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Whirl Speeds and Unbalance

Response of Multibearing Rotors

Using Finite Elements
H. Nevzat Ozgiiven
Assistant Professor. This paper presents dynamic modeling of rotor bearing systems with rigid disks,
Assoc. Mem. ASME distributed parameter finite rotor elements and flexible, discrete multibearings. The
previous works have included the effects of rotary inertia, gyroscopic moment,
Z. LeventOzkan axial load, internal viscous and hysteretic damping and transverse shear defor-
mations, but have not considered them all in the same model. A computer program
Research Assistant.
is developed in this work to calculate the forward and backward whirl speeds, the
Department of Mechanical Engineering, corresponding mode shapes, the dynamic unbalance response of multibearing rotor
Middle East Technical University, systems and to evaluate rotor stability. It utilizes the banded property of the system
Ankara, Turkey matrices to reduce the computational effort for the complex eigensolution. A
combined bisection and inverse iteration technique is used for the complex eigen-
value problem. The combined effect of shear deformations and internal damping
on the stability, forward and backward whirl speeds, as well as on the response to
unbalance excitation, are investigated with the numerical examples given. This
study confirms that any inherent material damping in the shaft itself does not affect
the unbalance response if the bearings are isotropic, which is, however, not the case
when the bearings are orthotropic causing elliptical synchronous whirl orbits.

There has been an impressive progress in the study of rotor authors via the finite element method over the last 10 years,
dynamics in the last decade. The use of finite elements for the the published works have not included the combined effects of
simulation of rotor systems makes it possible to formulate shear deformations and the internal damping. This work
increasingly complex problems, and the recent advances on generalizes the previous works by considering the effects of
digital computers make the numerical solutions of large rotary inertia, gyroscopic moment, axial load, shear defor-
ordered problems feasible. mations, and internal hysteretic and viscous damping in the
The works of Ruhl [1] and Ruhl and Booker [2] are the first same model.
examples of the studies using finite elements in rotor The computer program developed in this work, which
dynamics. In these early investigations the effects of rotary calculates the whirl speeds and the dynamic response of
inertia, gyroscopic moments, shear deformations, axial load, multibearing rotor systems, utilizes the banded property of
and internal damping have been neglected. the system matrices to reduce the computational effort for the
Thorkildsen [3] has included rotary inertia and gyroscopic solution of the complex eigenvalue problem. An improved
moment. Polk [4] has used a Rayleigh beam finite element in form of the inverse iteration technique suggested by Gupta
his work. In 1975 and 1976 several investigators [5-8] studied [11] is used for the solution of the complex eigenvalue
similar problems by including different effects. The work of problem of the damped system. However first the real roots
Zorzi and Nelson [9] was the generalization of [7] by the are isolated by a bisection scheme. As the Rayleigh's quotient
inclusion of internal damping. Thus the effects of rotary given by Gupta is not found successful to obtain the forward
inertia, gyroscopic moment, axial load and the internal and backward whirl speeds simultaneously, the expression
damping were considerd in the same model. In 1979 Nelson given by Adams and Paddovan [12] is adopted in the solution
[10] utilized Timoshenko beam theory for establishing the to obtain both forward and backward whirl speeds from the
shape functions. He derived the system matrices including the same eigenvector. The real parts of complex eigenvectors are
effects of rotary inertia, gyroscopic moments, axial load, and used to predict rotordynamic instability thresholds.
shear deformations. Numerical examples are given to demonstrate the accuracy
Although the effects of various factors on the dynamics of of the program developed and to study the combined effect of
rotor bearing systems have been investigated by several shear deformations and internal damping on the forward and
backward whirl speeds and instability thresholds, as well as
on the response to unbalance excitation.
Contributed by the Technical Committee on Vibration and Sound and
presented at the Design and Production Engineering Technical Conference,
Dearborn, Mich., September 11-14, 1983, of THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF Modeling and Governing Equations
MECHANICAL ENGINEERS. Manuscript received at ASME Headquarters, June
20, 1983. Paper No. 83-DET-89. Coordinates and Shape Functions. A typical flexible

72/Vol. 106, JANUARY 1984 Transactions of the ASME

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The shape functions established by Nelson [10] for a
Timoshenko beam element are employed in this study.

Element Equations for Finite Rotor Segments. For an

undamped rotor element, the differential potential energy dPj,
for the differential beam segment ds consists of elastic
bending and shear energy,

dF*=^EI[v„')Tivb')ds+^kAGivs')Tiv/)ds (5)

By introducing transverse shear effect $ defined as

* = 12 ElIkAGl1 (6)
the differential potential energy can be written as
Fig. 1 Finite rotor element
rotor-bearing system consists of a rotor composed of discrete dP*p=-EI[{vb"}T{vb"} + [vs']}ds (7)
disks and rotor segments, and discrete elastic bearings. Figure
1 shows a typical rotor element of length / with the coor- By introducing equations (1) and (2) into equation (7),
dinates used to describe the end point displacements f qe). potential energy of the element due to bending and shear
Each rotor element is modelled as an eight degree of freedom deformation can be written as
element with two rotations and two translations at each end.
The displacements of a differential disk of thickness ds P%= \\Qe\T[KeB]{qe]=Peb + Pes=\ [Qe)T[[K%b]
placed at a distance s from the element end are denoted by VY,
Vz, WY and Wz, as shown in Fig. 1. Translations [v(s,t)} + [KeBs]]{Qe) (8)
and rotations {w(s,t)} of such a differential disk internal to where
the element can be related to the end point displacements by
the translational and rotational shape function matrices [K%] = [KBb] + [KBs] =El[\Q [N;'b]T[N;b]ds
[N, (s)] and [Nr (s)], respectively, as

+ \oWiNLV[NLm (9)
Vz{s,t)) Zorzi and Nelson [9] have included the effects of hysteretic
and viscous forms of internal damping by assuming a stress-
<Ms,t)}= { I =[Af,(J)]ke(0) (2) strain relation in form of

Translations and rotations can be written as the summation

a =E
* {wh&+(ri
Vl + »7//W M (10)

of translations and rotations due to bending and shear and obtained the differential bending energy dP^i, and the
deformation: dissipation function dDedb by neglecting shear deformations as
{v(s,t)} = [vb(s,t)} + [vs(s,t)} (3) 1
dPdb=-EI{vb"}T[r,]{vb"}ds (11)
[w(s,t)] = {wb(s,t)] + {ws(s,()] (4) 2'


' = differentiation with respect to

• = differentiation with respect to [M],[C],[K] = mass, damping and stiffness
time matrices 1
A = cross-sectional area [Nr] = rotational shape function matrix
CYY,CyZ,CZy,Czz = elements of bearing damping \N,] = translational shape function
matrix matrix
De = dissipation function of rotor pe = potential energy of rotor element
element (<?) = displacement vector

EI = bending stiffness per unit cur- [QC]AQS) = unbalance response associated

vature with cos Qt and sin fit
[EC),[ES] = unbalance forces associated with s = axial position along the element
cos Qt and sin Qt, respectively t = time
G = shear modulus Vy,Vz = displacements in Y and Z
ID,IP = diametral and polar mass directions, respectively
moments of inertia1 Wy,Wz = small angle rotations about Y and
KYY,KyZ,KZy,Kzz = elements of bearing stiffness Zaxes, respectively
matrix ce=\+iu> = complex eigenvalues
/ = length of rotor element
[ij] = internal damping matrix
md = mass of the disk
Vv = viscous damping factor
me = mass per unit length of rotor
VH = hysteretic loss factor
element * = transverse shear effect
Where appropriate the supercripts d, e, b refer to disk, rotor element, and u> = whirl speed
bearing, respectively. Q = spin speed

Journal of Vibration, Acoustics, Stress, and Reliability in Design JANUARY 1984, Vol. 106/73

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dDdb=-r,vEI[vb"}T{vb"]ds (12)

where [rj\ is the internal damping matrix defined as

Va Vb
\v\- (12a)
_~Vb Va _

1 + VH
"u V1+,?,

- '« ,r
Vb (12c)
VI WH '"
Here r\v and r\H denote the viscous damping factor and the Fig. 2 Modeling of bearings
loss factor for the rotor material, respectively. The internal
damping matrix [i/] can also be written as
[ri\=yaV\ + yblN\ (13) kinetic energy (Tj.) and the kinetic energy resulted from the
where [/] is the identity matrix and [N] is the transformation gyroscopic moment ( 7 | ) which are derived in Appendix A.
matrix defined as By the use of Lagrange's equations, the equation of motion
can be obtained for the finite rotor element as
0 1
[N] = (14) [[MeT] + [M%}}{qe]+{.r)v[K%]-Q.[Ge])[qe\
-1 0
Then, the potential energy of the finite element with internal [ 7T + VH
viscous and hysteretic damping takes the form
1 + (r,vQ+^ 2 )[iV g ][A:|]]{<f ) = [,P) (22)
Pdb=-rt„\ qe)T[K%b]W + \lb[Qe\T\Kh,\W (15)

where where [ F*} is the generalized force vector which includes the
forces resulted from the mass unbalances. Equation (22) can
[Khb]=EI^o [N;b]T[N][N;'b]ds (16) be written in a more general form as

The matrix [Kecb] can further be expressed in terms of [KeBb] as [Me][^)+[Ce]{9e)+[JS:e](^] = f ^ ) (23)
where [Me] is symmetric, and [CE] and [Ke] are nonsymmetric
[Kecb] = [ND][KBb] (17)
where [ND] is a transformation matrix 2 of order 8. From By assuming a linear distribution of the mass center
equations (15) to (17), P%b can be rewritten as locations in the finite rotor segment, the mass eccentricities in
1 Y and Z directions measured at t = 0 for a differential disk
P%b = -z IQe) TiVa M + Vb [ND]]IKh] i qe (18) located at distance s can be written as
The dissipation function D db for the finite element can now be ye(s)=yL
found from equations (12) and (1) as 0-z) +y K

Ddb=-Vv[Qe \TIK\JaMf (19) ze{s)=zL(l-

(-i) + ZR (25)

After expressing the potential energy and dissipation where yL, yR, zL. and ZR are the mass eccentricities of the left
function in terms of stiffness matrix [KeBb], the effect of shear and right ends, in Y and Z directions, respectively, at the
deformations can easily be included into the model by initial position of the rotor element. Then the unbalance force
replacing the stiffness matrix [KeBb] in equations (18) and (19) vector {F*) for the finite element can be written [7] in terms
by [K%] ( = [KBb] + [KeBs]). Then for a damped finite element of the mass eccentricities ye {s) and ze (s) as
the potential energy and the dissipation function which in- IF*} = [Fec)cosQt+ {FDsinQt (26)
clude the effect of shear deformations take the form
Pf,= \lqe]Tlv.V\ + Vb [ND]] [K%] {ge (20)
(21) [^}=ffi'02jo[N,]3 ds (26a)
After determining the potential energy of a damped element
due to bending and shear deformations, the total potential
energy of the element can be obtained as the summation of P% -ze(s)
and the potential energy due to axial load PI (see Appendix [Fl)=m 102 1 1 ds
A). The total kinetic energy of the element, on the other hand, Jo' "' ' ye(s)

is the summation of the translation kinetic energy (77), rotary

Bearings. For the modelling of bearings, the classical
See Appendix B. linearized model with eight spring and damping coefficients is

74/Vol. 106, JANUARY 1984 Transactions of the ASME

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Bearing Systems Using Component Mode Synthesis," ASME Paper No.
81-GT-110. 77 = ^WVWKW]
17 Sternlicht, B.,,and Paul, L., "Vibration Problems With High-Speed
Turbomachinery," ASME Journal of Engineering for Industry, Vol. 90, Feb.
1968, pp. 174-186.
77 == \{Qe)TW%]W]

n = \^{qe}T[GeW)
The potential energy due to axial load dPl, translation
kinetic energy dTj, rotary kinetic energy dTj. and kinetic - P J Q lN;]T[N^ds
\KeA] ----
energy resulted from the gyroscopic moment dTg for the
differential rotor element shown in Fig. 1 can be expressed as
[MeT] =-- me\ lN,]T[N,]ds
dPl = --P[v')T{v')ds

[MR\ =- Ib\'Q[Nr]T[Nr]ds
dTt me{v\T[v)ds

[Ge] =-- Iep\0 [Nr]r[N][K]ds

dTr = -Iblw) : w}ds

drg = -IePQ{w)T[N\[w]ds
Transformation matrix [7VD]:
where P is the axial load on the beam element, me is the mass
per unit length of the rotor element, IeD and IeP are the [ND] =
diametral and polar moment of inertia of the cross section, fi
is the constant spin speed. ~0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
By introducing equations (1) and (2) into the foregoing 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0
equations, potential and kinetic energy terms for the element 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
can be found as 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
P$ = \w)T[KA]W} 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

Journal of Vibration, Acoustics, Stress, and Reliability in Design JANUARY 1984, Vol. 106/79

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Table 1 Natural frequencies of a nonrotating simply supported Timoshenko
beam (rigid bearings)
77// = 0 r/ff = 0.001 riff = 0.002
R (present work) [10] solution (present work) (present work)
67o2 3.1316 3J316 3.1312 3.1324 3.1332
0.04 3.1007 3.1023 3.1012 3.1014 3.1022
1st 0.06 3.0476 3.0571 3.0551 3.0484 3.0491
Mode 0.08 2.9717 3.0005 2.9971 2.9724 2.9731
0.10 2.8733 2.9364 2.9311 2.8740 2.8746
0.02 6.2146 6.2143 6.2024 6.2161 6.2177
0.04 6.0109 6.0222 5.9943 6.0124 6.0139
2nd 0.06 5.7146 5.7705 5.7190 5.7160 5.7173
Mode 0.08 5.3556 5.5043 5.3995 5.3567 5.3579
0.10 4.9464 5.2470 4.9737 4.9474 4.9483

Table 2 Whirl frequencies and logarithmic decrement of the simply supported beam of example 2 by Rayleigh Beam (RB)
and Timoshenko Beam (TB) analysis (flexible bearings)
Whirl frequencies (rad/s)/logarithmic decrement
i)v = 0.0002 s V/f =0.0002 VH =0.005
TB 5^r7l7(X2309 52X79/02321 52oT457o".250-03 519~347o.251-03 520.95/0.619-02 520.04/0.623-02
~1F 570M7om5S 52O06/0.0252 SlImT^OJM^bl, 520.10/-0.249 ^03 57A30l^0M4^tyi 520597^.618-02
~~2B 1096.59/0.0687 1095.34/0.0709 1093.12/0.493^04 JM7777o7509^04 1093.33/0.122-02 1091.98/0.126-02
~~2F 1097.36/0.0331 1096.01/0.0341 1096.65/- 0.495 -04 1095.28/-0.511-04 1096.86/-0.123-02 1095.49/-07127^02^
~3B 2214.48/1.059 2206.94/1.054 2237783/0.394-03 2229.82/0.394-03 2241.19/0.983-~02 2233.16/0.981^02
"IP 2230.74/0.725 2222.78/0.783 2253.08/ - c I S E ^ u ! 2244.72/-0.392-03 2256.457^a97sT7)2~l>24ir(^/- 0.976 -02
~4Fi 4454.25/3.681 4411.81/3.607 M)587T97o.586-03 4^7747o7584^bl 5069.48/-0.146-01 4997.85/0.146-01
~4F 4491.77/3.048 4447.40/2.981 5093.54/-0."582M)3 5020.12/-0.581-03 5104.83/-0.145-01 5031.22/-0.145-01

l-Q2[M] + mQ + [K]]igl} = iFl} (37) simply supported beam with internal hysteretic damping of
[-U [M]-mC] + [K\}{q2} = {F2} (38) values rjH = 0.001 with riff = 0.002 were calculated. These
results are also given in Table 1. The comparison of damped
The solution of equations (37) and (38) provides [qx} and natural frequencies with undamped counterparts shows that
{q2} from which the unbalance response can be obtained as the damping with the values considered causes a negligible
{q} = {qc}cosQt+{qs}smnt (39) change in the natural frequencies of a nonrotating simply
supported beam.
Example 2. A simply supported beam studied by Glasgow
iQc) = (<7i) + (?2) (39a)
and Nelson [14], which first had been used by Lund [15] with
[qs] = [qx}i-{qi}i (39*) hydrodynamic bearings, is taken as a second example. The
system consists of a 10.16 cm diameter and 127 cm long steel
shaft supported by identical undamped isotropic bearings of
Numerical Examples stiffness KYY = Kzz = 1.7513 107 N / m . Three different
In order to illustrate the accuracy of the program developed internal damping cases are considered. The elastic modulus E
and to investigate the combined effect of shear deformations and density p of the shaft are 2.068 x 10" N/m 2 and 7833
and internal damping on the instability threshold, forward kg/m 3 , respectively.
and backward whirl speeds, as well as on the response to
unbalance forces, three numerical examples are given. Case (1): Viscous internal damping with ?;K = 0.0002 s.
Case (2): Hysteretic internal damping with r/w = 0.0002.
Example 1. As the first example, the nonrotating simply Case (3): Hysteretic internal damping with T;W = 0.005.
supported beam of reference [10] is considered. Natural
frequencies of the beam for slenderness ratios ranging from For each case both Timoshenko and Rayleigh beam analyses
0.02 to 0.10 were computed by using 5 finite elements. The were performed to determine the whirl frequencies and
first two natural frequencies obtained by finite element logarithmic decrements. The results are summarized in Table
simulation are compared with the closed form solutions for 2 for a spin speed of 418.88 rad/s (4000 rpm).
the undamped case. The results are listed in Table 1. It is As can be seen from Table 2, the inclusion of shear
observed that the percentage error is increasing with the deformations into the free vibration analysis of an internally
slenderness ratio. However, the percentage differences damped rotor causes whirl frequencies to shift to lower
between two sets of results are found to be less than 2 percent. values. This effect is more pronounced for higher whirl
When the results are compared with those of reference [10] it frequencies. The logarithmic decrement on the other hand is
can be concluded that there is not a systematic difference not considerably affected by the inclusion of shear defor-
between the predictions of two works, although the overall mations into the damped analysis. Furthmore, a close
accuracy of the present results is better. agreement between the values listed in the first and third
The influence of internal damping on the natural columns and the corresponding values of [14] demonstrates
frequencies is also investigated by assuming hysteretic the accuracy of the program in calculating the complex
damping. The lowest two natural frequencies of the same eigenvalues (whirl speeds and logarithmic decrement).

76 / Vol. 106, JANUARY 1984 Transactions of the ASME

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Case (1): Isotropic bearings with
Ky = K7 = 4 . 3 7 8 x l 0 7 N / m , CYY = CZ
= 1.752xl0 3 Ns/m
Raylcigh B u m Theory
(Damped and Undamped)
Case (2): Orthotropic bearings with
Timoehsnko Beam Theory
KYY = Kzz= 4.378 X l 0 7 N / m , CYY = CZZ
(Damped and Undamped) = 1.752xl0 3 Ns/m
CYY = C z z = 1.752xl0 3 Ns/m
Case (1). The unbalance response of the system at station 3
is determined for damped (77 K = 0.001s) and undamped cases
by first excluding and then including shear deformation ef-
fect. That is, the following four analyses were made:
1. Undamped Rayleigh beam analysis (no damping, no
shear effect)
2. Damped Rayleigh beam analysis (damping, but no shear
3. Undamped Timoshenko beam analysis (no damping,
but shear effect)
4. Damped Timoshenko beam analysis (both damping and
500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 shear effects)
-ft (rad/sec.I
.4 Normalized unbalance response - example 3, case (1) The results are plotted in Fig. 4. As can be seen from the
figure, the inclusion of internal damping has no effect on the
response, while %the inclusion of shear deformation effect
increases the peak amplitude about 2 percent and shifts the
spin speed of the maximum amplitude 0.7 percent. However,
the forward and backward critical whirl speeds are affected by
both shear deformations and internal damping (e.g., the shift
of the first forward critical speed due to just shear defor-
mations or just internal damping are about 0.5 percent and 1
percent, respectively).
Rayleigh Beam Theory Case (2). The same analyses were performed for the
(Undamped) second case, where the bearings are orthotropic causing
elliptical response orbits. The semimajor and semiminor axes
Timoshenko Beam Theory of the orbits obtained from undamped Rayleigh beam
(Damped, n_v =0.001 s) analysis and damped Timoshenko beam analysis for station 3
are plotted in Fig. 5. Study of the figure reveals that the
responses predicted by two analyses are totally different
around the critical speed. In order to investigate the factor
which causes such a substantial change in the unbalance
response, the results of the damped Rayleigh and undamped
Timoshenko beam analyses were compared with the afore-
mentioned response curves and it was found that the change is
due to the internal damping effect. The inclusion of shear
deformation effect causes an increase in the values of peak
amplitudes (along semimajor and semiminor axes) ranging
3500 from about 0.5 to 3.4 percent for undamped case, and 2.1 and
l\[ rad/sec) 5.6 percent for damped case. However, the shift of critical
Fig- 5 Normalized unbalance response - example 3, case (2) whirl speed due to shear deformation effect is about 0.5
percent for both cases. The response curves for no internal
damping are also found to be in close agreement with those
Example 3. The rotor bearing system analyzed by Nelson given in [16].
and Meacham [16] is used in order to investigate the combined
effect of shear deformations and internal damping on the
unbalance response. The system consists of two bearings, six Conclusion
different rotor elements and a concentrated disk. The rotor In this work a finite element simulation of a multibearing
bearing system itself and the stations used are depicted in Fig. rotor system is presented in which rotary inertia, gyroscopic
3. The configuration data are also given in Table 3. A density moment, axial force, internal hysteretic and viscous damping
of 7806 kg/m 3 and elastic modulus of 2.075x10" N/M 2 and shear deformation effects are included. Flexibility and
were used for the distributed rotor. The concentrated disk damping of bearings are considered by using constant
with a mass of 1.4 kg, polar mass moment of inertia 0.00203 bearing-coefficient matrices. A general computer program for
k g - m 2 and diametral mass moment of inertia 0.00136 k g - determining whirl speeds, corresponding mode shapes,
m2 is located at station 3. Each rotor element was divided into stability regions and unbalance response of a rotor bearing
several subelements yielding, in total, 18 finite elements and system is briefly described. The difficulties encountered in the
76 total degrees of freedom. application of numerical solution techniques are discussed
The unbalance response of the system for a disk mass center together with the improvements made. The program
eccentricity of 0.635 mm at station 3 was determined for two developed is quite general and can be used to analyze any
different sets of bearing properties: linear second order system with general mass, stiffness and

Journal of Vibration, Acoustics, Stress, and Reliability in Design JANUARY 1984, Vol. 106/77

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Table 3 Rotor configuration data the shaft changes during whirl). Therefore internal damping
Axial distance of the shaft plays an important role in the determination of
to subelement Inner radius Outer radius the unbalance response.
Element no. Subelement no. (cm) (cm) (cm) The results obtained from example 3 - case (2) also confirm
1 1 0.00 0.51 the explanations given for the contradiction between un-
2 1.27 1.02 balance response predictions and physical observations:
2 1 5.08 0.76 Although a single peak appears in practice in a typical un-
2 7.62 2.03 balance response curve, the computations yield two resonant
3 1 8.89 2.03 amplitude peaks, as the internal damping is neglected in
2 10.16 3.30 theoretical work [17]. When the effect of internal damping is
3 10.67 1.52 3.30 taken into consideration in the theoretical work (Fig. 5) the
4 11.43 1.78 2.54
5 12.70 2.54
peaks overlap to yield a single peak.
6 13.46 1.27 It can further be concluded from the examples given that
4 1 16.51 1.27 shear deformation effect is the same in both damped and
2 19.05 1.52 undamped analyses, as far as the shift of whirl speed is
5 1 22.86 1.52 concerned. The amount of shift is observed to be less than 1.5
2 26.67 1.27 percent for the examples studied. The combined effect of
6 1 28.70 1.27 shear and damping gains importance only in the unbalance
2 30.48 3.81 response of system with orthotropic bearings. While the
3 31.50 2.03 maximum increase in the value of peak amplitudes due to the
4 34.54 1.52 2.03 inclusion of shear deformation effect was less than 3.4 percent
for an undamped analysis, it reaches 5.6 percent for a damped
damping matrices. Highly banded property of the matrices case. The observation implies that neglecting shear defor-
made it possible to reduce the computational time by using mation effect in the dynamic analysis of rotor bearing systems
proper storage and solution techniques for banded matrices. with internal damping may result in considerable error.
Three numerical examples selected from literature are given The program developed is a valuable tool for the dynamic
to demonstrate firstly the accuracy of the program and analysis of rotor bearing systems. The major advantage of the
secondly the combined effect of including internal damping program is that it includes the effects of rotary inertia,
and shear deformations into the analysis. The comparisons gyroscopic, moment, axial load, shear deformation and
with the results of previous publications were made to internal damping and uses an improved solution technique
illustrate the accuracy of the model and of the solution which makes the predictions of the program more accurate
technique adopted for the following cases: than those of similar programs presented previously.
1. Whirl speeds and unbalance responses of rotor bearing
systems with no internal damping.
2. Whirl speeds and logarithmic decrements of internally References
damped rotor bearing systems by neglecting shear 1 Ruhl, R. L., "Dynamics of Distributed Parameter Rotor System:
deformation effects. Transfer Matrix and Finite Element Techniques," Ph.D dissertation, Cornell
University, 1970.
Very close agreement was obtained in all cases. In example 1, 2 Ruhl, R. L., and Booker, J. F., "A Finite Element Model for Distributed
Parameter Turborotor Systems," ASME Journal of Engineering for Industry,
natural frequencies of the system were compared with closed Feb. 1972, pp,128-132.
form solutions and less than 2 percent error was obtained. For 3 Thorkildsen, T., "Solution of a Distributed Mass and Unbalanced Rotor
the same example, predictions of Nelson [10] were within 5 System Using a Consistent Mass Matrix Approach," MSEEngineering Report,
percent of the closed form solutions. Whirl speeds and Arizona State University, June 1972.
4 Polk, S. R., "Finite Element Formulation and Solution of Flexible Rotor-
logarithmic decrements of the internally damped rotor Rigid Disk Systems for Natural Frequencies and Critical Whirl Speeds," MSE
bearing system of example 2 were found to be almost exactly Engineering Report, Arizona State University, May 1974.
the same as presented in [14]. Finally, the comparison of the 5 Diana, G., Massa, E., and Pizzigoni, "A Finite Element Method for
undamped response curves of Figs. 4 and 5 with the curves Computing Oil Whirl Instability of a Rotating Shaft Supported by Elastic
Bearings,"/. Mech. E., 1975, pp. 659-663.
given in [16] revealed that there is no considerable difference 6 Dimaragonas, A. D., "A General Method for Stability Analysis of
at and around peak amplitudes, while slight differences occur Rotating Shafts," Ingenieur-Archive, Vol. 44, H . l , 1975, pp. 9-20.
above the critical speeds. 7 Nelson, H. D., and McVaugh, J. M., "The Dynamics of Rotor-Bearing
The second set of comparisons was made to study the Systems Using Finite Elements," ASME Journal of Engineering for Industry,
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78 / Vol. 106, JANUARY 1984 Transactions of the ASME

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Bearing Systems Using Component Mode Synthesis," ASME Paper No.
81-GT-110. 77 = ^WVWKW]
17 Sternlicht, B.,,and Paul, L., "Vibration Problems With High-Speed
Turbomachinery," ASME Journal of Engineering for Industry, Vol. 90, Feb.
1968, pp. 174-186.
77 == \{Qe)TW%]W]

n = \^{qe}T[GeW)
The potential energy due to axial load dPl, translation
kinetic energy dTj, rotary kinetic energy dTj. and kinetic - P J Q lN;]T[N^ds
\KeA] ----
energy resulted from the gyroscopic moment dTg for the
differential rotor element shown in Fig. 1 can be expressed as
[MeT] =-- me\ lN,]T[N,]ds
dPl = --P[v')T{v')ds

[MR\ =- Ib\'Q[Nr]T[Nr]ds
dTt me{v\T[v)ds

[Ge] =-- Iep\0 [Nr]r[N][K]ds

dTr = -Iblw) : w}ds

drg = -IePQ{w)T[N\[w]ds
Transformation matrix [7VD]:
where P is the axial load on the beam element, me is the mass
per unit length of the rotor element, IeD and IeP are the [ND] =
diametral and polar moment of inertia of the cross section, fi
is the constant spin speed. ~0 -1 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
By introducing equations (1) and (2) into the foregoing 0 0 0 -1 0 0 0 0
equations, potential and kinetic energy terms for the element 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
can be found as 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0
0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
P$ = \w)T[KA]W} 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0

Journal of Vibration, Acoustics, Stress, and Reliability in Design JANUARY 1984, Vol. 106/79

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