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General principles
The inherent powers of the state are
a. police power
b. power of eminent domain
c. power of taxation

1. inherent in the state (exercised without need of express grant)
2. necessary and indispensable (state cannot be effective without them)
3. methods by which the state intereferes with private property
4. presupposes equivalent compensation
5. exercised by the legislature

police power: Power of the power of eminent domain: power of taxation
state to promote public welfare Inherent right of the state to
by restraining & regulating the condemn private property to
use of liberty and property public use upon the payment
of just compensation

What it regulates Liberty and property Property rights Property rights

Exercised by government May be exercised by private government

Nature of Noxious/noxious purposes- may be Wholesome used, devoted to Wholesome used, devoted to
property destroyed public use or purpose public use or purpose

Compensation Intangible, altruistic feeling that the Full & fair equivalent of the Protection given and/or
individual has contributed to the property taken public improvements
common good instituted by government for
the taxes paid

Limitations: ⇒ Taxing power may be used as an implement of police

G: Bill of rights power (Tiu v Videogram Regulatory Board)
E: Power may prevail over specific constitutional ⇒ Eminent domain may be used as an implement to
guarantees. Courts may annul improvident exercise of attain the police objective
police power
POLICE POWER ⇒ A law enacted in the exercise of police power to
regulate or govern certain acts or transactions may be
Definition: the power of promoting public welfare by given retroactive effects & may reasonably impair
restraining and regulating the use of liberty and property vested rights.
⇒ Police power legislation is applicable to existing
Scope/Characteristics: contracts.
a. most pervasive ⇒ Non-impairment of contracts or vested rights clauses
b. least limitable will have to yield to the superior and legitimate
c. most demanding of all 3 powers exercise of police Power (Ortigas v CA)
⇒ Ex: Subdivision and Condominium Buyers protective
Justification: salus populi est suprema lex and sic utere tuo ut decree applies to all existing Ks
alienum non laedas
PRC v De Guzman: Exercise of the right to select a
⇒ Police power cannot be bargained away through the profession or course of study (like medicine) may be
medium of a treaty or a contract regulated pursuant to the police power of the state to
safeguard health, morals, peace, education, order, safety

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and the general welfare of the people. Necessary to protect ⇒ Ex: gambling is a vice and social ill; PD that revoked
the public from the potentially deadly effects of all existing franchises and permits to operate all forms
incompetence and ignorance. of gambling facilities is valid (jai-alai)
⇒ Ex2: AO of DENR to convert all existing mining leases
Chavez v Romulo: Right to bear arms is a statutory and or mining agreements into production sharing
privilege. A PTCFC is not a property, property right, not a agreements are valid
vested right and may be revoked at any time. ⇒ Ex3: Pollution Adjudication Board v CA: ex parte
cases to cease and desist issued by PAB are valid! Ex:
Mining exploration permits, timber permits do not vest prevent continuous discharge of pollutive &
the grantee any permanent or irrevocable rights untreated effluents to rivers

MMDA v Garin: Right to operate a motor vehicle is not a Lawful means: The means employed are reasonably
property right, but a privilege granted by the state necessary for the accomplishment of the purpose, and is
not unduly approve on individuals
Carlos Superdrug v DSWD: When conditions so demand, ⇒ JMM Promotion and Mgmt v CA: DOLE Order 3
property rights must bow down to police power; ex: establishing procedures & requirements for screening
Expanded Senior Citizens act of 2003- 20% discount for of performance artists by POEA is a valid exercise
prescription/non-prescription/branded and not. ⇒ Phil Press Inst. V COMELEC: Reso 2772 of COMELEC
which mandates newspapers of general circulation to
Who may exercise the power provide free print space of not less than ½ page is
G: Congress invalid. No national emergency or existence of
E: delegated to the President, administrative bodies, and imperious public necessity
lawmaking bodies of LGUs (general welfare clause, Sec. 16 ⇒ City Govt of QC V Ericta: Requiring cemetery owners
of RA 7160) to reserve 6% of burial lots to paupers is an invalid
exercise of police power; exercise of power of eminent
Does not authorize the President to take over internal
management of a cooperative (Cam Norte Electric
Cooperative) Requisites for proper exercise of police power [Lucena
Grand Terminal v JAC Liner]
MMDA not empowered to enact ordinances, approve
1. interest of public generally as distinguished from
resolutions or appropriate funds for the general welfare of
those of a particular class require the interference
from the State
Mandate: transport and traffic management, admin and 2. means employed are reasonably necessary for the
implementation of all traffic enforcement operations, attainment of the object sought and not unduly
traffic engineering services and traffic educ programs
oppressive upon individuals
⇒ MMDA v Bel-Air: not empowered to order opening of
Neptune St. Additional limitations (when exercised by delegate)
⇒ MMDA v Garin: Not empowered to suspend or 1. must be an express grant by law (sec. 16,39, of the LG
revoke licenses without any other legislative code)
enactment; only power to enforce existing traffic rules 2. within territorial limits (G: local govt units E: protect
and regulations water supply)
⇒ Francisco v Fernando: “Wet-flag” scheme along EDSA 3. must not be contrary to law – an activity prohibited
is valid. All cities have enacted anti-jaywalking by law cannot be allowed under the guise of
ordinances or traffic management codes for regulation; an activity allowed by law may not be
pedestrian regulation. prohibited but regulated
⇒ MMDA v Viron: DOTC not the MMDA which is
authorized to implement project (designation of bus For municipal ordinances to be valid:
terminals) 1. must not contravene the Constitution or any statute
2. must not be unfair or oppressive
Limitations (Tests for valid exercise) 3. must not be partial or discriminatory
a. lawful subject 4. must not prohibit, but may regulate trade
b. lawful means 5. must not be unreasonable
6. must be general in application & consistent with
lawful subject: The interests of the public in general as public police
distinguished from those of a particular class require the
exercise of the power. The activity sought to be regulated City of Manila v Laguio: Ordinance 7783 which prohibited
affects the general welfare, if it does then the enjoyment of the established of business providing certain forms of
rights therefrom may have to yield to the greater interest. entertainment in Ermita-Malate area is invalid. Local leg
bodies cannot prohibit the operation of sauna and

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massage parlors, karaoke bars, beerhouses, night clubs, etc. To this end, the State shall encourage and undertake the
without violating due process and equal protection (not just distribution of all agricultural
even under the guise of police power) lands, subject to such priorities and reasonable retention
limits as the Congress may
Authority of a municipality to issue zoning classification prescribe, taking into account ecological, developmental,
is an exercise of police power. Zoning ordinance – or equity considerations, and
local/mun legislation which arranges, prescribes, defines subject to the payment of just compensation. In
and apportions a given poli subdivisions into specific land determining retention limits, the State shall
uses as present and future projection of needs respect the right of small landowners. The State shall
further provide incentives for voluntary
POWER OF EXPROPRIATION ⇒ Section 9. The State shall, by law, and for the common
good, undertake, in cooperation with
See: the private sector, a continuing program of urban land
reform and housing which will make
⇒ Art. 3(9) Private property shall not be taken for public
available at affordable cost, decent housing and basic
use without just compensation.
services to under-privileged and
⇒ Art. 12(18) The State may, in the interest of national
homeless citizens in urban centers and resettlement areas.
welfare or defense, establish and
It shall also promote adequate
operate vital industries and, upon payment of just
employment opportunities to such citizens. In the
compensation, transfer to public ownership
implementation of such program the State
utilities and other private enterprises to be operated by the
shall respect the rights of small property owners.
⇒ Art. 13(4 and 9)
Section 4. The State shall, by law, undertake an agrarian
reform program founded on the
right of farmers and regular farmworkers who are
landless, to own directly or collectively the
lands they till or, in the case of other farmworkers, to
receive a just share of the fruits thereof.

police power: power of eminent domain:

*Note: both have general welfare as Power of the state to promote Inherent right of the state to
their object, recent trends show a public welfare by restraining & condemn private property to public
mingling of the 2 with eminent domain regulating the use of liberty and use upon the payment of just
used an an implement of police power property compensation
Nature of property Noxious/noxious purpose

compensation None If appropriated and applied to

If property right restricted bec public purpose; pay just
continued use would be injurious to compensation
public interest = no compensable
Property rights of individuals are
subjected to the restraints and
burdens to secure the general
comfort, health and prosperity of
the state
End use State restricts use of property; but
none of the property interests or
bundle of rights is used by/for
benefit of public
Can be total deprivation; but if
nobody else acquires it not
compensable taking

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It is an inherent power of the state and need not be ⇒ When exercised by legislature- political question;
granted Exercised by delegate- justiciable question
Art. 3(9) imposes a limit on the govt’s exercise of the ⇒ RTC has the power to inquire into the legality of the
power, provides protection to the individual exercise of the right of eminent domain and
determine whether there is genuine necessity
[NPC v mabuhay]: acquisition of a right of way ⇒ Foundation of right: genuine necessity of public
[Republic v PLDT]: If a burden is imposed on the owner of character, govt must not capriciously or arbitrarily
the condemned property through expropriation, even choose which private property will be expropriatred
without loss of title or possession is still subject to [Lagcao v Judge Labra]
Requirement 2: Private property
JURISDICTION: complaint filed in RTC, court is duty ⇒ Private property already devoted to public use cannot
bound to determine the amount of just compensation to be be expropriated by a delegate under a general grant
paid for property. of authority [City of Manila v Chinese Community]
Plaintiff does not have a right to dismiss the complaint, ⇒ G: All private property capable of ownership, (even
landowner would have already suffered injuries. But if the services) may be expropriated
plaintiff decides to dismiss it, it will be subject to court E: Money and choses in action
approval and to certain condition
Requirement 3: Taking in the constitutional sense
Who may exercise the power
⇒ May include trespass w/o actual eviction, material
G: Congress
impairment of the value of the property or the
E: delegated to President, Admin, Local Govt Units and prevention of the ordinary uses for which the
Private Enterprises performing public services (peculiar to property was intended ex: 3 meter easement, prohibit
eminent domain!) a building which would impair the view
⇒ May only result in the imposition of a burden upon
Lagcao v Judge Labra: loc gov units have no inherent power
the owner without loss of title or possession
of eminent domain; must be expressly delegated and the
⇒ Property owner need not file a claim for just
delegated power is not equal to the pervasive and all-
compensation with COA, may go directly to court to
encompassing power vested in the legislative
demand payment
Jesus is Lor v Pasig: Strict construction against the agency ⇒ Owner can recover possession of the property from
exercising the power. Govt failed to prove that before it squatters until the transfer is consummated or
filed its complaint it made a written, definite, and valid expropriation case filed- even if he agreed to transfer
offer to acquire property under Sec. 19 to the property,

Filstream v CA: Exercise of eminent domain is superior to Requisites of valid taking [Republic v Castelvi]
the final and executory judgment in an ejectment case 1. Expropriator must enter a private property
2. Entry must not be for more than a momentary period
IronSteal v CA: non-incorporated entity of the government- 3. Entry must be under warrant of color or authority
in absence of any special provisions its powers, duties, 4. Property must be devoted to public use or otherwise
assets, liabilities will revert to and be assumed by the informally appropriated or injuriously affected
government 5. Utilization of property must be in such a way as to
deprive him of beneficial enjoyment
San Roque v IAC: strict construction
G: govt not estopped by acts of agents Requirement 4: Public Use
E: strict application will defeat effectiveness of the Torrens
Title General concept: meeting public need or public exigency
New: synonymous with public interest, public benefit,
Requisites for exercise public welfare and public convenience, flexible and
1. Necessity: genuine necessity of public character evolving concept; broadened to cover uses which redound
2. Private property to indirect advantage or benefit of the public
3. Taking in the constitutional sense ⇒ Filstream v CA: the fact that property is less than ½
4. Public use: synonymous with public interest, public hectare and only a few could actually benefit from
benefit, public welfare and public convenience expropriation does not diminish its public character
5. Just compensation ⇒ When practiced by LGU: Sec. 19, permits it for public
6. Due process use, or purpose, or welfare, or benefit of the poor and
the landless.
Requirement 1: Necessity

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⇒ Must be passed through an ordinance! Not a Reckoning point of valuation of property
resolution G: date of filing of the complaint for eminent domain
⇒ Lagcao v Labra: condemnation in an irrational or E: actual taking w/ increase in value of the land then
piecemeal fashion not contemplated by the court filing? Date of actual taking
⇒ But! [Esteban v De Onorio- declared value of prop
determined either as of the date of the taking or filing-
Requirement 5: Just Compensation whichever comes first]
⇒ Local govt unit: market value at time of taking of the
Full and fair equivalent: property; thats when the real measure of loss may be
⇒ G: Market value- sum of money which a person, fairly adjudged
desirous but not compelled to buy, and an owner,
willing but not compelled to sell would agree on a Principle criterion: Character of land at the time of taking
price to be given & received therefor
⇒ E: only a portion, owner not restricted to actual Entitlement of owner to interest:
market value Total = (Market value + consequential G: once value of property is fixed by court, amt shall earn
damages) – consequential benefits interest at the legal rate until full payment is effect (6%)
E: if there is delay = forbearance of money/goods (12%)
⇒ Must be paid within a reasonable time from taking
Who is entitled? Present lawful interest in the property to
Judicial prerogative: PD which sanctions the assessment be condemned
to be determined by the assessor/executive/city assessor Ex:owner, mortgagee, lessee, vendee in possession under
is unconstitutional an executory contract

RTC as special agrarian court: original and exclusive When does title pass?
jurisdiction over G: expropriation- after payment; landowner may still
1. petitions for determination of just compensation dispose of the same before payment of just compensation
2. prosecution of criminal offenses under RA 6657 E: agrarian reform – even before payment
(Republic v DAR)
Right of owner in case of non-payment
Commissioners G: does not entitle owner to recover possession of the
G: Expropriation where principal issue is determination of expropriated lots, only payment
payment of just compensation- Trial before commissioners E: where the govt fails to pay within 5 years from finality
is indispensable of judgment, the owners shall have the right to recover
E: agrarian reform cases – discretionary possession of their property

But RTC not bound by their findings; may substitute its Due process of law: defendants must have the
own estimate of the value for the property opportunity to be heard where they can question the
1. commissioners applied illegal principles on evidence propriety of the expropriation or reasonableness of
2. disregarded clear preponderance of evidence compensation (Filstream v CA)
3. amount is either grossly inadequate or excessive
Writ of possession:
Form of compensation: NOT in a trust account Ministerial
1. money/cash 1. filing of a complaint sufficient in form & substance
2. in agrarian reform, payment partly in bonds (Assoc of 2. deposit made by the government of the amt
Agrarian Reform) equivalent to 15% of the FMV
3. Land Bank bonds Determination of whether its for a public purpose is not a
condition precedent
When? Hearing to determine compliance with requirements for
⇒ There must be payment before the title to the socialized housing (RA 7279 done even after writ of
expropriated property is transferred! possession)
⇒ The rejecting landowner may withdraw the deposit in
the trust pending determination of valuation of the No plaintiff’s matter of right to dismiss the complaint!
property- because owner is merely exercising right to Right to dismiss is subject to court approval and to certain
seek just compensation (otherwise penalizing him) conditions
⇒ Without prompt payment; cannot be considered just
Right to re-purchase or re-acquire
⇒ Would be depriving him of land while govt decides
G: fee simple; no right! In rem proceeding, the paramount
WON to expropriate or return to landowner when
title is in the public under a new and independent title
rendered useless by force majeur
(diff from an unpaid seller)

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E: if done for a particular purpose with a condition that revert/can re-acquire
after the purpose is ended or abandoned, property will

Art. 12(18) Art. 12(17)

Section 18. The State may, in the interest of national welfare Section 17. In times of national emergency, when the public
or defense, establish and interest so requires, the State
operate vital industries and, upon payment of just may, during the emergency and under reasonable terms
compensation, transfer to public ownership prescribed by it, temporarily take
utilities and other private enterprises to be operated by the over or direct the operation of any privately-owned public
Government. utility or business affected with
public interest.
⇒ Welfare of public is paramount consideration
⇒ Temporary takeover- exercising police power (not
eminent domain!)
⇒ Extends to operation of business, not the ownership
⇒ No need to compensate owner
⇒ Emergency powers of the government
⇒ Reposed in CONGRESS not the President (must be

Art. 13(4) Art. 13(9)

Section 4. The State shall, by law, undertake an agrarian Section 9. The State shall, by law, and for the common good,
reform program founded on the undertake, in cooperation with
right of farmers and regular farmworkers who are landless, to the private sector, a continuing program of urban land reform
own directly or collectively the and housing which will make
lands they till or, in the case of other farmworkers, to receive available at affordable cost, decent housing and basic services
a just share of the fruits thereof. to under-privileged and
To this end, the State shall encourage and undertake the just homeless citizens in urban centers and resettlement areas. It
distribution of all agricultural shall also promote adequate
lands, subject to such priorities and reasonable retention employment opportunities to such citizens. In the
limits as the Congress may implementation of such program the State
prescribe, taking into account ecological, developmental, or shall respect the rights of small property owners.
equity considerations, and
subject to the payment of just compensation. In determining
retention limits, the State shall
respect the right of small landowners. The State shall further
provide incentives for voluntary

comprehensive agrarian reform law

exercise of the police power of the state
⇒ police power: eminent domain as an instrument to POWER OF TAXATION
accomplish police objective, prescribed retention
limits for landowners Power of taxation: purpose is generation of revenue and
⇒ eminent domain: where to carry out the regulation, regulation is incidental
owners are deprived of lands they own in excess of If regulation is primary purpose (police power), fact that
the amount allowed revenue collected does not make it a tax

RA 7279 (urban devt and housing act) Who may exercise?

Filstream v CA: restrictions in Art 19, LGC- G: legislature
MANDATORY E: local legislative bodies (Art. 10(5)) and the President
a. order in which lands are acquired (privately when delegated tariff powers (Art. 6(28.2)
owned is last,6th) Limitations
b. other modes of acquisition exhausted 1. Due process of law: should not be confiscatory
c. parcels owned by small prop owners are exempt 2. Legislature determines the nature, object, extent,
i. not more than 300sqm in highly urbanized coverage and situs of tax (however courts can strike it
cities, not more than 800 sqm in urban areas down)
ii. do not own other residential property

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3. Equal protection clause: Taxes should be uniform
and equitable (Art. 6.28) Art. 14(4)
4. Public purpose (if for a special purpose, treated as a (3) All revenues and assets of non-stock, non-profit
special fund and paid out for such purpose only, educational institutions used actually,
when fulfilled balance goes to govt funds) directly, and exclusively for educational purposes shall be
5. Double taxation: additional taxes on the same subject exempt from taxes and duties.
by same taxing jurisdiction, same period. Same Upon the dissolution or cessation of the corporate
purpose- no consti prohinition but cannot a violation existence of such institutions, their assets
of equal protection clause shall be disposed of in the manner provided by law.
6. Tax exemptions: Art. 6(28) no law granting tax Proprietary educational institutions, including those
exemption shall be passed without the concurrence of cooperatively owned, may likewise be
a majority of ALL members of congress. If granted entitled to such exemptions, subject to the limitations
gratuitously, may be revoked at will. provided by law, including restrictions
on dividends and provisions for reinvestment.
Art. 6(28)
(3) Charitable institutions, churches and personages or Art 14(4)
convents appurtenant thereto, (4) Subject to conditions prescribed by law, all grants,
mosques, non-profit cemeteries, and all lands, buildings, endowments, donations, or
and improvements, actually, contributions used actually, directly, and exclusively for
directly, and exclusively used for religious, charitable, or educational purposes shall be
educational purposes shall be exempt from tax.
exempt from taxation.

License fee v Tax

License fee Tax

police measure Revenue measure
Limited to cost of permit and reasonable regulation (except if Non-useful- amt of tax may be unlimited provided it is not
non-useful occupation) confiscatory- occupational therapy
Privilege of doing something, may be revoked when public Imposed on persons or property for revenue
interest requires

Kinds of license fee

1. for useful occupations or enterprises
2. for non-useful occ: discourage non-useful enterprises, physical therapy, price may be exorbitant

Supremacy of NL govt over local govt:

When local govts: strictly construed against them, tax never presumed and must be clear language imposing the law

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