Composition and Functionality of Wheat Bran and Its Application

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International Journal of Food Science and Technology 2015, 50, 2509–2518 2509

Composition and functionality of wheat bran and its application
in some cereal food products

Oluwatoyin O. Onipe,* Afam I. O. Jideani & Daniso Beswa

Department of Food Science and Technology, School of Agriculture, University of Venda, Private Bag X5050, Thohoyandou 0950, Limpopo
Province, South Africa
(Received 10 May 2015; Accepted in revised form 11 July 2015)

Summary Production of wheat bran (WB) for human consumption is estimated to be about 90 million tonnes per
year. WB is a cheap and abundant source of dietary fibre which has been linked to improved bowel
health and possible prevention of some diseases such as colon cancer. It also contains minerals, vitamins
and bioactive compounds such as phenolic acids, arabinoxylans, alkylresorcinol and phytosterols. These
compounds have been suggested as an aid in prevention of noncommunicable diseases such as cardiovas-
cular disease. This article discusses WB extraction, its nutritional properties, potential health benefits,
effects on quality and sensory properties of some cereal foods, and its application in some baked products
as well as in fried cereal snacks, as an additive for oil reduction and fibre enrichment.
Keywords Antioxidants, dietary fibre, extraction, fried cereal snacks, functionality, nutritional composition, Wheat bran.

nutritional composition of WB, effects of WB inclu-

sion on quality and sensory properties of cereal foods,
Wheat (Triticum aestivum) is a leading cereal crop and possible application of WB in fried cereal snacks
which is mainly utilised for human consumption and as a potential functional ingredient that can serve as a
livestock feed. A wheat kernel comprises three princi- barrier layer which could reduce oil migration into
pal fractions – bran, germ and endosperm. The outer food during frying.
layers are all parts of the bran (Fig. 1). The bran frac-
tion is a by-product of milling and has food (Curti
et al., 2013) and nonfood applications (Apprich et al., Extraction of wheat bran
2013). The use of wheat bran (WB) for human con- Bran makes up about 13–19% of total wheat grain
sumption has increased gradually over the years. Glob- weight depending on the milling process (wet or dry)
ally, the number of WB-incorporated food products used for its extraction (Hossain et al., 2013). The dry
increased from 52 in 2001 to approximately 800 in milling process involves separation of bran from the
2011 (Pr€ uckler et al., 2014). WB is rich in minerals, endosperm – which is further ground into fine flour.
fibre, B vitamins and bioactive compounds which are Extraction of bran from wheat grains is achieved at a
known to possess health-promoting properties (Rei- highly efficient rate using a roller mill. Before milling,
singer et al., 2013). Treatment processes to assess the the wheat grains are first tempered through spraying
functional ingredients from WB have been studied of water to about 15% moisture content (De Brier
(Rosa et al., 2013). The awareness of consumers and et al., 2014) and later transferred into tempering bin.
their demand for healthier foods led to the exploration Tempering duration is dependent on the hardness of
and incorporation of ingredients from natural sources the wheat. During this conditioning process, the peri-
in food production. As indicated by Pr€ uckler et al. carp and germ layer of the kernel absorbs water, and
(2014), of all bran-incorporated food groups cate- the endosperm is softened for the extraction process.
gorised, bakery and cereals topped the chart with Conditioning also prevents the bran from breaking
approximately 60% market share. Over the years, WB during separation from the endosperm. In the roller
has received more attention in baked foods and mill, the conditioned grains are passed through coun-
recently in fried cereal foods. This article examines the ter-rotating corrugated metal rolls where the kernels
are cracked open, and the endosperm and germ are
*Correspondent: E-mail: removed from the pericarp (Serna-Saldivar, 2010). The

© 2015 The Authors International Journal of Food Science & Technology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
on behalf of Institute of Food, Science and Technology (IFSTTF)
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License, which permits use,
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2510 Wheat bran use in cereal food products O. O. Onipe et al.

Figure 1 Wheat grain structure. Adapted from Surget & Barron (2005) and Brouns et al. (2012) with permission.

cracked grains are then separated into germ, endo- layers, which contains insoluble dietary fibre as well
sperm and bran fractions (Apprich et al., 2013). Bran as phenolic acids in bound state. (Apprich et al.,
is considered a major by-product from flour milling, 2013). The hyaline layer is also known as the nucel-
and about 90% is used as a livestock feed while only lar tissue, and it belongs to the intermediate layer of
10% is used in food industry as fibre source in bakery, the bran. Alkylresorcinol is primarily localised in the
fried foods and breakfast cereals (Hossain et al., testa layer (Rebolleda et al., 2013). The aleurone
2013). The extracted bran can be used as food supple- layer is the innermost layer of the bran, and it is
ment and livestock feed. It can also be milled with the partly shared by the endosperm. It contains a rich
rest of the wheat kernel components for whole wheat stock of lignans and proteins with balanced amino
flour (Serna-Saldivar, 2010), but this takes more acid content, bioactive compounds, phytic acid,
mechanical energy and resources. Other bran extrac- antioxidants, vitamins and minerals (Javed et al.,
tion processes are pearling, peeling and bran fractiona- 2012). Aleurone has gained increasing research atten-
tion which yield bran with enhanced nutritional tion, and it is still currently being studied as func-
quality (De Brier et al., 2015). The removal of the tional ingredient in cereal foods. The rich stock of
outer layers of wheat kernel by friction and abrasion nutrients in aleurone culminates in the healthy added
is known as ‘pearling’. This process is used with value of WB and whole-grain cereals consumption in
durum wheat and rice milling, but not frequently the prevention of some diseases. This nutritional
employed with the common wheat. Pearling can be composition translates into WB having functionality
used to extract aleurone-rich wheat bran, in order to in cereal foods.
enrich flour and other wheat-based food products (De Minerals found in WB include iron (Fe), zinc (Zn),
Brier et al., 2014). manganese (Mn), magnesium (Mg) and phosphorus
(P). About 80% of P in mature cereal seeds is stored
as phytates which forms complexes with other minerals
Nutritional composition of wheat bran
such as Fe, Zn and Mg. This complex formation
Wheat bran (WB) is subdivided into three distinct reduces bioavailability of these minerals. Over the
layers, viz testa, aleurone and pericarp. WB is com- years, successful attempts to reduce phytic acid in WB
posed of about 53% dietary fibre (xylans, lignin, cel- include hydrothermal treatment, size reduction, enzy-
lulose, and galactan, fructans). Other components matic treatment, malting, soaking and fermentation
include vitamins and minerals (Table 1) and bioac- (Aivaz & Mosharraf, 2013; Coda et al., 2014). The
tive compounds such as alkylresorcinols, ferulic acid, action of endogenous phytase in the grain and exoge-
flavonoids, carotenoids, lignans and sterols (Apprich nous phytase from yeast and sourdough fermentation
et al., 2013; Andersson et al., 2014; De Brier et al., can also release the phytic acid complexed minerals
2014). The pericarp is divided into outer and inner (Brouns et al., 2012).

International Journal of Food Science & Technology 2015 © 2015 The Authors International Journal of Food Science & Technology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
on behalf of Institute of Food, Science and Technology (IFSTTF)
Wheat bran use in cereal food products O. O. Onipe et al. 2511

Table 1 General composition of wheat bran (Prinsen et al., 2014; Sang & Zhu, 2014). The mode of
action of WB in cancer prevention is more than its
fibre content, or a particular phytochemical, but rather
Bran component % dm Reference
the cumulative effect of the diverse bioactive phyto-
Dietary fibre 33.4–63.0 Curti et al. (2013) chemicals in the bran (Liu et al., 2012). Some WB
Moisture 8.1–12.7 Curti et al. (2013) components are discussed below, and their potential
Ash 3.9–8.10 Curti et al. (2013) health benefits are highlighted in Table 2.
Protein 9.60–18.6 Curti et al. (2013);
Yan et al. (2015)
Total carbohydrates 60.0–75.0 Javed et al., 2012; Dietary fibre
Starch 9.10–38.9 Curti et al. (2013);
Yan et al. (2015)
Whole-grain foods are a rich stock of dietary fibre (DF)
– a complex compound consisting of cellulose, hemicel-
Phytochemicals lg g 1
lulose and pentosan polymers based on xylose and ara-
binose attached to proteins (Apprich et al., 2013). DF
Alkylresorcinol 489–1429 Luthria et al. (2015)
Phytosterols 344–2050 Fardet (2010)
has been defined as remnants of edible plant cell
Ferulic acid 1376–1918 Kim et al. (2006);
polysaccharides, lignin and other substances which
Brouns et al. (2012) escape hydrolytic enzymatic digestion in the upper gas-
Bound phenolic compound 4.73–2020 Kim et al. (2006); trointestinal tract. It is the indigestible carbohydrates of
Brewer et al. (2014) plant origin with a heterogeneous chemical structure
Flavonoids 3000–4300 Fardet (2010); that is resistant to the effects of digestive enzymes in the
Brewer et al. (2014) human gut (Almeida et al., 2013). WB is high in DF
Micronutrients mg per 100 g
and it ranges from 33.4% to 63.0%; it can be classified
as ‘soluble’ or ‘insoluble dietary fibre’ based on their sol-
Phosphorus 900–1500 Fardet (2010); ubility in water. Soluble dietary fibre (SDF) in WB is
Brouns et al. (2012) <5% of total dietary fibre, and it consists of glucan and
Magnesium 530–1030 Brouns et al. (2012) xylans (Brouns et al., 2012). A blasting extrusion pro-
Zinc 8.3–14.0 Brouns et al. (2012)
cess was recently developed, and this unit operation was
Iron 1.9–34.0 Fardet (2010);
applied to WB with the objective of increasing its SDF
Brouns et al. (2012)
Manganese 0.9–10.1 Fardet (2010);
content (Yan et al., 2015). The authors reported a sig-
Brouns et al. (2012) nificant increase of 70% SDF and improved oil reten-
Vitamin E 0.13–9.5 Fardet (2010) tion capacity, water retention capacity and swelling
(Tocopherols/tocotrienol) capacity of the SDF from this process. Functionality of
B Vitamins WB could therefore find application in foods where oil
Thiamin (B1) 0.51–1.6 Fardet (2010) absorption in fried cereal food and where high swelling
Riboflavin (B2) 0.20–0.80 Fardet (2010); capacity are of importance.
Brouns et al. (2012) Most of the health benefits of WB are associated with
Pyridoxine (B6) 0.30–1.30 Brouns et al. (2012)
but not limited to its DF content. Water swelling, holding
Folate (B9) 0.088–0.80 Fardet (2010)
(2.8–3.6 g g 1) and retention capacities of DF in WB
Dm, dry matter. have been associated with other health functions, viz
reduction in plasma cholesterol, laxative ability and
reduction in blood glucose (Patel, 2015). Furthermore,
Functional and potential health properties of
DF may help in maintaining positive health in the gut,
wheat bran
appetite regulation and prolonged satiety. Kristensen
Bran plays a key role in the overall health benefits of et al. (2010) in their study revealed that subjects who ate
whole grains. Although not elucidated, WB in clinical whole wheat bread had increased satiety in comparison
trials and epidemiological studies show that consump- with their counterparts who consumed refined wheat
tion of foods high in fibre has been linked with bread. This sign of fullness or satiety can be attributed to
reduced risk of diseases such as colon cancer, diabetes, increased viscosity and low energy density (Otles € &
obesity and cardiovascular disease probably due to the Ozgoz, 2014). Reasons for these include large water
phytochemicals (phenolic acids, sterols, alkylresorcinol, absorption of viscous DF, reduced gut transit time,
vitamin E, minerals) and fibre which are embedded in increased digesta viscosity in the small intestine, increased
the bran (Andersson et al., 2014; Pr€ uckler et al., stool bulk and short-chain fatty acid production, in the
2014). These bioactive compounds in WB tissues vary colon, due to fermentation of the fibre (Almeida et al.,
because of cultivar, genetic and environmental factors 2013). Although there have been suggestions that WB
(Hossain et al., 2013). Studies have shown that WB is fibre helps in weight regulation, after examining several
one of the cereal bran with strong anticancer effect studies, EFSA (2010) conclude that there seems not to be

© 2015 The Authors International Journal of Food Science & Technology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd International Journal of Food Science & Technology 2015
on behalf of Institute of Food, Science and Technology (IFSTTF)
2512 Wheat bran use in cereal food products O. O. Onipe et al.

Table 2 Wheat bran components and their potential benefits

Component Functionality Impact on health Reference

Dietary fibre Increased viscosity in gut and reduced Laxative effect, lowered blood cholesterol level. Javed et al. (2012).
postprandial glycemic response Colon cancer prevention.
Arabinoxylan Oestrogenic effect/antitumour properties Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and Wang et al. (2015)
type II diabetes
Lignans Anticarcinogenic and antioxidant properties. Reduced risk of breast, and prostate cancer Andersson et al. (2014)
Inhibition of LDL oxidation
Phenolic Compounds Inhibits absorption of cholesterol in the Reduced risk of colon cancer and cardiovascular Sang & Zhu (2014);
small intestine disease Luthria et al. (2015)
Phytosterols, tocopherols Inhibits cholesterol absorption Reduced plasma cholesterol Fardet (2010); Javed
et al. (2012)

enough evidence to establish that WB fibre helps in regu- have also been investigated. Examples of phytochemi-
lation or maintenance of normal human body weight. cals in cereal grains include flavonoids, phenolic acids,
tocopherols, lignans, phytosterols and carotenoids
(Belobrajdic & Bird, 2013). Phenolic acids are the most
complex class of phytochemicals found abundantly in
Arabinoxylan (AX) is a fibre that has a b-D-xylan the bran of cereal grains, and they are derivatives of cin-
backbone with arabinose side chains linked by a-1, 2 namic and benzoic acid. The cinnamic acid class of phe-
and a-1, 3 glycosidic linkages. The content of AX in nolic compounds includes ferulic acid, sinapic and p-
WB ranges between 5.0 and 26.9 g per 100 g of WB coumaric acid (Luthria et al., 2015). Phenolic acids in
(Fardet, 2010). Chemical, mechanical and enzymatic WB exist in bound and free state, with around 99% of
methods of extraction have been employed to isolate ferulic acid in WB in insoluble bound state (Lu et al.,
AX in WB. Hell et al. (2015) in their comparative 2014). The antioxidant property of WB is mainly deter-
study of mechanical, enzymatic and chemical pretreat- mined by their phenolic acid content and has been inves-
ments for AX extraction from WB found out that tigated and elucidated in the literature by other
extensive ball milling offered the most reassuring meth- researchers (Belobrajdic & Bird, 2013; Gunenc et al.,
ods, as there was only mechanical effort applied. On 2013; Andersson et al., 2014; Brewer et al., 2014). Phy-
the other hand, chemical and enzymatic extraction tosterols found in WB lower serum cholesterol by
affected the results because of co-extraction of other inhibiting cholesterol absorption (Pr€ uckler et al., 2014)
components other than AX. Extraction of AX from and as such may prevent inflammation and cancer.
WB was previously carried out by electrostatic separa- Free-radical inhibiting capacity of WB can be mea-
tion. It was revealed that sieving after electrostatic sep- sured through ferric reducing antioxidant power,
aration yielded maximum AX content of 43% dry diphenylpicrylhydrazyl and oxygen radical absorbance
matter (Wang et al., 2015). AX is reported to show capacity assays (Brewer et al., 2014). WB has been
antioxidative properties in vitro, possibly because phe- suggested as having anti-inflammatory properties. This
nolic compounds are covalently linked to arabinoxy- was demonstrated in the study of Price et al. (2012)
lans (Maki et al., 2012). In a study with 55 subjects where subjects consumed aleurone-enriched products
where an AX oligosaccharide was administered in or refined products. The results revealed a significant
breakfast cereal at dosage between 2.2 and 4.8 g g 1 reduction in C-reactive protein – a marker of inflam-
over a 3-week period, there was a significant increase mation, as well as a risk factor for cardiovascular dis-
in faecal bifidobacteria and postprandial ferulic acid ease. Although the study was short term; it can be
concentration in the serum (Maki et al., 2012). It was inferred that continued consumption of whole-grain or
recently stated that arabinoxylans may reduce post- WB-enriched cereal foods can help prevent cardiovas-
prandial glycemic response by maintaining viscosity in cular diseases.
the gut, thereby reducing the risk of developing type II Extraction of phenolic compounds from WB have
diabetes, but this was obtained from arabinoxylans of been achieved through both conventional methods (e.g.
wheat endosperm (Bernstein et al., 2013; Pr€ uckler distillation and Soxhlet extraction), and recently through
et al., 2014 and reference therein; EFSA, 2011). advanced technologies such as micro-fluidisation, ultra-
sonic-assisted extraction and pressurised liquid extrac-
tion (Rebolleda et al., 2013; Wang et al., 2013; Povilaitis
Phytochemical and antioxidant properties
et al., 2015). Various processing methods such as wheat
The chemical (De Brier et al., 2015) and antioxidant grain germination (Anson et al., 2012), enzymatic treat-
(Rosa et al., 2013; Brewer et al., 2014) properties of WB ment, milling, electrostatic separation (Hemery et al.,

International Journal of Food Science & Technology 2015 © 2015 The Authors International Journal of Food Science & Technology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
on behalf of Institute of Food, Science and Technology (IFSTTF)
Wheat bran use in cereal food products O. O. Onipe et al. 2513

2011), ultrafine grinding, bread making, yeast and sour- pounds from AR fraction of WB impacted high inhibi-
dough fermentation (Coda et al., 2015) can expedite tory effect against human prostrate adenocarcinoma
extractability or bio-accessibility of phenolic acid and cells (Luthria et al., 2015).
other bioactive compounds in WB. For instance, in the Betaine, a methyl donor, which also acts as an
study of Rosa et al. (2013), ultrafine grinding of WB osmolyte and a lipotrope, is present abundantly in the
increased surface area which in turn increased its antiox- aleurone layer of WB and has been recovered in
idant capacity. When the surface area is increased at human plasma upon intake. During a 4-week interven-
least twice, antioxidant capacity of the bran fractions tion trial investigated by Price et al. (2010), aleurone-
was reported to increase from 30 to enriched bread rolls and ready-to-eat cereal containing
45 mmol TEAC kg 1. This increase can be explained a daily dose of 27 g aleurone were consumed by par-
thus: as mechanical force of the grinding is applied, phe- ticipants. There was a significant increase in intake
nolic acid in the aleurone cell wall becomes accessible and plasma betaine concentrations and a simultaneous
and extractable and this in turn contributes to increase decrease in plasma homocysteine in the individuals
in antioxidant capacity. This was also supported by the who consumed aleurone-rich product in comparison
findings of Brewer et al. (2014) where size reduction with control group who consumed refined products.
from coarse (900 lm) to fine (200 lm) increased the This reduction in plasma homocysteine (a risk factor
extractability of bound phenolic acid (4.73– for cardiovascular disease) can be attributed to the
6.72 mg FAE g 1), carotenoids, anthocyanin, and fla- remethylating action of betaine. From these results,
vonoids contents in WB. Ferulic acid content of bread, WB can be suggested as a functional food ingredient
muffin and cookie increased during baking (Abdel-Aal possessing positive health benefits. Incorporation of
& Rabalski, 2013). WB and/or its bioactive extracts in doughnut-like
Measurement of phenolic acid in humans as a result products and their effects on phytochemical bioavail-
of whole-grain wheat food consumption has also been ability in vitro/in vivo can be further studied to buttress
investigated. WB phenolics may improve antioxidant the fact that phytochemicals from WB do impact posi-
status in humans as revealed in a randomised cross- tively on human health, especially in developing coun-
over study by Price et al. (2008). Antioxidant effect of tries where these fried snacks are highly consumed.
phenolics of unprocessed wheat bran was tested in 17
adults. Consumption of 93 g of wheat bran signifi-
Effect of wheat bran on sensory properties and
cantly increased antioxidant potential and total pheno-
quality of some cereal products
lics in the urine and plasma of subjects. Also in a
clinical trial recently carried out by Vitaglione et al. The effects of WB addition on sensory properties of
(2015), the assessment of metabolic biomarkers of phe- both cereal and noncereal foods have been extensively
nolic acid was determined in faecal, serum and urine studied. These studies revealed that the effect of WB
samples of eighty healthy obese/overweight test sub- addition is dependent on the food type (Sozer et al.,
jects over a period of 8 weeks, where all refined wheat 2014), bran particle size (Kim et al., 2013), bran pre-
products they normally consume were replaced with treatment (Reyes-Perez et al., 2013) and cooking
70 g whole-grain wheat product daily (7.1 g per day of method used. It appears that the addition of WB at
DF). Assessments revealed a 4- and 2-fold increase in high concentrations has negative effects on the quality
serum dihydroferulic acid concentration and faecal fer- of the end food product. Lebesi & Tzia (2011)
ulic acid, respectively, accompanied with reduction in reported an improved nutritional content of cakes with
plasma tumour necrosis factor-a. By implication, WB 10–30% of WB. However, concentration of bran
processed or unprocessed can be used as a functional above 10% adversely affected the appearance, mouth
food supplement. feel, taste and overall acceptability of the cakes. Kaur
Alkylresorcinols (ARs) are also referred to as phe- et al. (2012) reported a fairly acceptable overall quality
nolic lipids and are abundantly found in WB (Anson of pasta which was enriched with 15% of WB, but as
et al., 2012). Although known as short-term biomark- the WB concentration increased, the colour of the
ers for whole-grain wheat, rye and bran intake, it was pasta became dark, and there was an increase in water
recently suggested that plasma AR can be used as absorption as well as reduced cooking time. W ojtowicz
stable long-term biomarkers (Landberg et al., 2013). & Moscicki (2011) observed that the incorporation of
Extraction of ARs from WB has been analysed by sol- wheat bran at a range of 5–25% of the flour weight to
vents such as cyclohexane, methanol and dichloro- pasta formulation extruded at high screw speed in a
methane using various chromatographic methods single screw extrusion cooker resulted in improved sen-
(Luthria et al., 2015). Alkylresorcinols found in the sory properties, but as the concentration of the bran
WB may function as antioxidant, protecting low-den- was increased beyond 20%, the pasta was sticky with
sity lipoprotein (LDL) from oxidation damage in vitro. poor consistency, had floury taste and was hard to
Liu et al. (2012) reported that four of seven pure com- bite. The chicken patties that were prepared with 15%

© 2015 The Authors International Journal of Food Science & Technology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd International Journal of Food Science & Technology 2015
on behalf of Institute of Food, Science and Technology (IFSTTF)
2514 Wheat bran use in cereal food products O. O. Onipe et al.

WB had significantly less cholesterol content than the activated because arabinoxylans bind water tightly and
control and were moderately liked as indicated by a reduce the amount of water available for the gluten
score of 7.1 on a 9-point hedonic scale (Talukder & network. This affects dough stability and extends
Sharma, 2010). dough development time. Furthermore, gas retention
Other published works showing sensory and quality and dough resilience is reduced which in turn leads to
of WB-enriched products are highlighted in Table 3. It low bread volume (Serna-Saldivar, 2010) – this is a
appears that no significant efforts have been made to common phenomenon in bread containing bran.
enrich fried doughnut-like cereal snacks with WB Particle size is another factor to be considered while
(Fig. 2). The literature shows that the substitution of considering functionality of WB in cereal products. It
WB in a wide range of food products has an effect on has been reported that ultrafine particles have little or
consumer acceptance of bran-enriched food products. no effect on physical properties of the final product.
This variation in consumer acceptance depends on the Kim et al. (2012) reported that there was no significant
type of food to which WB was added as was observed difference in swelling properties and water-holding
by Lebesi & Tzia (2011), Sozer et al. (2014) and differ- capacity of doughnuts prepared with ultrafine bran
ences in consumer preferences. For instance, Almeida particles (6.87 lm) but weight and volume of dough-
et al. (2013) reported that bread enriched with WB nuts decreased. When the same WB particle size of
had greater acceptance scores compared with other 6.87 lm was used in bread production, Kim et al.
fibres (locust bean gum and corn resistant starch) at (2013) reported that springiness, water-holding capac-
20% substitution. On the other hand, Sobota et al. ity and hardness of bread increased with WB content.
(2015) concluded that up to 30% WB addition in But when compared to whole wheat flour bread, the
pasta yielded acceptable sensory attributes comparable hardness of bread with ultrafine WB was lower.
to pasta made from whole-grain durum wheat. Increase in dough consistency and decrease in dough
strength were reported for bread dough containing
30% fine bran particle sizes ranging from 155 to
Wheat bran functionality in wheat dough
265 lm (Pavlovich-Abril et al., 2015). Extrusion has
It has been established that WB fibre interferes with been shown to increase the total dietary fibre content
protein hydration and dilutes gluten network in the of WB. Incorporation of extruded WB in cookie for-
dough because of the presence of hydroxyl groups in mulation reduced the glycemic index and increased the
its structure which react with water through hydrogen dietary fibre content of the cookies. The results were
bonding, and this in turn increases water absorption dependent on factors such as temperature (60–120 °C),
(Coda et al., 2014). The gluten network is not properly moisture of extrusion process as well as particle size of

Table 3 Effects of wheat bran (WB) addition on the quality of various cereal products

Food supplementation (%) Effect of WB on food quality Reference

Biscuit 5–30 Dough pasting viscosity reduced with bran addition. DF and protein level Sozer et al. (2014)
increased with increasing bran addition. Low gluten network led to
crumbliness of biscuit. Content of digestible starch reduced with increased
bran addition
Bread 0–20 Reduced crumb luminosity and specific volume. Increased crumb moisture Almeida et al. (2013)
content. Good sensory attributes with increase in WB addition
8.9–9 Increase in total dietary fibre of all breads. Lower a* and b* values in crusts Pavlovich-Abril et al. (2015)
of composite* bread compared to control. Reduced specific loaf volume with
increase in WB addition
7–25 Hardness and springiness increased; loaf volume reduced with bran addition Kim et al. (2013)
Pasta 20–40 WB addition increased ash, total dietary fibre, protein content, chewiness Sobota et al. (2015)
and adhesiveness of pasta. Pasta had harder structure beyond 20% WB
content as well as a lingering after taste in the mouth which resulted in lower
sensory scores.
Noodles 2–6 With increase in WB addition, dough sheet had reduced L values while a* and Song et al. (2013)
b* values increased. Increase in tensile strength and water absorption of cooked
Doughnut 1–10 Fat content of doughnuts reduced at 5% and 10% bran addition. Kim et al. (2012)
Doughnut had increased volume and darker colour with increase in bran content.

*Rheological indices of composite bread: dough consistency, mixing tolerance index, dough development time, stability and resistance to extension
at 62.5% water absorption.

International Journal of Food Science & Technology 2015 © 2015 The Authors International Journal of Food Science & Technology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
on behalf of Institute of Food, Science and Technology (IFSTTF)
Wheat bran use in cereal food products O. O. Onipe et al. 2515


Koeksisters Bofrot

Mandazi Ponczki Puff puff

Figure 2 Some cereal fried snacks with potential for WB enrichment. Source:
food+products&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=9vkZVPbLMfT7Aa57oHoDQ&ved=0CAgQ_AUoAQ&biw=1455&bih=695 Accessed
15 September 2014.

the wheat bran (Reyes-Perez et al., 2013). WB is formed as a result of the chemical and physical
known to interfere with bubble growth in dough, changes in the frying oil (Yazdanseta et al., 2015).
thereby reducing the loaf volume of the resultant Deep frying is a process of submerging food product
bread (Kim et al., 2013). It has been suggested that in a sufficient amount of edible oil at high tempera-
the effect of WB fibre in dough is more than just dilu- tures (160–180 °C) which makes the resulting food
tion or interference with gluten network, but rather a product delicious and gives it a contrasting texture
fibre–protein interaction (Anil, 2012). Medium-sized with crispy crust and tender core (Yazdanseta et al.,
bran particles (415 lm) may increase loaf volume, 2015). In frying cereal-based foods, there is an expan-
while coarse WB significantly decreases loaf volume sion in volume characterised by pore formation as a
(Pavlovich-Abril et al., 2015). Furthermore, functional- result of moisture evaporation from the food, which
ity of WB is affected by treatment processes. Thermal results in transfer of oil into the food. Other changes
treatment like extrusion cooking has been reported to that occur during frying of cereal foods include starch
soften the bran, inactivate WB endogenous enzymes gelatinisation, protein denaturation, crust and colour
and increase the extractability of bioactive compounds formation (Eissa et al., 2013). A number of factors
such as sterols and ferulic acid. WB fermentation (Ai- influence the oil content of fried foods, viz frying con-
vaz & Mosharraf, 2013) and treatment with enzymes ditions (temperature, time), oil quality (viscosity), food
such as a-amylase, xylanase and endoglucanase (Coda characteristics (shape, size, porosity) and prefrying
et al., 2014) have been revealed to improve bread tex- treatments (Yazdanseta et al., 2015).
ture, and increase sensory properties of food products, Measures taken to reduce oil uptake in a wide range
bread shelf life and mineral bioavailability. of fried foods include prefrying treatments such as air
drying, blanching in solutions, coating with edible films
and modified frying methods such as vacuum and air
Potential use of wheat bran in fried cereal snacks
frying (Yazdanseta et al., 2015). The use of hydrocol-
Frying can be regarded as a dehydration and heat/ loids in formulations of fried cereal snacks and frying
mass transfer process, in which new compounds are batters has been known to reduce the moisture loss

© 2015 The Authors International Journal of Food Science & Technology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd International Journal of Food Science & Technology 2015
on behalf of Institute of Food, Science and Technology (IFSTTF)
2516 Wheat bran use in cereal food products O. O. Onipe et al.

during frying. Another oil-reduction mechanism is dry of WB increases its functionality. In view of this, there
particle coating. This hybridisation system uses bran of is no reason why we cannot have various pretreated
cereals to coat flours. This system is aimed at preparing WB on a commercial scale; such projects call for more
composite flour by coating the larger material with the research.
finer particles through high impact force and friction
heat (Kim et al., 2012). Composites made from this Author Contribution
hybridisation system using WB and soya bean hulls
have been successfully used to produce fried doughnut Oluwatoyin O. Onipe drafted the manuscript. Afam I.
with reduced oil (Kim et al., 2012 and references O. Jideani conceived the idea and edited the manu-
therein). script with Daniso Beswa. All authors read and
WB incorporation in fried cereal products has been approved the final manuscript.
shown to reduce their oil content. WB can be compos-
ited with wheat flour by manual mixing or by hybridis- Acknowledgment
ation system as explained earlier. Kim et al. (2012)
reported oil reduction of 2.7–9.4% in doughnuts pre- The authors sincerely acknowledge the support
pared from 6.87 lm WB. Yadav & Rajan (2012) received from the University of Venda, South Africa,
reported that WB had a negative effect on the mois- through its research grant (SARDF/14/FST/03) and
ture content of Indian deep-fried dough, poori, because work-study programme.
of its water insolubility. A 20% oil content reduction
in poori at 3% WB incorporation, however, was References
reported. There seems to be minimum work done on
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(2012). Optimizing the bioactive potential of wheat bran by
from the grain during production of refined flour. processing. Food & Function, 3, 362–375.
Also, consumption of whole-grain cereal-based foods € Hell, J. et al. (2013). Wheat bran-based
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offers so much more than its refined counterparts in biorefinery 2: valorisation of products. LWT-Food Science and
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still produced in millions of tonnes a year despite its Belobrajdic, D.P. & Bird, A.R. (2013). The potential role of phyto-
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current limited usage. Instead of leaving WB to go to diabetes. Nutrition Journal, 12, 62–73.
waste, it is currently being put to use in the food Bernstein, A.M., Titgemeier, B., Kirkpatrick, K., Golubic, M. &
industry because of its beneficial components. In sum- Roizen, M.F. (2013). Major cereal grain fibers and psyllium in
mary, WB can be regarded as a functional ingredient relation to cardiovascular health. Nutrients, 5, 1471–1487.
Brewer, L.R., Kubola, J., Siriamornpun, S., Herald, T.J. & Shi, Y.C.
for production of healthier foods. Furthermore, WB (2014). Wheat bran particle size influence on phytochemical
has been well utilised in baked cereal products, but extractability and antioxidant properties. Food Chemistry, 152,
not so much in fried cereal snacks; hence, WB can be 483–490.
utilised as an important source of dietary fibre and as Brouns, F., Hemery, Y., Price, R. & Anson, N.M. (2012). Wheat
aleurone: separation, composition, health aspects, and potential
a cheap source of potential food additive for fat
food use. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 52, 553–
reduction. Some human studies have been conducted 568.
to ascertain WB health benefits, especially with baked Coda, R., K€arki, I., Nordlund, E., Heini€ o, R.L., Poutanen, K. &
and breakfast cereals, but not in fried cereals. The lat- Katina, K. (2014). Influence of particle size on bioprocess induced
ter can be further researched to encourage consump- changes on technological functionality of wheat bran. Food Micro-
biology, 37, 69–77.
tion of healthy fried cereal foods. Finally, it has been Coda, R., Katina, K. & Rizzello, C.G. (2015). Bran bioprocessing
established that treatments like particle reduction, fer- for enhanced functional properties. Current Opinion in Food
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International Journal of Food Science & Technology 2015 © 2015 The Authors International Journal of Food Science & Technology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd
on behalf of Institute of Food, Science and Technology (IFSTTF)
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on behalf of Institute of Food, Science and Technology (IFSTTF)

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