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Market Analysis on A uaTell Device

The AquaTell is a necessity for deep sea divers! This watch-like device has many features including
measuring heart rate, internal temperature of the body, the surrounding ocean temperatures, pressure, and
displaying how much oxygen remains in a tank. These will help with the most consequential problems while
diving in the sea such as decompression sickness and the risk of having no air left in the diver's tank.

This vital device includes the function of a pressure gauge, which senses the pressure remaining the tank,
and any other depth monitoring device. It combines the functions of multiple devices into one.

Please answer only once to each question.

1. How interested would you be in purchasing this product?

Mark only one oval.



2. Any suggestions for improvement:

3. How much would you willing to spend on this product?

4. Do you think this will solve current problems with reading the oxygen tanks
5. The features will include an LCD screen which will display the temperatures and heart rate, a rubber wire
that connects to the oxygen tank, and buttons to adjust features to your personal standards. Do you think
this device could be used by people of different ages?

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