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United States History, SHU

Lesson 6

Compare-Contrast Chart Template

Step 1: Use this template to create your compare-contrast chart. Use details and explanation to
fill in each section fully and thoughtfully.

Nonviolent Direct Action

Black Power Ways Similar Ways Different
Names of the
NV/DA group
Congress of Racial were usually
Equality (CORE), the long, acronyms,
Student Nonviolent Black Both type of while the black
Coordinating Committee Panthers, groups were power group
Major Groups
(SNCC), and the Southern Nation of formed by names are short
Christian Leadership Islam African American and direct with
Conference (SCLC) the feeling of
Promoting NV/DA wants to
racial pride gain more rights
Ending discrimination and They both fought while Black
and also
desegregation, not only by
nurture black for black Power wants to
making the government do
Goals values. Some freedom, racial protect African
so by laws but also equality, against American
actually enforce those discrimination, de communities and
for separatism facto and de jury. separate them
from white
Strategy Nonviolent marching. Political Both of the group Black Powers
Provoke violence from violence or have strong believed African
racists in order to gain assaults for opinions about Americans should
support from public their goal of their goal. They take their
opinion and making the gaining more also had support freedom, not ask
government enforce their right and from both black for it. While
law. independent and white. NV/DA do it
black peacefully the
communities opposite way.
In the end, NV/DA had
been successful due to NV/DA had
getting rid of Strengthen accomplished
desegregation. They also ethnic identity more since they
pushed the government to Both of the major
Results and black had forced the
passed the Civil Right Act leaders got killed.
consciousness government to
which was a huge deal . actually enforce
with eliminating the law.

Step 2: In the space below, write a one-paragraph reflection in response to what you learned in
this lesson. Answer this question:

There are many controversial topics in today’s society. Think of one topic people feel
passionately about, such as immigration policies, environmental policies, the rights of minority
groups, or the struggles for gender identity and equality. What evidence have you seen of the
strategies people use to make their opinions known?  Would you classify these strategies as non-
violent (like King) or in a different way (like Black Power)? Use at least one example to support
your answer.

The world problems nowadays are escalating really quickly. One of the most controversial
topics recently is the Hong Kong protest. This was triggered earlier this year when Hong
Kong government introduced the Extradition Law Amendment Bill. Many fear that the bill will
undermine the region’s autonomy and civil liberties of Hong Kong citizen and also its visitor
since if the law comes into enforce, they will be subjected to China’s jurisdiction and legal
system. It first starts out as peaceful and non-violent marching through the street of Hong
Kong. However, the heat soon escalated and it became a violent riot after a police shoot an
18-year-old student during a protest. When the situation got intense, the police and
government enforce more and more violence methods in order to shut the protest down, such
as water cannon and tear gas. More and more people died and injured. However, with the
effect of social media, this is used to show the whole world about police brutality and
provoker anger from international communities. In conclusion, at first, Hong Kong people
used method of peaceful demonstration, however, situation got intense and it quickly escalates
to be extremely violence.

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