Net Economic Benefits (Discount Rate 12%) Year Benefits

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Net Economic Benefits (Discount Rate 12%)

Year Benefits
0 0
1 50000
2 50000
3 50000
4 50000
5 50000

One Time Cost -42500

Recurring Costs (Discount Rate 12%) Costs
0 0
1 -28500
2 -28500
3 -28500
4 -28500
5 -28500

Overall NPV

Overall ROI - (Overall NPV/NPV of all Costs )

Break Even Analysis

Year Yearly NPV Cash Flow
0 -42500
1 19196
2 17140
3 15303
4 13664
5 12200

Project break even ocuurs between years 2 and 3

Use the first year of positive cash flow to calculate the break even fraction 0.403
PV of Benefits NPV of all Benefits
0 0
44643 44643
39860 84503
35589 120092
31776 151867
28371 180239 180239

PV of Costs NPV of all Costs

0 -42500
-25446 -67946
-22720 -90666
-20286 -110952
-18112 -129064
-16172 -145236 -145236



Overall NPV Cash Flow


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