Making Proposals: Discussion

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In your job, have you ever made a proposal for a change in the rules, an improvement in a procedure,
the purchase of a new piece of equipment, or a solution to a problem? Did you make the proposal in
a meeting, or did you write an email to your supervisor? Was the outcome successful? If not, why
not? In your group, explain the circumstances.

A successful proposal in writing depends on your ability to inform and persuade. Any effective proposal or
recommendation will have the following elements:
• appropriate content
• good control of language
• a clear functional format organization
Proposals should be SMART - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Result-oriented and Time-bound:

Use this checklist to help you organize a formal, written proposal.


News: Tell the reader what your proposal is.

Briefly state why this proposal is being made. This could be the problem you hope to
solve with this proposal, or a change in procedure.

Give any necessary information about your proposal. Think about what the reader
may want or need to know in order to convince him that your proposal is a good one.

Details:  What’s the problem you are trying to correct?

 How will this proposal benefit the company?
 How will things be made easier or more efficient?
 Why will people like this?

Make sure the reader knows exactly what to do if he has any questions or needs
more information from you.

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use
PELP WRITING Making Proposals

Study the proposal below and answer the following questions:

1. NEWS: What is the proposal?
2. REASON: What is the problem?
3. DETAILS: a) What are the causes and effects of the current problem?
b) What is the solution?
c) What are the benefits?
4. CLOSE: What should the reader do if they need more information about the proposal?

SUPERVISOR Facilities Department

A/C Proposal
Dear Sir,

I would like to recommend that we install two window air conditioning units in Building 663, one
at each end of the building. The air conditioning system in use right now is inadequate for the
building, and as a result, productivity is low.

The new air conditioners would soon pay for themselves with the increase in work in a cooler
environment. As it is now, the room temperature can get quite hot which makes it
uncomfortable and difficult for the employees to concentrate on their jobs. We have noticed
that there are frequent trips to the nearby snack bar to get something cool to drink. Of course,
this leads to time wasted and inefficiency. With new air conditioners, the employees will stay at
their desks and get more work done.

A model that would work well in our building is the Al-Zamil 66. The offices are open plan, so if
the units were placed high in the walls, the additional cool air would spread throughout the
building and create a much more comfortable work environment.

I look forward to working with you to try to solve this problem. If you have any questions about
this recommendation, please do not hesitate to contact me.

T. A. AL-SUBAIEE, Director
Riyadh Training Division

Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

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Saudi Aramco: Company General Use

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