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A Series on Applications of Experimental Techniques

FEATURES in the Field of Pipeline Integrity


by L.D. Rodrigues, J.L.F. Freire, and R.D. Vieira

eam-welded pipes are fabricated from hot-rolled steel numerical models have been presented for steel plates and
plates in three cold-forming steps. In step 1, a U- pipes for points located at or near seam or girth electrical resis-
shape is generated. In step 2, the O-shape is formed. tance welds or through the thickness of the wall in a given line
The seam weld joining of the O-shape is produced by pipe,2–4 the distributions of residual stresses along the entire
submerged arc welding (SAW). Finally, in step 3, the diameter perimeter of cross-sections of line pipes have not been found.
of the pipe is E-expanded to its final dimension (UOE-SAW
process). The objective of this article was to present data showing how
residual fabrication stresses are distributed along the exter-
In terms of stress analysis, pipelines can be modeled as thin- nal perimeter of cross-sections of two different line pipes. This
walled cylindrical vessels loaded primarily by internal pres- knowledge will provide insight into how significantly the fab-
sure and by longitudinal displacement restrictions caused by rication residual stresses will influence the uncertainty in the
support or soil interaction. Other stresses are caused by loads determination of the loads occurring within the pipeline. The
induced by the pipeline sitting route, temperature differen- data presented in this article were obtained by applying the
tial, and sometimes undesirable and unpredictable soil move- blind-hole residual stress measurement technique to points
ment. Measurement of the loads or stresses generated by located on the external surfaces of two segments of seam-
these factors is a difficult task. Residual stress measurement welded line pipes classified as American Petroleum Institute
techniques are strong candidates because they measure the (API) 5L X46 and API 5L X60.5
absolute state of stress present at the assessed point of the
This study aims at providing some insight into how uncertain PROCEDURE
such measurements can be when an experimental procedure
based on a residual stress measurement technique is used to The crude steel pipes used comprised two different classifica-
fulfill the load determination needs. Up to the present time, tions of line pipes. There were five segments (3-m long each)
a procedure has been employed which applies the blind-hole classified as API 5L X46 line pipe.5 These segments were cut
drilling technique to three or more points of at least two pipe- from different locations of a pipeline that had been in opera-
line cross-sections.1 Measurements are taken using small- tion for 30 years. Chemical analysis and tensile test results
diameter residual stress rosettes. The diameter and depth of showed that at least three of these segments belonged to dif-
the blind holes are preferably less than 10% of the remaining ferent fabrication batches. The second crude line pipe com-
pipe thickness. The stresses measured at these locations are prised one segment (1.42-m long) of a new pipe classified as
fed into an overdeterministic least-squares algorithm for API 5L X60.5 The nominal outside diameter and wall thick-
determining normal and bending loads. The primary stresses ness of the API 5L X46 pipe were 457.2 and 6.5 mm, respec-
caused by internal pressure and longitudinal soil restriction tively, and 323.3 and 9.7 mm, respectively, for API 5L X60.
are calculated beforehand and included in the algorithm to Nominal yield (Sy) and ultimate (Su) strengths of the API 5L
reduce the number of unknowns to be determined. The major X46 pipe were 317 and 524 MPa, respectively, and 413 and
drawback of this procedure is the existence of residual fabri- 565 MPa, respectively, for the API 5L X60 pipe.
cation stresses in the pipe wall. The unknown residual stress
amplitudes and distributions may be too complex to be deter- The application of the blind-hole residual stress measurement
mined and separated by the numerical algorithm, even if technique followed the American Society for Testing and
a large number of measurement points are employed along Materials standard ASTM 837-01.6 The rosettes used were
with the overdeterministic least-squares method. specified as type A according to this standard and were
furnished from Vishay Micro-Measurements (Raleigh, NC)
Thus, before devising or improving a method for determining under specification PA-06-062RE-120. Surface preparation
primary and spurious loads in pipeline under operating condi- for bonding the rosettes took care not to introduce spurious
tions, it is important to quantify the residual stresses occurring and nondesirable residual stresses. The drilling process used
at points on the external surface of cross-sections of the line a very low machining speed (4 cps), appropriate drills (Vishay
pipes. The literature is scarce with respect to this type of result. Micro-Measurements HS-200-062), and a centering and
Although residual stress measurements and analytical and milling guide (Vishay Micro-Measurement RS-200). Relieved
strains were monitored at milling depths of 0.5 mm or less.
The relieved strain values were plotted against milling depths
L.D. Rodrigues is a senior engineer affiliated with the Institute of Technology of the
Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (ITUC, PUC-Rio, Brazil). J.L.F.
in a specific way proposed in standard ASTM 837-01 in order
Freire (SEM member; and R.D. Vieira are associate pro- to provide verification of the uniformity of the residual stress
fessors affiliated with the Department of Mechanical Engineering, PUC-Rio, Brazil. profiles.
doi: 10.1111/j.1747-1567.2007.00297.x
58 EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUES January/February 2008 Ó 2007, Society for Experimental Mechanics

The overall accuracy of the technique for drilling holes of 1.6- 16.6 mm from each other. Each section had rosettes spaced
and 3.2-mm diameter and like depth has been systematically 22.5 or 458 from each other. One of the sections did not have
verified by authors JLFF and RDV of the present article. Max- a rosette installed over the seam weld area. The large number
imum uncertainties range along the order of 620 MPa or 65% of rosettes positioned in two neighboring cross-sections (only
(whichever is larger) of the tensile yield strength (Sy) of the 16.6-mm apart) was used to check the repeatability of the
material under analysis. This uncertainty includes deviations results and at the same time to verify the uniformity of the
associated with the drill-hole centering, low-speed machining residual stresses along the pipe length. A third cross-section
process, and surface preparation for bonding the rosette with spaced 550 mm from the first two cross-sections was instru-
cyanoacrylate adhesive. It should also be noted that the blind- mented with uniaxial strain gages. Partial slits, as shown in
hole method is valid for measuring residual stresses up to 50% Fig. 1, were made near these gages in order to determine the
of the material yield strength.7–10 Results reported where residual stresses occurring within the cross-section. This
stresses are larger than 0.50 Sy must be understood as quali- newly proposed technique has been called quasi-elliptical cut-
tative and they only mean that the reported stresses are ting technique.1

Figure 1 shows sketches of the location of the measurement RESIDUAL STRESS DISTRIBUTIONS
points. Four API 5L X46 pipe segments were instrumented Residual stress results are presented in Figs. 2–5. Figure 2
with two rosettes over the centerline of the seam weld. These shows longitudinal and circumferential residual stresses
rosettes were spaced approximately 300 mm from each other. measured at points located at the seam welds of the five seg-
The fifth segment was cut to a length of 900 mm and had ments of line pipe API 5L X46. Three general observations can
a third rosette bonded over the seam weld area and between be drawn from the graph: (1) the longitudinal stresses may
the first two. This rosette completed a set of 10 rosettes assume low values and they may even be compressive (seg-
bonded along the external perimeter of the pipe cross-sec- ments 3 and 4); (2) the longitudinal stresses may be smaller
tion. The spacing between these rosettes ranged from 22.5 than the circumferential stresses (segments 1, 3, and 4); and
to 458. (3) neither longitudinal nor circumferential stresses vary sub-
stantially along the same pipe segment, but they differ con-
The API 5L X60 pipe segment was instrumented with 19 siderably from one segment to the next. This last conclusion
rosettes covering the perimeter of two cross-sections spaced impacts field measurements that use the blind hole or any

Fig. 1: Location of the residual stress rosettes on the surface of the line pipe segments. Five segments of line pipe API 5L X46
were used: four were instrumented with two rosettes in the seam weld and one was fully instrumented as shown in the figure

January/February 2008 EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUES 59


(a) 600.0
250 Longitudinal Stress Cross section 1

Longitudinal residual stress (MPa)

Circumferential Stress Cross section 2
Residual stress (MPa)


1 2 3 4 5
-180 -135 -90 -45 0 45 90 135 180
Fig. 2: Residual stress values of points located at the seam Point location along the external perimeter of the
weld area of the five segments of line pipe API 5L X46 taken cross section (degrees)
from the field
(b) 150.0
Cross section 1

Circumferential residual stress (MPa)

other residual stress measurement technique to determine Cross section 2
operating and soil interaction stresses—residual stress
results measured for one pipe segment cannot be used to infer
the residual stresses for one similar pipe segment unless high 50.0
uncertainties are allowed in loading determination.
Figure 3 presents the longitudinal and circumferential resid- -180 -135 -90 -45 0 45 90 135 180
ual stress distributions along the external perimeter of the
fifth segment of line pipe API 5L X46. The stress graphs show -50.0
a steep variation of both stresses along the perimeter of the
section and values as high as the material yield strength (as -100.0
stated previously, results where residual stresses are larger
than 50% of the material yield strength may be seen as merely
qualitative). A word of caution should be given regarding the -150.0
fitting curves showed in Figs. 3–5. These curves are included Point location along the external perimeter of the
to connect and give easier visualization of the data point cross section (degrees)
sequence. However, they are by no means proposed as shape
Fig. 4: Longitudinal (a) and circumferential (b) residual
stresses at point locations along two closely spaced (16.6 mm)
transversal sections of a new segment of UOE-SAW line pipe
300.0 Longitudinal stress API 5L X60
Circumferential stress
distributions of the residual stress variations along the inves-
Residual Stress (MPa)

tigated cross-sections.
Figure 4 presents the residual stress distributions along the
100.0 external perimeter of the segment comprising the API 5L X60
line pipe. Given the nature of uncertainties generated in both
the pipe fabrication process and the blind-hole measurement
0.0 technique, it can be concluded that the resulting measure-
-180 -135 -90 -45 0 45 90 135 180 ments for neighboring points that belong to cross-sections as
-50.0 close as 16.6 mm replicate quite well. This conclusion does not
apply when sections are set in locations far from each other or
when they are close to the tube ends. Data on residual stresses
Point location along the external perimeter of for 15 measuring point locations covering the complete perim-
the section (degrees)
eter of one cross-section positioned 550-mm away from the two
sections mentioned above were determined by applying a
Fig. 3: Residual stresses at point locations along one recently developed partial slitting technique.5 The data points
transversal section of a segment of UOE-SAW line pipe API representing the measured circumferential and longitudinal
5L X46. The segment was cut from a pipeline that had been stresses are graphed in Fig. 5 and compared with the results
in operation for 30 years already presented in Fig. 4 (average results of cross-sections

60 EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUES January/February 2008


Blind-hole - cross sections 1-2

Longitudinal residual stress (MPa)

Partial slit - cross section 3





-180 -135 -90 -45 0 45 90 135 180

Point location along the external perimeter of the cross section (degrees)

150.0 Blind-hole - cross sections 1-2

Partial slit - cross section 3
Circumferential residual stress (MPa)



-180 -135 -90 -45 0 45 90 135 180



Point location along the external perimeter of the cross section (degrees)

Fig. 5: Longitudinal (a) and circumferential (b) residual stresses at point locations along three transversal sections of a new
segment of UOE-SAW line pipe API 5L X60. Cross-sections 1 and 2 were closely spaced (16.6-mm apart), and their results
were averaged to be presented in this figure. The distance of cross-section 3 from section 2 was 550 mm

1 and 2). Although at some locations—particularly for the lon- ments from a given pipeline may have completely different
gitudinal stress distributions—similar trends may be observed, residual stresses distributions. A consequence of these conclu-
there are differences of more than 200 MPa for the stresses in sions is that the use of a residual stress measurement tech-
some angular locations. Thus, it can be concluded that there nique such as the blind-hole drilling method to determine
are variations in these distributions and that such variations general primary and spurious loading in operating pipeline
may be credited to heterogeneity in fabrication residual will furnish inaccurate results even if a reasonable number of
stresses along the length of the segment of the line pipe. These measurement points are used to describe the stress states of
variations may be caused either by different gaps generated points along the analyzed cross-sections.
during the ‘‘O’’ forming or by different straining in the ‘‘E’’ cold
expansion steps of the UOE process.
CONCLUSIONS 1. Rodrigues, L.D., Measurement of Residual Stresses in Pipes
Driving the Determination of Efforts in Buried Pipelines [in Portu-
This article presents the residual stress distributions along guese], MSc Dissertation, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
cross-sections of six segments of UOE-SAW line pipes classi- Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, PUC-Rio (2007).
fied as API 5L X46 and API 5L X60. The conclusions are as 2. Quach, W.M., Teng, J.G., and Chung, K.F., ‘‘Residual Stress
follows: (1) the residual stress distributions are complex in Steel Sheets Due to Coiling and Uncoiling: A Closed-Form Ana-
shaped along a given cross-section; (2) these distributions lytical Solution,’’ Engineering Structures 26:1249–1259 (2004).
are similar for cross-sections close to each other, but they 3. Yaghi, A.H., Hyde, T.H., Becker, A.A., Williams, J.A., and Sun,
differ expressively when the cross-sections are reasonably W., ‘‘Residual Stress Simulation in Welded Sections of P91 Pipes,’’
spaced in a given segment of pipe; and (3) similar pipe seg- Journal of Materials Processing Technology 167:480–487 (2005).

January/February 2008 EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUES 61


4. Law, M., Prask, H., Luzin, V., and Gnaupel-Herold, T., 8. Zhao, H.Y., Shi, Y.W., Pei, Y., Lei, Y.P., and Chen, Y.J., ‘‘On
‘‘Residual Stress Measurements in Coil, Linepipe and Girth Welded the Correction of Plasticity Effect at the Hole Edge When Using the
Pipe,’’ Materials Science and Engineering A 437:60–63 (2006). Centre Hole Method for Measuring High Welding Residual Stress,’’
5. API Specification 5L, Specification for Line Pipe, 43rd Edi- Strain 32(4):125–129 (1996).
tion, American Petroleum Institute, Washington, DC (2004). 9. Vangi, D., and Ermini, M., ‘‘Plasticity Effects in Residual
6. ASTM 837–01, Standard Test Method for Determining Resid- Stress Measurement by the Hole Drilling Method,’’ Strain 36(2):
ual Stress by the Hole Drilling Strain-Gage Method, American Soci- 55–59 (2000).
ety for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA (2001). 10. Soares, A.C., Evaluation of Plasticity Effects in Residual
7. Beghini, M., Bertini, L., and Raffaelli, P., ‘‘Numerical Analy- Stress Measurement by the Hole Drilling Technique, Rio de Janeiro
sis of Plasticity Effects in the Hole-Drilling Residual Stress Mea- [in Portuguese], DSc Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineer-
surement,’’ Journal of Testing and Evaluation 22(6):522–529 ing, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, PUC-Rio
(1994). (2003). n

62 EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUES January/February 2008

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