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Committee- CCPCJ-Eradication of Illicit Drug Crops and Alternative Development

Country- United Kingdom (Great Britain)

Name: Trishal Varma and Chakshu Madhok

Illegal drugs have been entering international nations in every continent.

These drugs are grown on farm, and then illegally sold or brought to foreign
countries. Due to fewer factors of communication and understanding, we fail to
prevent these offences. We fail, as a worldwide community to prevent drug crops,
and together we fail to eradicate drug crop. Many nations have send requests and
funds to shut down farms that produce illegal drugs. In response sometimes nothing
happens, nations such as USA, and France have agreed to pay farms, in return they
want it closed, or used for other resources. Drugs such as cocaine, marijuana,
hallucinogen, and many other harmful drugs have been entering countries.
Many young lives are being affected by drug cropping, many who use it are
depended on it, and many that don’t are being pressured to use so.
UN has taken its most recent action on January 20th 2009 after they
arrested 15 pirates of coast of Somalia. UN has been taking action since 2000 when
Mexican intruders were caught with drugs buried inside their dog’s outer layer skin.
UN is still working with P5 nations to prevent such action, and also to fund on the
United Kingdom has been involved with United States of America, and has
been funding for solutions from the beginning of this conflict. UK hasn’t dealt with
problems of their own in the country, yet its allies are being targeted one by one.
USA has the highest toll of death from drugs that are illegally transported from
other countries. United Kingdom has funded over 3.5 million dollars, and it’s most
recent of 300K for port authority. There is no significant threat to the delegation
itself, but it’s trying to do its best to keep it the same for other nations with the
capability to stop.
UK with its allies has worked together so far to keep its nation safe from
illegal drugs. Now that we are ensured that UK is not threatened, therefore we will
take a step forward to help other nations.
A. Funding
1. United Kingdom can fund up to 5 million dollars itself for just
eradicating drug crops.
2. United Kingdom ensures that no illegal drugs leave the country itself,
if they are being produced here in the country.
3. Over thousands of port authorities would be alerted around the
island itself. (United Kingdom is well aware about the
4. Patrolling around the costal area where an UK embassy has been
placed will ensure protection in someway to countries, those allies
with UK.
B. Forces
1. Diplomatically taking control of the situation, and using NGO funding
to shut drug-producing farm.
2. Combining forces with drug producing nations to destroy farms in
their countries.
3. There will be no military technology used against the drug producing
country, but only to the farms, if permission is granted by UK, or
drug producing country.
C. Repelling
1. If the drug-producing nation refuses to take swift actions against it’s
farm, then warnings will be send out to the countries, by UN itself,
United Kingdom, and other nations.
2. After a period of time, if the action still doesn’t make a difference;
despite the fact it was funded by UK ’s allies, imports trade routes
will be shut till farms are closed.

These resolutions will be put into affect if approved by UN committee.


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