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1st Exam/ 2nd Sem-1st Term


Name:___________________________________________ Date:_____________________
Course & Yr.:______________________________________ Score:_____________________


Directions: Choose your answers from the box. Write your answers on the blanks provided. (10 points)

Physical Development Case Studies Atrophy Optimal Tendency Development

Normative Sequence Intellectual Development Environment

Cross -Sectional StudiesLongitudinal Studies Principle of Directionality Down Syndrome

Natural Experiments Field Experiments Principle of Self- regulating Fluctuation

Naturalistic Observations Heredity Evolution

______________________1. The transmission of genetic characteristics from the parents to the offspring.
______________________2. It is a physical, motor, mental and socio-emotional development.
______________________3. It is commonly caused by an extra chromosome.
______________________4. This study provides information about differences in behavior among different age groups.
______________________5. These experiments are not true experiments.
______________________6. Changes in a wide variety of mental abilities.
______________________7. Development does not proceed at the same even pace along all fonts simultaneously.
______________________8. Baby biographies offer useful, in-depth information.
______________________9. The failure to grow because of insufficient nutrition.
______________________10. Researchers observe and record people’s behavior in their real-life settings.

Test II. Venn Diagram

Directions: Compare and contrast the Human GROWTH, LEARNING, and DEVELOPMENT. (15 points)


Test III. Fill in the Blanks (15 points)
“Human Development in the Womb”
1. The egg moves into the _________________ and awaits _______________.
2. In 18 weeks, the baby starts __________ and _____________.
3. The heart and the circulatory system begin to form in ____ weeks.
4. _________ is the rapid division of the early embryo.
5. In 40 weeks, ______ and ______ continue to grow.
6. Reproductive organs are beginning to form in ____ weeks.
7. Fertilization is the process where the egg and sperm ______ to form a zygote.
8. In ____ weeks, the neck muscles and backbones are now stronger.
9. The baby now __________________________________ in 35 weeks.
10. Bones are beginning to harden in _____ weeks.
11. In 6 weeks, the intestines and _______ are beginning to develop.
12. The brain now contains __________________ and is growing rapidly in 30 weeks.
13. In _____ weeks, the sense of smell and the heart are now fully developed.
14. _________ is the beginning of new born human being.
15. Full term pregnancy lasts for up to ___________ and ________.

What’s on yor mind after taking the examination?

You can write anything in the box.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”
Albert Einstein

Ms. Lady Lou I. Lepasana


God Bless!

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