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To determine the exact molarity of a HCl solution.


Pure sodium carbonate is a non hygroscopic primary standard reagent. A standard

solution prepared by dissolving a known amount of the solid Na 2CO3 in a fixed volume can be
used to standardized other solutions. The aim of the experiment is to prepare a standard solution
of exact concentration which can later be used to standardized other solution.

HCL is not a primary standard. Thus, after a dilute HCl solution is prepared, it has to be
standardized with a primary standard solution in order to determine its concentration accurately.
In this experiment a standard Na2CO3 solution and a dilute HCl solution will be prepared. The
HCl solution will later be standardized against Na2CO3 solution. The reaction between HCl and
Na2CO3 is as follows.

2 HCl + Na2CO3  2 NaCl + CO2


100 mL beaker
250 mL volumetric flask
250 mL conical flask
25 mL pipette
Retort stand

Concentrated HCl
Methyl orange indicator

a) Preparation of 0.05 M Na2CO3 solution

1. About 1.33 g of Na2CO3 was weighed accurately. The exact mass of Na2CO3
was recorded.
2. Na2CO3 was dissolved in about 50 ml water in a 100 ml beaker.
3. The solution is transferred into a 250 ml volumetric flask. The beaker was
rinsed with distilled water.
4. Distilled water was added to the mark. Stopper the flask. It is shaken by
turning it upside down a few times to make solution homogenous.

b) Preparation of dilute HCl solution

1. About 2.2 ml of concentrated HCl is transferred into a 250 ml beaker contain
a little water.
2. The acid is diluted to approximately 250 ml distilled water.

c) Standardization of dilute HCl solution

1. The burette was filled with the dilute HCl solution prepared in (b) above. The
initial burette reading was recorded.
2. Pipette 25 ml of standard Na2CO3 into a 250 ml conical flask. 2-3 drops of
methyl orange indicator were added.
3. The Na2CO3 was titrated in conical flask with HCl from the burette slowly
while the flask being shaken until the indicator color change from yellow to
red. The burette reading was recorded at the end point of titration.
4. The titration was recoded 3 times. All the data was recorded in table as shown
in data sheet.
5. The exact molarity of HCl solution was recorded.

Weights of Na2CO3 = 1.3320 g

Standardization of HCl with Na2CO3 solution

Reading (mL) Rough 1 2

Initial burette reading (mL) 0.0 24.4 0.0
Final burette reading (mL) 24.4 48.5 24.0
Volume of HCl used (mL) 24.4 24.1 24.0


Calculate the molarity of the HCl solution

2 HCl + Na2CO3  2 NaCl + CO2

Volume of acid:

24.1+ 24.0
Va =

=24.05 mL

Molarity of HCl:

MaVa a
MaVb b

Ma(24.05 mL) 2
(0.05 M )(25.0 mL) 1

Ma = 0.104 M

Calculate the molarity of the concentrated HCl

M1V1 = M2V2

M1 (0.0022 L) = (0.1128 M) (0.25 L)

M1 = 12.8 M


This experiment was carried out to determine the exact molarity of HCl solution.
Titration is a technique for determining either the concentration of a solution of unknown
molarity or the number of moles of a substance on a given sample. In this experiment, the sample
are sodium carbonate, Na2CO3 as base substance and hydrochloric acid, HCl as acid substance
where the concentration of hydrochloric acid is unknown. Given that the concentration of
Na2CO3 is 0.05 M. The Na2CO3 was titrated in conical flask with HCl from the burette slowly
while the flask being shaken until the indicator color change from yellow to red. The burette
reading was recorded at the end point of titration. The indicator used was methyl orange to detect
the colour changes.

The titration was done twice to get accurate result. Thus, from the experiment the
molarity of HCl solution is 0.104 M. There was some mistake such as using more than acid
volume to titrate solution of Na2CO3. The volume has passed the end point, so the volume used is
more than needed. To overcome this problem, the burette and volumetric flask are totally clean
and dry so that the reading is precise and accurate.

Next, there is some improvement that can be made from this experiment to get better
result. First, always ensure that there is no bubbles trapped at the tip of burette. Other than that,
always ensure the sight is perpendicular to the reading to avoid parallax error. Plus, during the
titration, it must being titrate drop by drop and immediately stop when the colour show the

This experiment was carried out to determine the exact molarity of HCl solution using titration
technique. In this experiment, the sample are sodium carbonate, Na2CO3 as base substance and
hydrochloric acid, HCl as acid substance. Thus, the molarity of the HCl based on the experiment

MaVa a
by using the formula = is 0.104 M.
MaVb b


Haifairiana. (2012, October 11). LinkedIn Corporation © 2020. Retrieved from Discussion exp

Opoku, E. (2014, March 2014). LinkedIn Corporation © 2020. Retrieved from Experiment on
the standardization of acid solution:



a) Standardization of NaOH solution

1. A burette was filled with NaOH solution. The burette reading was recorded.
2. 25 mL of potassium phthalate, KHC8H4O4 solution was pipette into a conical flask. 2-
3 drops of phenolphthalein indicator were added.
3. The KHC8H4O4 was titrated with the NaOH solution until the colour of the indicator
turn to light pink. The burette reading was recorded.
4. The titration was repeated 3 times.
b) Titration of the vinegar
1. 25 mL of the given vinegar was pipetted and diluted with distilled water in a 250 mL
volumetric flask.
2. 25 mL of the diluted vinegar was pipetted into a conical flask. 2-3 drops of
phenolphthalein were added.
3. The diluted vinegar was titrated with NaOH solution.
4. The titration was repeated 3 times.


1. Standardization of NaOH with KHC8H4O4 solution

1 2 3
Initial burette reading (mL) 0.00 0.00 0.00
Final burette reading (mL) 25.50 25.40 25.50
Volume of NaOH used (mL) 25.50 25.40 25.50

Average of volume NaOH used (from titration 1,2,3) = 25.47 mL

2. Titration of diluted vinegar with NaOH solution.

1 2 3
Initial burette reading (mL) 0.00 0.00 0.00
Final burette reading (mL) 33.80 33.00 33.30
Volume of NaOH used (mL) 33.80 33.00 33.30

Average of volume NaOH used (from titration 1,2,3) = 33.37 mL


1. Calculate the molarity of the NaOH solution.

a) No of mole of KHC8H4O4 = molarity × volume
= 0.1 mol /L × 0.025 L
= 0.0025 mol

b) NaOH + KHC8H4O4  KNaC8H4O4 + H2O

From the equation, 1 mole of KHC8H4O4 reacts with 1 mole of NaOH.
∴ 0.0025 mol of KHC8H4O4 reacts with 0.0025 mol of NaOH.
no of moles
c) Molarity of NaOH =
0.0025 mol
= 0.02547 L

= 0.098 mol / L

2. Calculate the molarity of ethanoic acid in diluted vinegar.

a) NaOH + CH3COOH  NaCH3COO + H20
From the equation, 1 mole of NaOH reacts with 1 mole of CH3COOH
∴ 0.0025 mol of NaOH reacts with 0.0025 mol of CH3COOH.

no of moles
b) Molarity of CH3COOH =
0.0025 mol
= 0.025 L

= 0.1 mol / L
3. Calculate the molarity of ethanoic acid in the vinegar sample.
McVc = MdVd
Mc =
( 0.1 mol ) (0.025 L)
Ma =
0.025 L
= 0.1 M
4. Calculate the concentration of ethanoic acid (g/L) in the vinegar.
a) Mass of CH3COOH = no of moles × molar mass
= (0.0025 mol) × (12+3+12+16+16+1 g/mol)
= 0.15 g
weight of solute
b) Concentration (w/v) =
volume of sample
0.15 g 1000 mL
= ×
0.025 mL 1L

= 6 g/ L
5. Calculate the percent (w/v) of ethanoic acid in the vinegar.
weight of solute
% (w/v) of ethanoic acid = × 100%
volume of sample
0.15 g
= × 100%
25 mL
= 0.6 %



a) Standardization of NaOH solution

1. A burette was filled with NaOH.
2. 20 mL of the standard potassium hydrogen phthalate, KHC8H4O4 solution was
pipetted into an Erlenmeyer flask. 2 drops of phenolphthalein indicator were added.
3. The KHC8H4O4 was titrated with NaOH solution.
4. The titration was repeated two more times.
5. The concentration of NaOH solution was calculated.

b) Standardization of the HCl solution

1. 10 mL of HCl solution was pipetted into an Erlenmeyer flask. 2 drops of
phenolphthalein indicator were added.
2. The HCl was titrated with NaOH solution from the burette.
3. The titration was repeated once.
4. The concentration of HCl solution was calculated.

c) Analysis of the eggshell

1) Some dried eggshell was obtained with the removed inner membrane. The eggshell
was grinded in a mortar into small particles. (about the size of fine sand).
2) About 1.0 g of the eggshell is weighed in an Erlenmeyer flask.
3) 25 mL of standard HCl solution was pipetted into the Erlenmeyer flask contained
eggshell. Wait about 2-3 minutes for reaction to complete.
4) The reaction mixture was heated to boil. Cool it down and 2 drops of methyl orange
indicator was added.
5) The mixture was titrated with NaOH until the colour changes to yellow.
6) Steps 2-5 was repeated.
7) The percentage of CaCO3 in the eggshell was calculated in each replicate.
8) The mean percentage pf CaCO3 in eggshell was calculated.


1. Standardization of NaOH with KHC8H4O4 solution.

Molarity of KHC8H4O4 solution: 0.25 M

1 2 3
Initial burette reading (mL) 0.00 0.00 0.00
Final burette reading (mL) 15.70 15.50 15.50
Volume of NaOH used (mL) 15.70 15.50 15.50

Average of volume NaOH used (from titration 1,2,3) = 15.57 mL

2. Standardization of HCl with NaOH solution

1 2 3
Initial burette reading (mL) 0.00 0.00 0.00
Final burette reading (mL) 28.40 25.50 28.60
Volume of NaOH used (mL) 28.40 25.50 28.60

Average of volume HCl used (from titration 1,2,3) = 27.50 mL

3. Analysis with eggshell.

1 2
Mass of the eggshell (g) 1.0014 1.0020
Initial burette reading (mL) 0.00 0.00
Final burette reading (mL) 17.20 18.60
Volume of NaOH used (mL) 17.20 18.60

1. Write balanced chemical equation for reaction during titration in standardization of
NaOH solution and describe the reason of potassium hydrogen phthalate used to
standardize another solution.
NaOH (aq) + KHC8H4O4 (aq)  KNaC8H4O4 (aq) + H2O (l)
The reason potassium hydrogen phthalate, (KHP) used to standardize another
solution is because KHP is stable as a solid and in solution. It is soluble in water and
non-hygroscopic. Hence, it is easily dried and its molecular mass result in convenient
and accurate mass of substances for making solutions.

2. Calculate the concentration of NaOH solution.

a) Given molarity of KHC8H4O4 is 0.25 M
b) No of mole of KHC8H4O4 = Molarity x Volume
= 0.25 mol/L x 0.02 l L
= 0.005 mol
c) NaOH (aq) + KHC8H4O4 (aq)  KNaC8H4O4 (aq) + H2O (l)
From equation 1 mol of KHC8H4O4 solution reacts with 1 mol of NaOH solution.
∴ 0.005 mol of KHC8H4O4 solution reacts with 0.005 mol of NaOH solution.
no of moles
d) Concentration =
0.005 mol
= 0.01557 L

= 0.32 M

3. Calculate the concentration of HCl solution.

a) HCl + NaOH → H2O + NaCl
From equation 1 mol of NaOH solution reacts with 1 mol of HCl solution.
∴ 0.005 mol of NaOH solution reacts with 0.005 mol of HCl solution.
no of moles
b) Concentration of HCl solution =
0.005 mol
= 0.0 275 L

= 0.18 M
4. Calculate the percentage by weight (w/w) of CaCO3 in the eggshell in each replicate.
5. Calculate the mean percentage by weight (w/w) of CaCO3 in the eggshell.

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