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(1a) There is beer in my refrigerator.

Fact = because can verify the refrigerator there is beer in it

(1b) Wine tastes better than beer.

Opinion = because many peoples opinion are diferrent

(2a) The earth revolves around the sun.

Fact = we can verify with astronomy science

(2b) The earth was created by an omnipotent God.

Opinion = because not eveyone trust in god

(3a) Thousands were killed in Darfur.

Fact = because we cant count many people were killed

(3b) Genocide is wrong.

Opinion = because not showing about the fact genocide is wrong

(4a) The current US president is a Democrat.

Fact = because based on reality at the moment

(4b) A Democrat will win the presidency in 2016.

Opinion = because there is a word “will” like a prediction

after I opened the link and watched the video, fact and opinion have some different, the fact based
on information about objective information about data and observation and can verify, then opinion
can unverifiable about subjective and person judgement and the statement cannot be verified
1. First video about john corvinho argument i can conclusion fact can be verified and opinion
cant be verified, opinion comes from personal judgements and then second video can learn
phrases for expressing our opinion like agree or disagree from someone’s statement
2. Express our conclusion about the opinion can be start about words for example i like, i
think, i believe, in my opinion and about the fact we can verify about fact of data, stastistics
has been obeserved by people before we can show the facts which has been verified

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