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Optimal Multi-type FACTS Allocation using

Genetic Algorithm to Improve Power System

H. R. Baghaee, M. Jannati, B. Vahidi, Senior Member IEEE, S.H.Hosseinian and S. Jazebi

desired level and so enhance power system security in

Abstract—as power transfer increases, operation of power system contingencies by their fast control characteristics and their
become gradually more complex. Short circuit level increases and so continuous compensating capability [1-6].
power system will become less secure. Moreover, the problem of Effect of FACTS devices on power system security, reliability
power system security has become a mater of grave concern in the and loadability has been studied according to proper control
deregulated power industry. FACTS devices can control power flow
objectives [4-14]. Some of papers have been focused on
because of their flexibility and fast control characteristics. Placement
of these devices in suitable location can lead to control in line flow finding suitable location for FACTS devices to improve
and maintain bus voltages in desired level and so improve power power system security and loadability [13-16]. Optimal
system security. allocation of these devices in deregulated power systems has
This paper presents a novel algorithm for allocation of FACTS been presented in [17-18]. Some of papers have used heuristic
devices based on Genetic Algorithm (GA). Cost function of FACTS approaches and intelligent algorithms to find suitable location
devices and power system losses are considered in this algorithm. of FACTS devices [15-18]. Genetic Algorithm (DEA) has
Proposed algorithm is tested on IEEE 30 bus power system for been previously used for many optimization problems like
optimal allocation of multi-type FACTS devices and results are
optimal power flow, economic dispatch and controller
optimization, congestion management and etc in power
systems [19-21].
Keywords—Power System Security, FACTS Devices, Optimal
Allocation, Genetic Algorithm. This paper presents a novel heuristic method based on GA to
find optimal location of multi-type FACTS devices to
I. INTRODUCTION enhance power system security considering investment cost
these devices and power system losses. Proposed method is
W ith increasing power demand, operation of power
system becomes more complex and power system will
become less secure. Moreover with the electricity
tested on IEEE 30 bus system and results are presented.


market deregulation, number of unplanned power exchanges
increases due to the competition among utilities and direct A. FACTS Devices
contracts concluded between generation companies and
In this paper, three different FACTS devices have been
costumers. If these exchanges are not controlled, some lines
may become overloaded. Because many of the existing selected to place in suitable location to improve security
transmission lines could not cope with increasing power margins in power system. These are: TCSC (Thyristor
demand, control of power flow in order to have more Controlled Series Capacitor), SVC (Static VAR Compensator)
efficient, reliable, and secure system is in the interest of the and UPFC (Unified Power Flow Controller). These are shown
transmission system operator (TSO). To overcome this in Fig. 1.
problem, introduction of FACTS devices is an alternative.
FACTS devices can control power flow parameters such as Power flow through the transmission line i-j namely Pij is
series impedance, voltage, phase angle, and so can reduce
flow of heavily loaded lines and supports voltages. In depended on line reactance X ij , bus voltage magnitudes Vi , V j ,
addition, FACTS devices can improve both transient and and phase angle between sending and receiving buses δ i − δ j .
small signal stability margins. They can enable lines to flow This is expressed by Eq. 1.
the power near its nominal rating and maintain its voltage in
ViV j
Pij = sin(δ i − δ j ) (1)
Authors are with the Electrical Engineering Department in Amirkabir X ij
University of Technology, Hafez Ave, Tehran-Iran (phone: 0098-21-
66466009; fax: 0098-21-66406469; e-mails: and TCSC can change line reactance and SVC can be used to,,, control reactive power in network. UPFC is the most versatile ). member of FACTS devices family and can be applied in order

978-1-4244-1933-3/08/$25.00 ©2008 IEEE 162

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to control all power flow parameters (i.e. line impedance, bus ∆Qi = QSVC (4)
voltage, and phase angle). Power flow can be controlled and • UPFC
optimized by changing power system parameters using Two types of UPFC models have been reported [28-31]. One
FACTS devices. So optimal choice and allocation of FACTS is coupled model [28] and other is decoupled model [29-31].
devices can result in suitable utilization in power system. In the first type, UPFC is modeled with series combination of
B. Mathematical Model of FACTS Devices a voltage source and impedance in the transmission line. In
decoupled model, UPFC is modeled with two separated buses.
In this paper steady state model of FACTS devices are
First model is more complex compared with the second one
developed for power flow studies. So TCSC is modeled
because modification of Jacobian matrix in coupled model is
simply to just modify the reactance of transmission line. SVC
inevitable. While decoupled model can be easily implemented
and UPFC are modeled using the power injection models [22-
in conventional power flow algorithms without modification
of Jacobian matrix elements, in this paper, decoupled model
has been used for modeling UPFC in power flow study (Fig.

UPFC controls power flow of the transmission line where is

installed. To obtain UPFC model in load flow study, it is
represented by four variables: Pu1 , Qu1 , Pu 2 , Qu 2 . Assuming
UPFC to be lossless, real power flow from bus i to bus j
can be expressed as:
Pij = Pu1 (5)
Although UPFC can control the power flow, but can not
generate the real power. So:
Pu1 + Pu 2 = 0 (6)
Each reactive power output of UPFC Qu1 , Qu 2 can be set to an
arbitrary value depend on rating of UPFC to maintain bus

Fig. 1 Considered FACTS Devices (a) TCSC (b) SVC (c) UPFC III. SECURITY INDEX
The security index for contingency analysis of power system
is expressed as follows [32-33]:
24]. Models integrated into transmission line for TCSC and 2
JV = ∑ wi Vi − Vref ,i (7)
UPFC and SVC is modeled and incorporated into the bus as i
shunt element of transmission line. Mathematical models for Sj
FACTS devices are implemented by MATLAB programming J P = ∑ wj ( )2 (8)
language. j S j , amx

• TCSC Where:
TCSC acts as the capacitive or inductive compensator by Vi , wi are Voltage amplitude and associated weighting factor
modifying reactance of transmission line. This changes line for ith bus respectively,
flow due to change in series reactance. In this paper TCSC is
S j , w j are Apparent power and associated weighting factor for
modeled by changing transmission line reactance as below:
X ij = X line + X TCSC (2) jth line respectively,
X TCSC = rTCSC . X line (3)
Where X line is reactance of transmission line and rTCSC is
compensation factor of TCSC. Rating of TCSC is depended
on transmission line where it is located. To prevent
overcompensation, TCSC reactance is chosen between
−0.7 X line to 0.2 X line [26-27].

SVC can be used for both inductive and capacitive
compensation. In this paper SVC is modeled as an ideal
reactive power injection at bus i :
Fig. 2 Decoupled model for UPFC


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Vref ,i is Nominal voltage magnitude which is assumed to be
1pu for all load buses (i.e. PQ buses) and to be equal to
specified value for generation buses (i.e. PV buses) ans
S j ,max is Apparent power nominal rate of jth line or ransformer


Genetic Algorithm (GA) is one of the most famous meta-
heuristic optimization algorithms witch is based on natural
evolution and population. Genetics which is usually used to
reach to a near global optimum solution. In each iteration of
GA (referred as generation), a new set of string (.i.e.
chromosomes) with improved fitness is produced using
genetic operators (i.e. selection, crossover and mutation).
A. Chromosome’s structure
Fig.4 Cost Function of the FACTS devices:
Chromosome structure of GA is shown in Fig. 3. this involves SVC, TCSC and UPFC
rating and location of FACTS devices. : Upper limit: Total investment Costs
B. Selection : Lower limit: Total investment Costs
In proposed GA, method of tournament selection is used for : :UPFC :TCSC
selection [34-35]. This method chooses each parent by
choosing nt (tournament size) players randomly and choosing
CTCSC = 0.0015s 2 − 0.713s + 153.75 (US $ / KVAR ) (9)
the best individual out of that set to be a parent. In this paper
nt is chosen 4.
CSVC = 0.0003s 2 − 0.3051s + 127.38 (US $ / KVAR ) (10)
C. Cross Over
CUPFC = 0.0003s 2 − 0.2691s + 188.22 (US $ / KVAR ) (11)
Cross over allows the genes from different parents to be
combined in children by exchanging materials between two Where s is the operating range of the FACTS devices in
parents. Cross over function randomly selects a gene at the MVAR and CTCSC , CSVC and CUPFC are in US $ / KVAR . These
same coordinate from one of two parents and assign it to the cost functions are shown in Fig. 4.
child. For each chromosome, a random number is selected. If
this number is between 0.01 and 0.3, two parents are F. Fitness Function
combined; else chromosome is transferred with no cross over. The goal of optimization algorithm is to place FACTS devices
in order to enhance power system security level considering
D. Mutation
cost function of FACTS devices. So these devices should be
GA creates mutation children by randomly changing the genes place to prevent congestion in transmission lines and
of individual parents. In this paper, GA adds a random vector transformers and maintain bus voltages close to their
from a Gaussian distribution to the parents. For each reference value .
chromosome, random number is selected. If this number is Security index introduced in part III, were used in objective
between 0.01 and 0.1, mutation process is applied; else function considering cost function of FACTS devices and
chromosome is transferred with no mutation. power system losses. Fitness function is expressed as below:
Fitness = a1.J P + a2 .JV + a3 .(Total Invesment Cost ) + a4 .(Losses) (12)
The coefficient a1 to a4 are optimized by trial and error
to 0.2665 , 0.5714 , 0.1421 and 0.02 respectively.


Fig.3 a typical chromosome

E. FACTS devices Cost Function

Using Siemens AG Database [17], cost function for SVC,
TCSC and UPFC are developed as follows:


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Scenario JP JV Cost ($)
1 3.45 24.2 - 28.36
2 3.39 19.6 9197500 22.51
3 3.33 19.1 4521600 26.3
4 3.21 16.4 8501600 23.09
5 3.09 10.5 27897000 20.49

Fig 5: Performance index evolution (best and average fitnesses in every iteration)


Size Location Size Location Size Location
(MVA) (Bus No-Bus No) (MVA) (Bus No-Bus No) (MVA) (Bus No.)
TCSC - - 90.6 1-2 - -
SVC - - - - 39 1
UPFC 48.3 12-15 - - - -
Multi-type 75.9 12-15 73.1 2-5 66.7 1

Simulation studies were done for different scenarios in IEEE was presented. Simulation of IEEE 30 bus test system for
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• Scenario1: power system normal operation (without FACTS devices leads to improvement in security and
FACTS devices installation). reduction in losses of power system.
• Scenario 2: one TCSC is installed
• Scenario 3: one SVC is installed REFERENCES
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[21] T.K.MOK, Haoming Liu, Yixin Ni, Felix F. Wu, Ron Hui, "Tuning the 1997. From 1980 to 1986 he worked in the field of high
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