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Carbon Footprint
A Catalyst for Life Cycle Assessment?
Bo P. Weidema, Mikkel Thrane, Per Christensen,
Jannick Schmidt, and Søren Løkke

Carbon footprint is a new buzzword that very similar to the global warming potential
has gained tremendous popularity over the last (GWP) indicator used in life cycle assessment
few years—especially in the United Kingdom. (LCA).
Debates on the appropriate So why all this excite-
use of carbon footprinting Carbon footprinting has a ment about carbon foot-
are spreading through soci- prints? A likely answer is
ety like rings in the water. much broader appeal than that carbon footprinting
This in large part has been LCA. . . . In [carbon foot- has a much broader appeal
driven by retail chains and printing], things are kept sim- than LCA. The concept is
proactive companies that “catchy” and has been pro-
request or provide informa- ple, and a carbon footprint is moted and diffused outside
tion to the consumers—for easy to calculate online . . . the research community.
example, for the purchase and the calculated value can In this approach, things
of airplane tickets and car- are kept simple, and a car-
bon offsets. easily be grasped. . . . It is bon footprint is easy to
It is interesting that car- certainly an eye opener when calculate on-line. Further-
bon footprinting has not you discover that your next more, the calculated value
been driven by research can easily be “grasped” and
but rather has been pro- trip from Copenhagen to San placed in context. It is cer-
moted by nongovernmen- Francisco has a carbon foot- tainly an eye opener when
tal organizations (NGOs), print of roughly 2 tons of CO 2 you discover that your next
companies, and various trip from Copenhagen to
private initiatives. This (equivalents), or 20% of the San Francisco has a car-
has resulted in many defi- carbon footprint of an average bon footprint of roughly 2
nitions and suggestions as European in an entire year. tons of CO 2 (equivalents),
to how the carbon foot- or 20% of the carbon foot-
print should be calculated. Wiedmann and Minx print of an average European in an entire year.
(2007) suggested that the term carbon footprint In the LCA community, we would probably have
should only be used for analyses that include become immersed in discussions about the quan-
carbon emissions. The same study showed, how- tification of ozone formation, methane loss, con-
ever, that most definitions currently include trails, and cirrus clouds, thus diverging the dis-
noncarbon emissions and use carbon dioxide cussion into technicalities. The strength of these
(CO 2 ) equivalent indicators instead. This is simple on-line calculators is that they focus on
what is important—CO 2 emissions. That being
said, relying entirely on one indicator can some-
times be misleading; therefore, one should remain
c 2008 by Yale University conscious of oversimplification.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1530-9290.2008.00005.x
Global warming and reductions of carbon
Volume 12, Number 1 emissions are at the top of the environmental Journal of Industrial Ecology 3

W E I D E M A E T A L . , C A R B O N F O O T P R I N T : A C ATA LY S T F O R L C A ?

policy agenda today. LCA is from a previous era in cator than to use no environmental indicator at
which the focus was on creating a holistic picture all.
that avoided problem-shifting—that is, solving
one environmental problem but creating a new
Should There Be an ISO
one in the process. Multiple substances are as-
Standard for Carbon
sessed simultaneously to better understand their
contribution to various environmental problems.
This complexity has been the backdrop to LCA. Accounting for carbon footprints is a ques-
It is often complicated stuff, and it is difficult to tion of quantifying and presenting emissions data
communicate and frequently hard to make clear- for the whole life cycle of products in a con-
cut decisions from. sistent manner. In this sense, the existing ISO
standards for LCA, product declarations, and
greenhouse gas accounting (ISO 14040/44, ISO
Is One Indicator Enough?
14025, and ISO 14064) should be indispensable.
For experts working with detailed LCA, it is Nevertheless, a number of developments indi-
a thought-provoking idea that problems could cate that individual methodologies are under-
be captured in a single indicator. Focusing on way. The most notable of these is the UK car-
GWPs alone is a crude approach that may give bon footprint label currently under development
a misleading picture of the impacts in certain in British Standard (BS) as a Public Available
cases—compared to the multiple-indicator ap- Specification (PAS) document at the request of
proach in LCA. One example could be biofu- the Carbon Trust and the British Department
els, for which a low carbon footprint could give for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DE-
the impression of a truly eco-friendly product, FRA). But is there a need for the additional
despite its negative land use impacts, ultimately standard? Yes and no. The existing standards do
increasing the pressure on rainforests and other cover the same areas as those developed under
rich habitats. Still, the carbon footprint could be the auspice of BS, and in that respect a new
a valid indicator when one wants to compare dif- standard would be redundant. But it must be
ferent types of biofuels or the impact from differ- acknowledged that the existing ISO standards
ent food products. Because the carbon footprint are vague on several crucial points, as we point
includes global warming, at least some impacts out below. In the words of the BS Technical
of land use change are covered by this approach. Advisory Group, the ambition of the new stan-
These impacts from land use may also be pro- dard is to be both rigorous and easily appli-
portional to energy use. This is even the case in cable in practice. Although it is not yet clear
fisheries, given that the impacts on the seafloor what the result will be concerning the choice
generally are highest for those fisheries that are of methodology, the upcoming PAS 2050 stan-
also the most energy intensive. Basically the dard from the British Standards (BSI) will include
same friction causes the damage to the seafloor guidelines for the handling of system bound-
habitats and the consumption of fuel (Thrane aries, which will contribute to closing the gap
2004). between bottom-up and top-down approaches to
Within the LCA community, we have known system modeling. The British PAS could there-
for many years that the environmental impacts fore play an important role in providing spec-
from energy-related emissions are an important ifications that may eventually feed back into
factor (if not the most important) that contributes the LCA community and the ISO LCA stan-
to the overall impact potential for most prod- dards. As long as the new PAS provides more
ucts.1 There certainly will be cases in which a car- stringency without losing any of the progress al-
bon footprint indicator can be misleading or is in- ready made by the existing standards, the British
terpreted incorrectly. However, if decisions based initiative should be welcomed and an interna-
on the indicator go in the right direction just 80% tional platform for the carbon footprint standard
of the time, it will still be better to use this indi- considered.

4 Journal of Industrial Ecology


product alternatives all have the same price. If

System Boundaries—A Key
the products have different prices, the informa-
tion on CO 2 equivalents caused by the change in
When one browses through Web sites on car- consumption related to the money saved or extra
bon footprinting, it becomes apparent that the money spent is hidden. To alleviate this prob-
basis of its development is most likely life cycle lem, one can use the measurement per monetary
thinking. It is not always clear, though, whether unit instead. Nonetheless, a comparison would
the numbers for carbon footprinting actually in- require that an alternative product be at hand.
clude the complete life cycle. One example of this Therefore, it would be relevant to provide results
is a typical flight calculator, where it is unspec- both as CO 2 equivalents per product and nor-
ified whether the tons of CO 2 (or equivalents) malized to a reference product within the respec-
include the production of the airplane and other tive product group. This way, the consumers are
capital goods. While the ISO 14025 requires the provided with information that directly specifies
inclusion of all life cycle stages in environmental whether the current product is an environmen-
product declarations, it is still debated how car- tally desirable choice.
bon footprinting should, in practice, deal with
the use stage for “active products” such as cars
and electronics.
Final Comments
An important system boundary issue is the
rules for coproduct allocation, where the ISO From a regulatory perspective, we can see two
14044 LCA standard is unnecessarily open for trends in dealing with global warming. One fol-
misinterpretations. With the current state of the lows the path of voluntary agreements, product
art of LCA practice, it is possible to provide a labeling, and consumer choice (the PAS 2050 is
much clearer and simpler wording without chang- the main driving force behind this), while the
ing the meaning of the current ISO standard. other relies on the responsibility of authorities
Likewise, current LCA practice has aban- to legislate and internalize the environmental
doned cutoff rules altogether, due to the avail- costs in the product prices. The latter is achiev-
ability of more complete input–output-based hy- able through environmental taxes or tradable
brid databases, while cutoff rules receive large quota on carbon emissions (a recent example an-
and unnecessarily complicated treatment in the nounced by the Dutch government is a packag-
ISO 14044. Besides allowing a simplification of ing tax based on calculations of embedded CO 2 ).
the standards, the availability of hybrid databases It is important to maintain a balance between
increases the opportunity for providing a central these two approaches, stimulating the innova-
database that all users of CF can draw on, thus tion of cleaner technologies and smarter prod-
avoiding arbitrary differences between footprints ucts through market pressure but not using this
due to differences in the data used. as an excuse for politicians to do nothing. Lim-
iting emissions of greenhouse gases needs clear
political targets and operative measures, and we
Presentation of Results
see it as an absolute necessity to have global, bind-
The way that the carbon footprint results are ing quotas. Neither LCA nor carbon footprinting
presented to the consumer is an important is- will do the job alone.
sue. Today, the unit of measure for most results is Carbon footprint analysis is not the only place
CO 2 equivalents per product. It is also possible to where we see LCA being “slimlined” to cover
use CO 2 equivalents per monetary unit, as fore- solely CO 2 emissions. This is also seen in many
seen in the U.S. initiative by the Climate Con- assessment methodologies and in environmental
servancy (<>), or management systems. But the carbon footprint,
CO 2 equivalents that compare to a reference more than any other method or concept, has been
product (Christiansen et al. 2006). The mea- able to catch the attention of the public. An
surement per product is insufficient for informed overwhelming abundance of Web sites—some
environmental decisions, except in cases where even government sponsored—exist to calculate a

Weidema et al., Carbon Footprint: A Catalyst for LCA? 5

W E I D E M A E T A L . , C A R B O N F O O T P R I N T : A C ATA LY S T F O R L C A ?

person’s impacts and offer suggestions for offset- Udo de Haes, H. A. 2006. Life-cycle assessment and
ting emissions. the use of broad indicators. Journal of Industrial
Carbon footprints carry the potential of be- Ecology 10(3): 5–7.
ing a good entry point for increasing consumer Wiedmann T. and J. Minx. 2007. A definition
awareness and fostering discussions about the en- of “carbon footprint.” ISAUK Research Re-
port 07-01. Durhau: Centre for Integrated
vironmental impacts of products. This, in turn,
Sustainability Analysis, ISAUK Research &
facilities the diffusion of life cycle thinking and
LCA. It may even have the potential to promote UK Report 07-01 carbon footprint.pdf (Ac-
a more consistent framework for environmental cessed February 21, 2008)
assessment of products and services.

Note About the Authors

1. Editor’s note: For a discussion of energy
Bo P. Weidema is an external associate profes-
indicators as proxies for overall environmental
sor, Mikkel Thrane is an associate professor, Per
impact, see the column in this journal by Udo de
Christensen is a professor, and Jannick Schmidt
Haes (2006).
and Søren Løkke are assistant professors in the
Department of Development and Planning at
References Aalborg University in Aalborg, Denmark.
Christiansen, K., M. Wesnæs, and B. P. Wei-
dema. 2006. Consumer demands on Type III Address correspondence to:
environmental declarations. Report commissioned
Dr. Bo P. Weidema
by ANEC—the consumer voice in standard-
Department of Development and Planning
2006-R-004.pdf Aalborg University
Thrane, M. 2004. Energy consumption in the Danish 9220 Aalborg Øst, Denmark
fishery: Identification of key factors. Journal of In-
dustrial Ecology 8(1–2): 223–239.

6 Journal of Industrial Ecology

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