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Dorm Application prepared by : Raghad Smadi

Raghad Ali
Imran Jasser
Project scope statement Date : 3/March/2020

General project information :

Project Name : Dorm Application
Sponsors : Crepello , Maktabt El-sakan ,Dorm’s Cafeteria.
Project Managers : Raghad smadi,Raghad ali , Imran jasser

Problem/opportunity statement :
For the dorm girls it’s not easy for them to check the cafeteria anytime when the want .
As the dorm is so far from the down town (Irbid) so they need to take the bus ,but there always a problem
with timing ,they need to check the bus time before they go out to the city/come back .
They always face problem with advertising not all the student notice it/not reachable .

Project Objectives :
Make an available online menu from Cafeteria.
Post offers from restaurants .
Organize schedule for buses .
Find a faster way to publish and advertisement which can reach all of students.

Project Description :
Student can sign into the application with her room number and building number .The home page its
contain the offers from restaurants and cafeteria’s menu and the most important news .Second tab will be
about wash machine she can take appointment to wash her clothes. Every tab contain side of the dorm .

Business benefits :
Improved dorm’s girls satisfaction.
Reduce late attendance because long destination
Provide more food options

Project Deliverables :
Dorm application system and design
Dorm application cafeteria system
Dorm application buses alert
Estimated Project Duration :

3 Months

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