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Chines° Numerology

A personal reading prepared for:

lydia fraternale seraghiti

March 23, 1966

This book is fully personalized to your date of birth, and as such I can't give you exact page
numbers for the start of each chapter. However this what you will find in the following pages:

The Lo Shu Grid
Your Lo Shu Grid
The Missing Numbers in Your Chart
Arrows of Strength and Weakness
Your Inclusion Chart
Exploring the Future
Your Life Path Number
Your Day of Birth
Numerology in the East
The Ki
Meanings of the Numbers
The Nine Houses

The material is presented in a way that is meant to be read in sequence, I start by explaining
the history and importance of each element in Chinese Numerology and then show you how it
applies to your life using the letters and numbers you were born with.

By the end of this book you'll have the knowledge and skills to do some basic readings and
analysis on your friends and family, the important people in your life, be sure to double check
your calculations and keep coming back here to reference important points and the examples
given throughout the book.

With that being said, let's begin...

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