Plus the NJJCL has personally given me so many fond memories, that I
want to be become a part of the team to, in a way, repay the gratitude I have for the organization, and
provide the same enjoyment that I had to others. Therefore, with my knack for managing and my desire to
contribute to the NJJCL, I would be honored to be considered for the role of corresponding secretary.

Serafina Fox Running for Recording Scriba

As I am almost halfway through my second year of being a part of the NJJCL it makes me proud to look
back on this time and see all of the accomplishments I have made through this organization. Not only are
these achievements academic successes, but social ones too. While competing in events like Certamen,
Venus de Volleyball, State Convention, etc, I have made so many memories and life long friends. I am a
very involved member of my school's Latin club. This includes my Latin club officer position as Treasurer.
One of the qualities you must have for this position is organization and attention to detail. Being elected to
this position has been an amazing experience and I love it. There are so many things I have to owe to this
club. So many experiences and life lessons that I have learned. Even though everyone knows no one is
perfect, including myself, we all try to achieve it. While trying to do so we are all bound to slip up along the
way. But it’s not how we react to these mistakes but how we can learn and grow from this to better improve
ourselves. We can be able to use this as a learning experience. Now, it is my time to give back. I am
applying for the position of Recording Scriba because I believe that my dedication, organization, and
attention to detail will help me excel at this position.

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