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Far Eastern University

Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts

What Does It Mean to be a Good Citizen?

Citizenship defined as “a status of a person recognized under the custom or law as being

a legal member of a sovereign state or belonging to a nation.” according to the definition

from Wikipedia. Being a citizen, we must follow the mandated laws by a certain country

and you are willing to comply it, engaging on what is happening, and to express our

opinions regarding to the issues we are facing. But what makes more sense of being a

good citizen? Does complying the laws, engagement, and assertion makes us a good


In Charles Bens’ “What does it mean to be a good citizen?” explains the criteria of being

a good citizen. He created an index which he called it as “The Citizenship Index” wherein

he listed the top ten characteristics of a good citizen in accordance to his observation and

studies which conducted by him. This will help us to determine more through self-

examination of how good citizen are we.

I just realized that beyond paying taxes, voting and defending our country are not the only

criteria that can define us as a good citizen. Yes, there is no specific characteristics for

being a good citizen but having an ideal one that will give us a guide to be a better citizen.

In his criteria, he stated that voting, information, involvement, and accountability are

prevalent distinctive of being a good citizen which I agree. As I notice to other people

especially in social media, they really know what is happening and issues facing by our

country and the government. Their involvement and well informed citizen makes them to
Far Eastern University
Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts
express their problems so that the government would be aware in this kind of serious


Currently, people nowadays are lacking of attributes of being a citizen. According to what

I have learned in my Rizal subject, during the time of colonization of Spanish, Rizal was

a well-known propagandist who was aware of prejudice government system of Spaniards.

Our professor told us that Rizal was anxious that he does not want his fellow Filipinos to

be ignorant wherein being cruelled under by the law of Spanish government. As we notice

that people currently are well informed and they really get involve on the situation. My

advice to the other citizen, we must vote wisely to prevent in suffering under the hands of

wrong people seated in the government for less complain, be knowledgeable and get

informed regarding to current happenings in our government, do not just believe in fake

news just rely only on trusted media resources, get involved and freely express your

opinion and concerns about the complication and dilemma so that it can help to improve

more, and lastly follow the laws conducted to us.

Personally, there is no specific actions that are needed as long as you have good

intension for improving the quality of life in our country and as a citizen. And as a student

who is also a citizen here in our country, we must choose wisely in time of election and

choose a leader who is determined and passionate in leading the country. Getting involve

or part in some associations to support in helping to improve the quality system of

government and well informed and aware on the current happenings. Lastly being open-

minded with the regards of situation in times of crisis, trouble and disasters which are

common enemy of government and even the society.

Far Eastern University
Institute of Architecture and Fine Arts
Thanks to Charles Bens’ The Citizenship Index helps me to define me or to know what

kind of citizen I am. And because of this, it motivates me to improve more to be a good

citizen and additional knowledge.

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