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ITEC 7410: Action/Evaluation Plan

Name: Janet Brewer Semester: Spring 2020

Goal: Skilled Teachers

During the 2020-2021 school year, the teachers at Hollydale will develop lessons plans that
integrate technology into the instruction and use technology to plan student learning that is
differentiated, collaborative, and real world.

Evaluation Method: Success Indicator:

- Administration observations Success will be shown through 90% of teachers
- Lesson Plans having integrated technology into their
- Minutes from planning/PLC meetings instruction. Further success will be shown by
85% of teachers having planned student learning
activities involving technology.

Strategies Timeline Budget/Funding Source Person(s) Responsible

The technology team Post planning, May 21- N/A Survey will be Media Specialist,
for the new school year May 22 created through Leader on Technology
will consist of teachers Microsoft Forms, Committee (create
who complete a survey which is already survey)
saying they frequently present at the school
use technology both in Administration Team
their instruction and (send out survey with
for student learning. directions and timeline

Teachers (take survey)

Teachers will attend Preplanning, July 31 – N/A Technology Technology
conferences during August 4 Committee will use Committee (host
preplanning to learn resources that are training conferences)
about the technology already present at the
vision for the school, school TTIS from County
led by the members of
the Technology Teachers (attend
Committee. trainings with grade
level team)
Teachers will attend Once a month, during $69 x 2, coverage for Technology
training sessions that predetermined two substitutes to Committee members
cover technology Wednesday planning allow Technology (host trainings)
integration in both sessions. Committee members to
instruction and student lead the professional
learning. development, money TTIS from County
available from Title I
funds Teachers (attend
trainings with grade
level team)
Teachers will meet During PLC planning N/A TTIS from County
weekly during PLC time on Thursdays when needed
time to plan lessons for

SU 19
ITEC 7410: Action/Evaluation Plan
Name: Janet Brewer Semester: Spring 2020

the following week Teachers (members

and review ways to from grade level teams
integrate technology in meeting to discuss
the planned lessons. plans)
Goal: Instructional Change
By the end of the 2020 – 2021 school year, technology will be utilized for formative and summative
assessments, engagement purposes, organizational and clerical needs, and to analyze data. The
students will use technology as a tool for practice and to produce learning products.

Evaluation Method: Success Indicator:

- Administration observations Success will be shown through 90% of teachers
- Lesson Plans having integrated technology into their
- Minutes from planning/PLC meetings instruction. Further success will be shown by
85% of teachers having planned student learning
activities involving technology.

Strategies Timeline Budget/Funding Source Person(s) Responsible

Teachers will attend Preplanning, July 31 – N/A Technology Technology

training on how to August 4 Committee will use Committee (host
develop technology resources that are training sessions)
rich instruction that already present at the
incorporates NET-S school TTIS from County
and ISTE standards.
Through this, the Teachers (attend
teachers will see they trainings with grade
can use technology to level team)
“rethink education and
create innovative
environments” (ISTE,
Teachers will attend Once a month, during $69 x 2, coverage for Technology
training sessions that predetermined two substitutes to Committee members
cover technology Wednesday planning allow Technology (host trainings)
integration in both sessions. Committee members to
instruction and student lead the professional
learning. Each month development, money TTIS from County
will focus on a available from Title I
different technology funds Teachers (attend
already available trainings with grade
within the school. For level team)
example, Zearn math
and Office 365.
Teachers will meet During PLC planning N/A TTIS from County
weekly during PLC time on Thursdays when needed

SU 19
ITEC 7410: Action/Evaluation Plan
Name: Janet Brewer Semester: Spring 2020

time to review ways to

integrate technology in Teachers (members
the planned lessons. from grade level teams
The focus will be on meeting to discuss
creating a school plans)
setting that is
providing an integrated
learning experience.
(Maxwell, 2016).
Goal: Student Focused
Throughout the 2020-2021 school year, students will be members of a more blended and online
learning environment. They will learn to use technology as both practice and to produce
technological products and artifacts. Through the use of online learning, the students will learn to
become better digital citizens.

Evaluation Method: Success Indicator:

- Teacher observations Success will be shown through 90% of students
- Lesson plans using technology as a learning tool. Further
- Student surveys success will be shown by 85% of students using
technology to create learning artifacts
throughout the year.

Strategies Timeline Budget/Funding Source Person(s) Responsible

The Technology Postplanning, May 21 N/A Technolog Committee

Committee will and May 22 (development of
collaborate to come up materials)
with activities to
introduce and teach the TTTIS from County
students about digital
citizenship. Administrators (final
approval of materials)
The Technology Preplanning July 31 – N/A Technology
Committee will work August 4 Committee (providing
with the Writing Lab training)
connections teacher on
how to use the digital Writing lab teacher
citizenship lessons and (participating in
activities. training)
The students will August 2020 – The N/A Writing lab teacher
complete the digital students will complete (implementation of
citizenship lessons and the activities during lessons)
activities within the their weekly visits to
Writing Lab classroom the Writing Lab. Students (participating
that is in the computer in lessons)

SU 19
ITEC 7410: Action/Evaluation Plan
Name: Janet Brewer Semester: Spring 2020

Technology Once every other N/A Technology

Committee will month during a faculty Committee (hosting
provide professional meeting professional professional
development sessions development time. The development sessions)
introducing different session would be
technology tools for broken up by grade Teachers (attending the
the various grade level, with different sessions with their
levels. Technology grade level teams)
Committee members
running the different
grades level meetings.
Goal: Diversity Considerations
During the 2020-2021 school year, Hollydale will work to provide various ways to access
technology after school. The technology used during the day will be authentic and meaningful.
Digital equity is not just about access to technology, it is also about how the technology is used
(Judge, et al., 2004).

Evaluation Method: Success Indicator:

- Attendance/sign in sheets from after Success will be shown through 80% of the
school media center computer use students in the technology club participating
- Products created from after school every week to create an authentic technology
technology club artifact. Further, 90% of respondents to surveys
- Student and teacher surveys about will indicate use of the media center after school
effective use of technology and valuable learning opportunities in the

Strategies Timeline Budget/Funding Source Person(s) Responsible

The media center will Each school day from Hourly ASP rate to Administrator (to
stay open for 2:30 – 6:00. hire someone to approve plan and hire
community use each monitor the computers someone to work in
day for as long as the and assist as needed. media center)
after school program is
running. ASP worker (monitor
computers and assist
Grade level teams will August 2020 N/A Technology
choose 10-15 students Committee (to plan
from each grade level and coordinate after
that come from diverse school program)
backgrounds, such as
low SES, girls, and Teachers (to choose
diverse ethnicities. and invite students to
Students will be join)
invited to be members

SU 19
ITEC 7410: Action/Evaluation Plan
Name: Janet Brewer Semester: Spring 2020

in the after school Students (to join club

technology enrichment and participate every
club. week
The club will allow September 2020 – Club leaders will be Teachers (to run the
students the April 2021 teachers who are club)
opportunity to create getting paid their
projects using nothing hourly pay rate. Female members of the
but technology. community, along with
Throughout the year, Speakers will be other people
there will be guest members of the (volunteers to speak to
speakers, focusing on community and on a the students)
gender equality and volunteer basis.
equitable access. Girls
tend to start feeling
uncomfortable being
seen as smart in field
typically dominated by
The professional Once a month on N/A Technology
development offered Wednesdays, every Committee (planning
throughout the school other month during a and leading trainings)
year will focus on Monday staff meeting,
using the tools in weekly during PLC TTIS from County
authentic, engaging, meetings when needed
and meaningful ways.
Teachers (participate
in trainings)
Goal: School Related
The 2020-2021 School Improvement Plan for Hollydale Elementary will include the school
technology vision and plan.

Evaluation Method: Success Indicator:

- Evaluation of Hollydale SIP Success will be shown by 90% of teachers being
- Teacher surveys able to explain how technology will assist in
reaching the School Improvement Plan goals.
Strategies Timeline Budget/Funding Source Person(s) Responsible

Technology Ongoing throughout N/A Administrators and

Committee will be the school-year; new technology coach
created in include the will coordinate team
academic coach, new formation
technology coach, and
other members of the
The Technology Post planning , May 21 N/A Technology
Committee will work and 22 Committee (develop

SU 19
ITEC 7410: Action/Evaluation Plan
Name: Janet Brewer Semester: Spring 2020

together to develop the plan)

technology plan for the
2020-2021 school year Administrators (final
Technology July 30 day before Teachers who Technology
Committee will meet preplanning volunteer will be Committee (develop
with administration offered a small stipend plan)
and new technology at the principals
coach to determine behest. Administrators (final
which faculty members approval)
should and should not
be included in the SIP.


Heick, T. (2019, September 18). The Benefits Of Blended Learning -.

Retrieved from


Judge, S., Puckett, K., & Cabuk, B. (2004). Digital Equity: New Findings

from the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study. Journal of Research on

Technology in Education, 36(4), 383–396.

Kaplan, M. (2012, May 10). Collaborative Team Teaching: Challenges and

Rewards. Retrieved from


Maxwell, C. (2019, February 6). What blended learning is - and isn't.

Retrieved from


Ring, S. (2008, May 19). Tech gURLs: Closing the Technological Gender

Gap. Retrieved from


SU 19
ITEC 7410: Action/Evaluation Plan
Name: Janet Brewer Semester: Spring 2020

SU 19

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