E PSDA Assignment For Project Management (BBA 302) Date of Submission: 13 April 2020

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e PSDA Assignment for Project management ( BBA 302) Dat

1.Attempt the question/s mentioned against

2. All answers to be attempted in MS Word file 120
3. Submission to be done in PDF format through
4. Your answers should be original.The turnitin report will f

Serial Number Registration ID Name

Who a
1 02851101717 MOHIT CHHABRA

2 02951101717 MOHIT GUPTA "In general the cost of debt f

What are
3 03051101717 MORRIS GILL

"Project management is a series of flexible

4 03151101717 NAINA MEHARWAL get there, with
Compare the future of
5 03251101717 NAMAN  SETH

According to Project Management Institute

6 03351101717 NIKHIL KUMAR the v

Government of India recognizes that there

as well as state and local level and th
7 03451101717 Nikhil Kumar

"Projects are not homogeneous, may be th

8 03551101717 PRERNA SALUJA
Explain the various preliminary activiti
9 03651101717 PRIYANKA YADAV

The Delhi Metro project gave Delhi a worl

projects in India in sense that it was comp
10 03751101717 RADHIKA GUPTA
Explain the wo
11 03851101717 RAGHAV BABBAR
"Services of foreign technicians may be re
12 03951101717 RAHUL KHATRI

13 04051101717 RAHUL SONI "Every project should go through SWOT an

Understand the salient features of Del

14 04151101717 RAJAT RASTOGI
Explain "SMA
15 04251101717 RIYA SETH
16 04351101717 ROHIT TOMAR

17 04451101717 SAHAJNIT PAL

Discuss and illustrate th

Chandrayan was the first Indian spacesh

18 04551101717 SAHIL CHOZZER E
"Project management is the discipline of
goals and meet specific success
19 04751101717 SATVIK NASA
"According to the worldwide Project Man
20 04851101717 SHASHANK GUPTA

Discuss the procedure fo

21 04951101717 SHAURYA GUPTA

22 05051101717 SHIVAM MISHRA

Explain the vari

23 05151101717 SHUBHAM UNIYAL

Explain the role of the spon

24 05251101717 SUMIT SINGH NEGI

The expressway which connects New Delh

innovative infrastructure projects, prepa
25 05351101717 TAMANNA MUNJAL

26 05451101717 TANUJ BEDI

Compare and contrast the pr

27 05551101717 TARUN CHAUHAN

28 05751101717 VARNIKA GUPTA Is Project management an acad

29 05851101717 VEDIKA AVASTHI
"Effective communication is key to lea
30 05951101717 YAMINI

31 06051101717 YASH GARG

"Once your project is underway you must
32 06151101717 YOGESH PUROHIT

List the key issues to be coverred in a t

33 06251101717 YUKTA GUPTA

"Ruling party makes the policies of the go

34 06351101717 YUVRAJ VOHRA

Explain the fiv

35 35751101716 Mohak  Verma

36 35951101717 MOHD  SAIM

37 36051101717 NAKUL  VERMA Discuss how a

What are the broad types of materials and

38 36151101717 PRINCE  SARASWAT

39 36251101717 ROSHAN  SHARMA What are the similari

40 40651101717 SIDDHARTH  SHARMA Distinguish bet

41 40951101717 NEERAJ SINGH  BISHT What are the advantages o

42 41051101716 Kshitiz  Jain

43 41051101717 SHUBHAM SINGH  BHANDARI Explain technical fi

44 41151101717 SUBHRAJEET  PRADHAN Explain th

45 41251101717 RITESH  DADHWAL Give a detai

46 41351101717 VIRAAJ  VAID E

47 42051101717 SANYAM  MALHOTRA Explain the role of Industrial Deve

48 42451101717 SAMVIT  GUPTA Explain the role

Describe how the

49 42851101717 SARTHAK  GUPTA

GMR Group (GMR),a leading Infrastructure

road, airport, and Urban Infrastructure. E
50 43051101717 VAIBHAV  GARG

The DMRC faced any number of technica

51 43151101717 TANISHKA  TIWARI with focus on h

When can a project be aban

52 43551101717 SHUBHAM  BAHETI

What is a
53 44151101717 NEERAJ  SHARMA

"Unexpected natural calamities may aff

54 44451101717 SAGAN  GUPTA
nt ( BBA 302) Date of Submission : 13 April 2020
mentioned against your name.
in MS Word file 1200 words(3 pages ).
PDF format through Collpoll only.
turnitin report will form the Annexure of this

Who are the various project stakeholders? How to manage them?

eneral the cost of debt funds is lower than the cost of equity funds." Support with the help of an example.
What are Commercially Viable Projects? Explain with help of examples.

ent is a series of flexible and iterative steps through which you identify where you want to go and a reasonable way to
get there, with specifics of who will do what and when".Elucidate with examples.
Compare the future of Project management in India as well as Globally stating relevant examples.

t Management Institute a project as “A temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product or service”.Explain
the various aspects of projects as highlighted in this statement.

ia recognizes that there are significant shortcomings in the availability of critical infrastructure in the country at central
te and local level and that this is hindering rapid economic development. Discuss this problem which hampers the
implementation of successful projects in India.

omogeneous, may be their purpose is similar. "In the light of this statement, describe the distinctive characteristics of a
ious preliminary activities to be taken up before a large infrastructure project can be started with help of a real life

roject gave Delhi a world-class mass rapid transit system. More importantly, it stood out from most other public sector
sense that it was completed on schedule and within the budgeted cost.Trace the journey and factors which led to this
Explain the working capital requirement and its financing in relation to its projects.

gn technicians may be required in India for setting up the project and supervising the trial runs". Explain some real life
instances and their outcomes.

uld go through SWOT analysis. It is an important tool of evaluating capabilities of the project." Elucidate with examples.

e salient features of Delhi Airport’s Terminal 3 (T3) project and analyze all the features that have contributed to the
completion of T3 project in a record 37 months.
Explain "SMART "Goals in Project Management. Elaborate the acronym SMART.

Differentiate between managing versus leading a project with examples

Discuss and illustrate the issues involved in the assessment of environmental feasibility of a project.

s the first Indian spaceship mission which was unmanned and was built totally with indigenous talent and resources.
Elaborate upon its success factors and its success story.
ment is the discipline of initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing the work of a team to achieve specific
nd meet specific success criteria." Justify in light of what is project management and its need and objectives.

worldwide Project Management Institute (PMI), there is a serious shortage of project managers in India." Explain the
problem in detail and efforts & initiatives to solve this problem.

iscuss the procedure for determining whether a project should be continued, terminated or divested.

What are the main characteristics of Venture Capital Financing ?

Explain the various criteria on which selection of a Project manager depends upon.

lain the role of the sponsor in a project organization and his/her relationship with the project manager.

hich connects New Delhi with Agra is India’s longest motorway. The project was featured in the list of world’s top 100
tructure projects, prepared by KPMG. Elaborate upon the factors that led to its success and the problems which were
encountered and the solutions thereof.

Explain the working capital requirement and its financing

are and contrast the project evaluation and review technique (PERT) with the critical path method (CPM).

ct management an academic discipline or a field of practice ? Elaborate stating relevant facts and examples.

What Project Control Really means? What are its objectives ?

munication is key to leading a successful project, and it all starts with communications management." Support the
statement stating relevant examples.

Enumerate the steps involved in Project Planning.

is underway you must monitor and compare the actual progress with the planned progress." Justify by stating the role
and importance of project controlling and monitoring.

es to be coverred in a technical collaboration arrangement. Give some real life example of a technical collaboration
arrangement in Indian context.

kes the policies of the government. Agenda of political party is most influencing factor for the business and its project
development." Support with the help of an example.

Explain the five stages involved in UNIDO approach for Social Cost-Benefit anlysis

Describe the aspects covered in Market Planning.

Discuss how a project rating Index may be developed using a practical example.

d types of materials and inputs used in a project ? Give examples of a real life project by focusing on the problems and
prospects thereof.

What are the similarities and differences between the UNIDO approach and the little - Mirless ?

Distinguish between Forward Integration Project and Backward Integration Project.

at are the advantages of using the computerised project management system for project management?

Explain Leasing as a source of financing the project.

Explain technical financial and economic evaluations with regard to post audit of projects.

Explain the part played by tax planning in project investment decisions.

Give a detailed note on social objectives of a project with relevant examples.

Explain the role of E-commerce in project management.

e role of Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI) as an apex agency for financing Industrial projects in India.
Explain the role of Industrial Finance Corporation of India (IFCI) in financing in India.

Describe how the cost of capital for a project is being calculated with help of an example.

,a leading Infrastructure group, had a stake in almost all types of infrastructure development activities including power,
d Urban Infrastructure. Explain the key features, beneficiaries, success factors and other aspects of any of the projects
undertaken by GMR Group

any number of technical and systemic challenges during the construction of the metro in Delhi.Explain a few of them
with focus on how they were resolved using necessary project management skills.

n can a project be abandoned ? State the implications of project abnadonment with help of an example.

What is a Sample Survey ? Discuss the steps involved in a Sample survey.

atural calamities may affect a project which require a complete reassessment". Elaborate upon a situation by giving
relevant examples.

reasonable way to

t or service”.Explain

e country at central
h hampers the

e characteristics of a

elp of a real life

other public sector

rs which led to this

plain some real life

date with examples.

ntributed to the

nt and resources.

o achieve specific

India." Explain the



of world’s top 100

blems which were



t." Support the

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cts in India.
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any of the projects

ain a few of them


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