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Title: Robo en la noche lesson by Alexandra Gonzalez

Grade: 10 Total Time: 53 minutes

Content Area: Spanish 2
Topic: Robo en la Noche- Initial Vocabulary & Intro

State Standards
California World Language Standards:
Demonstrate understanding of the general meaning and some basic information on very familiar com-
mon daily topics. Recognize mem- orized words, phrases, and simple sentences in authentic texts that
are spoken, written, or signed.
Participate in real-world, spoken, written, or signed conversations
on very familiar topics. Use mem- orized words, phrases, and simple sentences, and questions in highly
predictable common daily settings.
Demonstrate understanding of words, phrases (signs and fn- gerspelling in ASL), and simple sentences
on very familiar com- mon daily topics. Use orthography, phonology, ASL parameters, and very basic
sentence-level elements (morphology and/or syntax).

Student Objectives
Students will be able to recognize and use the vocabulary presented in class for the initial chapter of the
unit book by completing a story sequence and demonstrate their understanding of the vocabulary by
writing their own sentences with the examples provided in the lesson.

Materials Needed
• Projector
• Speakers
• PowerPoint Presentation
• Song Lyric Handout
• Story Sequence Handout
• Pencil
• Highlighter

7 min Anticipatory Set

2 min Greet students at the door.
• Have unit song playing as students walk in and will be on repeat for them to get
multiple repetitions. ( Volar by Alvaro Soler)
5 min • Have lyrics handout by the entrance for students to take before taking their seat.
• Powerpoint will instruct students to highlight words they need translated from lyrics.

31 min Direct Instruction: C.I. (Comprehensible Input)

Introduce Unit Song
10 min • Name of song and artist background.
• Present lyrics and highlight words that will be used in lesson.
• Volar, Pensar, Persiguiendo, Perder
• Answer students request for lyric translation.
• Go over first verse and clarification of the meaning.

Initial Vocabulary for Story Ch.1

15 min • Vocabulary will be given through PQA power point:
• Sentar • Pensar • Mirar • Viajar •Persiguiendo
• Volar • Trabajar • Perder • Escuchar
• Reach Ch.1 as a class and pause for clarification on specific words. (Teacher only
6 min
reads for proper pronunciation.)
*Accomodation: Eslam will read to the class.

10 min Guided Practice

Students will be given a story sequence worksheet.
3 min •Teacher will provide the first box as an example
• Teacher will draw a picture of first scene of story and will ask students what should
be written at the bottom of the picture as a summary of what is happening in the picture.
• Students will be asked to work with a partner to complete the rest of the sequence (3
7 min boxes).
*Accomodation: William will be assessed before deciding if he is able to work with a
partner today.
• Teacher will be walking around classroom to assist students.

1 min Independent Practice

Students will be assigned homework to write 3 sentences using 3 of the new vocabulary
1 min
words presented in class.
*Adaptation: Eslam will complete 5 sentences.
*Accomodation: Ashley will be given additional time to complete assingment.

3 min Closure
Students will be asked to volunteer to share their drawings with the class. The teacher
3 min
will share by projecting them on the board.
Teacher will ask that in preparation for next class they bring an appropriate picture to
1 min
share of a place they have traveled to if they would like.

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