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Forde 1

Britney Forde

Dean Leonard

English 1201.507

23 March 2020

Why do people that drink and smoke have a higher risk of depression ?

There are many people in the world that suffer from depression. Some of them take

illegal/non illegal drugs, and some of them don’t. Research suggests that the risk of depression

is lower with no influence, but is that really the case? Isn’t genetics a risk factor for depression or

does depression happen over time?

Withdrawal of any drug for example Marijuana, can cause everyday functions to become

more difficult as said in ( “​There is a well-known phenomenon called

"amotivational syndrome," in which ​chronic​ cannabis users become apathetic, socially

withdrawn, and perform at a level of everyday functioning well below their capacity prior to

their marijuana use.” ​(American Addiction decalars that some people drink to mask

their depression or suppress it; however, drinking worsens depression. “While alcohol

temporarily relieves some of the symptoms of depression, it ultimately serves to worsen

depression on a long term basis.​ Other sources such as ( revealed that consuming

alcohol can cause you to experience depression and ruin cognitive development. It states

“​According to Dr. Clyde W. Hodge at UNC, those who drink moderate amounts of alcohol for

health benefits may very well experience depression, as well as diminished cognitive abilities.”
Forde 2

Research from (healthline) states “​Endocannabinoids, these are naturally produced

chemical compounds. They play a role in motor control, cognition, emotions, and behavior. They

also have a chemical makeup similar to that of cannabis.” This simply states that weed can help

depression in various ways. Smoking cannabis can ease depression and lesson negative thoughts

says (, “​The euphoric effects of marijuana can cause relaxation and

stimulation. When high on cannabis, individuals with depression may experience a slight

decrease in negative thoughts.”

There are always counter acts that go against each other such as ( they say “​Some

research suggests that marijuana smokers are diagnosed with depression more often than

nonsmokers are — particularly regular or heavy marijuana users. However, it doesn't appear that

marijuana directly causes depression.”​ There is no specific evidence that alcohol and, or weed

can help get through depression; however some say it can lower the risk, cure, etc. we won't

know until we keep researching.

Forde 3


“On Drinking, Smoking and Depression.” ​Mental Help On Drinking Smoking and Depression

Comments,​ ​​.

Schimelpfening, Nancy. “Understanding the Complex Relationship of Depression and Marijuana

Use.” ​Verywell Mind​, Verywell Mind, 24 Feb. 2020,​.

Watkins, Meredith. “Alcohol and Depression: What Is the Connection?” ​American Addiction


Daniel K. Hall-Flavin, M.D. “What the Research Says.” ​Mayo Clinic,​ Mayo Foundation for

Medical Education and Research, 4 Dec. 2018,


“Marijuana and Depression.” ​HeadsUpGuys​, 25 Feb. 2020,

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