SCI 339 Epidemiology White Paper

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SCI 339 Epidemiology

Final Project Instructions

For White Paper

Information for paper: Minimum pages: 5

 Pick a disease of interest

 Research the following: Background history of disease
 Prevalence: how prevalent is it in the U.S. include demographics (if available) / is it
communicable vs non-communicable
 Incidence rate / morbidity and or mortality
 Natural history of the disease: Pre clinical / clinical phase including signs and symptoms
 How is it spread, what are the vectors, is it genetic / what are the causes
 Reference three recent scientific studies that study this disease: what type of study are they
are doing : RTC, retrospective, cohort / case control, etc.
 What cures / interventions / prevention / screenings
 What is the public health policies regarding this disease?
 Your conclusion: is this disease controllable based on your research. Is the policy good
enough to reduce the instances of this disease in our population?

You will prepare no more than a 10 minute PowerPoint to present your findings. Each student will grade
each presentation on a scale of 1-10 not including their own. The paper will be uploaded with the
presentation on the MYCC portal.

As always, please feel free to email me with any questions or clarifications.


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