Given The Chance To Go To Other Countries For A Mission, Where Will It Be? Why?

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Direction: Read the following task carefully

1. Please accomplish the following task.

2. Please follow the following format of your activity.
3. From your class choose your key person to collect and collate all activities.
4. All activities should be encoded or hand written
5. Activities should be saved on MS Word Format (encoded). Scan or take a clear photo of your
task and submit it to the key person.
6. Activities should be in one file per student. The file name of the activity should follow the following
Format (Family Name, Given Name) example: APILADO, Andre John
7. Deadline of Requirements: April 25, 2020. Untill 5:00 PM. (I still give consideration for those who have
limited access of internet. Feel free to have me Private Message via Messenger)
8. Failure to submit of the said activities in a month means zero. (without any valid reason)
9. Please do not PLIAGIARIZE your activities. Your paper shall be subjected to a plagiarism checker.
10. PLEASE STAY AT HOME! Do not go out of your respective houses for this activity.
Please help your classmates who have slow/poor internet connection/access in order for them to
accomplish this task (magbayanihan po tayo!)

Good Luck! May the Good Lord bless and protect you! Stay safe!


NAME:___________________________ CLASS SCHEDULE:_________________

COURSE & YEAR:_________________

Given the chance to go to other countries for a mission, where will it be? Why?


LESSON 2: Distinct Contributions of the CICM to the World

Group Activity: (Your group is based on your previous report on the CICM in the world)

Each group is given a certain task to do (work on a puzzle, act out a certain situation, solve a certain
dilemma, etc.). Let the students work on their own problems/tasks. No further instructions. (This is to allow the
students to use their potentials, initiatives in performing their respective roles). In the processing, let the
students recognize who among them emerged as a leader, initiator, facilitator, innovator, etc. These are the
qualities which are expected to come out in relation to the contributions of the CICM to the World.

Sample task to work on:

Direction: Read the following task carefully

1. Please read the dilemma and work as a group.

2. Please follow the following format of your activity.
3. From your class choose your key person to collect and collate all activities.
4. All activities should be encoded or hand written
5. Activities should be saved on MS Word Format (encoded). Scan or take a clear photo of your
task and submit it to the key person
6. Activities should be in one file per student. The file name of the activity should follow the following
Format (Family Name, Given Name) example: APILADO, Andre John C.
7. Deadline of Requirements: April 25-27, 2020. Untill 5:00 PM. (I still give consideration for those who
have a
limited access of internet. Feel free to have me Private Message via Messenger)
8. Failure to submit of the said activities in a month means zero. (without any valid reason)
9. Please do not PLIAGIARIZE your activities. Your paper shall be subjected to a plagiarism checker.
10. PLEASE STAY AT HOME! Do not go out of your respective houses for this activity.
Please help your classmates who have slow/poor internet connection/access in order for them to
accomplish this task (magbayanihan po tayo!)

Good Luck! May the Good Lord bless and protect you! Stay safe!


NAMES: __________________________________ ___________________________________

___________________________________ ___________________________________


You are an emergency worker that has just been called to the scene of an accident. When you arrive you see that the car
belongs to your wife. Fearing the worst you rush over, only to see she is trapped in her car with another man. He is
obviously her lover, with whom she’s been having an affair.

You reel back is shock, devastated by what you have just found out. As you step back, the wreck in front of you comes
into focus. You see your wife is seriously hurt and she needs attention straight away. Even if she gets immediate
attention there’s a very high chance she’ll die. You look at the seat next to her and see her lover. He’s bleeding heavily
from a wound to the neck and you need to stem the flow of blood immediately.
If you attend to your wife, her lover will bleed to death, and you may not be able to save her anyway. If you work on the
lover, you can save his life, but your wife will definitely die.

Who should you choose to work on?


What have you learned from the moral dilemma?


The Mission of the Twelve (Lk 9:1-6)

“He… gave them power and authority over all demons and to
cure diseases, and He sent them to proclaim the kingdom of God,
to heal the sick… Take nothing with you for the trip: no walking stick,
no beggar’s bag, no food, no money, not even an extra shirt…
The disciples left and travelled through all the villages, preaching the
Good News and healing people everywhere.”

Jesus entrusted the mission of evangelization to His disciples and they accepted it. Preaching,
teaching and deeds of power (healings and exorcisms) are three expressions of the kingdom proclamation. The
twelve, symbolizing the twelve tribes of Israel are sent out primarily to form an alternative community based
on the new teaching of divine holiness.
It is this “new teaching – with authority!” that Jesus has given the twelve. This is what they have
assimilated, and this is what they are asked to share with others. In order to be successful, the new way of
thinking and acting they have learned from Jesus must be integrated. How they work with people to create a
more inclusive sense of community is as important as healing and exorcising. Therefore, Jesus gives them
instructions which are both practical and symbolic. They must go out as witnesses to the new way of life Jesus
has inaugurated. Walking stick and sandals both facilitate travel yet they were instructed to take nothing for
the trip, and they are to spread the Good News from place to place. They are not to settle down. Their single
tunic captures this single-mindedness: they are men on a mission. Without bread, bag and money, they
become part of those in need. Their lack of provisions elicits the compassion that is the cornerstone of the new
Such mission which Jesus entrusted to the disciples is liberating, transforming, salvific. It liberates
man from all forms of miseries, and evil. It penetrates all dimensions and strata of life. Christ, our Savior, is an
evangelizer, one who teaches and proclaims the Good News of salvation. As an evangelizer, He proclaims the
kingdom of God and the center of His Good News is salvation, this great gift of God which is liberation from
everything that oppresses man but which is above all liberation from sin and the Evil One. This He did
throughout His ministry, marked by service. Jesus served the needs of the people of His time and He still
serves our needs. As He serves our needs, so must we serve one another’s needs and carry on His work in the
world (Knox, Ian. 2011).
The Church and all her members must participate in this evangelizing and liberating mission , drawn
from the very mission of Christ, the greatest evangelizer. Witnessing to the Gospel is always given
importance. Doing this entails a personal conversion which begins from one’s own heart, for such is the
demand of the kingdom which Jesus inaugurated. What then, are the characteristics of the kingdom? Today,
we can start reflecting on some questions that point to the reality of the kingdom. Are the poor not
discriminated by the society? Are the sick being tended to and cared for? Are there people trying to make
peace? Are there people who promote justice and are prepared to die to see it accomplished? Are there people
and institutions committed to healing brokenness and alienation? In other words, are there people today trying
to carry on the work of Jesus? Do we give our share or contribution for the promotion of the kingdom? If we
want transformation, then it must begin with an urgency to change one’s own heart first. “We cannot teach the
demands of the kingdom to others if we do not exert effort to live by its principles (Knox, Ian, 2011).”
It is therefore our duty to work for the accomplishment of such salvation for all peoples by
eliminating poverty, injustice and oppression, enslavement of peoples by war, exploitation of the powerless by
the greedy. We have to make the salvation offered by God a reality. Jesus has brought salvation; we are living
in the new age of salvation. We should be experiencing its effects now; otherwise, how could we possibly
experience the grace of Christ, which makes our life better now?
Reiterating what the Church documents tell us, “For the Church, evangelizing means bringing the
Good News into all the strata of humanity, and through its influence transforming humanity from within and
making it new: "Now I am making the whole of creation new." (E.N. 18)

Such a challenge of bringing social transformation is clear. This is a call to all the faithful of God, a
call to renew His entire creation. In their response to such call, the CICM missionaries, particularly in the
Philippines are one in saying; “We – the CICM Philippine Province, an International Community of Religious
Missionaries dedicated to the Incarnate Word under the patronage of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, with the
inspiration of Théophile Verbist and his companions, and sent to the nations particularly to where we are most
needed – commit ourselves to proclaim Christ and foster the missionary consciousness of the local church
through our joyful and prophetic witness, and to keep alive a pioneering spirit in our involvements.” This they
realize in the different ministries/apostolates and advocacies they have in the different areas of the world where
they are stationed - pastoral, health care, education, interreligious dialogue, IP’s, etc. Their witnessing to the
Gospel of Christ is a powerful means of bringing social transformation. As missionaries, they have their distinct
contributions to the world such as pioneering/daring spirit, multi-culturality, and social transformation.

1.Pioneering/Daring Spirit

The CICM manifests the kind of leadership she assumes in the world. It is a kind of
leadership that is rooted in the tradition of “One Heart, One Soul.” CICM leadership can be described
essentially as one of inner strength (interiority) and greatness of the soul (magnanimity).  The strength
that empowers the CICM leadership comes from participating in the source of the mission itself: Dei
missio, while the grace that sustains the CICM leadership derives from unconditional service to others.
With a wholehearted and animated disposition, CICM missionaries continue to serve God’s people with a
brand of leadership that strengthens and gives hope to the world for the coming of God’s reign.
The CICM missionaries exemplify the pioneering and daring spirit of the CICM,
who dare to go, and to do, where others and what others do not, or did not yet. In the
Philippines the CICM started and built many mission stations in the Mountain Provinces,
which was largely unreached by Spanish missionaries. Thus the region was opened to
evangelization. But as the Church in that region grows, or after they have “planted the
seed” the CICM handed over the territory to the local Church.


A fundamental aspect of the vocation of a CICM priest or brother is to live in a multicultural

community in a culture which is not his own but which he must embrace, while endeavoring to work to unify
humankind as children of the same Father, thus making present the Kingdom of God.
Such ‘mark’ of multiculturality makes the CICM an inclusive community working for the
promotion of God’s kingdom. Their missionary work is always carried in response to a need. The CICM
commits to the same mission of bringing the Gospel to God’s children in the most remote areas of the
world - in Asia, Africa, Europe and the Americas, living and working together
in multicultural communities as brothers, continuing this long tradition of caring for God’s poorest and
most neglected people in many parts of the world and of sharing the hope and comfort of the Gospel
while relieving their suffering. This is the actualization of the challenge to bring the Gospel of Christ to
where they are needed - into all the strata of humanity, leading to social transformation.

CICM Missionaries in the Philippines, indicative of multi-culturality

3. Social Transformation
a. The work of the CICM towards social transformation is rooted in the consecration of the Congregation to the
Incarnate Word, who responds to the love of God by uniting all of humanity into a single family of brothers and
sisters. To work for social transformation is to respond to the invitation to continue Christ’s mission of
redemption for the gradual realization of the Kingdom, a Kingdom of justice and love, of peace and joy.
b. The list of endeavors of the CICM missionaries geared towards social transformation is endless. Foremost
among these is the education apostolate, which is a part of youth ministry. The advocacy for interreligious
dialogue in Asia, for indigenous peoples in the Philippines and in Guatemala, for the Latinos and Blacks in the
USA, for Haitian migrant workers in the Dominican Republic, and for the physically challenged and lepers, are
also directed towards social transformation. In fact they could all be subsumed under the heading of Justice,
Peace, and Integrity of Creation. CICM’s have also been engaged in special projects in nature conservation,
agriculture, livelihood.

In this work for social transformation, the Founder himself, Fr. Theophile Verbist recognized it
necessary for one to be transformed first to become truly an effective agent of transformation. Again,
going back to the message of Fr. Theophile to his sister Elisa he wrote: “The missionary would
jeopardize the success of his efforts if, before attempting to reform the world around him, he would not
first study matters in silence, observe with care, and, above all, exercise an enduring patience.” It is
from this experience that he would challenge the novices in Belgium to test their vocation well. They
have to make sure their vocation is rooted in a pure love of God.

“One of the basic reasons for the missionary engagement for the majority of the confreres is their
concern to serve the poorest, their uncompromising commitment to the poor, to struggle with them and
for them, so that the poor may live a liberated life, in dignity and solidarity. Christ was on the side of the
poor and in their being with the poor, they meet Him. For many confreres, the joy of their vocation is to
live in the midst of oppressed and crushed peoples, with whom they feel very close and whom they
deeply love.” (Silhouettes and Profiles, coll.: “CICM Spirituality”, no4, The CICM missionaries cherish
the spirit of the radical availability of the first generations of CICM missionaries who left their home
country, often to never return, and placed themselves at the service of the poorest and most vulnerable in
Mongolia or Congo. They dare to hope that in any case this radical availability will remain specific for
the CICM of the future. It’s a radical availability that could take even the highest sacrifice of one’s life
for the cause of the mission which some of the confreres went through.
Clearly, the CICM institute generously responded to this call to build the Church.
From the writings and examples of Founder Fr. Théophile Verbist and from the various official
documents of the Congregation, the CICM continually draws relevant insights for missionary directions in
the face of new challenges.“The general purpose of the Congregation is the conversion of the non-
Christians, but its specific aim is the preaching of the faith to the Chinese and the salvation of the many
abandoned children,” reveals Fr Verbist of the reason for the establishment of the CICM in 1862. That is,
faithful to the inspiration of the Founder to dedicate lives and efforts as members of CICM communities
to the proclamation of the Gospel values and to the care of the marginalized and the poor.
Hence, at the core of CICM character are  –
1) A Christ-centered spirituality for the mission;
2) A missionary activity integrated into the whole pastoral work of the Church; 
3) The evangelization of cultures through quality education;
4) A proactive stance in support for people’s natural and cultural heritage; and, 
5) Solidarity with the poor through the establishment of an inclusive society.

Inspired by Christ and the CICM missionaries, our concrete contribution for social transformation can come in
different ways/forms:

1. Discovering first our distinct gifts and talents in order to be able to identify ways of using them for the cause
of the kingdom.
2. Use one’s leadership in promoting the welfare of fellow students such as initiating/spearheading projects for
the studentry like peer tutoring, peer counselling, etc.
3. Participating in the different Church ministries - as altar servers, choir members, lectors, commentators,
ushers/usherettes, etc. For a meaningful liturgical celebrations.
4. Joining groups/organizations which serve the cause of street children and out of school youth to bring about
genuine social transformation.
5. Using the social media responsibly for the dissemination of cause-oriented advocacies locally and globally
like “Greeneration”, “NO” to Coal-fired Power Plants for JPIC, etc.


Austin, Flannery, OP (Gen. Ed.), “Vatican Council II: The Conciliar Documents”. Vol 1, New York:
Costello Publishing Co., 1984.
CICM, “Carrying on the Mission 100 Years of CICM in the Philippines”. CICM Philippines,
Constitutions and General Directory of the Congregation of the Cimmaculate Heart of Mary.
Rome, 1988.
Rev. Fr. Verhelst, Daniel, CICM,“CICM Missionaries Past and Present”. Leuven University
Press, 1995.
Rev. Fr. Amigleo, Ernesto, CICM, “Journey from Mission Church to Local Church in Christ is
Calling Me 150 Years of Service in God’s Mission 1862-2012”. Makati: St. Pauls Philippines. 2012.
Rev. Fr. Mpongo, Laurent, CICM, “The Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (CICM)
and the Formation of the Local Clergy in Congo (1916-1955) in Christ is Calling Me 150
Years of Service in God’s Mission 1862-2012”. Makati: St. Pauls Philippines. 2012.

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