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Universidad Tecnológica de Honduras

Lic. Mayra Guadalupe Jacome.

English III

A short story

Any and his kite

Presented by:

Lidis Daniela Madrigales 201610040023.

Monday, March 03, 2020

"To live is to be born every moment"

Any and his kite

Anyone was a five-year-old girl who lived in a town called The Wind, not near
civilization was a very quiet place, not trees and flowers; men tilling the land,
women washing in wells and children playing. Peace and harmony were the
characteristics of that place.

Whatever her young age before going out to play, doing her chores at home,
helping mom in the kitchen and even if she can't read, she loves to look at the
images in her dad's history books, sometimes she imagined that she It was within
those stories of feat. One day, she discovered that one of the books showed
photographs of some kind of flying and birdlike ship, aroused anyone's interest in
knowing what he had discovered. Consult your dad and he explained that he will
be affected by a plane, from that day he would build his own plane and the closest
thing was a kite. Every day he tried to build one that was strong, but they always
ended up destroyed, but he never gave up and sometimes he hoped that his result
would be successful although his art in making kites was not very good.

His father always watched his daughter's commitment and secretly built a beautiful
kite, many colors, Any jumped for joy because of how beautiful gift and
immediately went out to play, flew, flew and flew his kite that radiated joy with his
beautiful colors. Sometimes he couldn't see his kite, how high he flew. One windy
afternoon while Any was maneuvering with her new hobby, the force of the wind
caused the thread with which she controlled her kite to break. He could not believe
what was happening, his kite had gone to the clouds and it was impossible to
recover it for which she was sad.

But, what you just saw Anyone in the clouds, I could not believe it, it was just the
ship of the books, the great machine that flew like birds, was not alone in the book,
at that moment he could contemplate and listen one that for her was a majestic
work and forgot her kite because thanks to it, she could see something more
The end.

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