Resume Jera Nicholson 1

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Jera Nicholson

1540 Winding Trail

Fairview, MI 48621
A hard working, devoted student who is looking to improve the lives of many. A
job in the educational system would much improve my ability to help others,
and help me to advance toward my final goals.


Fairview Area Schools— Classroom helper Communicate well

with people of any
September, 2017 - PRESENT
intelligence level.
Helping in both 1st and 2nd grade classrooms, skills developed are:
Lead a group towards
● Adjusting to new circumstances and ideas; a common goal.
● Tutoring and presentation opportunities;
An ability to perform
● As well as working well with mentally or physically handicapped
under pressure.
Ability to calm and
bond with children, including
any who may have difficulties
EDUCATION with new people.

Fairview Area Schools

September 2007 - May 2021 AWARDS
GPA of a 3.7 Honor Roll: All A’s-
Having grades at all A’s
Kirtland Community College throughout 10th-11th grade.
Started September 2017
Near Perfect Attendance-
Working to obtain a general degree that will transfer well to a bigger
school, so that I can accomplish a degree in education. Missing less than 2 days of
school in the school year,
9th-11th grade.
Team First Award-
For always putting the team
before the individual wants.
Always willing to do what is
From 6th grade to current. Ability to focus despite outside forces, and best for the group.
work on skills to improve my ability for the team.

From 5th grade to current. Hone in many skills, and a large opportunity in
team leading.

From 9th grade to current. Quick to adjust, and learn new skills in a timely
manner. Team captain as long as I have been on the team.

Knowledge Bowl
From 9th grade to current. Specializing in math, science, and grammar
questions, I answer a variety of questions. Provides an ability to work well
under pressure, and with a time constraint.

Student Council
Provides a leadership opportunity, and allows me to work on skills that
would be helpful in group settings.

National Honors Society

Between organizing events, helping others, and leading a group, many
opportunities are provided by this group.

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