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1st English sub

A. Write poem ‘’Two little dicky birds’’.

Two little dicky birds,

___ ___ ___ ____

___ ____ ___

Come back, paul !

B. Answer the following questions.

1) Where were the two little birds sitting ?

2) What is adi’s hobby ?

3) who is adi’s father ?

4) What were the names of the birds ?

5) Do adi and kavitha love their grandparents ?

C. Give the rhyming words for each

1) On ____ 4) Walk ____

2) One ____ 5) Fly ____

3)Come ____ 6) Back ___

D. Complete these words

1) F__ T__ __ R 4) __ IS__ E __

2) __ OT __ E __ 5) GRAND__ __ __ __ __ __

3) B __ __ T __ __ R 6) __ __ __ __ __ MOTHER

E. Add ‘S’ for many

1) Birds ___ 6) Banana ___

2) Wall ___ 7) Pencil ___

3) Cat ___ 8) Kite ___

4) Toy ___ 9) Books ___

5)Bag___ 10) Hair___

F. Write the vovels and consonents .

G. How many alphabets are their and write them ?

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