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1. According to you what is NPA ?

a. when an asset ceases to generate income for the bank
b. if the customers do not pay principal and interest for a certain period of
time (90 days) ,it can be called as NPA ,
c. if periodical income is not generated for lender of money ,it is called as

2 .what is the percentage (%) of NPA in your particular branch ?

a) 1-4%
b) 4-7%
c) 7-10%
d) 10% &above

3. what is trend of NPA in your bank ?

a) Highly decreasing
b) Slowly decreasing
c) Constant
d) Slowly increasing
e) Highly increasing

4 previously an asset be called NPA after 180 days, but now it is being changed
to 90 days in Indian context .do you agree with it ?


5. Does NPA classified as

1. Standard asset
2. Sub standard asset
3. Doubtful asset
4. Loss asset



6. what are the reasons for assets becoming non performing asset ?

a) Managerial deficiencies during work

b) Lack of knowledge of the area of handling
c) Lack of timely actions
d) Lack of adequate efforts for recovery
e) Lack of proper verification of the genuine purpose of loans and advances

7 .what are the different advances treated as non performing ?

a) Agricultural loans
b) Non agricultural loans
c) Cash credit
d) Over drafts
e) term loans
f) housing loan

8.Do you have similar recovery strategy in all sectors and in all geographical
regions ?

9.Do you think there are the alternative ways to reduce the NPA ?

a) Proper appraisal before lending

b) To reduce unsecured loans political recommendations should not be
c) Lending at low rate of interest to farmers so that repayment is made easy


10 . Do you think factors contribute to NPA ?

Internal factors

1. Defective Lending process

2. Inappropriate technology
3. Poor credit appraisal system
4. Managerial deficiencies

External factors

1. Willful Defaults
2. Industrial sickness
3. Lack of demand
4. Change on Govt. policies

11. Do you think any one the strategy below mentioned is helpful to reducing

Securitization of asset (Debt)

Legal recovery



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