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A: Algebraic functions such as x2, x3

T: Trigonometric functions such as sin(x), cos(x), tan (x)

E: Exponential functions such as ex, 3x

And here is one last (and tricky) example:

Example: ∫ex sin(x) dx

Choose u and v:

u = sin(x)

v = ex

Differentiate u: sin(x)' = cos(x)

Integrate v: ex dx = ex

Now put it together:

∫ex sin(x) dx = sin(x) ex -∫cos(x) ex dx


Looks worse, but let us persist! We can use integration by parts again:

Choose u and v:

u = cos(x)

v = ex

Differentiate u: cos(x)' = -sin(x)

Integrate v: ex dx = ex

Now put it together:

∫ x x x ∫ x
∫ex sin(x) dx = sin(x) ex - (cos(x) ex −∫−sin(x) ex dx)

∫ex sin(x) dx = ex sin(x) - ex cos(x) −∫ ex sin(x)dx

Now we have the same integral on both sides (except one is subtracted) ...

... so bring the right hand one over to the left and we get:

2∫ex sin(x) dx = ex sin(x) − ex cos(x)


∫ex sin(x) dx = ex (sin(x) - cos(x)) / 2 + C

Footnote: Where Did "Integration by Parts" Come From?

It is based on the Product Rule for Derivatives :

(uv)' = uv' + u'v

Integrate both sides and rearrange:

∫(uv)' dx = ∫uv' dx + ∫u'v dx

uv = ∫uv' dx + ∫u'v dx
∫uv' dx = uv − ∫u'v dx
Some people prefer that last form, but I like to integrate v' so the left side is simple:

∫uv dx = u∫v dx − ∫u'(∫v dx) dx


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