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Name: Marvin Batasinin BSRT-1C Deadline of Submission: April 21, 2020

Instructor: Ms. Jenessa C. Atibagos Rating:

Loren Legarda: BUHOS, A Climate Change Documentary


Human activities from pollution to overpopulation are driving up the earth’s

temperature and fundamentally changing the world around us. The main causes of the
phenomenon known as the greenhouse effect. Gases in the atmosphere such as water
vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and chlorofluorocarbons let the sun light
in. But keeps some of the heat from escaping like the glass walls of the greenhouse the
more greenhouse gases in the atmosphere the more heat gets trap strengthening the
greenhouse effect and increasing the earth’s temperature. Human activities like the
burning of fossil fuels have increased the amount of CO 2 in the atmosphere by more
than a third since the industrial revolution. The rapid increase in greenhouse gases in
the atmosphere has warned the planet at an alarming rate. While earth’s climate has
fluctuated in the past, atmosphere carbon dioxide hasn’t reached today’s levels in
hundreds of thousands of years. Climate change has consequences for our oceans, our
weather, our food sources and our health.


I remembered the time when I didn't use electric fan because I felt that the weather was
fairly cool and didn't have any wrong. But now as I grow up, the fairly cool weather
before turns to its opposite side. I am just a little bit disappointed because I cannot sleep
well and can't have any good rest. So I can say that what we had experienced before
has a big difference to what we are experiencing now, and that's the cause of what we

If you say that it's not global warming, then maybe, you are not living! Well, global
warming has turned something to distraction, especially to agriculture that results to
economic crisis. The fact that the ten peso per kilo of the vegetable before is twenty per
kilo right now. A big difference right?

As I’ve researched, one of the causes of global warming is the rapid population growth.
When population increases, climate change also increases by one. That's why trees
were cut-down to make their homes and other needs. The fact that trees that were cut-
down are our life support system. So how can we continue to live if these are happening
to our world right now? Yes, technologies are there! But always remember that
technologies are nothing when global warming will continue to hit us!

I know that we all love our mother earth, but what is love without care? So, ladies and
gentlemen, starting today, let us be more responsible! Let us throw our garbages
properly! Stop the illegal logging! Support the Anti-Mining bill! And encourage everyone
to do better. I know that through those simple steps, we can stop the real global

Pledge on how to lessen global warming

People ask me all the time what can I actually do to fight climate change. And it’s
the right question because the problem seems so big and we seem so small. That it’s
hard to imagine there’s anything we really could do. For years, environmental groups
focused on individual actions, new light bulbs, and different cars. Those changes are
useful. Some houses roofs are covered with solar panels. Others can plug their car into
them. And I’m glad about that. It’s environmentally sound. It saves money. But I try not
to fool myself into thinking that’s really how we will solve global warming. Because by
this point, with the ice caps melting we can’t make the math of climate change work one
person at a time. Instead the biggest thing an individual can do is become a little less of
an individual. Join together with others to form the kind of movements that can push for
changes big enough to matter. Those changes fall into three broad categories.

One, is to push for 100% renewable energy in every town and city. And it’s a
push that’s really working. Second, is to keep Carbon in the ground. Scientists have
made it clear that at least 80% of known reserves of coal and oil and gas have to stay
underground if we’re to have any hope of meeting the climate goals the world has
agreed on. Third, we work to staunch the flow of money to the fossil fuel industry. Our
biggest tool is called divestment. Convincing cities, states, universities, foundations,
corporations, to sell the stock they hold in fossil fuel companies. This tactic pioneered in
the fight against apartheid really works. New studies show it has focused attention on
climate change and drained companies of some of the money they need for further
exploration. These are big goals. We can only accomplish them through movements.
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is essential to prevent global warming, part of the
broader environmental concern of climate. That’s why we join together all around the
country and all across the planet.

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