B.ing Covid19 (Dina Aulia 1911011045)

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Made To Fulfill English Exam Assignments

Supporting Lecturer Priyo Widodo, S.Pd., M.Pd.

Arranged by :

Name : Dina Aulia Safira

NIM : 1911011045

Class : A2 Nursing





Praise the presence of Allah SWT who has bestowed His

mercy and guidance so that I can complete this paper smoothly.
Do not forget to also pray and greetings we say to our lord
Prophet Muhammad who became a role model in studying.

The purpose of writing this paper is to fulfill one of the

requirements for the assessment process of the "English" course
which I compiled in the form of scientific studies under the title
"COVID-19" and with the completion of the preparation of this
paper, I also do not forget to thank:

1. Ns. Awatiful Azza, M.Kep.,Sp.Kep.Mat. as Dean of the Faculty

of Health Sciences, University of Muhammadiyah Jember.
2. Diyan Indriyani, M.Kep.,Sp.Mat. as Deputy Dean of the
Faculty of Health, Muhammadiyah University, Jember.
3. Ns. Sasmiyanto, S.Kep.,M.Kes. as Head of the Nursing Study
Program S1 University of Muhammadiyah Jember.
4. Ns. Yeni Suryaningsih, S.Kep.,M.Kep. as Secretary of the
Bachelor of Nursing Study Program at the University of
Muhammadiyah Jember.
5. Priyo Widodo, S.Pd.,M.Pd. as a Lecturer in Support of English
Language Courses 2, University of Muhammadiyah Jember.

We are aware that there are still many shortcomings in writing

this paper and therefore we are very happy and open to accept
criticism and suggestions for improving the paper's work.

Jember, 17 April 2020


Table Of Contents


Table Of Contents……………………………………………..…..


1.1. Intoduction

1.2 Background……………………………………….………..


Formulation of the problem……………………………..…


1.3. Our purposes………………………………………….……



2.1. Definition of Covid-19……………………………….……..


2.2. Causes of Corona Virus (COVID-19) ………………...……


2.3. Symptoms of Corona Virus (COVID-19)…………………..


2.4. Corona Virus Prevention (COVID-19)……………..………

2.5. Difference between people who are sick

from Corona Virus (2019-nCoV) and influenza…...……….


CHAPTER III CLOSING……………………………...…………


3.1. Conclusion…………………………………………………

3.2. Suggestion………………………………………………….




1.1. Introduction

Corona virus or severe acute respiratory syndrome

coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a virus that attacks the respiratory
system. This disease caused by a viral infection is called COVID-
19. Corona virus can cause disorders of the respiratory system,
acute pneumonia, until death.

This virus infection is called COVID-19 and was first discovered

in the city of Wuhan, China, at the end of December 2019. This
virus spread quickly and has spread to other regions in China and
to several countries, including Indonesia. This has made several
countries abroad implement policies to impose lockdowns in
order to prevent the spread of the Corona virus.

Hopefully this paper can be useful for readers and can add
insight into learning about health. And can prevent disease
transmission so that it can maintain a pattern of life.

1.2. Background
According to WHO data COVID-19 Development on March 28,
2020, globally 571,678 cases were confirmed, 26,494 deaths
(CFR 4.6%). Southeast Asia (Southeast Asia Region) recorded
3085 cases, 114 people died. In Indonesia the number of positive
citizens was 1155 cases, 102 people died and 59 people
recovered. Based on the latest circular, issued by the East Java
Health Office on March 28, 2020, in East Java 77 people were
infected with COVID-19. In Jember itself, 1 person was positive,
93 people were designated as ODP (people in monitoring) and 5
people were PDP (patients under surveillance)

1.3. Formulation of the problem
1. What is Covid-19?
2. What Are the Causes of Covid-19 Disease?
3. What are the symptoms caused by Covid-19?
4. What is the prevention of Covid-19 disease?
5. What distinguishes Covid-19 from Flu?
1.4 Our purposes
2. To find out about Covid-19,
3. To find out about the causes of Covid-19,
4. To find out how the symptoms of Covid-19,
5. To find out about Covid-19 prevention,
6. To find out the difference between Covid-19 and Flu.



2.1. Definition of Covid-19

Corona virus or severe acute respiratory syndrome

coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a virus that attacks the respiratory
system. This disease caused by a viral infection is called COVID-
19. Corona virus can cause disorders of the respiratory system,
acute pneumonia, until death.

Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-

2), better known as the Corona virus, is a new type of
coronavirus that is transmitted to humans. This virus can affect
anyone, whether babies, children, adults, the elderly, pregnant
women, and nursing mothers.

This virus infection is called COVID-19 and was first
discovered in the city of Wuhan, China, at the end of December
2019. This virus spread quickly and has spread to other regions
in China and to several countries, including Indonesia. This has
made several countries abroad implement policies to impose
lockdowns in order to prevent the spread of the Corona virus.

  Corona virus is a collection of viruses that can infect the

respiratory system. In many cases, this virus only causes mild
respiratory infections, such as flu. However, this virus can also
cause severe respiratory infections, such as lung infections
(pneumonia), Middle-East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), and
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).

2.2. Epidimiology

Data from WHO dated March 28, 2020

a. Western-Pacific region: 18 infected countries / regions

b. Europe region: 61 infected countries / regions

c. South East Asia Region: 10 countries / regions are infected

d. Eastern Mediterranean Region: 21 infected countries / regions

e. Region Of The Americas: 51 infected countries / regions

f. African Region: 41 infected countries / regions

g. Diamond Princess: 712 people infected with 7 people died

2.3. Chronology

On December 30, 2019, the WHO China Country Office

reported a case of pneumonia of unknown etiology in Wuhan
City, Hubei Province, China. Then on January 7, 2020, China
identified pneumonia with unknown etiology as a new type of
coronavirus (novel coronavirus, 2019-nCoV). The addition of

cases of 2019-nCoV has taken place quite quickly and there has
been a spread outside of Wuhan and other countries. It is known
that the origin of this disease from the seafood market (seafood),
but in this market not only seafood, but also in selling a variety of
wild animals.

The cause of this disease is the corona virus which is a new

type of virus, by WHO initially symbolized by 2019-nCoV, which
means a new type of corona virus. Ningbo University of China
published an article which concluded that COVID-19 was a
recombinant virus between a corona virus from bats and an
unknown animal. And snakes are a reservoir of wildlife that is
most likely to transmit it to humans.

The impact arising from the existence of the COVID-19

pandemic besides having an impact on health (respiratory
disease), education and employment (due to lockdown and social
distancing) also has an impact on the decline of the world
economy. The crisis has changed the economy and labor,
impacting not only on supply (production of goods and services),
but also on demand (consumption and investment). Production
disruptions, initially in Asia, are now spread for and services. All
businesses, regardless of size, face serious challenges, especially
in the aviation, tourism and hospitality industries, with the real
threat of a significant decline in income, job loss in certain
sectors. Maintaining business operations will be very difficult for
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Travel restrictions, border
closures and quarantine measures, many workers cannot move
to their workplaces or carry out their work, which has a knock-on
effect on income, especially for informal and casuallyemployed
workers. Consumers in many countries are unable or reluctant to
purchase goods and services. Seeing the environment when
uncertainty and fear, companies tend to delay investment.

2.4. Causes of Corona Virus (COVID-19)

Corona virus infection or COVID-19 is caused by coronavirus,

which is a group of viruses that infect the respiratory system. In
most cases, coronaviruses only cause mild to moderate
respiratory infections, such as flu. However, this virus can also
cause severe respiratory infections, such as pneumonia, Middle-
East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), and Severe Acute
Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).

It is suspected that the Corona virus was initially transmitted

from animals to humans. However, it was later discovered that
the Corona virus was also transmitted from human to human.

A person can get COVID-19 through a variety of ways,


1. Accidentally inhaling saliva splashes (droplets) that come

out when COVID-19 sufferers cough or sneeze,
2. Holding your mouth or nose without washing your hands
first after touching an object affected by saliva splashes of
COVID-19 sufferers
3. Close contact with people with COVID-19, such as
touching or shaking hands

Corona virus can infect anyone, but the effect will be more
dangerous or even fatal if it occurs in elderly people, pregnant
women, people who have certain diseases, smokers, or people
whose immune systems are weak.

2.5. Symptoms of Corona Virus (COVID-19)

The initial symptoms of a Corona virus infection or COVID-19

can be flu-like symptoms, such as fever, runny nose, dry cough,
sore throat, and headache. After that, symptoms can worsen.
Patients can experience high fever, cough with phlegm and even

blood, shortness of breath, and chest pain. These symptoms
appear when the body reacts against the Corona virus.

However, in general there are 3 general symptoms that can

indicate someone is infected with the Corona virus, namely:

1. Fever (body temperature above 38 degrees Celsius)

2. Cough
3. Shortness of breath

According to research, symptoms of COVID-19 appear within 2

days to 2 weeks after exposure to the Corona virus.

2.6. Corona Virus Prevention (COVID-19)

Until now, there is no vaccine to prevent Corona virus

infection or COVID-19. Therefore, the best prevention method is
to avoid the factors that can cause you to be infected with this
virus, namely:

1. Apply physical distancing, which is to maintain a minimum

distance of 1 meter from other people, and not to leave the
house unless there is an urgent need.
2. Use a mask when on the move in public places or crowds.
3. Routinely wash hands with soap and water or hand
sanitizer containing at least 60% alcohol after doing
activities outside the home or in public places.
4. Increase endurance with a healthy lifestyle.
5. Don't touch your eyes, mouth, and nose before washing
your hands.
6. Avoid contact with sufferers or people suspected of having
7. Cover your mouth and nose with tissue when coughing or
sneezing, then throw the tissue in the trash.
8. Avoid being close to people who are sick with a fever,
cough, or runny nose.

9. Keep clean objects that are often touched and
environmental cleanliness, including cleaning the house.

For people suspected of being affected by COVID-19 or

included in the ODP (monitored person) or PDP (patient under
surveillance) category, there are steps that can be taken so that
the Corona virus is not transmitted to others, namely:

1. Don't leave the house, except to get treatment.

2. If you want to go to the hospital when the symptoms get
worse, you should first contact the hospital to pick up.
3. Do independent isolation by staying apart from others for a
while. If it is not possible, use a bedroom and bathroom
that is different from what others use.
4. Forbid and prevent others from visiting or visiting you until
you are completely healed. As much as possible do not
have meetings with people who are sick.
5. Avoid sharing the use of eating and drinking utensils,
toiletries, and sleeping equipment with others.
6. Wear a mask and gloves when in a public place or with
someone else.
7. Use tissue to cover your mouth and nose when coughing or
sneezing, then immediately throw the tissue into the trash.

2.7. Difference between people who are sick from Corona

Virus (2019-nCoV) and influenza

People infected with 2019-nCoV and influenza will experience

the same respiratory tract symptoms, such as fever, cough and
runny nose. Although the symptoms are the same, the virus
causes can be different.

The similarity of the symptoms makes identification of Corona

Virus infection not easy to do. There is a need for laboratory tests

to confirm an indication someone has contracted the Corona

Therefore, WHO recommends that everyone who suffers from

fever, cough, and difficulty breathing seek treatment early.

They also need to inform the health officer about his travel
history in the last 14 days before symptoms appear. Other
information is the history of their contact with someone who is
suffering from a respiratory infection.



3.1. Conclusion

After being discussed in the previous chapter the author

finally concluded that Corona Virus or severe acute respiratory
syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is a virus that attacks the

respiratory system. This disease caused by a viral infection is
called COVID-19. Corona virus can cause disorders of the
respiratory system, acute pneumonia, until death

Corona is a new type of coronavirus that is transmitted to

humans. This virus can affect anyone, whether babies, children,
adults, the elderly, pregnant women, and nursing mothers.

And hopefully with this paper. The public can know how to
prevent and how the symptoms of Covid-19. And the disease is
not too widely spread and many victims by the action of the
government with the order for the community to settle at home.

3.2. Suggestion

Suggestions from community writers can find out about the

development of Covid-19's disease. In order to know about
prevention and how to spread it.

And the public can obey the rules that have been made by
the government to prevent the spread of Covid-19 in Indonesia
and in other countries.







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