Short Film

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[Document Subtitle]

Louise Kirby
Creative Media Production
Short film :
Student number : 983113
Henley College : 62441
Deadlines and dates :
              Project starts - 16.03.2020
              Final edit - 15.05.2020
             Interim deadline - 22.05.2020
              Raindance deadline - 22.05.2020
              Final deadline - 05.06.2020
Competition = film pipeline 

The price to enter the competition:

To enter this competition you will have to pay
$45 - £38.64 

Prizes if you win: 

If you win the competition you will get a grand
total of $5,000 - £4,295.70
You will also win = industry circulation and
additional development

Deadline for this competition: 

The deadline for this short film competition is
31st May 2020

What you need to enter:

To enter you must enter = a title
                                  a longline
                                  a director 
                                  a writer
                                  a producer 
                                  submission link
                                  link password 

The runner up prize: 

Two runner up winners get $1,000 - £863.36
My idea

What my idea is -
I had an idea of creating a short film on
recent events and things that are going
on in the world right now that could be
interesting or important. So this meant
that I thought about the whole
coronavirus situation. Obviously, no one
knows where this is going to end. This
means that I can make my own ending up.
My story goes a little like this:
It starts of with a actor being in isolation.
This is so that you can get an idea of what
they look like at the start of isolation and
what the area they are isolated in looks
like. Straight away I want the audience to
know that this is about he coronavirus.
This means that I will make a title which
has something to do with the virus and
make sure the opening scene in very
Then the short film will show the virus
overtime. This means that I will have to
make sure their are less props such as
less food, less toilet paper and bath items,
the same clothes being worn all the time,
the actor looking even more sick day by
day. Therefore, in order to do this I can
actually film the actor when they have to
eat to show that their is less food and I
will use makeup to make the actor look
worse and worse everyday.
For the food I will make sure it is simple
food such as noodles, microwave food,
crisps or fruit. For the clothes, overtime, I
will also make sure that they get dirtier as
time goes on.
As days go on I will put a note in a corner
telling the audience that are watching
which day it is. This is so that they get an
idea of how long it has been and it makes
it much more realistic. As days go on their
mental health and the way the act starts
to change. This is as they begin to starve,
get lonely and start to become crazy. As
time goes on zombie like features start to
show. Sadly, at the end of the short film I
believe I will make the person pass away.
This is so that people can see how bad the
coronavirus is and how people should stay
safe at all times and stay healthy and

My target audience 

My target audience are people ages 14-

This is because in my opinion I can
relate to anyone this age in some ways.
Most teenagers and young adults are
also more interested in the corona virus
then any other age. Therefore I believe
my final major project will interest these
people the most. As well as this as you
get older you don't tend to watch
movies as much. Therefore, a short
film would be perfect for this target
audience as long as its interesting.

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