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Desmosomes and hemidesmosomes

David R. Garrod

University of Manchester, Manchester, UK

Desmosomes and hemidesmosomes are extremely different in their

molecular composition. Most of the protein and glycoprotein components
are products of members of multigene families, but show specialization
for plaque formation and intermediate filament attachment. Desmosomal
glycoproteins are more heterogeneous than previously suspected, with
different isoforms showing tissue-specific and differentiation-related expres-
sion. Both types of junctions can be modulated in response to extra-
cellular signals and may turn out to be involved in signal transduction.

Current Opinion in Cell Biology 1993, 5:30-40

Introduction tissue locations. Sequence data now confirm that both

desmogleins and desmocollins occur as different iso-
Desmosomes are intercellular junctions that mediate forms that constitute (as yet) small subfamilies within
strong adhesion between cells in epithelia, cardiac mus- the cadherin superfamily. The desmoglein subfamily has
cle, pia and arachnoid meninges, and follicular den- three members. Desmoglein (DGl), first cloned from
dritic cells. Hemidesmosomes are junctions that medi- bovine and human sources by several groups [3-6], has
ate adhesion to the <basement membrane in some epi- the structure indicated in Fig. 2. Human desmoglein from
thelia (e.g. epidermis, bladder, trachea, breast and am- colon, from which a partial carboxyl-terminal sequence
nion). These junctions have related names because they was obtained from colon carcinoma cells, shows only
display common ultrastructural features; both possess 29 % identity with DGl [7*]. Pemphigus vulgaris antigen
dense, membrane-associated cytoplasmic plaques linked (PVA) is clearly a member of this subfamily because of
to intermediate tilaments (IFS; Fig. 1). Elucidation of sequence homology, but differs from desmoglein in two
molecular composition has conclusively demonstrated respects [@*I: first, it has five complete cadherin-like ex-
that desmosomes and hemidesmosomes are analogous tracellular domains resembling desmocollins and other
rather than homologous structures, their cytoplasmic cadherins, rather than the four cadherin-like domains
plaque components and adhesion glycoproteins being and short membrane-proximal domain of desmoglein
quite distinct (Table 1; reviewed in [la] >. There have (Fig. 2); second, it has a shorter cytoplasmic region than
been significant new developments in the understanding desmoglein, lacking two of the five cytoplasmic repeats
of both junctional types with important implications for (RUD in Fig. 2) and the carboxyl-terminal glycine-rich
their respective roles in tissue structure, development and domain.
disease. Because they are so different in molecular com-
position, it will be convenient to discuss them separately. The bovine desmocollin subfamily consists of three iso-
forms, types 1, 2 and 3, which are the products of differ-
ent genes. Types 1 and 2 each exist as a pair of proteins
of different sizes generated by alternative splicing (Fig.
2) [9]. In each case, the larger protein is called desmo-
collin I and the smaller, desmocollin II (Table 1; Fig. 2).
Desmosomal glycoproteins: multigene cadherin Heterogeneity of bovine desmocollins was demonstrated
subfamilies by determination of a seqence from bovine nasal epi-
Cloning and sequencing of the major desmosomal dermis, which showed 46 % identity at the amino acid
glycoproteins, desmoglein and the desmocollins, from level in the first published sequence [lo-]. The original
bovine and human sources has shown them to belong sequence was designated type 1 and the new sequence
to the cadherin family of calcium-dependent adhesion type 2. Type 3 bovine desmocollin was identified from a
molecules (Fig. 2). The subject has been covered by partial sequence of the transmembrane and cytoplasmic
several groups and has been recently reviewed [1*,2-l. regions and shows 55 % and 72 % identity with types 1
and 2, respectively (PK Legan, DR Garrod, unpublished
Antibody reactivity patterns previously suggested hetero- data). Type 3 probably also exists in alternatively spliced
geneity among desmosomal glycoproteins in different forms, but we do not yet have direct evidence for this.

BPACibullous pemphigoid antigen; IF-intermediate filament; PVA-pemphigus vulgaris antigen.

30 @ current Biology Ltd ISSN 0955-0674

Desmosomes and hemidesmosomes Garrod 31



T.~;~que . .._._______ A zone
Desmocollins . . . Mid-line .Intercellular
J space



BPAGl 200 kD c 1:. ] Inner plaque

oH34, P,asma membrane

lamina lucida
tarnina densa

\ Anchoring Extracellular

Fig. 1. The principal ultrastructural features of (a) the desmosome and fb) the hemidesmosome. Both structures are roughly circular
membrane organelles, usually less than 1 pm in diameter. The locations of some of the major glycoprotein and protein components as
suggested by immuno-electron microscopy are indicated. Adapted from [lo].

The human desmocollin family so far consists of two tion and northern blotting data: type 1 in epidermis and
alternatively spliced isoform pairs, DGII/III and DGIV/V. tongue epithelium; type 2 in stratified, complex and sim-
Human gene names have been designated and chromo- ple epithelia and heart; and type 3 in epidermis, tongue,
somal locations assigned(Table 2) [2-0,1l-131. The de- oesophagus and stomach epithelia (PK Legan, DR Gar-
duced amino acid sequence of DGII/III [ 141 shows 77 % rod, unpublished data; [lo=]). Thus, all three types are
identity with bovine type 2 and 79 % identity with the par- expressed in epidermis. There is now evidence to sug-
tial sequenceof bovine type 3, so it is not yet clear which gest that different members of the human desmoglein
are the true species homologues. DGIVIII and bovine and desmocollin subfamilies show different patterns of
type 1 show only 53 % identity. The small amount of expression in epidermis (Fig. 3) [2**,15*,16*]. The ma-
protein sequence published for DGIV/V [IS*] suggests jor desmosomal proteins, desmoplakin and plakoglobin
that it may be the homologue of bovine type 1. (see below), have not so far revealed different patterns of
expression, but two desmosomal proteins, desmoyokin
The bovine desmocollin isoforms show tissue-specific and band 6 protein (Table l), are apparently restricted
expression. Expression of the different isoforms has to stratified epithelia [17,18]. Thus, the protein and gly-
been located through the use of polymerase chain reac- coprotein composition of desmosomesin different loca-
32 Cytoplasm and cell motility

rable 1. Components of desmosomes and hemidesmosomes.

Molecular weight
\lame (X 10-9 Location Comment


Desmoglein’ 165 tntercellular space and plaque, Three isoforms known
possibly to IF attachment LTable 2 and Fig. 2)
Desmocollin I’ 115 Intercellular space and plaque Three isoforms known
Desmocollin II’ 107 I (Table 2 and Fig. 2)
140 kD glycoprotein 140 Intercellular space Minor component
E-cadherin 125 Intercellular space Minor component
22 kD glycoprotein 22 Intercellular space Minor component

Desmoplakin I’ 250 Between plaque and IF Constitutive desmosome
Desmoplakin II* 215 (satellite zone) components. Human
chromosome 6p
Plakoglobin’ a3 Constitutive component
but also in zonula adherens
Desmoyokin’ 680 Plaque circumference Stratified epithelium only
Desmocalmin 240 Plaque Probably bovine
equivalent of
Keratocalmin ,_ 250 Plaque Probably human
equivalent of desmocalmin
Nuclear lamin 140 Plaque IF-binding activity
B-like protein
Band 6 protein 75 Plaque, between plaque and IF Stratified epithelium
(satellite zone) only

a6 integrin’ 125 + 30 Transmembrane Human chromosome 2”
(Fig. 2)
p4 integrin’ 195 Transmembrane-cytoplasmic domain Human chromosome 17q llq”
possible extends to IF attachment (Fig. 2)
BPACZ’ 180 Transmembrane Human chromosome
HDl’ 500 Inner plaque
BPAGl’ 230 Plaque Human chromosome
200 kD protein 200 Inner plaque

‘Components referred to in this review. “See [SO-821 for chromosomal locations. IF, intermediate filament.

tions varies. This presumably reflects different adhesive of multigene protein families has provided further in-
properties of these junctions and suggests that they play sight into their functions. Plakoglobin, which is present
an important role in epithelial differentiation. Therefore in adherens junctions as well as desmosomes, forms
an immediate challenge is to determine the functional sig- a family with j3-catenin and the membrane-associated
nificance of these expression patterns. Drosopbiln segment polarity gene product, Armadillo,
the last two showing greater homology [ 19,200•,21*].
j3-catenin, also a component of adherens junctions, asso-
Cytoplasmic desmosomal proteins: members of ciates with the cytoplasmic domain of E-cadherin [21-l.
multigene families Plakoglobin (or its homologue) associates both with cad-
The classification of the major cytoplasmic desmosomal herins [20-*,22-l and desmoglein [23], and it is likely
proteins, desmoplakins and plakoglobin, as members that it may also associate with the larger members of
Desmosomes and hemidesmosomes Garrod 33

Desmocollins H,N
El E2 E3

Desmoglein COOH

El E2 E3 E4 EA IA

(b) 00

P4 7 7 77 it If

HP cccc COOH

a6 77 COOH A



: Ca?binding sites n Transmembrane domain 0 Fibronectin type Ill repeats

7 N-linked glycosylation sites q Cadherin-like cytoplasmic sequences q a repeats
(7) N-linked glycoslation site in human desmocollins n Desmoglein repeats s-s Disulphide bridge
c Cysteines q Cysteine-rich repeats

Fig. 2. The structure of the major glycoproteins of (a) desmosomes (desmocollins I and II and desmoglein) and (b) hemidesmosomes
(p4 and a6 integrin) as suggested by their deduced amino acid sequences. The transmembrane domains are aligned and the lengths
of the molecules in terms of numbers of amino acids are drawn to scale. Pemphigus vulgaris antigen, a member of the desmoglein
subfamily, has five complete E domains as in desmocollins, only two RUD domains and no DTD domain. Alternatively spliced variants of
desmocollins (I and II), p4 (white boxes over cytoplasmic domain) and a6 (A and 6) integrin are indicated. El-5 are equal-sized extracellular
domains (El-4 are repeats). EA. extracellular anchor domain; IA, intracellular anchor domain; ICS, intracellular cadherin-like segment; IPL,
intracellular proline-rich linker; RUD, repetitive unit domain, DTD, desmoglein terminal domain. Terminology largely after [37**1. Adapted
from Il*l.

ment polarity gene wingless [ 241. This suggests that

Table 2. Desmosomal glycoproteins. the plakoglobin//P-catenin/Armadillo family of proteins
may be involved in morphogenetic signal transduction in
Human Human Human vertebrates. The association of plakoglobin with desmo-
protein Bovine equivalent gene name chromosomal somes suggests that these junctions may have a signalling
assignment function.

Desmoglein Desmoplakins (DPI and DPII) form a multigene family

DC1 Desmoglein (dgl) DSCl 18 of IF-organizing proteins with the 230kD bullous pem-
HDCC - DSC2 18 phigoid antigen (BPAGl), a major cytoplasmic compo-
PVA - DSC3 18 nent of hemidesmosmes, and plectin, a more widely
Desmocollins distributed IF-associated protein. A detailed structural
DGIMII Desmocollins type 2 DSCl 9P comparison of DPI, BPAGl and plectin [25**], made
or type 3 possible by recent availability of sequence [26*-28*,29**]
DGIVIV Probably desmocollin DSC2 18 and rotary shadowing [30,31] data, suggests that these
type 1 proteins form extended dumbbell-shaped dimers with
central coiled-coil rod domains and globular end do-
mains. The carboxyl-terminal globular domains of plectin
the desmocollin subfamily isoforms (i.e. desmocollin I>, and desmoplakins have glycine-rich repeats that are po-
which contain a cytoplasmic cadherin homology region. tential sites for IF interaction. This has been confirmed
The spatial expression of armadillo in Drosophh em- by transfecting COS cells with individual domains of
bryos is regulated by the secreted product of the seg- desmoplaldns; overexpression of the carboxyl-terminal
34 Cytoplasm,and cell motility



Fig. 3. Diagram of epidermis showing regions of maximum expression of desmosomal glycoproteins as indicated in 12**,16*1. DC,
desmoglein; PVA, pemphigus vulgaris antigen; HDCC, human desmoglein from colon; DCII/III and DClViV are desmocollins. See text
and Table 2 for further details.

domain disrupted keratin filaments, but expression of A431, a desmosome-forming cervical carcinoma cell line.
the rod domain did not [32**]. Because the carboxyl- These consist of the membrane-spanning domains of the
terminal region of desmoplakin interacts with IFS, the gap junction protein, connexin 32, and the cytoplasmic
amino-terminal region may bind to cytoplasmic domains domains of the three major desmosomal gl)roproteins.
of glycoproteins in the desmosomal plaque, forming a The connexin protein is used to target the desmos-
bridge between the plaque and the IFS (Fig. 1). mal cytoplasmic domains to the membrane. Chimeric
constructs with the cytoplasmic domain of the larger
desmocollin variant, desmocollin I, of bovine type 1 or 2,
formed extensive novel gap junction-like structures with
Desmosome assembly
associated desmosome-like plaq~~es containing desmo-
Studies of desmosome assembly by MDCK cells have plakin, plakoglobin and attached IF. No such assemblies
shown that newly synthesized components appear to were obtained with the chimeric cytoplasmic domain of
associate only after reaching the cell surface. Before the smaller variant desmvcollin II. Chimer+ desmoglein
this, desmoplakin is associated with keratin filaments suprisingly disrupted practically all junction formation
and desmoglein, apparently with microtubules [ 331.
between the transfectecl cells. The results suggest that
Microtubule-disrupting agents do not, however, inhibit desmocollin I cytoplasmic domain contains the ~nolec-
desmosome assembly [ 34,351, raising doubts about the ular signals necessar).for plaque assembl!, (association
role of microtubules in the process. An isolated report
with plakogoglobin and desmoplakin ), but leaves uncer-
of association between mature desmosomes and micro-
tainties as to the roles of desmocollin II and desmoglein.
tubules appeared a long time ago [36]. New evidence
shows that the microtubule-associated protein, ~~170,
mediates association between microtubules and desmo-
somes in MDCK cells, and that the junctions may mod- Development and modulation of desmosomal adhesion
ulate the properties of microtubules via this interaction Far from being static structures that link cells and IFS,
[ 37**]. It is interesting that the amino acid sequence Glu- there is increasing evidence to suggest that the adhesion
Gly-X-Gly-Glu-Glu (where X is any amino acid) is present of desmosomeschangeswith time ancl can be modulated
in both desmocollins I and II as well as the carboxyl ter- in response to signals. %ch modulation is probably im-
minus of a-tubulin [9]. This sequence may be involved portant for cell motility, as well as morphogenesis and
in desmosome-microtubule interaction. repair of developing and mature tissues.

In order to study molecular interactions involved in Assembly of individual mature desmosomesfollowing ini-
plaque formation, Franke and colleagues [38**] have tiation of intercellular contact appears to take about 2
expressed a series of chimeric proteins in cells from hours [39,40]. However, development of desmosomal
Desmosomes and hemidesmosomes Garrod 35

adhesion between MDCK cells after contact formation grin complex L47-491. a6f34 is by far the most abundant
appears to proceed for at least 24 hours, involving for- integrin on the basal surface of epidermal basal cells [48]
mation of progressively more individual desmosmes of and is presumably of major importance in hemidesmo-
approximately equal size [41]. Other cell types in viva, as somal adhesion to the basement membrane. It may also
well as in culture, may take time to develop full desmoso- play a key role in signal transduction for epidermal strat-
mal adhesion. Moreover, the extent of desmosomal adhe- ification/differentiation and basal cell proliferation.
sion may be affected by external signals; TGF-j3 dramati-
cally increases expression of desmosomes in bronchial Unlike other p integrins, j34 has an enormous cytoplas-
epithelial cells [42*]. mic domain (1000 amino acids) containing a series of
fibronectin type III repeats (Fig. 2) [50-521. This is
After initial assembly, desmosomal adhesion is readily analagous to the hybrid structure of desmoglein, which
disrupted by reducing extracellular Ca2+ concentration. has a cadherin-like extracellular domain for cell-cell ad-
However, with progressive confluent culture, desmosome hesion, with a long cytoplasmic domain. Although there
Ca2+ -dependence is lost in MDCK cells: the desmo- is no sequence homology between desmoglein and p4,
somes (but not other junctions) even become resistant their cytoplasmic domains both clearly represent adap-
to Ca’+ chelation. Ca’+ independence may well be the tations for membrane-associated plaque formation, and
predominant condition of desmosomes in lklo (S Lloyd, both may extend beyond the plaques to make direct or
DR Garrod, unpublished data; [43*] >. indirect interaction with IFS (Fig. 1).
Signals can rapidly modulate MDCK desmosomes from a The cytoplasmic domains of both p4 [50,51] and a6
Ca*+ -independent state to a Cal+-dependent one; first, [53-l show alternatively spliced forms possibly provid-
wounding the monolayer modulates desmosomes in cells ing a means of varying ligand alfinity, cytoplasmic inter-
adjacent to the free edge; second, treatment with the tu- actions or signal transduction. Both the extracellular and
mour promotor, TPA, modulates desmosomes in all the cytoplasmic domains of j34 are subject to tissue-specific
cells (S Lloyd, DR Garrod, unpublished data). Although proteolytic processing, and thus have multiple ways of
the significance of such changes is not clear, they may modulating interactions between the ceil and basement
in some way facilitate disassembly of junctions when mem b rdne [ 54==].
this becomes necessary to permit cell movement. In
addition to modulation during cell locomotion, desmo- There is now substantial evidence that the 180 kD BPAG2
somes have an important role in cell division. However, is a type II transmembrane component in hemidesmo-
in contrast to substratum adhesion, which is altered dur- somes [ 55*,56*]. The carboxyl-terminal region, which
ing division, cell-cell contacts are maintained. Epithelial shows homology with collagen, is extracellular, while
cells lose neither desmosomal adhesion, nor that of tight the amino-terminal region, which shows homology with
junctions and .zolzt&e aclcet-erztes[44]. Presumably cells chicken corneal protein, is cytoplasmic [ 55*,57=]. Clearly,
need to maintain contact with their neighbours during di- a collagen-related membrane protein could be important
vison in order to maintain the integrity of the epithelial in hemidesmosome-matrix interaction.
What are the ligands for these hemidesmosomal adhe-
How is desmosome assembly regulated in development? sion molecules? Hemidesmosomes interact with thread-
One way would be to regulate the synthesis of one or like structures, ‘anchoring filaments’, in the lamina lu-
more essential desmosomal components. The onset of cida [ 581. A disulphide-bonded heterotrimeric com-
assembly of desmosomes between trophectodenn ceils plex, ‘kalinin’, has been identified in anchoring filaments
at the onset of cavitation in the mouse early embryo [59**]. This is identical to the previously identified base-
may depend upon the initiation of desmosomal glyco- ment membrane component, BMGOO or ‘nicein’ [GO],
protein synthesis, and may have importance for initiation but its relationship to an apparently similar complex,
of cavitation and blastocyst formation [45*]. Where cells ‘epiligrin’ [6I*], is not yet completely clear (RE Burge-
are already producing desmosomal components, initia- son, personal communication). Kalinin/nicein has three
tion of contact between them may trigger junction for- subunits of 200, 155 and 14OkD. The 200 and 155 kD
mation. Desmosome formation appears to follow rapidly subunits are processed to 165 and 105 kD, respectively,
on contact formation between medial edge epithelial cells in culture and tissues, possibly to modulate cell adhesion
during palatal fusion in the mouse embryo (C Qiu, MJW [62*].
Ferguson, DR Garrod, unpublished data). Once formed,
desmosomes may be modulated during epithelial mor- A newly discovered complex, K-laminin, has the same
phogenesis, for example in kidney tubule development distribution in anchoring filament-containing basement
[46-l. membranes as kalinin [63-m]. This is a type of hy
brid molecule, Y-shaped in rotary shadowing, containing
conventional laminin Bl and B2 chains together with a
19OkD chain related to the 200/165kD chain of kalinin
Hemidesmosomes instead of a conventional laminin A chain (400 kD). As yet
there is no direct evidence that kalinin/nicein, K-laminin
A major contribution to the study of hemidesmosomes or epiligrin bind to a6p4. Under some circumstances,
was the demonstration that they contain the a6p4 inte- or604 binds laminin [64] which, together with merosin, is
36 Cytoplasm and cell motility

present in epidermal basement membrane’[ 65*], but the ing, involves auto-antibodies to the cytoplasmic proteins
positional relationship of these to hemidesmosomes has desmoplakins and BPAGl, as well as other uncharacter-
not been described. Another potential hemidesmosomal ized epidermal antigens [ 721.
l&and is 19DEJ-1 [66], but the characterization of this is
not yet clear. It is difficult to see how auto-antibodies against cytoplas-
mic proteins can play a causative role in autoimmune
The latest addition to the catalogue of hemidesmosomal disease. Rather, they may arise as a result of ceil damage
constituents is a 500kD polypeptide, HDl. Located in and antigen release. It is not clear how the BP antigens
the cytoplasmic region, this may be involved in IF as- are involved in bullous pemphigoid, although the demon-
sociation [67*]. HI% also occurs in endothelial and glial stration that BPAG2 is a type II membrane protein seems
cells, which lack hemidesmosomes, where it could be in- to make some kind of direct involvement of antibodies
volved in IF-membrane association. The possible role of to the extracellular domain more likely.
BPAGl in hemidesmosome-IF association, as well as its
An understanding of hemidesmosomal adhesion is cru-
structural relationship to desmoplakins and plectin are cial to elucidating the aetiology of the junctional form
referred to above. The homology between BPAGl and of epidermolysis bullosa, which is often fatal in early
desmoplakins represents the only relatedness between childhood. Hemidesmosomes are defective in this con-
desmosomes and hemidesmosomes so far identified. dition [73], probably because kalinin/nicein is absent or
Hemidesmosomes, like desmosomes, must be dynamic greatly reduced [74]. Thus the gene for this complex is
structures. When cultures of 804G rat bladder carcinoma a candidate for involvement in the disease.
cells are wounded, punctate staining with hemidesmo- Desmosomal adhesion is lost in the autosomal domi-
somal antibodies greatly diminishes in cells that enter nant acantholytic conditions, Darier’s disease and Hailey-
wound sites, but returns following wound closure [ 6891. Hailey disease resulting in cellular internalization of the
This reflects modulation of cell-substratum adhesion to desmosomal component [75*,76*]. It seems unlikely that
facilitate cell motility. Similar changes might be antici- primary defects in desmosomes are causative, but abnor-
pated during wound healing in viva. The major pro- malities in desmosomal genes can now be sought.
tein components of hemidesmosomes, again like desmo-
somes, are upregulated by TGF-P treatment [6~], and The localization of many desmosomal glycoprotein genes
hemidesmosomes persist during cell division [ 45=,68*]. to chromosome 18 [ 11-131 is interesting in view of the
fact that a deletion in 18q is implicated in colorectal can-
cer [2**,77]. However, an extensive study revealed no
gross differences of desmosomal expression in colorectal
carcinoma [44]. Down-regulation of desmoglein expres-
Desmosomes, hemidesmosomes and disease sion was, however, found to correlate with invasion in
transitional cell carcinoma [ 781.
Studies of cell biology and human disease often com-
plement each other. The antigen involved in the au-
toimmune acantholytic blistering disease pemphigus fo-
liaceous has been identified as desmoglein, and the
130kD PVA has now been shown to be a member of Conclusions and prospects
the desmoglein subfamily ([8==]; reviewed in [70]). The
expression patterns of desmoglein and PVA in epider- Epithelia require well developed junctional+oskeletal
mis (Fig. 3) may offer an explanation of appearance of networks in order to maintain 1‘ ’ -ctive coverings of
lesions. Splitting occurs in the upper epidermis in pem- body surfaces. Yet they are highly CI)..;unic structures and
phigus foliaceous and immediately above the basal layer must modulate these networks in order to permit con-
in PV. The level of splitting could be related to glycopro- tinued cell renewal and maturation. Both desmosomes
tein distribution. (see above) and hemidesmosomes [79] can assemble
rapidly under appropriate conditions. We are now in a
Immunoglobulin G purified from PV patient sera on a position to analyze the molecular interactions involved
P-galactosidase fusion protein containing the two amino- in that assembly. During maturation of the epidermis
terminal extracellular domains of PVA causes suprabasil- both desmosomes and hemidesmosomes are disassem-
lar acantholysis typical of PV when injected into neonatal bled, the desmosomes being replaced by junctions with
mice, but immunoglobulin G aihnity purified against the different but related glycoproteins. Why do they need to
three remaining extracellular domains does not [7I**]. be different? It may be to provide stronger intercellular
However, this is certainly not the whole story, because adhesion, but adhesion that is still capable of modulation
the amino-terminal fusion protein could absorb only a and replacement. We have very little idea about what sig-
small portion of the pathogenic antibodies from the au- nals regulate these assembly and disassembly processes.
toimmune serum, suggesting that antibodies to confor- We must also consider that the junctions themselves
mational epitopes are also involved. transduce signals, perhaps regulating their own assem-
bly or providing information about the state of cellular
A recently described disease, paraneoplastic pemphigus, differentiation or the degree’of mechanical stress in the
in which cancer patients display mucocutaneous blister- epithelium.
Desmosomes and hemidesmosomes Garrod 37

Acknowledgements Major Proteins of the Desmosome Junction, Desmogleln

DG (DSG), Desmocollins DGlI7IB (DSC), Desmoplakine
I thank Drs Charles Streuli, Jamie Davies, Jane Collins and Joanne DPI/III (DSP), and Plakoglobin DPIB (JUP). Genomics 1991,
Lorimer, and Kevin Legan and Suzanne Spong for their comments on 10:640-645.
the manuscript. I also thank all those who have generously allowed 12. ARNE~IANN J, SPURR NK, MAGEE Al, BUTON RS: The Human
me access to their manuscripts in press. Gene (DSGJ Coding for HDGC, a Second Member of the
Desmoglein Subfamily of the Desmosomal Cadherins, is,
Lie DSGl Coding for DGI, Assigned to Chromosome 18.
Genomics 1992, 13:484-486.
References and recommended reading 13. ARNEMANN J, SPURR NK, BUTON RS: The Human Gene
(DSG3) Coding for the Pemphigus Vulgaris Antigen is, Like
the Genes Coding for the Two Other Known Desmogleins,
Papers of particular interest, published within the annual period of Assigned to Chromosome 18. Hum Genet 1992,89:347-350.
review, have been highlighted as:
. of special interest 14. PARKERAE, WHEELERGN, ARNE~~ANN J, PIDSLZYSC, A‘~AL~OTS
.. of outstanding interest P, THOMAS CL, REES DA, MAGEE AI, BUXTON RS: Desmo-
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Bioessays 1992, 14:385-393.
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2. BUXTON RS, MAGEE AI: Structure and Interactions of Desmo- to the Desmosomal Cadherins DG II/III. FEL?S Lett 1991.
.. somal and Other Cadherins. Semin CXI Biol1992. 5157-167.
A re\iew of the relationships of desmosomal glycoproteins and their Demonstration that human epidermis contains a protein related to
interactions with other molecules. bovine type 1 desmocollins that may be expressed predominantly
R, FRANKEWW: Identification of Desmoglein. a Constitutive 16. ARNEMANN J, KH SULLIVAN, Al MAGEE, IA KING, RS BLIXT’ON:
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