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Lindberg Case Study Directions

4 - 5 pages
Time New Roman Font
Double Spaced

Paper is due no later than February 8, 2020.

Please submit via email to

You can submit a Word or Goggle document (no pdf files).

Please remember to save the file with your name and Lindbergh Case Study.
For example: Jones,LindbergCase.doc

I will be grade based on the rubric below.

No slang. No abbreviations.


You can approach the case paper one of two ways. You can either follow the format of the
outline that is posted (which we used for the discussion) and separate your paper first by the
problems and then solutions OR you can identify a problem and go right into a solution for that
problem. Do your best to identify both problems from Maggie’s perspective and your
perspective. I should see at least 4-5 problems identified and at least 4-5 solutions.

Remember, you must provide a detail from the case to support any problem you identify and all
problems and solutions must be identified in terms of Skinner’s theory. Anything “general” does
not earn any points.

Regarding Citations. You do not need to cite anything unless you use a direct quote from the
case then use (Lindberg, Case Study). And of course if you reference anything outside of the
case, our text or lecture notes, then you need to cite that (using APA).


Teacher’s perspective of problems as related to principles: /25 Points

Details from case to support identification of problems / 5 Points

Your perspective of problems as related to principles: /25 Points

Details from case to support identification of problems / 5 Points

Educational Psychology Solutions to identified problems /20 Points

Grammar/Writing /20 Points

Total: /100 Points

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