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Options for the Recycling of Drill Cuttings

Article · March 2003

DOI: 10.2118/80583-MS


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5 authors, including:

Paul Page
BP plc


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SPE 80583

Options for the Recycling of Drill Cuttings

Paul W. Page, SPE, Chris Greaves, SPE, BP Exploration Co, Ltd; Rosey Lawson, Shell Expro; Sean Hayes, BMT Cordah
Ltd.; Fergus Boyle, Mott MacDonald.

Copyright 2003, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

levels. Contaminated cuttings are therefore returned to shore
This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE/EPA/DOE Exploration and Production uncleaned, for treatment and/or disposal.
Environmental Conference held in San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A., 10–12 March 2003.

This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following review of Operators, and their waste management contractors, are
information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents of the paper, as
presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to therefore faced with a considerable waste handling and
correction by the author(s). The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any
position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at disposal issue. Current estimates suggest of the order of
SPE meetings are subject to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper
50,000 tonnes of OBM cuttings are produced in the UKCS
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is annually. OBMs are essential in present practices for drilling
prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300
words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous certain sections of wells and in certain rock formations, and
acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O. there is little prospect that they can be phased out entirely.
Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836 U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435.
Re-injection appears practical in some 25% of well
developments however larger volumes of WBM may be
Abstract returned to shore as environmental aspirations increase.
It is estimated that the UKCS produces between 50,000 to
80,000 tonnes wet weight of oily drill cuttings annually. With There are several onshore operations providing a facility for
the implementation of OSPAR Decision 92, and given current reducing the oil content of OBM cuttings. The most common
offshore technology, it is no longer possible to discharge treatment technique used in the UK at present is indirect
cleaned oily cuttings to sea. Increasingly stringent legislation thermal desorption. This process removes oil and water from
also makes it likely that cuttings derived using water-based cuttings and has two objectives: 1) to bring the oil content
muds will not be discharged to sea in the future. under the Special Waste classification threshold, and 2) to
produce a more easily handled dry product.
Although several commercially available treatment processes
can remove oil from oil based mud (OBM) cuttings, there are There appears to be no developed, large-scale outlet for the
few satisfactory outlets for the residual solid material most of recycling of the treated material. Consequently, the bulk of
which currently goes to landfill. In light of the legislative treated cuttings are disposed of in landfill sites.
changes, increased focus on duty of care, and commercial
considerations, viable alternatives are being sought for the This paper addresses the management of cuttings from future
recycling and reuse of large volumes of material from future drilling operations in the UKCS from the perspective of
drilling programs. sustainable development, identifying options that are
commercially and technically feasible for recycling and/or
This paper examines possible options for converting drill disposal. The approach taken was holistic in that the life cycle
cuttings into reusable secondary products and discusses the of the “product” was considered, taking account of secondary
advantages and disadvantages of each option when considered products and emissions.
against the criteria of environmental impact, technical risk,
logistics, liability and cost. Examples of the research and Options were identified to either recycle drill cuttings either as
pilot trials currently being undertaken to assess the feasibility an addition to, or replacement for, a raw material that was
of these options is discussed, as well as work being carried out required for the manufacture of a product or material; or as a
to establish the variation in chemical composition of cuttings supplement to an existing feedstock of waste material, that
in the UKCS, since tolerance to the variation in the chemical was already being processed into a useful product. The term
characteristics of drill cuttings is a major issue for most of the “recycling” has been adopted, as the aim was to recycle drill
end uses. cuttings into the chain of utility rather than re-use the cuttings
as drill cuttings. Although the study looked at geographically
Introduction widespread solutions, there was a locational emphasis on the
Under present OSPAR legislation, oil based mud (OBM) Aberdeen area, where the majority of cuttings are brought
cuttings bearing more than 1% oil-on-cuttings by weight onshore.
cannot be discharged to sea. To date, technology cannot
provide cost-effective, large volume cleaning offshore to these

Waste Legislative Issues Relevant to the UKCS quantity and hazardous state of the waste and increasing the
Changes in legislation are resulting in drivers for waste amount of value recovered.
minimisation and recycling. Legislation also presents one of A key means of implementing the NWS (Scotland) is the
the most significant barriers, that of moving drill cuttings from production of eleven Area Waste Plans (AWPs) across
being classified as a waste to being classified as a product. Scotland. Local geographical, economic and social variations
The key aspects, summarized in Table 1, are discussed in more are to be taken into consideration within each of the eleven
detail below as they assist in forming a view about the AWPs to produce a sustainable and integrated waste
feasibility of recycling options. management approach for Scotland as a whole. The NWS
(Scotland) sets a waste hierarchy for the management of
Landfill Directive. The European Council Directive on the waste, which is illustrated below:
Landfill Directive (1999/31/EEC) was introduced to reduce In association with development of the NWS (Scotland),
the levels of biodegradable material being sent to landfill. The increased investment is being made into research and
Directive has introduced a requirement upon Member States to development of alternatives to disposal, including increased
reduce the amount of biodegradable municipal waste entering promotion of waste minimisation, identification of Best
landfill. The Directive aims to harmonise controls across the Practical Environmental Options (BPEO) for waste
European Union, focusing mainly on the design, operation and management and investment into recycling and composting. In
remediation of landfill sites. addition, SEPA has recently commissioned research into
The Directive is to be implemented in the UK through the certain priority waste streams including packaging waste and
development of national policies relating to sustainable waste agricultural waste.
management (National Waste Strategy) and in the first
instance is mainly applicable to biodegradable municipal Landfill Tax. Through provisions made within the Finance
waste. The Directive has set targets for reduction of Act 1996, the UK became more focused towards
biodegradable materials in landfill as a whole, however, and as environmentally friendly taxation, with the introduction of
such has implications for all UK businesses producing Landfill Tax Regulations 1996. The Regulations allow HM
biodegradable waste. Customs & Excise to levy a tax (Landfill Tax) on the disposal
The key focus of the Directive is to regulate waste being of waste to licensed landfill (unless exempt). Landfill Tax is
disposed to landfill, including: applied to the license holder for the landfill site, who then
applies the rate of tax to those depositing waste as part of
• In comparison with 1995 levels, the amount of landfill charges.
biodegradable waste disposed of to landfill must be Landfill Tax is charged per tonne and is currently set at
reduced by 25% by the year 2006, by 50% by 2009 and two levels:
by 65% by 2016. There is potential to extend these
targets by up to four years where member states disposed • Inactive (inert) wastes: £2 / tonne (includes rocks, soils,
of more than 80% of their municipal waste to landfill in ceramics, concrete, minerals, furnace slags, and ash).
1995. The targets are to be achieved in Scotland mainly • Standard rate (01/04/02 – 31/03/03): £13 / tonne (all other
through the National Waste Strategy, although it is waste unless exempt - includes dredgings from inland
anticipated that some form of corresponding national waterways and harbours, mining and quarrying waste, pet
legislation will accompany this; cemeteries, contaminated land remediation waste, landfill
• The Directive also imposes a ban on co-disposal of site restoration materials and quarry filling).
hazardous, non-hazardous and inert waste in the same
landfill. In addition, certain hazardous wastes, liquid In the 1999 Budget, the Government announced that it
wastes and tyres are banned from disposal completely; intends to raise the standard rate by £1 / tonne each year to
and 2004 subject to Parliamentary approval. The aim of the
• All waste must undergo some form of pre-treatment prior Landfill Tax is to reduce the volumes of waste being disposed
to disposal in order to reduce potential harm to the of to landfill, and to utilise waste higher up the waste
environment. hierarchy. Most untreated drill cuttings are classified as
special waste as described in Section 4.6.2, which attracts a
Under Article 3 of the Directive, a number of activities are higher disposal fee to reflect the higher level of landfill
exempted, including land spreading of sludges for soil engineering required for hazardous wastes.
improvement. Landfill costs are set to continue to rise with both increases
in Landfill Tax and costs associated with the requirements of
National Waste Strategies.The National Waste Strategy the Landfill Directive. As a result more onus is placed on
(NWS) for Scotland was published in 1999 and provides a waste producers to source alternative methods of waste
framework for the reduction of waste being sent to landfill and disposal, including recovery and recycling and incorporation
an increase in recovery and recycling. The Waste Strategy of waste minimisation as part of business thinking in order to
for England and Wales published in 2000 has similar improve resource use.
objectives of reducing the amount of waste sent to landfill.
Both Waste Strategies are intended to move the UK towards Aggregate Tax. The March 2000 Budget announced that an
more sustainable waste management practices, by reducing the Aggregates Levy would be introduced in April 2002. The

levy was legislated for in the Finance Act 2001, and received
Royal Assent on 11 May 2001. The ‘Aggregates Tax’ came Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Drill
into effect on 1 April 2002. Cuttings
The tax applies to primary aggregates, e.g. sand, gravel Drill cuttings are an inherently variable substance and there is
and rock, subjected to commercial exploitation in the UK. a lack of data on their characterisation. Although end uses
This includes aggregate dredged from the seabed within UK have been selected in order to be tolerant of variations in
territorial waters (12-mile limit). The tax will be charged at character, characterisation is still an important issue for most
£1.60 per tonne. Offshore cuttings are exempt from the tax, so of the end uses that have been identified in this study.
construction materials derived from untreated or treated Although UKOOA has published information about the
offshore cuttings will not be subject to this tax. nature of extant (historic) piles on the bed of the North Sea1,
however there is far less information about the characteristics
Criteria for evaluating whether a waste is being recycled. and condition of cuttings that are received onshore for
In developing options for re-use and recycling of wastes treatment and/or disposal.
materials, the extent to which the solution is considered by the
regulators to be ‘sham recovery’ needs to be considered. Amount of cuttings generated. The total amount of cuttings,
“Sham recovery” refers to a waste management practice in which has been discharged to the UKCS up to 2000, is
which the producer seeks to avoid the disposal costs by estimated to be approximately 2,000,000 tonnes2. This figure
‘recycling’ the waste inappropriately. represents those cuttings, which were discharged from multi-
The European Court of Justice has stated that a by-product well sites only, and approximately a further 5,000 to 6,000
or residual product does not constitute waste if it is destined single wells have also been drilled during that period. A
for direct re-use in a further process in its existing form and if figure of 2 mega-tonnes gives an annual mean of 57,000
the use of a residue as substitute or ingredient is as tonnes cuttings generated (based on over 35 years since UKCS
environmentally sound as the material it is replacing. This re- drilling began in 1969). Whilst this mass included water
use often occurs as an integral part of production processes. In based mud (WBM) cuttings and is certainly in excess of that
cases where the material cannot be directly used in the produced to date, it does, however, provide a historically
production process (i.e. needs to be further processed), it based likely maximum figure which is unlikely to be
should be considered waste. exceeded.
Similarly, the United Kingdom considers that production Current estimates indicate that the quantity of cuttings
residues, secondary raw materials and by-products used in currently landed annually is approximately 50,000 tonnes
industrial processes, do not constitute waste if they are not (exclusive of WBM cuttings) 3.
subjected to an operation associated with the recovery of Oil contaminated cuttings that are brought to shore from
waste. The UK Department of the Environment, for example, installations are either landed in skips, or in a bulk or slurrified
does not consider recyclable material as ‘waste’ if it is: form. The majority of cuttings (70% to 80% of the total mass
landed from the UKCS) are currently brought ashore in
• Material which is within the ‘commercial cycle or chain Aberdeen and Peterhead, with the remainder landed at
of utility’; Lerwick and Lowestoft.
• Material which can be put into immediate use without
going through a specialised waste recovery operation; or Physical Properties. Data describing the physical nature of
• Waste that has been processed to such a state that it can cuttings are rather limited, either in respect of those returned
be used as a raw material. to shore, or from those comprising extant piles. Much of the
• information that is available has been collected from grab and
Waste policy and interpretation. A key legal issue regarding core samples that have been collected from the surface, or the
the storage and re-use of cuttings is its classification as a shallow sub-surface, of cuttings piles. The data has been
waste, and this has been addressed by SEPA in some detail. collected as small-scale exercises designed to test the
Currently, the operators consign cuttings as waste when they composition of individual piles, either for decommissioning
are shipped to shore, and it is SEPA’s view that cuttings are programmes or for projected engineering work. During Phase
waste at the point of landing. Moreover, for waste-containing I of the UKOOA JIP, data describing the physical and
products to be classified as non-waste, waste materials must be chemical composition of cuttings piles was collated2.
directly comparable to the raw materials that they are Particle size. Drill cuttings from the North Sea typically
replacing. comprise sandstone and shale, and have a particle diameter
This could be a major issue for any recycling or range of 10 µm to 10 – 20mm4. This range compares with
reclamation project as recycled waste will often be of a samples collected from the cuttings pile at N W Hutton, which
different quality, and have different properties to, a raw had a particle size range of 13µm to over 500µm5.
material, even though the product may be of equivalent Density. An industry2 accepted figure for the specific
performance. gravity of cuttings on the seabed is 2.1 t/m3. Density
Linked with this issue is SEPA’s determination that if the measurements taken from samples collected from cuttings
material is consigned as waste, it cannot be unilaterally re- piles ranged from 1.3-2.0 t/m3 to 2.3-2.7 t/m3
entered into the chain of utility as a product; it must be The density of untreated OBM cuttings is typically around
subjected to 'complete' recovery. 1.65 t/m3. The density of treated cuttings varies from between

2.2 to 2.7 t/m3 depending on the ratio of mud to rock in the Metals. A wide range of metals can be present in cuttings
cuttings, and it is typically 2.4 t/m3. and generally originates as impurities in barites (barium
Shear strength. Shear strength measurements were sulphate). Barite is used for mud density control, to maintain
collected from the cuttings piles at four installations. Values hydrostatic pressure and to help to prevent borehole collapse.
ranged from less than 10kPa to 40kPa, similar to soft Metals which have been commonly found within cuttings piles
sediment2. (and so are likely to be present in non-discharged cuttings)
There appears to be no data that describes the shear include: arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, copper, iron,
strength of cuttings that have been retained for transport to manganese, mercury, nickel, lead, selenium, tin, vanadium and
shore. Shear strength will vary depending on the amount of zinc2.
water added to slurrify the drill cuttings. Iron could be present in circumstances where haematite
Water content. Several types of WBM will be used during has been used as the weighting agent.
the drilling as depth drilled increases. WBM types vary, from Metals will also be present from the rock matrix that has
the most simple spud mud composed of seawater and been drilled.
bentonite, to more complex formulations that include barite, Drill Cuttings Sulphates. Barite, as barium sulphate, is a
fluid loss additives, viscosifiers etc. The proportion of water major constituent of drill cuttings, because of its use as a
present will decrease as the amount of other additives weighting agent in drilling muds. This is not expected to
increases. Water is also present in OBM formulations. With create a significant concern, as it has been assessed as being a
OBMs, the organic phase is emulsified in water, which can very stable mineral, i.e. the sulphate is not free to react or
account for over 10% by volume, and brines can account for leach out2. Given the importance of this issue in re-use
10% to 50%. Any chemicals that are added to the mud are options, and uncertainty about the behaviour of barium
firstly dissolved in water before the being mixed with the oil sulphate in treatment and end use environments, it may be
fraction, and this may represent a further source of water in necessary to improve the level of knowledge regarding the
OBM. availability of sulphates.
Within five cuttings piles in the UKCS the water content Sulphates may also be present in drill cuttings through the
ranged from 14% to 70%, with most being in the range 14% to use of seawater for mud formulation, or through their presence
35%2. in other mud additives.
Handling. Untreated drill cuttings are thixotropic in Mineralogy. The rock portion of drill cuttings is composed
nature, have abrasive properties, have a tendency to settle mainly of claystone, sandstone, siltstone, limestone mudstone
during transport, and are cohesive during pumping. This and shale, depending on the lithology being drilled. The most
makes untreated drill cuttings difficult to handle. Drill common of these is claystone.
cuttings are often handled in skips, each holding around 4 Fifteen minerals were detected in cuttings from Beryl A
tonnes of cuttings. Untreated cuttings are sometimes and from Ekofisk 2/4 A6. Of these quartz and barite accounted
slurrified, by the addition of water, to improve pumping for the greatest proportion.
performance and slurrified cuttings may be shipped to shore in BP has recently initiated a sampling program to establish
bulk. the variation of cuttings composition as a function of well
Treated drill cuttings are more easily transported as a dry depth and geographic location in the North Sea. Table 2
powder although cuttings generated onshore are generally compares the bulk oxide analyses of samples from the Beryl
‘damped’ with water at a rate of between 5 and 10% by and Ecofisk cuttings piles with that of a bulk composite
volume to reduce dust nuisance. sample of drill cuttings recently generated and collected from
a BP well drilled in the central North Sea.
Chemical properties of drill cuttings
Salts. Inorganic salts are added to mud formulations to Oil content and types. Oil constitutes up to 50% of the
prevent the migration of salt from exposed rock formations in volume of an (un-discharged) OBM (or up to approximately
the well, and to inhibit shale swelling and hydration. Salts 40% by weight) and the amount present will be a factor of the
used include calcium chloride, magnesium chloride, potassium amount of mud adhering to the cuttings.
chloride and sodium chloride. Where OBM has been used, there will be present varying
Brines added to OBMs can account for 10% to 50% of an amounts of polycyclic aromatic compounds (PAHs). Whilst
OBM by volume. They are emulsified in the oil phase and are low-tox OBM contain reduced quantities of the low molecular
used to reduce reactions between the drilling fluid and clays weight aromatic compounds naphthalene, phenanthrene and
and salts in the formation. Brines also increase the density of dibenzothiophene compared with the earlier diesel muds, these
the OBM and the emulsion will have a higher viscosity than are still present in relatively high concentrations. In addition
oil or water. The most commonly used salt in brines is CaCl2, to these components, a number of other PAHs will also be
which can account for over 30% of the weight of the brine. present, as will various longer chained compounds.
Halides. Halides contained in drill cuttings are most likely Total PAH compounds in the pile at Beryl A and Ekofisk
to have originated in the drilling mud, which coats the rock. 2/4 A were present in concentrations up to 20,000 and 3,000
Salts used in the formulation of drilling mud include ng.g-1, respectively. It is likely that similar concentrations
potassium chloride and calcium chloride. Water based drilling would be present in cuttings that were transported to shore for
muds can also contain seawater, which contains additional treatment.
halides. Halides may represent as much as 5% of a mud Most OBMs used today are low-tox OBMs, and it is
formulation. unlikely that SBMs, which composed of non-mineral oils such

as esters and olefins, would be present on cuttings that have understand the main influences, rather than to arrive at
been contained and taken to shore. accurate absolute figures for a particular option. The key
The oil content of raw untreated cuttings will vary depending assumptions are as follows:
upon the proposed transportation method. Current estimates • The boundary for this analysis has been taken as
are that cuttings transported by the bulk transfer will have oil beginning at the point of landing of the drill cuttings on
on cuttings (OCC) content of up to 20%. Other methods of the quay and ending at the point where the drill cuttings
transfer such as ship and skip, return cuttings with an OCC replace a primary material;
generally between 10 and 15%. • Where oil is removed, it is assumed that this is done by
thermal desorption, and it is assumed that the recovered
Identification of Options for the Recycling or oil is sent for combustion to a power station with a
Disposal of Cuttings Onshore recovered fuel oil (RFO) consent;
The initial review generated a list of 95 possible recycling and • Where the oil content is used for energy, this is taken as a
disposal options. Examination showed that these could be gain of energy, with the degree of gain dependent on the
grouped into the following ten categories: efficiency of the energy recovery process. This is a
simplified approach compared with trying to calculate the
- Materials/waste improvers use of resources that would otherwise be required to
- Fuel generate the same amount of energy at point of
- Additives/blends consumption;
- Agriculture/landscaping • Where the solid fraction of the cuttings is used as a
- Asphalt/bitumen products material, the proper protocol would be to subtract the
- Concrete/cement products energy that would otherwise be used to extract and
- Hydraulic engineering process the replaced raw material. This has not been done
- Aggregates due to a lack of data and a perception that the embodied
- Grouts energy in simple aggregates is low, reflected in their low
- Consumer products price;
• The calculations include the energy used in treatment
Evaluation Criteria. The advantages and disadvantages of processes at point of consumption and the embodied
each option were then considered against the general energy of the principal materials used in treatment; and
evaluation criteria of environmental impact, technical • To arrive at distances for transport, the geographical
considerations, commercial feasibility, logistics, and product assumption is that drill cuttings are landed at Aberdeen.
liability (see Table 3).
The assumptions are summarised in Table 4.
Screening for Feasible Options. In order to establish the It should be noted that the analysis does not include ship
most environmentally sustainable and commercially feasible transportation from the point of drilling to the point of landing,
options, each was screened against the tests shown in Figure 1. or ship transportation from the point of landing to the point of
This screening stage reduced the option list from ninety-five to treatment (which in practice are not always at the same port).
sixteen, some of which can be considered as grouped options. The energy consumption of marine vessels can have a
The following options were considered most feasible: significant effect on overall energy consumption.
Results of Analysis. The results are summarised in Figure
• Estuarine Restoration; 2.
• Cement; Conclusions for OBM Drill Cuttings
• Land Reclamation and Landscaping; • Energy recovery from the oil fraction is a major factor. In
• Road Pavements, Bitumen and Asphalt; general, waste oils in the UK (including recovered drilling
• Fuel and PFA; oils) are burnt at power stations, cement kilns, road-stone
• Pipeline Bedding and Bulk fill; heaters and small garage heaters7.
• Roof Tiles; • The efficiency assumptions make a significant difference
• Pipeline Coating; to the energy calculations; i.e. a relatively high efficiency
• Concrete Block and Ready-mix concrete; and will show a marked advantage. This favours options with
• Path Construction. the most efficient re-use of the oil. This is a slightly
simplified, but similar, approach compared with
It should be noted that some of the options discarded in the estimating the amount of primary energy offset by the oil.
screening process might prove viable depending on the level • Use as a local fuel, utilising heat, has the best energy
of investment and effort taken to overcome environmental performance, followed by use in a cement kiln and co-
concerns and to stimulate commercial demand. incineration with coal and recycling of the resulting PFA.
Long distances to power stations that hold the relevant
Energy Analysis consents erode the benefits of co-incineration. Local
Basis of Analysis. Energy calculations were undertaken on power stations would perform better; alternatively landing
the short-listed options. The aim was to gain an understanding the drill cuttings nearer to the power station would
of the relative energy requirements of different options and to improve the net energy for road transportation, although

this may require longer ship transportation. indication the future anticipated gate fee for recovered fuel oil
• Use in a coal-fired power station and re-use of PFA has is £20 per tonne paid to the kiln operator7.
the potential to offset the use of cement elsewhere as PFA Implementation of the Waste Incineration Directive at the
is often used as a cement substitute. Given the difficulty end of 2005 may increase competition for kiln space with a
of estimating the links in this chain, this offset was not consequential increase in gate fee charged.
calculated. It would however improve the performance of There is a reasonable spread of kilns throughout the UK
the coal-fired power station option. Conversely, it is mainland however there are none in the North East of Scotland
believed that not all PFA is re-used, although it has not therefore cuttings would either have to be diverted by sea or
been possible to confirm this. Use in a coal-fired power by road to existing kilns. Dunbar, operated by Lafarge, is the
station with PFA production may therefore incur a waste nearest kiln to Aberdeen and has a maximum cement capacity
disposal penalty and therefore each power station would of 485,000 tonnes per annum..
have to be looked at on a case-by-case basis. Discussion with kiln operators, on completion of
• Options involving stabilisation with cement or PFA are characterisation studies, is required to move forward with this
disadvantaged by the embodied energy of cement, option. A series of trial burns with emissions monitoring and
transportation of the additives and increased bulk for concrete testing would be required to satisfy the regulator
disposal. (SEPA or EA) and to assess the impact on cement quality.
• Onshore transportation becomes influential when
distances reach hundreds of miles. Centralised facilities Use in Road Pavements, Bitumen and Asphalt
may therefore be justified. The production of bituminous pavements incorporating
• If energy is not recovered from the oil, concrete blocks drill cuttings is at concept stage.
and ready-mix perform the best by a small margin over This recycling option may require oil and/or salt removal.
pipeline bedding/sub-base and road pavement uses. A programme of testing is required to determine leachability
of salts and pavement performance properties.
Conclusions for WBM Cuttings Treated cuttings, in particular PFA/lime treated material,
• For WBM, transport is a significant factor and local have potential for use in several highway applications. For
solutions should be found. road structures the quality, in terms of durability and bearing
• Concrete blocks and ready-mix perform the best by a capacity, of each of the pavement layers increases from the
small margin over road pavement uses. bottom upwards i.e. the specification requirements for any
given layer are always higher than those of the layer
• The embodied energy of cement, transportation of the
immediately beneath it. The scope for using drill cuttings as
additives and increased bulk for disposal disadvantage
replacements for naturally occurring materials decreases as the
options involving stabilisation with cement or PFA.
specification requirements for the respective layers increases.
• These conclusions would be similar for cuttings that had
The main barrier is the potential for leaching of sulphates
received oil removal by offshore treatment.
and/or chlorides from the drill cuttings. Treatment techniques
that reduce this risk may be used to produce treated material
Preferred Options. Four options were identified as strong
suitable for use.
candidates for application in the UKCS
There is also the possibility that untreated material could
be used as a landfill capping or in landfill construction
Use in Cement Manufacture
materials such as bottom liners, side liners, structural walls
The process of cement manufacture consists of grinding
and bases and roads. Within landfill sites, where leachates are
the raw materials (clay, limestone and marl), mixing them
contained and quality standards are more focussed, it is likely
intimately in certain proportions and burning in a large rotary
to be easier for cuttings to meet the performance requirements.
kiln at temperatures up to approximately 1450°C when the
In addition, provided the material is retained with the landfill
material sinters and partially fuses into balls known as clinker.
and with sufficient leachate management in place, the
The clinker is cooled and ground to a fine powder, with some
regulator (SEPA or EA) may be less concerned about these
gypsum added, and the resulting product is commercial
recycling options.
Portland cement.
Foundry sand has been used in trials in asphalt, and it was
The co-combustion of drill cuttings in cement kilns is at
noted that the clay content reduces bitumen bleed from the
concept stage for the UKCS although it has been used
mix8. Bentonite clay forms a significant component of drill
elsewhere including Austria and Baku.
cuttings and may display similar beneficial characteristics.
This option is suitable for untreated oily cuttings, taking
advantage of the oil content of OBMs as a fuel.
Use as Fuel and PFA
Cement is a highly specified material and the variable
Oily drill cuttings have a thermal value similar to low-
nature of drill cuttings is likely to limit the throughput before
grade coal.
affecting cement quality.
Two fuel options have been selected:
With the closure of a number of special waste incinerators
• Co-combustion in a coal fired power station with
coupled with the implementation of the Landfill Directive, the
recycling of ash as PFA;
cement industry has recognised the value of its assets in the
provision of a waste disposal service and drill cuttings will be • Combustion or co-combustion at a local level with heat
in competition with other wastes for kiln capacity. As an recovery and beneficial recycling of residue.

incorporation of OBM cuttings samples. These broke down

Co-Combustion in a Coal Fired Power Station into finer particles during and after mixing, and, in mortar,
In England and Wales there are 16 coal-fired power levels of about 5% by volume lead to a complete loss of
stations six of which are already authorised to burn recovered workability within 10 to 20 minutes of the start of mixing. In
fuel oil 7. concrete, levels of 1.25 – 2.5 % by weight of OBM cuttings
BP recently initiated a successful trial burn of oily drill just maintained acceptable levels of workability for 30-40
cuttings at a coal-fired power station in Nottinghamshire, minutes after mixing, when assisted by a superplasticizer.
which was successful. These addition levels were therefore the limits for acceptable
An advantage to use of coal fuel power stations is that the behaviour.
secondary “waste” has an established recycling route in the Cuttings at the above concentrations lead to a strength
form of PFA. reduction in the mortar of 20-30% at 28 days, and in the
Potential problems include contamination of the PFA and concrete of 10-20%.
the loss of the route as emission standards are tightened with At the above concentrations, no component of the mud or
the implementation in 2006 of the Waste Incineration cuttings is likely to have any long term the deleterious effects
Directive. on the concrete or steel embedded in it, but no data is yet
There are two major coal fired power stations in Scotland, available on the likely leaching rates from the concrete to the
Longannet and Cockenzie. Longannet has already been surrounding environment.
partially converted to accept waste derived fuel in the form of Research into the recycling of drill cuttings in concrete is
dried sewage sludge. also ongoing at the University of Dundee and Cordah
Cockenzie is used as a peak lopping generating provider Research.
only, therefore storage may be an issue. Both power stations Granulation may be required as a pretreatment so that
are reasonably accessible by sea. encapsulation in concrete may sit downstream of a local
energy recovery project if it can produce vitrified material of a
Combustion in Local Energy Recovery Scheme suitable size and strength.
The use of municipal and industrial waste to provide Cement manufacturer Lafarge is already in discussion with
energy for power or district heating is an established practice the oil and gas industry regarding use of its Accelerated
in Norway and in Shetland. The recovery of heat provides Carbonation Technology system, which uses cement as a
efficient energy recovery. binding agent. The resulting material is reported to be suitable
Industrial combined heat and power (CHP) is often as an aggregate replacement.
regarded as the Best Available Technique (BAT) for disposal There is a large market for concrete with a variety of end uses
of wastes for PPC installations, for example paper mill waste. and differing levels of specification. Concrete production is
The residual waste produced is similar to vitrified glass found locally in most areas of the UK.
cullet for which there are established recycling markets.
There may be local opposition to establishment of these Conclusions
facilities if they are associated with incineration of hazardous From an initial list of almost 100 potential recycling
materials. options, the preferred solutions identified in this study are:
• Use in Cement Manufacture
Use in Concrete Blocks and Ready-mix • Use in Road Pavements, Bitumen and Asphalt
Potential corrosion of reinforcement arising from high • Use as Fuel and PFA
concentrations of chlorides limits the use of unwashed drill • Use in Concrete Blocks and Ready-mix
cuttings in reinforced concrete, but it may still be used in mass Outlets that involve disposal to land are strongly
(un-reinforced) concrete. The categories of concrete viewed discouraged due to real or perceived issues regarding food
as most promising were use in pre-cast concrete blocks and in chain contamination and exposure. Fuel and civil engineering
ready-mix mass concrete. The main properties required for outlets appear to be the most promising and easiest to deliver,
structural concrete are covered in several standards including because of a mixture of bulk, throughput, consistent market
BS 5328, BS EN 8500 and BS EN 206. The option is at and standardised products allowing access to a wide market.
laboratory and pilot trial stage. For OBM cuttings, the energy balance is dominated by the
BP commissioned University College London to carry out potential for heat recovery from the oil, regardless of the fate
some preliminary tests to assess the fresh and hardened of the solids. For WBM cuttings, there is a slight energy
properties of mortar and concrete mixes containing oil based preference for use in concrete, although uses in asphalt and
mud and oil based mud cuttings. aggregate uses are similar. It is likely that balancing of the raw
In the experimental work, the mud alone was found to or treated material will be necessary to overcome extremes in
cause significant reduction of workability and strength of both quality and quantity.
mortar and concrete, but not prohibitively so. The reductions Washing is a requirement for many civil engineering
in workability could be restored using a superplasticizer, and applications, in particular to remove sulphates, chlorides and
the strength reduction was up to 50% in a mortar containing (for aggregate) soluble metals. Treatment and disposal of salt-
10% mud by weight of fine aggregate, but only about 20 % in containing wash-water should be investigated further, for
the equivalent concrete. example it may be possible to discharge to sea.
More severe, and potentially prohibitive, effects on
workability of both mortar and concrete were obtained with

Oil removal is a requirement for several civil engineering

applications. The most appropriate direct recycle option of References
OBM drill cuttings is therefore as fuel or in certain concrete 1. UKOOA, Joint Industry Project relating to the Disposal of
products. The energy balance, however, indicates that oil Extant Cuttings Piles on the Seabed, 2002.
removal is justified if energy is recovered from the oil, 2. Cordah Research, Options for the Reuse of Drill Cuttings, 1999.
consequently options for the recycling of treated cuttings are 3. Cordah Research, The use of oily wastes in civil engineering
applications – Report on Work Package 2 Characterisation of
still viable. North Sea oil and gas exploration and production wastes,
Fuel use is most beneficial either at a coal-fired power forthcoming, 2002.
station, because ash is recycled as PFA, or in a combined heat 4. McFarlene, K. and Nguyen, V.T., “The deposition of drill
and power plant, because it is more efficient, although ash cuttings on the seabed”, paper SPE 23372, 1991.
may go to landfill. 5. AURIS Ltd “An assessment of the environmental impacts of
Uses in landfill sites, where leachates are contained and decommissioning options for oil and gas installations in the
quality standards are more focussed, are more quality-tolerant UK North Sea” for UKOOA”. OPF 94/06, 1995.
than public infrastructure or product uses. 6. Cripps, S.J., Picken, G., Aabel, J.P., Andersen, O.K, Heyworth,
Granulation may be necessary to improve the range of civil C., Jakobbsen, M., Kristiansen, R., Marken, C., Paulsen, J.E.,
Shaw, D., Annand, A., Jacobsen, T.G., and Henriksen, I.B.,
engineering uses. “Disposal of Oil-Based Cuttings”, AKA Rogaland Report,
Stabilisation solutions, such as with PFA or cement, have 1997/1998.
significant advantages in terms of commercial backing, 7. DETR, Waste Oils Market Study, Oakdene and Hollins, 2001
research momentum and potential market size, but have a poor 8. DETR, Research Contract MP0623, Digest nr 0627, 1999
energy balance and increase bulk.

The authors would like to thank the management of BP
Exploration and Shell Expro for permission to publish this

Table 1. Key legislation and issues informing options for re-use and/or disposal of cuttings onshore in the UK.

Legislation or Issue Key Issue

Landfill Directive Ban on liquid waste July 2002; Stricter standards resulting in higher costs.
National Waste Strategies Introduces concept of “Waste Hierarchy- Reduce, re-use, recycle, recover,
dispose. Increases producer responsibility for waste.
Landfill Tax Increasing disposal cost acts to incentivise waste reduction.
Aggregate Tax Promotes recycling of waste as aggregate.
“Sham Recovery” Regulator (EA, SEPA) consideration of “time” of recycling.
Waste Policy & Interpretation Special Wastes : 0.1% hazardous material.
Controlled Waste: Drill cuttings classified as controlled waste.
Re-Use on Land: Specific criteria apply.

Table 2 Bulk oxide analyses of drill cuttings samples

Central North Sea Beryl field cuttings pile6 Ekofisk field cuttings pile6
well (composite
Component Technique Unit
Sample 1,220m -

Average Low High Average Low High

Al2O3 RFA - XRF % DS 12.54 3.79 1.38 7.04 6.95 2.99 14.15
CaO RFA - XRF % DS 2.53 6.98 1.55 33.05 4.33 0.64 16.92
Fe2O3 RFA - XRF % DS 6.53 4.38 0.88 6.81 4.02 0.01 6.37
SiO2 RFA - XRF % DS 44.43 35.34 86.97 18.29 54.98 25.26 89.46

K2O RFA - XRF % DS 2.01 0.89 0.19 1.44 1.38 0.43 2.29
MgO RFA - XRF % DS 1.59 1.16 0.33 2.56 2.15 0.29 11.94
MnO RFA - XRF % DS 0.22 0.11 0.01 0.20 0.15 0.01 0.39
Na2O RFA - XRF % DS 1.12 0.80 0.38 1.41 1.07 0.65 1.57
SrO RFA - XRF % DS 0.14
TiO2 RFA - XRF % DS 0.61 0.16 0.10 0.24 0.34 0.13 1.57
P2O5 RFA - XRF % DS 0.16 0.10 0.02 0.18 0.07 0.01 0.12
BaO XRF % 6.49 20.96 0.05 33.22
BaSO4 XRF % 9.59 0.03 37.25
Cl XRF % 0.67 0.88 0.5 1.36 0.92 0.43 2.35

Table 3. Criteria used to evaluate “long list” of potential recycling options

Criterion Test
Environmental impact Human exposure
Net energy consumption
Process emissions
End use emissions
End of life fate
Technical considerations Development stage
Oil removal required
Salts removal required
Granulation required
Commercial feasibility
Competing supply
Market acceptability
Oil and Gas industry influence
Cost to market
Product value
Logistics Handling difficulty
Distance to recycle
Steps in supply chain
Storage requirement
Product liability (and licensing) Licensing complexity
Product liability

Table 4. : Assumptions used in Energy Calculations

Aspect Quantity Units Reference

General Data
Mass of OBM cuttings per skip 4.6 Tonnes
Mass of skip itself 2 Tonnes
Density of untreated cuttings 1.65 t/m3 Review of PON15s1
Density of treated cuttings 2.65 t/m3 Review of PON15s
Ratio of solids in cuttings 43% Calculated from review of PON15s
Average oil content (by mass) 30% Review of PON15s
Recovery rate by desorption 99% Estimate
Number of OBM cuttings skips per lorry 3 skips per lorry Based on 44t gross vehicle weight
Capacity of recovered oil road tanker 18.6 tonnes per trip 22m3 @ 0.8461t/m3
Energy Recovery from oil
Energy content of recovered oil 44 GJ/tonne Cripps et al (1998)6
Efficiency from power generation 30% Dependent on plant1
Efficiency from combined heat and power 40% Estimated
Thermal Desorption
Diesel required to heat process 1.20 GJ/tonne cuttings UKOOA (2002)1
Ratio mass cuttings treated/untreated 43% Estimate based on relative density change
Washing process 0.018 GJ/tonne Based on data from TSI pilot plant
Mechanical mixing with PFA 0.0068 GJ/tonne 20% dose, 20 m3/hr backhoe
Transportation and Handling
Fuel consumption of road vehicles 7 Mpg Cripps et al (1998)6
Energy consumption in moving waste 0.024 GJ per mile Cripps et al (1998)6
Loading/unloading 0.037 GJ per tonne UKOOA, 20021
Loading/unloading 0.5 GJ/tonne
Fuel consumption backhoe 2 gal/hr
Energy consumption backhoe 0.34 GJ per hr
Mechanical mixing 0.0068 GJ/tonne Equivalent to 20 m3/hr backhoe
Rate of addition of PFA 50% of mass cuttings Estimate as 1:2 mix ratio
Embodied energy PFA 0 GJ/tonne Assume zero as PFA is a by-product
Rate of addition of cement 25% of mass cuttings Estimate as 1:4 mix ratio
Embodied energy cement 6 GJ/tonne Range 4.3-7.8 GL/t
Distances Travelled
WBM cuttings to aggregates reuse centre 20 Miles E.g. Peterhead - Aberdeen
WBM cuttings to a highways reuse centre 20 Miles ditto
WBM cuttings to concrete products centre 20 Miles ditto
OBM cuttings to aggregates reuse centre 50 Miles Assumed higher due to treatment required
OBM cuttings to a highways reuse centre 50 Miles ditto
OBM cuttings to concrete products centre 50 Miles ditto
To an embankment application 150 Miles Estimate; opportunistic
To a power station with a RFO consent 400 Miles E.g. Aberdeen to Nottinghamshire
Recovered oil to a power station with a RFO 400 Miles E.g. Aberdeen to Nottinghamshire
PFA transport for embankment 100 Miles E.g. Longannet to Grampian

Human Exposure Reject


Net Energy and High, High

Environmental Reject
Process Emissions

Low, Medium
Low, Medium

End of Life Destination Reject

Re-Use or

Commercial Low
Demand Reject

Medium, High

Options for More Detailed


Figure 1. Screening for Feasible Options



Net Energy Consumption GJ/1000 tonnes



removal+PFA stabilisation)

Pipeline coating

Concrete Blocks and

Pipeline Bedding and sub-
Road Pavements

Roof Tiles

Landscaping (cement

Local fuel and cullet

Coal-fired Fuel and PFA

Landscaping (oil





Cement kiln Cement has high Transport Thermally

recovers energy embodied energy relatively high. desorbed oil is Relatively high
and end product and increases Efficiency slightly reused for energy transport to
is created mass. Transport lower than local gain. Salts are specialist factory
immediately relatively high. heat or cement washed out.

Thermally desorbed oil Thermally desorbed Incineration or pyrolysis Thermally desorbed oil
Relatively high
is reused for energy oil is reused for assumed with efficient is reused for energy
transport to
gain. PFA increases energy gain. Salts combined heat & gain. Salts are bound
specialist factory
bulk & transport. are bound in bitumen power, low transport in concrete matrix

Net Energy Consumption GJ/1000 tonnes

(equivalent to offshore-treated cuttings)




Bedding and

Pipeline coating

Blocks and

Roof Tiles





Cement has high Thermally desorbed Little treatment

Little treatment Relatively high
PFA increases embodied energy oil reused for required,
required, Washing transport to
bulk & and increases energy gain. Salts contaminants
contaminants required specialist
transport. mass. Transport are bound in bound in
bound in bitumen factory
relatively high. concrete matrix concrete

Figure 2. Summary of Energy Balance Analysis for OBM cuttings (upper fig.) and WBM cuttings (lower fig.)

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