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Hydrotechnical Construction, Vol. 29, No.

7, 1995



G. A. Sudol'skii and A. M. Shvainshtein

The hydraulic jump occurring during connection of free and pressure flows in a closed conduit is a special type of
hydraulic jump. A characteristic feature of this jump is that it can occur without passing through the critical depth. In the
pressure section of the flow its roller entrains a considerable amount of air, which on a relatively small distance collects near
the ceiling of the conduit and moves along it toward the lower pool. The indicated features of such a jump compared with
a jump connecting a rapid flow with a tranquil flow suggest the possibility of a difference of their hydrodynamic
The type of jump under consideration occurs most often in discharge pipes and tunnels whose main gates are located
at the entrance and are intended for operating full section at design discharges. On the path of such structures a hydraulic
jump with a pressure regime downstream (HJPR) can form with partial opening of the gates. In the jump zone substantial
pressure fluctuations can be observed on the path of the conduit, disregard of which can be hazardous for discharge tunnels
[1] and the more so for discharge pipes, especially those constructed in the body of earth dams. The fluctuation effects on
the pipe surfaces and the vibration of the concrete structural member caused by them are transmitted to the earth mass of
the dam, which makes it necessary to evaluate its stability. The first step of such an evaluation is a determination of the
fluctuation effects on the flow surfaces of such a conduit. The literature contains few such data [2, 3].
Experimental investigations to determine pressure fluctuations on the path of the discharge pipe with partial opening
,;i' "e gat~ and connection of the free and pressure flow by a hydraulic jump were carried out on a model at a scale of 1:40
: ~a_,,inationof one of the intermediate variants of the combined diversion and service pipe outlets of the Ust'-Srednekan
',~SJJ~ociectlic station.
The width and height of the cross section of the model of the discharge section of the path of the pipe outlet on
which the measurements were taken were 17.5 and 32.5 cm. The pressure fluctuations were recorded by means of DDT-1
transducers and through a strain-gauge amplifier were recorded on a Bruell and Kjaer measuring magnetic tape recorder.
The experimental data were processed on a type DVK computer. In the measuring and processing system high-frequency
noise greater than 50 Hz was suppressed by means of special filters. This circumstance was important, since the natural
frequency of the first mode of vibrations of the 1.4-cm-thick organic glass side wall of the model was about 80 Hz. The
scope of realizations of the fluctuation process during processing was about 330 sec, the discretization interval was 0.02 sec.
The experimental investigations of the characteristics of pressure fluctuations in the investigated conduit conducted
at values of the Froude number for the contracted section in front of the jump equal to 5.6 and 9.5 showed the following.
1. The intensity of pressure fluctuation (the ratio of the standard deviation o to the velocity head for the contracted
section in front of the jump in which the velocity is equal to Vc) differs insignificantly over the length of the conduit (Fig.
la). Here g is the acceleration of gravity. The maximum values of this intensity reach 0.07-0,09; they are close to the data
in [3], but slightly higher than in the experiments with HJPR given in [2]. The position of the maximum values of the
intensities of pressure fluctuations over the length of the jump in these investigations differ somewhat, but for x/hi > 8 the
values of the intensities are close (x is the longitudinal coordinate read from the start of the jump; hj is the height of the jump
determined as the difference of the height of the pipe and depth in the contracted section hc). The indicated differences can
be due to conditions of submergence of the jump and shape of the cross section of the conduits in these investigations.
Changes in fluctuation intensities along the length of the HJPR and jump in an open channel [4-6] differ substantially. In
the latter case the maximum intensity value is slightly lower and its decay long the length occurs much more rapidly. The
smaller value of the maximum value of the intensity of pressure fluctuations for a hydraulic jump in an open channel
compared with the HJPR can be due to the lower values of the Froude number in experiments conducted in closed

Translated from Gidrotekhnicheskoe Stroitel'stvo, No. 7, pp. 3-6, July, 1995.

366 0018-8220/95/2907-0366512.50 9 Plenum Publishing Corporation


O,t oI 2,~ ol

o,05 z,o 9

o ~ a 8 x/h/Z o a,o~ ~ ~ o,1

b ~77&
2,0 2,0 o I


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0 2 ~
c 6
s ty~ e uq 6 8
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9. m 9 f,O L o,5 ~-
o,,.o 'X k "
',: ,..
o z ~ ~ e 0 o/ t,o o a,e a,~
e x/hj f rj g, z/hj
Fig. 1. Variation of pressure fluctuation intensities on the bottom and
ceiling of the conduit over the length of the jump (a) and height of the side
wall for x/hi = 3.3 (b), variation of the coefficients of skewness and
kurtosis over the length of the jump (c) and (d), examples of spatial
correlations of pressure fluctuations over the length of the jump (e), height
of the side wall for x/hj = 3.3 (f), and across the f l o w for x/hj = 3.9 (g).
I and II) calculated curves for high and low levels of turbulence [4]; 1 and
2) experimental data for bottom and ceiling of conduit for Frc = 9.5; 3
and 4) same for Fr c = 5.6; 5 and 6) same on side wall for Fr c = 9.5 and
5.6, respectively; 7, 8, and 9) experimental curves according to data [2,
5, 6], respectively.

conduits than according to the data [4-6]. With a decrease of the Froude number for the contracted section of a jump in an
open channel, as the investigations examined in [7, 8] indicate, an increase, of the maximum intensity of the pressure
fluctuations to 0.08-0.01 occurs.
2. The values of the intensities of pressure fluctuations on the bottom and ceiling of the pipe at the same site
practically coincide, on the side wall they increase in the zone of "displacement" between the forward stream and roller of
the hydraulic jump (Fig. lb).
3. The distribution of the pressure fluctuations in the HJPR differs from the normal. The coefficients of skewness
a s and kurtosis E recorded in the experiments actually coincide on the perimeter of the conduit. The values of a s are positive
and decrease over the length from the start of the jump, as distance greater than (8-10)hi they do not exceed 0.25.
Approximately the same character of variation of a s was recorded in the investigations given in [5]. Positive values of E
increase somewhat along the length of the jump, which is related to an increase of the contribution to the pressure fluctuation
by the end of the jump of the components from disturbance caused by the movement and outflow of air cavities into the
lower pool.
4. Stable correlations of pressure fluctuations are traced in the HJPR zone. The coefficients of longitudinal
correlations of pressure fluctuations r l approach zero only at a distance greater than 8hi (Fig. le). The values of the
correlation coefficient r h over the height of the conduit (Fig. lf) decrease somewhat within the forward flow (y is the
coordinate orthogonal to the bottom of the conduit) and then remain practically constant in the roller of the hydraulic jump.
The values of the correlation coefficient on the bottom and ceiling of the conduit at the same site are up to 0.6-0.7. The
pressure fluctuations over the width of the conduit are practically in phase, and the values of the correlation coefficients
across the flow rb in Fig. tg (z is a coordinate transverse to the direction of the flow) are close to unity. In all directions
the values of the correlation coefficients in the zone of the HJPR in the conduit investigated by us were higher than in the
U-shaped conduit [2].


t~ l "J T "~ l L
~,~a IX '.L. I~4-4.
V~.4~ IF" II 7ill
# 'h"~ ~ ,r i ' d A A I I "
I',1-t r"~.,,kl I!
I P . N,. ,"~s
\ "W/.,#/~


.. II V "~
a,1 a,e o,~ o,~ ga 1,o 2 u 6 8 tO

Fig. 2. Generalized graph of the spectral density of pressure fluctuations

on the bottom of the conduit: 1) zone of experimental points for sites in
the initial segment of the jump before contact of the jump roller with the
conduit ceiling; 2) experimental points in segment of conduit operating full
section; 3, 4, and 5) curves plotted from data [7, 9, and 10]; 6) calculated
curve in accordance with A. M. Obukhov's dependence.

5. The general character of the spectral density function of the pressure fluctuations given in Fig. 2 in generalized
coordinates is comparable to the data of other jump investigations. The following notations are used in Fig. 2: u k is the
convective velocity (eddy transport velocity); s is the normalized spectral density; f is the linear frequency. The values of
the generalized spectral density function of pressure fluctuations in the initial segment of the jump in Fig. 2 are located inside
a band bounded by its extreme values. In the segment located downstream of the section in which the roller of the jump
[ou~:e,_ the ceiling and the conduit operates full section, the spectral density function is represented by filled circles. As a
rcsai~ ~f analyzing these data and comparing them with the results of the experiments of other investigators, it is possible
:,~ detect certain common features and characteristics of the spectral density functions of pressure fluctuations:
in the initial segment of the investigated jump the high-frequency maximum of the spectrum is recorded in the zone
of Strouhal numbers Sh of about 2, but is expressed as vividly as for the given regime of connection [9], the general outline
of the spectral density function is even closer to that obtained in the case of a surface regime of connecting flows [10];
in the segment of the conduit operating full section the maximum of the spectral density function for Sh number
approximately equal to 2 degenerates, which is related to superposition of disturbances of various origin (turbulence caused
by movement of air cavities). A pressure fluctuation spectrum analogous in form was observed in the case of the
superposition of disturbances caused by whirlpools with various axes of rotation occurring under complex three-dimensional
conditions [7];
the maximum of the spectral density function is recorded also in the low-frequency region for Sh number of about
0.1, but the contribution of the low-frequency fluctuations (Sh < 0.5) to the energy of the spectrum is small;
the rate of decay of the spectral density function in the region of high values of the Sh number (Sh > 2) occurs at
a smaller rate than according to A. M. Obukhov's functional dependence F(S) = Sh -7/3.
When analyzing the data on the spectral density functions of pressure fluctuations, the eddy transport velocity vk
figures in the dimensionless complexes laid out on the coordinate axes. It was determined on the basis of comparing the
autocorrelation function and spatial correlations of pressure fluctuations [4] and for the given conditions was about (0.4-
0.6)v c.
The data presented here permit evaluating the fluctuation component of the load on the flow surfaces of a rectangular
conduit in the presence of a hydraulic jump on its path and complete filling of the conduit in the stretch after the jump.


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2. N. I. Kutobaeva, T. V. Fedulova, and A. M. Shvainshtein, "Laboratory investigations of hydrodynamic effects on
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