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For this assignment, you will view the video about “Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory” (Davidson, 2003). Complete this Bandura’s
Social Cognitive Theory Video Notes document. You must answer each question using complete sentences and following current
APA format. For the final question, you will construct at least one solid paragraph of at least 400 words in answer to the question. You
must use at least 1 scholarly source in your paragraphs.
You must write complete sentences and follow current APA guidelines. You can cite direct quotes from the video as follows:
(Davidson, 2003). You can see how to complete the reference for the video at the end of these instructions.

Those with high self-efficacy are more likely to approach obstacles as

“challenges to be mastered rather than threats to be avoided” (Bandura, 1997, p. 39).
Submit this assignment by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday of Module/Week 3.


Describe what triadic Triatic reciprocal causation is described as reciprocal interactions among behaviors, environmental
reciprocal causation is. variables, and personal factors such as cognitions (Slavin & Sschunk, 2018, p 95). These interacting
determinants can be illustrated using perceived self-efficacy, or beliefs concerning one’s capabilities to
organize and implement actions necessary to learn or perform behaviors at designated levels (Slavin &
Schunk, 2018, pp 95-96). Bandura examples a group of people crossing a crosswalk at a red light if a
well-dressed person did. On the other hand, that same group would not cross at the red light if that man
was dressed in shaggy clothes.

How is triadic reciprocal Triadic reciprocal causation of social cognitive theory differs than earlier behavioral learning theories
causation of social cognitive because Bandura theorizes that self-development, adaptation, and change occur through an interplay of
theory different than earlier personal, behavioral, and environmental influence (Davidson, 2003). Other theorist, such as Sigmund
behavioral learning Freud, believe that the causes of behavior reside in the person. He believed that behavior was driven by
theories? unconscious impulses and complexes within the individual.

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Name and describe the 4 There are four processes of observational learning: attention, symbolic representation, transformation to
processes of observational action, and motivational incentive. First, people must pay attention to the modeled events and pick up the
learning. significant aspects (Davidson, 2003). Secondly, observers must translate what they see into a conception
of it to remember it (Davidson, 2003). Then, the observer conveys the conception into appropriate course
of action (Davidson, 2003). Finally, incentives are involved. People need to be motivated to put into
practice what they have learned observationally (Davidson, 2003).

Describe 4 effects of Four effects of televised aggression according to Bandura include: it teaches aggressive styles of
viewing televised behavior; it weakens restrains over aggression; it desensitizes and habituates viewers to human cruelty;
aggression according to and, it shapes viewers’ images of reality (Davidson, 2003)

Define self-efficacy. Self-efficacy is a person’s belief in their ability to produce desired results by their own actions (Davidson.

Name and describe the 4 According to Bandura, there are four major ways that one can develop a strong sense of self-efficacy and
major ways that one can they are: mastery, social modeling, social persuasion, and managing one's physical and emotional states.
develop a strong sense of The most effective is mastery where successors build a robust belief in one’s efficacy as it requires
self-efficacy as presented in overcoming obstacles (Davidson, 2003). Social modeling is described as when people seeing others like
the video by Bandura. themselves succeed by sustained effort, they come to believe that they too have what it takes to succeed
(Davidson, 2003). Next is social persuasion. If people are persuaded that they have what it takes to
succeed, they exert more effort and avoid focusing on their doubts when problems arise (Davidson, 2003).
The final way one can develop a strong sense of self-efficacy is by reading their own emotional and
physical states correctly in order to judge their capabilities (Davidson, 2003). Learning how to manage
one’s negative physical and emotional states enables people to effectively achieve their goals (Davidson,
How does self-efficacy Self-efficacy is a judgement of capability, while self-esteem is a judgement of self-worth (Davidson,
differ from self-esteem? 2003).
Name and describe 4 effects Efficacy beliefs influence whether people think optimistically or pessimistically by regulating four major
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of efficacy beliefs. processes: cognitively, believing that through hard work success is a given; motivationally, succeed an
effort despite the obstacles; emotionally, believing that coping with the stressors of everyday life enables
one to manage them; and decisional, choices people make at turning points in their lives (Davidson,
Share at least 2 “Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the
verses/passages regarding Lord” (Ephesians 6:4, English Standard Version).
being a good example
and/or role model to others. ‘Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity”
Share the verse in quotes, (Titus 2:7, English Standard Version).
followed by the citation.
Share an example from Moses was a great example of self-efficacy in my opinion. Moses was just an ordinary Hebrew boy when
Scripture of one who either he was chosen by God to lead the Israelites away from the strong hand of Pharaoh. He did not think he
exhibited a strong sense of was equipped to handle a job of this magnitude. However, once Moses realized that God had blessed him
self-efficacy or one who did with everything he needed to lead the Israelites, Moses realized his capabilities and was able to follow
not exhibit a strong sense of God’s instructions.
self-efficacy. Support your

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Write 1 solid paragraph of at least 400 words defining self-efficacy, describe the basic principles of social cognitive theory, and articulate
how you can help to develop a stronger sense of self-efficacy in your students. You must include the importance of your role as an
effective role model.
Self-efficacy is defined as a person’s belief in their ability to produce desired results by their own actions (Davidson, 2003). Self-
efficacy is a judgement of capability, while self-esteem is a judgement of self-worth (Davidson, 2003). I have a strong sense of self
efficacy by believing that although I am a wife with a husband to tend to, a mother with four children to rear, a full time nurse, and a full
time student, I am confident enough to believe that I will accomplish my goal of obtaining a Masters of Teaching degree at Liberty
University. My self-efficacy influences my ability to think optimistically regarding this new career path that I am beginning. Despite the
fixed obstacles in my life, I am motivated to finish. I realized when giving this example of my own self-efficacy, Bandura’s four major
ways that one can develop a strong sense of self-efficacy as presented in the video aligned perfectly with how I view my capabilities to
complete this degree. Bandura believed that the way a person learned was driven on a much larger scale than just the way that they
behaved. He believed that there was something happening cognitively that was aiding in the way a person learned. He did not think that
behavior of one’s self was the only reason a person learned, but that there were also personal, behavioral, and environmental influences
that aided in what a person learned. Demonstrations in the video included a group of people crossing the crosswalk at a red light only
after seeing a well-dressed man do the same thing, but not when a shaggy looking man did the same thing, and also the children’s learned
behavior of how they treated a blowup clown after observing the negative way a teacher treated the clown. Banduras basic principles of
social cognitive theory are attention, symbolic representation, transformation to action, and motivational incentive. People observe
instructions on an event. Then, they regurgitate instructions based on their own perceptions. Thirdly, they put he learned observation into
action. Finally, they are motivated to complete the action.
I could help develop a strong sense of self-efficacy in my students (1) letting them view how to complete a task, (2) allowing them to
regurgitate the information given to them, by me, based on their own perception of the information, (3) watching them take that
information given to them and put it into action, and finally keeping them motivated by way of vicarious reinforcement. It is important
that I am an effective role model for my future students because if they see me behaving in a positive manner, having self-efficacy and
self-control, and if research that people learn best through observation proves right, then the students will also pursue self-efficacy and

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