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Miss Coffey’s Philosophy of

Technology Integration

Our world is always changing, and therefore, our classrooms should be

too. Inside the classroom should reflect what is going on in the world around
us. In the past few decades, one of the biggest changes has been the growth
of technology. A 2019 study determined that the average US household has
11 technology devices (Smartphones, TVs, etc.). Given this, it is important
that students also get the exposer in school so they may learn how to use
devises appropriately and in ways that will benefit them going forward.
In my opinion, the use of technology in the classroom is very
important. Like anything though, there must be a balance. Technology
should not be used in place of teaching, but in support of teaching or to
provide additional practice. With consideration for students varying learning
styles, some students will really excel using technology to do or present
work, but not every student will. As mentioned, these young learners have
grown up with a very technology-based world. Most love being able to use
devices. Allowing students to use technology in the classroom may help keep
them engaged and give them an opportunity to learn on their own or
differently than instruction from the teacher.
In my experience, I have become more familiar with technology tools
like Google Classroom and Mystery Science. I hope to include these online
platforms into my classroom because of the positive student response I have
seen and the different approach to teaching and learning. Additionally,
websites like Reading A to Z and Typing Pal can help students develop skills
they need going forward. Teachers have the ability to engage students and
share with them many educational resources that are online in ways that did
not even exist before. Rather than avoid technology in classrooms, I think it
should be embraced and used as a tool just like any other classroom

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