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5th grade of secondary

I) Read and Choose the best verb for each sentence and then write it in
the past simple (regular verbs).

1) Carlos and his family ______________ in a hotel close to Macchu Picchu last year
(clean - stay - watch - help)
2) 5th grade students _____________ a 20 on their final exam. their grades were horrible.
(talk - work - enjoy - need)
3) Your brother __________________ with me , but he moved last night. (call - listen -
live - answer)
4) The teacher asked a math question, karina was the only one who ______________it.
(call - travel - cook - answer)
5) The lomosaltado was delicious, my family really ____________ it. (stay - like - study
- walk)
6) We __________ the best soccer match, we raised the cup and celebrated the
championship (play - learn - try - call)
7) Her friends ________________ classic music before the exam. (cook - clean - listen
- answer)
8) Sonia and Magaly _______________ to France days ago to see the Eifel tower. (walk
- need - want - travel)
9) Jorge visited a disco in New York, he ______________ to see how Americans have
fun. (want - help - cook - watch)
10) My sister ______________my mother to wash the dishes last night. today is my turn.
(try - live - call - help)
11) Ancient Peruvians _________________ the stars and the sky to read the hours.
(clean - play - study - stay)
12) Sofia ________________ the teacher an interesting question, "What time is the
break?" (talk - need - like - ask)
13) Miss Maria ___________ the class today, all her students participated and got good
grades. (enjoy - want - clean)
14) My little brother _________________ to walk when he was 2 years old (talk - answer
- learn - study)
15) The teacher _________________ Gianela with her English project. (stay - help -
want - clean)
Reescribe las oraciones en pasado simple, utiliza la palabra “yesterday”. Guíate del
primer ejemplo.

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