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"I can already tell we'll not get along."

"Oh, so you have a problem with guys who,…(characteristic of


"I'm totally not boyfriend material."

I'm the guy your mom warned you about.

"So, you're the type of girl who" (mention something about her)

"You're fired!" (said like Trump from the Apprentice Show)

"I gotta tell you the truth. Your first impression sucks."

"You can't handle a guy like me."

"You are way too inexperienced for me."

"How old are you? You are way to young for me."

"This has been great talking to you; too bad you're not my type."

"That guy over there seems perfect for you."

"Your first impression sucks."

"You know what you're really bad at? (Mention something she is
doing or saying)"

( (C) Mastery Technologies, Inc.

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