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Plagiarism 41.4 4.A.1 k.,/A

a) Explain what are Industry 4.0s ethical challenges

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b) The story of Boeing

1, Investigate the engineering ethical issues in the above scenario
The reason of the problem started when that new large engines
required Boeing engineers to place them far a head of the wing
leading edge to achieve ground clearance
This change in design affected aerodynamics of the craft and also
caused two main problems:-

-Tend to pitch up while accelerating

-Tend to pitch up during high angle of attack

After the new design, the aircraft considered a new and different
aircraft with new operational system which requires new training

The first ethic violation: avoiding re-certification due to time and cost
The second ethic violation: bumping passenger safety to a middle seat

The new software causes killing more people

Also Boeing denies the allegations of new design effect on safety and
operated the aircraft with out re-certification and this caused many
losses such as killing people, accidents, loss of reputation and
lowering stock value

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