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An Uncracked section is one in which you can develop flexural resistance

A Cracked section is one where you cant such as where there is a movement joint or a damp
proof course, this only relies on the dead weight of the masonry.

Clay bricks are the normal external bricks

Engineering bricks are clay bricks with low water absorption (4.5%), high strength and good

Concrete blocks – good blocks have a shrinkage rate of less then 0.03% this limits plaster cracks.

Old buildings had a lot of detail in the brick work therefore the need for movement joints was
less, also the brick skin was a lot thicker.

South, south west and south east facing wall are more susceptible to temperature changes with
resultant potential increase in brickwork movement.

The placing of vertical movement joints next to window and door frames should be avoided, as
the windows need to be supported.

Abrupt changes in wall thickness or height should have a compressing type joint between them.

Short return walls (of less then 1m) should incorporate a compression type moment joint in
position shown,

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