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20200426-PRESS RELEASE Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

Doctors rethink rush to ventilate COVID-19 patients

As a CONSTITUTIONALIST my concern is the true meaning and application of the constitution.

* Gerrit, I recall you referring to ventilators improper usage previously, what is now stated?
**#** INSPECTOR-RIKATI®, precisely as I stated previously that you cannot use ventilators
for every person coming in because of COVID-19 and if you lack the appropriate training then
this makes it even worse.
As I in my 12 April 2020 correspondence to Kristen Hilton, Victoria's Human Rights
Commissioner stated:
NYC 10 minute video. New York intensive care Doctor confirms 5g symptoms and NOT covid19!

This video is about a NYC doctor who spend reportedly some 20 years in ICU, etc, and makes
clear that many victims show absurd abnormalities noting to do with a virus, as if they were so to
say just coming down from high altitude and that using ventilators on them could actually
accelerate their deaths because it is the wrong thing to use in their circumstances.

Why physicians are becoming more hesitant to use ventilators to treat COVID-19
25 Apr at 4:11 am
Nature Briefing <>
Doctors rethink rush to ventilate COVID-19 patients
Mechanical ventilators are crucial for saving the lives of some people with COVID-19 — but physicians are
increasingly becoming more hesitant to use them too often. Early data indicate that the survival rates of
critically ill people with COVID-19 who are mechanically ventilated appear to be lower than expected. The
treatment is invasive — it involves a tube in the airway and sedation — and requires a highly trained
operator. “It’s not just about running out of ventilators, it’s running out of expertise,” says pulmonology and
critical-care physician David Hill. (Reuters | 11 min read or in graphic form)
Special Report: As virus advances, doctors rethink rush to ventilate
Machines to help people breathe have become the major weapon for medics fighting COVID-19, which
has so far killed more than 183,000 people. Within weeks of the disease’s global emergence in
February, governments around the world raced to build or buy ventilators as most hospitals said they
were in critically short supply.

Special Report: As virus advances, doctors rethink rush to ventilate

Reuters interviewed 30 doctors and medical professionals in countries including China, Italy, Spain,
Germany and the United States, who have experience of dealing with COVID-19 patients. Nearly all
p1 26-4-2020 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
agreed that ventilators are vitally important and have helped save lives. At the same time, many
highlighted the risks from using the most invasive types of them - mechanical ventilators - too early or
too frequently, or from non-specialists using them without proper training in overwhelmed hospitals.

Special Report: As virus advances, doctors rethink rush to ventilate

In China, 86% of 22 COVID-19 patients didn’t survive invasive ventilation at an intensive care unit in
Wuhan, the city where the pandemic began, according to a study published in The Lancet in February.
Normally, the paper said, patients with severe breathing problems have a 50% chance of survival. A
recent British study found two-thirds of COVID-19 patients put on mechanical ventilators ended up
dying anyway, and a New York study found 88% of 320 mechanically ventilated COVID-19 patients
had died.

Special Report: As virus advances, doctors rethink rush to ventilate

More important, many doctors say, is that the additional machines will need highly trained and
experienced operators.
“It’s not just about running out of ventilators, it’s running out of expertise,” said David Hill, a
pulmonology and critical care physician in Waterbury, Connecticut, who attends at Waterbury
Long-term ventilation management is complex, but Hill said some U.S. hospitals were trying to bring
non-critical care physicians up to speed fast with webinars or even tip sheets. “That is a recipe for bad
“We intensivists don’t ventilate by protocol,” said Hill. “We may choose initial settings,” he said, “but
we adjust those settings. It’s complicated.”

Then also consider:
Smart Meters, Electromagnetic Radiation, Money and Your Health
The health concerns regarding electromagnetic radiation are numerous. Smart meters use the same
technology as cell phones. Consequently the health ramifications are the same, namely:
$ The non-ionizing radiation given off by smart meters breaks the DNA molecules in the nuclei of cells. All
the cells that are formed by this original cell by cell division will have this altered DNA in their nuclear
material. Broken and altered DNA can lead to cancer and other illnesses.
$ Every day, the body manufactures about 3,000 miles of DNA. Twenty billion new cells are formed every
day as well. The lower range frequencies emitted by smart meters can disrupt not only the DNA, but also can
disrupt the bonds necessary for protein synthesis. Every time a disruption of the DNA occurs, there is an
increased chance of creating an error, sometimes a serious error, in DNA transcription, or to put it more
plainly cancer.
$ It has been estimated that 3% of the population is extremely sensitive to microwave radiation (like me), and
will experience fatigue, headaches, and sleep disturbances etc when exposed to the radiation from any
microwave emitting devices. Tests done with those who are sensitive have revealed that they will experience
an acceleration of heart rate, from 68 to 122, when using a cell phone. Their heartbeat will also become
irregular. Besides these very sensitive people, about 35% of the population is moderately sensitive to
microwave radiation.
The possible health problems of these people are being ignored and their concerns trivialized.
Smart Meters, Electromagnetic Radiation, Money and Your Health
Todd J said,
HELP! My ears ring constantly, I can’t concentrate, I have almost constant headaches, my heart beat rapidly
and keeps me awake, insomnia.
I began to wonder what the heck was happening to me.
I moved here 6-9 months ago, and became unemployed in Jan, and spending a lot more time at home, since I
have no money to go anywhere, and it’s gotten progressively worse until tonight, I finally got up and did a

p2 26-4-2020 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
little reading online about Smart Meters, and well golly, seems I have the whole list of problems people have
identified from the exposure to the RF these things put out.
Then tonight I noticed the SIXTEEN smart meters right on the other side of my bedroom wall just feet from
my head.
After seeing some things on the news, and finally tonight, doing a little reading online, it seems my problems
are very possibly directly related to the meters outside my bedroom window.
PGE will gladly let the individual homeowner opt out, and may try to debate the saftey of ONE meter at a
residence, but SIXTEEN IN A ROW? Right on the other side of the bedroom wall?
Smart Meter Shielding Tips
Some smart meters use ‘powerline networking’ or ‘broadband over power lines’ (BPL). That’s to say
they use the electrical wiring to send back the data to the utility company.
Smart meters that function in this way do not emit a wireless signal but they introduce a form of electro-
pollution on to your house wiring known as dirty electricity.
Critical Thinking In The Time Of Coronavirus
The world is experiencing unprecedented levels of fear and uncertainty. The vast majority of people are
following the official narrative unquestioningly. But more and more people are beginning to wake up to
what’s really going on. To ask questions. To investigate. Diane Craig is one of them. In this inspiring guest
post, Diane shares her story as a canary, her experiences with her smart meter, celiac disease and more
recently 5G radiation from supposedly harmless street lighting, and what she did about it, and what you can
do about it:
As human “canaries” in our electromagnetic world, prior Electricsense’s guest bloggers and its host
demonstrate the important responsibility canaries have to communicate the truths they encounter. I
endorse Shannon Rowan’s solutions for coronavirus pandemic stresses, especially her Solution #16, “Be
Gentle And Kind To Your Body And Your World.”
Coronavirus: China Continues to Flood the World with Defective Medical Supplies
 More than a dozen countries on four continents have recently disclosed problems with Chinese-made
coronavirus tests and personal protective equipment. The problems range from test kits tainted with
the coronavirus to medical garments contaminated with insects.
 Chinese authorities have refused to take responsibility for the defective equipment and in many instances
have cast blame on the countries that purchased the material. They have also called on nations of the
world to stop "politicizing" the problem.
 Slovakian Prime Minister Igor Matovič disclosed that more than a million coronavirus tests supplied by
China for a cash payment of €15 million ($16 million) were inaccurate and unable to detect Covid-19.
"We have a ton of tests and no use for them," he said. "They should just be thrown straight into the

Considering that I previously exposed that there was a statement to deliberately issue defective
thermometers, etc, it seems to me we have a major health problem. Indeed, there is a lot more to
this. For example when it was reported that China was building an emergency hospital in Wuhan
in a mere 7 days, then one has to consider the time needed to design such hospital, to have all
heavy equipment available, land preparation, etc. As such in my view, any civil engineer likely
would make clear this involves several weeks of planning at the very least. And in my view that
would not be planned unless already serious problems existed regarding COVID-19 before that.
After all, to get this approved through the ranks of politicians, etc, it must have been done with
an urgency that COVID-19 was then already on an enormous unprecedented scale.

p3 26-4-2020 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
Hence, in my view there was a concealment for some time and that allowed COVID-19 to
escalate in an unprecedented manner throughout the world before it was reported to the WHO
(World Health Organisation).
Coronavirus: China Continues to Flood the World with Defective Medical Supplies
 Coronavirus: WHO Director Has a Long History of Cover-Ups, 2020-04-18
 Coronavirus: Elderly Europeans Denied Treatment, 2020-04-11
 Coronavirus: The Looming Collapse of Europe's Single Currency, 2020-04-07
 Coronavirus: China Floods Europe With Defective Medical Equipment, 2020-04-03
 Coronavirus: How "Progressive" Ideology Led to Catastrophe in Spain, 2020-03-30
BB11ESNF?ocid=spartandhp Grocery stores are the coronavirus tipping point
Actually it reportedly was happening in the USA that COVID-19 was transmitted by holding a
reopened-soon-virus-update “NYC Subway Poles Seen as Spreader; India Lockdown: Virus

Also consider the following:
Learning from the Dead What Autopsies Can Reveal about COVID-19
The findings offer clear evidence that those suffering from multimorbidity are at acute risk from the
virus. "Essentially, COVID-19 isn't a problem to children or the normal, healthy population," says
Püschel. Furthermore, each individual's physical condition is a more important factor than age, he
says. "Age by itself isn't an illness. Older people are more likely to suffer from illnesses, but the extent
of pre-existing conditions is relevant," Püschel says.
"We have seen that intensive care is more difficult for the obese," he says, "and when it comes to chronic
pulmonary disease, smokers tend to be more affected."
He says that there are a number of people among the deceased who were between the ages of 50 and 60.
"They weren't well-conditioned athletes, but people who were severely overweight," he says, adding that they
were also suffering from arteriosclerosis, a common condition among the obese.
The long list of pre-existing conditions raises the question as to whether COVID-19 is the cause of
death for many victims. "I can't say, of course, when such a person would have died otherwise,"
Püschel says, "whether in three weeks, three months or three years. I can only say that there was a
serious pre-existing condition and life expectancy was limited."
Learning from the Dead What Autopsies Can Reveal about COVID-19
But how can we protect the many people who are at higher risk of the disease? Do they all have to
isolate themselves until a vaccine can be found?
Püschel believes that the schools should be re-opened and people should be allowed to go back to work.
"I am an older man myself and personally, I reject measures that prevent me from in-person
socializing. I would like to play with my grandchildren."
The rules imposed in Germany to limit social contacts have managed to keep the coronavirus death toll
relatively low. "I believe that COVID-19 won't be evident in the annual statistics," Püschel says, and
predicts that "the total number of deaths will be concealed by normal annual variations." Just as we
have become accustomed to the seasonal flu, he believes we'll also have to get us ed to COVID-19.
Still, even as Püschel believes the reaction to the virus has been overwrought, he can't escape it.
p4 26-4-2020 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://

Püschel believes that the schools should be re-opened and people should be allowed to go back to work.

As I have so often made clear: we lack proper leadership. Instead of having some
(unconstitutional) “National Cabinet” the real issue should have been to have a meeting between
the Prime Minister, leading Health officials, Police and Defence Forces and so also from all
States and Territories at one meeting.

One of the reasons I was so very successful defeating opponent lawyers including Attorney-
Generals was that I would prepare in writing my submissions. In that manner no opponent lawyer
could sidetrack my submissions.
In my view, Every head of the Department of Health of the Commonwealth, States and
Territories should therefore provide a written report of his/her submissions and on what grounds
such submissions are based. Likewise so the police, the armed forces, and whomever else is
involved in such meeting, including the Attorney-Generals, the Prime Minister and the
Premiers/First Ministers.

And, as I would do with my written submissions I would provide this to others and the courts
days before a hearing.

Then the staff of the Prime Minister, Premiers and First Ministers all can dissect what is being
submitted by whomever and then at the meetings the various leaders can make “informed”
decisions and not merely decisions on the run as some knee jerk conduct.

As I wrote about previously why are health officials falling ill if they have all the protective
items needed. Well above the answer to some extend is that the mask are infected with the
corona virus when delivered. One may then ask, did this get addressed in the first place when any
protective items arrived from other countries if the equipment, etc, were not already
contaminated beforehand?

I did on 17 April 2020 quote the following:
Leaked Documents From District Authorities in Wuhan Reveal Scale of Virus Data Coverup
Large Quantities of Medical Supplies Exported By China Proven To Be Defective
The CCP virus (coronavirus) has spread globally. The Chinese regime’s goal is to reverse their negative
image by exporting medical supplies to Spain and other countries suffering from the pandemic. However
these medical supplies sold have been found defective. These countries have now requested to return these
low-quality products.
The thermometers in this video are hollow inside, with parts missing, but still display a “normal” body
temperature. Netizens find this unbelievable and can’t imagine the further damages these would cause
Another netizen exposed the following: “Zhang Xuandong, the owner of Haofeng Electronic
Technology Co., Ltd. in Guangdong, suggested that manufacturers should produce fake thermometers
to sell to the U.S. In a WeChat group of ‘Aibang Thermometer Industrial Resource Exchange Group
3,’ he said ‘let their body temperatures be tested at 36.5 degrees celsius—which is 97.7 degrees
fahrenheit—even if they have a fever of 39 degrees celsius—which is 102 degrees fahrenheit in order to

p5 26-4-2020 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
get more of them infected and see how Americans can spread the disease.’” After this conversation was
doxxed, he claimed that he was just being patriotic.
As the CCP virus pandemic continues to spread globally, even more exported medical supplies from China
have been found defective. On March 24, the Czech Republic news site Ack-Tuaal-Ñié reported that the kits
sent from China were 80% defective.
On March 26, according to Spain’s Health Minister Salvador Illa, 9,000 virus test kits sent from China to
Spain were 70% defective, and these kits had been returned.
On March 27, Ates Kara, the Turkish health ministry official said, the batch of testing kits from China were
only 30 to 35 percent accurate.
Philippines’ Department of Health’s undersecretary Maria Rosario said “Among the first test kits donated to
us by China, only 40% were accurate, we did not use them because the accuracy rate was low.”
On March 28, the Netherlands announced it had recalled around 600,000 masks that had arrived in a
shipment of 1.3 million purchased from a Chinese manufacturer a week earlier.

What we therefore appear to have is that there might be a deliberate conduct to harm health
officials and others. This I view requires leadership not just to deal with this appropriately but
also to make sure that in future Australia produces its own medical supplies free from any risk of
contamination by foreign actors.

* Did you ever watch the movie “Contagion”?

**#** Ordinary Olga and myself do not watch televisions and so neither movies. However,
having stated that I held it important to see what this movie was about and so last night
downloaded it and just after midnight this morning Olga and I watched it. Mind you nearly 3
Contagion Full Movie HD /Corona Virus Movie 2011 - YouTube
28 Mar 2020 ... Contagion Full Movie HD /Corona Virus Movie orignal 2011 / Hindi/Urdu. Category.

One thing I noticed was that some actors would have a mask (which in itself may not be
appropriate for that kind of usage) which they would lower at times to either eat, drink or talk,
and then put it back up again.
Obviously, at least in my view, once you want to remove the mask you first need to wash your
hands to avoid any contamination to your face when removing the mask. Then remove the mask
entirely and place in in an appropriate receptacle (bin) and then wash your hands again, as some
of the contamination on the outside of the mask may have been transferred to your hands. And
then later use a new mask altogether.
* That would means several mask a day for health officials!
**#** Well, you either do it properly or not at all. No use to touch a possible infected mask to
put it back onto your face and any contamination on your hands might then also transfer to your
skin such as the ears, etc.
* Gee, I have not heard or seen any government health notices about this.
**#** This is the real problem. The same with the usage of ventilators, you may end up killing
the patient by any person not properly trained in the usage how to use it and failing to establish
by scans if indeed there is a need to use a ventilator in the first place. As I previously indicated
way back in October when Olga ended up in ICU (Austin Hospital) she had a nurse Bianca who
explained matters and I view this is the kind of person I view appears to be missing in it all. We
got health officials with their narrative to LOCKDOWN rather than to consider proper ways and
conduct how to protect the “vulnerable” without unduly harming the healthy persons.
The Movie Contagion also showed how someone was talking using a mobile with being
separated by a glass or plastic screen. And that is what I referred to previously also. When you
have an elderly person suffering from COVID-19 and other health issues then it is important this
p6 26-4-2020 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.
A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://
person is enabled to have maximum exposure with family members and yet protect each other.
Hence special rooms that allow them to be together and yet separated by a clear screen to avoid
cross contamination is the best way forwards. When a “vulnerable” person is left to linger in ill
health and cut off from normal family contact then this can undermine the health of the
“vulnerable” person even further and may very well so to say be the straw that breaks the
camel’s back.
* Have you ever been as much concerned with researching health issues in the past?
**#** To be honest, I am so busy with research and writing about constitutional issues and at the
time assisting others in legal issues that the entire SARS episode in 2003 went unnoticed past
me. I was really never even aware about what went on in that regard. It is only now that I become
aware about it all. As such I am not some health freak who is possessed about health issues. Olga
always has been in health issues and well not uncommon had a go at me for being so ignorant
about health issues. However, then when there is a crisis she finds that with using merely
common sense I suddenly come up with the right answers. So, latterly she now consults me about
health issues because even at the hospital I ended up doing the binding of her leg wounds
because the staff were doing it wrong and causing her considerable pain, so I showed how to do
it without much discomfort to Olga. From thereon they let me do it.
The problem we have currently is that politicians involved often are concerned about their future
prospects to be re-elected rather than to do whatever it might take to do the right thing. Indeed
the movie Contagion was also an example of political battles. To me use common sense, and
obviously consider what the experts each in their own field are submitting and then make an
“informed” decision.
*.What if any changes have you made to your lifestyle because of the coronavirus?
**#** As I stated before, I do extensive research to get a better understanding and because of this
I have absolutely no fear. It is like driving a motor vehicle, you make sure to research the road
rules and follow safety procedures and you just carry on. If you fear to be in an accident then
better not drive at all. Likewise with COVID-19, I carry on as normal and I view this is the best
way for the mind and so your health, wellbeing and safety. All those extreme panic mantra by
politicians and others while they then so to say are getting up closely at n a news event surely
may underline they do not belief their own mantra. If you cause straining of mental health with
fear mongering and conduct that deprive people of their ordinary rights then you are not leading
as a government should do for what is best for the country now and in the immediate future but
you become a terrorist to them.
I find there is an appalling conduct by politicians and others regarding the health and wellbeing
of the “vulnerable” as I have so much written about in recent times.
It appears to me politicians are in panic what to do and well will do whatever, regardless how
much harm they really are causing, because after all their future re-election is at stake. We saw
with the Ruby Princess how the Minister of health Greg Hunt was as I understand it “missing in
action” and well let’s blame NSW health officials and others for his gross incompetence. As after
all, he as the Minister is responsible for aliens and others arriving in ports, and QUARANTINE
issues relating to them.
We need to return to the organics and legal principles embed in of our federal constitution!
This correspondence is not intended and neither must be perceived to state all issues/details.
Awaiting your response, G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. (Gerrit)
MAY JUSTICE ALWAYS PREVAIL® (Our name is our motto!)

p7 26-4-2020 © G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.

A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0
Email: For further details see also my blog at Http://

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