9-3 Guia 2 First Conditional

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Institución Educativa

“Leonidas Rubio Villegas”

“formamos integralmente al hombre, y generamos el cambio”
DERECHO BÁSICO DE APRENDIZAJE: Intercambia información sobre temas del entorno escolar y de interés
general en una conversación
ESTÁNDAR: Edito mis escritos en clase, teniendo en cuenta reglas de ortografía, adecuación del vocabulario y estructuras



1) Match the sentence halves.

1. I’ll be disappointed if you don’t come to the party.
If you eat too much, I’ll be
disappointed 2.____________________________________________
if it doesn’t rain tomorrow I’ll be happy 3.____________________________________________
if I pass my final exam you’ll feel unwell 4.____________________________________________
I’ll phone you If you pay for dinner, 5.____________________________________________
We’ll go to the park If I need your 6.____________________________________________
help, _______________
I’ll pay for lunch if you don’t come to the
2) Choose the best answer, a or b.
1. If I find the book you want, I’ll send you a text message.
a) I’ll definitely find the book b) I might find the book
2. If the tickets are too expensive, Sam won’t buy them.
a) Sam might buy the tickets b) Sam will definitely buy the tickets
3. I’ll tell Jane the news if she comes to the party.
a) Jane might come to the party b) Jane’s definitely coming to the party
4. John’s parents will give him a car if he passes the exam.
a) He might have a car b) He’ll definitely have a car

3) Complete these superstitions

1. If a cat ______________ (wash) behind its ears, it ______________ (rain).

2. If the bride ___________ (make) her own dress, it_________________ (bring) bad luck.
3. You ______________ (catch) a cold if a cat _____________ (sneeze) three times.
4. If you ____________ (open) an umbrella indoors, it ____________ (bring) bad luck.
5. Something bad _________________ (happen) to you if you ____________ (walk) under the ladder.
6. If you ________ (take) the last piece of bread on the plate, you ____________ (be) unlucky.
7. If you ___________ (have) an itchy nose, you ______________ (have) an argument with someone soon.

4) Complete the first conditional sentences with your own ideas.

1. I’ll be happy ____________________________________________________________________________

2. If it rains all weekend, ____________________________________________________________________
3. If I forget my best friend’s birthday, _____________________________________________________
4. I’ll pass all my exams _____________________________________________________________________
5. If I don’t feel well tomorrow morning, ____________________________________________________
6. I’ll go to bed early ________________________________________________________________________
7. I’ll be disappointed _______________________________________________________________________

5) Teniendo en cuenta las reglas en el colegio y en la casa ¿qué sucederá si no se cumplen algunas de ellas?- escribe la
condición y el resultado con ejemplos reales

1. ______________________________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________________________
4 _______________________________________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________________________________
6 _______________________________________________________________________________________
7. _______________________________________________________________________________________
English Test: Superstitions

1- Read the article about the origin of two superstitions and write True or False. Justify the false answers.

"A broken mirror gives you seven years of bad luck."

In ancient Greece, it was common for people to consult "mirror seers," who told their fortunes by analyzing their
reflections. Divination was performed with the help of water and a looking glass (mirror). This was called
catoptromancy. The mirror was put into the water and a sick person was asked to look into the glass. If his image
appeared distorted, he would to die soon; if it was clear, he would live."
In the first century A.D., the Romans added a twist to the superstition. At that time, it was believed that. A
distorted image resulting from a broken mirror meant seven years of ill-health and misfortune, rather than death.

"A black cat crossing your path is lucky/unlucky."

Many cultures agree that black cats are powerful omens but do they signify good or evil?

The ancient Egyptians loved all cats, and it was there that the belief began that a black cat crossing your path
brings good luck. This positive reputation was different in Europe in the early seventeenth century in England.
King Charles I had a black cat as a pet. When the cat died, King Charles lamented that his luck was gone. The day
after the cat’s death he was arrested and charged with high treason.
During the Middle Ages, in many other parts of Europe people thought black cats were the "familiars," or
companions, of witches, or even witches themselves in disguise, and that a black cat crossing your path was an
indication of bad luck, a sign that the devil was watching you. This was a strong belief held by the Pilgrims when
they came to America, perhaps explaining the strong association between black cats and witchcraft that exists in
the country to this day.
1- The Ancient Greeks used water or a mirror to see their future. …………………………………………………
2- For the Romans, a sick person would die if his image was distorted. ………………………………………………
3- For different cultures blacks cats are always evil. …………………………………………………………………...
4- For King Charles I his black cat was good luck. ……………………………………………………………………
5- For some people in the Middle ages, a clack cat was a witch ……………………………………………………….

2- What do these words from the text mean? Match the words and its definition.

1- Seers a- way, road.

2- Soon b- someone who can tell your fortune
3- Twist c- the practice of magic
4- Path d- in a short time
5- witchcraft c- a change, a different meaning
3- Write the superstitions related to these words: LADDER, SHOOTING STAR.

4- Complete the sentences with the first conditional.

1- If it ………………………………….. ( rain) tomorrow, we ……………………….. (not go) to school .

2- My parents ………….................... (be) very angry if my sister …………………….….( not pass) her exams.
3- ……………………. you…………..….( pay) if I ………………………… ( go) to the cinema with you?
4- If I ……………………………….. ( not arrive) late to school, they ………………………….... ( let) me in.
5- We …………………………….. ( not have) English classes if our teacher ………………………..… ( be) ill.
En una situación hipotética un extranjero viene de intercambio al colegio y ustedes le van contar acerca de Ibagué,
lugares para visitar, actividades para hacer, cosas para comer, etc Deben utilizar zero and first conditionals. 10
ejemplos con zero conditional y 10 ejemplos con First conditional)

If you visit this city…


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