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Yvonne Jackson

Praxis Core Exam Analysis

Exam Requirements

As part of my acceptance to The Rodman Scholarship Cohort Program for 2020-2021 at

the University of Las Vegas, I will need to pass the Praxis Core Exam for me to receive my

Bachelor’s degree in Special Education. The minimum passing scores for the Praxis Core in

Nevada are Reading 156, Writing 162, and Math 150.

Exam Preparation

I prepared myself before I took the Praxis exam by familiarizing myself with the Praxis

core website. I read about the exam and performed all the suggested ETS practice questions.

Also, I reviewed the study companions for the Math, Reading, and Writing sections of the Praxis

tests. Because they are revising the Praxis Computer-delivered Testing Demonstration video

until the Spring of 2020, I was not able to view it. However, I was able to take a diagnostic for

the tests on Khan This was very helpful because I could check the questions I

missed and review my answers. Also, the tips and strategies in Math were very helpful and

helped explain my mistakes. Most importantly, I realize I have to slow down and take my

time. Also, it helped me to know which areas I needed to study. Besides this, the ETS website

had a Webinar video on how to prepare for the Praxis exam that was very beneficial. Also, was a valuable website and had many helpful tools.

Exam Results

The results after taking the Praxis Core exam in Reading, Math, and Writing are as

follows: I scored 59% in Reading, which means that I need significant improvement. It also

means that I am borderline for passing the Praxis Core Exam in Reading. Likewise, I scored 59%

in Math, which means that I need significant improvement to be able to pass the Praxis Core

Exam for Math. For Writing, I scored 65%, which means that I can likely pass the Praxis Core

Exam for Writing but need improvement.

Future Exam Preparation

In the future, I will be taking the CBEST test to receive my bachelor’s degree in

Special Education at UNLV. Unfortunately, I have prepared myself in the past for the CBEST

and was not able to take it because of the stay at home COVID-19 order that was enforced by our

Governor, Steve Sisolak. Thankfully, this gives me more time to focus on the areas that I need to

work on, like Reading and Math. I have registered before on the Teacher’s Test Prep website for

the online CBEST Prep course and will be creating a weekly study plan to prepare for taking the

CBEST exam in June.

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