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Chapter IV


This chapter deals with the presentation, interpretation, analysis and

interpretation of data on the stress management techniques of Criminology

students of the Northeastern College School year 2019 - 2020. The findings of

this study were subject on the data obtained in accordance with method and

procedure in the preceding chapter.

It also presents the profile of the respondents and their response to the

degree of preference and the interpretation of their responses basing from the

statistical analysis and tabulation of data retrieved from the questionnaires. The

respondents are 111 students of the College of Criminology of Northeastern

College School Year 2019 – 2020 located along Maharlika Highway, Villasis,

Santiago City.

Part I. Profile of the respondents

The following tables present the data collected by the respondents and

presented in the frequency and percentage computed with regards to their age,

gender, year level, economic status, and educational attainment of parents of the

Table 1.

Distribution of Respondents as to Age.

Age Frequency Percentage

17 years old and below 10 9.01
18 - 20 years old 74 66.67
21 – 23 years old 21 18.92
23 years old and above 6 5.40
Total 111 100.00

Table 2.

Distribution of Respondents as to Gender

Gender Frequency Percentage

Male 84 75.68
Female 27 24.32
Total 111 100.00

Table 3.

Distribution of Respondents as to Year Level

Year Level Frequency Percentage

1 s t year 80 72.07
2 n d year 19 17.12
4 t h year 12 10.81
Total 111 100.00
Part II. Stress Management

Table 4.

Mean Perception of Respondents Regarding Stressors

Stressors Mean Interpretation

Increased Class Workload 4.63 Strongly Agree
No time for leisure activities 4.39 Strongly Agree
Many hours of studies 4.12 Agree
Language difficulties 3.94 Agree
Lack of support 3.62 Agree
Examinations 3.25 Undecided
Stress in understanding subjects 3.12 Undecided
Overall Mean 3.87 Agree

Table 5.

Mean Perception of Respondents Regarding Common Effects of Stress

Common Effects of Stress Mean Interpretation

Poor grades 4.85 Strongly Agree

Lack of sleep 3.95 Agree
Headache 3.87 Agree
Low Energy 4.47 Strongly Agree
Insomnia 3.08 Undecided
Chest pain 3.14 Undecided
Overall Mean 3.89 Agree

Table 6.

Mean Perception of Respondents Regarding Stress Management

Stress Management Mean Interpretation

Allocate time for leisure activities 3.94 Agree
Set aside time to relax 3.62 Agree
Spending time doing physical 4.63 Strongly Agree
Spending time with friends 4.39 Strongly Agree
Spending time with family and relatives 4.12 Agree
Overall Mean 4.14 Agree

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