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Introduction: Late Paleozoic glacial events and postglacial transgressions in


Chapter  in  Special Paper of the Geological Society of America · August 2010

DOI: 10.1130/2010.2468(00)

16 294

2 authors:

Oscar Lopez-Gamundi Luis A. Buatois

P1Consultants University of Saskatchewan


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The Geological Society of America
Special Paper 468

Introduction: Late Paleozoic glacial events and

postglacial transgressions in Gondwana

Oscar R. López-Gamundí
Hess Corporation, 500 Dallas Street, Houston, Texas 77002, USA

Luis A. Buatois
Department of Geological Sciences, University of Saskatchewan, 114 Science Place, Saskatoon, SK S7N 5E2, Canada

The stratigraphic record suggests that glaciations have fied subsequently by the seminal work led by John Crowell and
occurred episodically at different time intervals in Earth’s his- Lawrence Frakes (Frakes and Crowell, 1967, 1969; Frakes et al.,
tory (Crowell, 1982, 1999). One of those glaciations affected 1969; Frakes and Crowell, 1970; Crowell and Frakes, 1971a,
the Gondwanan Supercontinent during the late Paleozoic and 1971b, 1972; Frakes et al., 1971; Crowell, 1978). With the addi-
constituted the longest period of continuous glaciation in the tional help of later contributions, the body of evidence about the
Phanerozoic (Eyles, 1993). Carboniferous to Early Permian gla- duration, areal extent, and influence of the Late Paleozoic Ice
ciogenic successions have been known on all the subcontinents Age (LPIA) on the biota has significantly grown.
of Gondwana, most notably South America, Africa, India, and However, uncertainty remains over the exact timing of onset
Australia, and later work expanded to Antarctica and the Middle and demise of each glacial episode of the LPIA, particularly
East (Fig. 1). This glacial age can be subdivided into three dis- when attempts are made to link these glacial episodes in Gond-
tinct episodes (López-Gamundí, 1997). Glacial episodes II and wana with cyclothems in the Northern Hemisphere (particularly
III occurred during the early Late Carboniferous and the Late the United States and Europe), following Wanless and Shepard’s
Carboniferous–Early Permian, respectively. An earlier, short- (1936) hypothesis. The picture becomes particularly blurred if,
lived glacial episode in the Late Devonian–earliest Carbonifer- as exemplified by Wright and Vanstone (2001) for the Viséan car-
ous (glacial episode I) identified in central and northern South bonate successions in the Northern Hemisphere (UK), glacioeu-
America (Fig. 1) extended even further the duration of this ice static sea-level oscillations invoked to account for high-frequency
age (Veevers and Powell, 1987). In general, the locus of ice cover, cyclicity had an approximate 100 ka periodicity, which may cor-
and its stratigraphic record, progressively moved across Gond- respond to Milankovitch eccentricity. Thus, far field studies can
wana from South America to Australia (Crowell, 1999), tracking sometimes be based on shaky grounds, particularly owing to the
the transpolar trajectory across Gondwana. This polar wander difficulty of estimating the magnitude and hierarchy of the near
across the Gondwanan Supercontinent controlled paleolatitudes field glacioeustatic fluctuations (Rygel et al., 2008) and the less
and accounts for the diachroneity of glacial episodes I, II, and than optimal chronostratigraphic resolution of the Gondwanan
III; however, the exact timing of waxing and waning of ice cen- faunas and floras associated with the LPIA.
ters during each glacial episode (particularly for the longest-lived Maximum expansion of Gondwanan continental ice sheets
episode III) seemed to have been influenced by basin dynamics, occurred during earliest Permian time (glacial episode IV) under
topographic barriers, glaciation styles, and other local factors. paleoatmospheric CO2 levels as low as the present ones to values
The recognition of ancient glacial deposits of similar late of up to 12 times higher by the late Early Permian (Montañez
Paleozoic age in South Africa and South America (Du Toit, 1927) et al., 2007). Widespread Early Permian (Sakmarian) collapse of
helped, in conjunction with other lines of evidence, to argue in ice sheets coincided with the onset of rising atmospheric CO2 lev-
favor of the principles of seafloor spreading and indirectly to els, after which time surface temperatures and atmospheric partial
build the theory of plate tectonics (Wegener, 1915). The pio- pressure of carbon dioxide (pCO2) rose. The more detailed and
neering work during the first half of the last century was solidi- deeper our knowledge about the LPIA gets, the better positioned
López-Gamundí, O.R., and Buatois, L.A., 2010, Introduction: Late Paleozoic glacial events and postglacial transgressions in Gondwana, in López-Gamundí, O.R.,
and Buatois, L.A., eds., Late Paleozoic Glacial Events and Postglacial Transgressions in Gondwana: Geological Society of America Special Paper 468, p. v–viii,
doi: 10.1130/2010.2468(00). For permission to copy, contact ©2010 The Geological Society of America. All rights reserved.

vi López-Gamundí and Buatois

Glacial Episode III

Glacial Episode II
Glacial Episode I
340 Ma
Polar Path
360 Ma
340 Ma

360 Ma

320 Ma
7 A N T A R C T I C A
7 8 1 7 280 Ma
250 Ma
7 7
260 Ma 1
265 Ma

1 6 3 7 9
0 2000 km

Figure 1. Gondwana Supercontinent and the Late Paleozoic Ice Age (LPIA) basins with glacial evidence in their strati-
graphic record highlighted. Glacial episodes after López-Gamundí (1997); polar path after Powell and Li (1994). Loca-
tions of contributions in this volume indicated by numbers corresponding to chapters in the volume.

we will be to understand the relationship between shifts in pCO2, (3) the chronostratigraphic resolution of paleofaunas (Cisterna
temperature, and ice volume and greenhouse gas forcing of past and Sterren, Chapter 6) and paleofloras (Ianuzzi et al., Chapter
and future climates. Additionally, a better understanding of the 5) that coexisted with extreme glacial and relatively milder early
mechanisms of postglacial transgressions along basin margins postglacial conditions, and the presence of freshwater and brack-
will allow us to refine our search for fossil fuels through the iden- ish water ichnofaunas related to postglacial marine transgres-
tification of potential marine source rocks and coals. We hope sions (Buatois et al., Chapter 7; Desjardins et al., Chapter 8);
this volume contributes to both ends. (4) the characterization of high-latitude, postglacial lakes (Miller
This volume’s contributions constitute a wide range of top- and Isbell, Chapter 9); and (5) the search for a unifying sequence-
ics related to this extreme paleoclimatic episode in Earth’s his- stratigraphic model for the glacial-postglacial transition (López-
tory. Original presentations were part of the IGCP 471 project Gamundí, Chapter 1).
(“Evolution of the western Gondwana during the late Paleo- The contributions included in this volume cover a broad
zoic: Tectonosedimentary record, paleoclimate and biological geography across Gondwana, but they do not have the objective
changes”)–sponsored session Late Paleozoic glacial events and of giving a state-of-the-art review of the LPIA, a theme that has
postglacial transgressions in Gondwana during the 32nd Inter- been periodically dealt with since Hambrey and Harland’s (1981)
national Geological Congress (Florence, August 2004). It was volume. A recent update can be found in Fielding et al. (2008).
evident at that time that consensus had been reached on some Rather, the present volume is focused on key specific topics related
basic problems about the LPIA, but some new challenges had to the LPIA that, in our opinion, required further study. These top-
emerged. Some of the unanswered questions that this volume ics deal with the two main episodes identified during the LPIA:
attempts to address revolve around (1) relatively less known the early Late Carboniferous (Namurian–Westphalian) glacial
glacial deposits in some regions of Gondwana (Central Africa, episode II, mostly confined to the Paleopacific margin of south-
Kreuser and Woldu, Chapter 4; Arabia, Melvin et al., Chapter 2); ern South America, and a much more widespread early Permian
(2) the controversy between a single massive ice sheet versus glacial episode III, which affected the rest of the supercontinent
numerous glacial centers and alpine glaciers (Isbell, Chapter 3); (López-Gamundí, 1997; Isbell et al., 2003). Instead of providing
Introduction vii

brief summaries of specific areas, the authors were encouraged to outline the regional extent of these anoxic lakes in various late
expand their views, providing full documentation. Paleozoic basins of eastern and southern Africa.
The book consists of two main parts. The first half deals with The nature of continental and shallow-marine ecosystems
sedimentologic, paleoenvironmental, and paleoclimatic aspects of during glacial and postglacial times is still poorly understood. The
the glacial event. The second half explores paleobiologic aspects last five contributions of this book focus on this topic, touching
of glacial and glacially influenced ecosystems. The first contribu- also on biostratigraphic implications. In Chapter 5, Iannuzzi et al.
tion, which is by López-Gamundí, focuses on the sequence stra- provide for the first time a sequence-stratigraphic and paleoen-
tigraphy of the late Paleozoic glacial event and the subsequent vironmental framework for palynozones and plant zones in the
postglacial phase, setting the stage for the rest of the volume. He Rio Grande do Sul portion of the Paraná Basin. These authors
notes that, irrespective of the age, there is a common stratigraphic find that the boundaries of palynozones lie near the maximum
stacking pattern in each of the transgressive events. As a result flooding surfaces. In addition, they note that the plant zones pre-
of the combined effect of fast glacioeustatic sea-level rise and viously defined correspond to distinct ecofacies and are better
subsidence along basin margins, a drastic landward facies shift regarded as ecozones rather than as biozones. Based on this anal-
took place in the transition from glacially dominated to glacially ysis, a link is suggested between the increase in floral diversity of
influenced early postglacial environments. Available information the Glossopteris-Rhodeopteridium Zone and the appearance of
allows recognition of two basic types of transgressive systems more complex coastal ecosystems as recorded in the Rio Bonito
tracts (TSTs): (1) a complete TST, with a basal diamictite unit, Formation. Cisterna and Sterren (Chapter 6) evaluate taphonomic
followed by shale with ice-rafted debris (IRD) and IRD-free and paleoecologic aspects of the Levipustula Fauna. This fauna
shales, culminating in a maximum flooding surface; and (2) a is typical of lower Upper Carboniferous glacially related deposits
base-cut TST in which the TST is dominated by open-marine in the Andean basins of Argentina. Based on studies in differ-
shales, generally devoid of IRD. ent stratigraphic units of the Calingasta-Uspallata Basin, these
The other three contributions are case studies based on authors are able to distinguish two associations: intraglacial and
specific areas of Gondwana but bearing implications at a more postglacial. They also note that the postglacial association is
global scale. Melvin et al. (Chapter 2) provide a detailed charac- more diverse and displays more abundance than the intraglacial
terization of the Upper Carboniferous–Lower Permian Unayzah association. This increase in diversity and abundance is explained
Formation of subsurface Saudi Arabia. This unit (subdivided as a result of less stressful conditions resulting from climatic
into four members) is particularly relevant, because it provides amelioration.
a full picture of the paleoclimatic evolution in this region of The last three contributions deal with ichnology. In particu-
Gondwana, from glacial through postglacial to semiarid and arid lar, trace fossils are ideally suited for ecosystem studies because
conditions. The wide spectrum of facies documented includes they provide in situ evidence of organism-substrate interactions.
tillite, reworked diamictite, glaciolacustrine fines and turbi- In Chapter 7, Buatois et al. summarize ichnologic data from
dites, fluvial deposits, paleosoils, and eolianites. These authors eight different Gondwanan basins (Paganzo, San Rafael, Tarija,
differentiate between climatically and tectonically controlled Paraná, Karoo, Falkland, Transantarctic, and Sydney) and note
transgressions and provide correlations across the Arabian Pen- the presence of fresh-water ichnofaunas in direct association
insula. In Chapter 3, Isbell explores the paleoenvironmental with glacially influenced coasts affected by strong discharges of
and paleoclimatic implications of glaciomarine deposits in the meltwater as a recurrent theme. These authors suggest that fresh-
Permian Metschel Tillite of the Transantarctic Mountains. In water conditions prevailed in coastal areas during most of the
contrast to previous interpretations, he proposes that ice entered postglacial times because of a strong discharge of fresh water
the area from at least two different ice centers on opposite sides from melting of the ice masses. They conclude that the classic
of the basin. Abundant evidence of glaciotectonic structures is marine-nonmarine dichotomy used in ichnologic studies may be
documented, including sheared diamictites and thrust sheets. misleading in this type of setting. Desjardins et al. (Chapter 8)
The global significance of this study resides in that multiple gla- document the ichnofauna present in transgressive deposits of the
ciers contain less ice volume than a single massive ice sheet, uppermost Carboniferous and lowermost Permian Tupe Forma-
impacting on global climate and eustatic sea level in a different tion of the Paganzo Basin in western Argentina. These authors
way than would have a single massive ice sheet. Kreuser and discuss ichnologic aspects of the transition from postglacial flu-
Woldu (Chapter 4) provide a detailed characterization of Perm- vial deposits to bay deposits formed during a rise in sea level.
ian euxinic lake deposits preserved in the Idusi Formation of The recognized trace-fossil assemblages reflect the changing
the Ruhuhu Basin in Tanzania. The succession reflects a tran- environmental conditions that result from a base-level rise. This
sition from glacial to postglacial deposits, culminating in the study underscores the interplay of ecology, sea-level rise, and
development of distal alluvial fans during climatic amelioration. paleogeography as controlling factors for trace-fossil distribu-
These extensive anaerobic stratified lakes provided appropriate tion. In Chapter 9, Miller and Isbell focus on the paleoecologic
conditions for deposition of black shales with abundant organic implications of an ichnofauna formed in a large and deep turbid-
matter (up to 11% total organic carbon [TOC]). These authors itic Permian lake, recorded in the Mackellar Formation of the
underscore the importance of these deposits as source rocks and Transantarctic Mountains. The Mackellar ichnofauna is of low
viii López-Gamundí and Buatois

Frakes, L.A., and Crowell, J.C., 1967, Facies and paleogeography of late Paleo-
diversity, and the degree of bioturbation is generally low, sug- zoic Lafonian diamictite, Falkland Islands: Geological Society of Amer-
gesting oxic conditions and restriction of the benthos to areas ica Bulletin, v. 78, p. 37–58.
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Gondwana Stratigraphy, IUGS Symposium (Buenos Aires, 1967): Earth
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for dedicating their time to reviewing this volume’s contribu- Frakes, L.A., Matthews, J.L., and Crowell, J.C., 1971, Late Paleozoic gla-
tions: Lucia Angiolini (Università degli Studi di Milano, Italy), ciation: Part III: Antarctica: Geological Society of America Bulletin,
v. 82, p. 1581–1604, doi: 10.1130/0016-7606(1971)82[1581:LPGPIA
Christoph Breitkreuz (Institut für Geologie, Freiberg, Germany), ]2.0.CO;2.
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Norway), Ricardo Melchor (Universidad de La Pampa, Argen- late Paleozoic glaciation in Gondwana: Was glaciation responsible for
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at Botucatu, Brazil), Lynn Soreghan (University of Oklahoma, and Archer, A.W., eds., Extreme Depositional Environments: Mega End
Members in Geologic Time: Geological Society of America Special Paper
USA), Luis A. Spalletti (Universidad de La Plata, Argentina), 370, p. 5–24.
Antonio Rocha-Campos (University of Sao Paulo, Brazil), Alfred López-Gamundí, O.R., 1997, Glacial-postglacial transition in the late Paleozoic
Uchman (Jagiellonian University, Poland), John Veevers (Mac- basins of southern South America, in Martini, I.P., ed., Late Glacial and
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