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An Address


Nishtha Mishra

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ISBN : 978-93-

An Address to Indian Patriarchy

Nishtha Mishra

Dedicated to
Unistar Books Pvt. Ltd. my ever-inspirational mother,
S.C.O. 26-27, Sector 34 A, Chandigarh-160022
India Prof. Usha Mishra
Ph. +91-172-5077427, 5077428
email : and the loving memories of my father,
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1. Foreword.
2. My father, an inspirational patriarch 13
3. Mechanisms of Patriarchy Exposed 16
4. Freedom Denied, Girl Child 19
5. Menstruation Tabooed 20
6. Appearance Valued 22
7. Rape justified! 24
8. Marriage advertised 30
9. That Sex Unwanted! 31
10. Domestic Violence redefined 33
11. Be alarmed for each look undignified! 38
12. How Am I the Weak one? 40
13. Learn to understand the meaning of my “No” 42
14. What’s wrong in being Feminine? 44
15. Parenting reformed 47
16. Self-reformed 50
17. Existence Ceased 54

4 5
No work done is a single-handed effort. There are numerous
hands working in assistance to hand down information and
feedback, compile it into a coherent whole and see it to its
completion. There are others who are a constant source of
inspiration and encouragement. Firstly, I am thankful to my
brother, Mayank Mishra with all my heart, who played an
active part- right from the conception of the idea of compiling
my poems into a book till its publishing. His constant
encouragement helped the successful completion of the book.
Next I owe my thanks and want to acknowledge my indebtness
to Lt. Aditya Mishra who served as a critic for all the poems.
His feedback helped me stay on the realistic ground rather
than soaring in over-feministic flights. He unfailingly
encouraged me to write further whenever I lost inspiration.
My mother Prof. Usha Mishra and my sister Shriya Mishra
bore patiently all my whims as I worked on this book and
provided constant encouragement. Last but not the least I
want to thank my family and friends for their best wishes and
Nishtha Mishra

6 7
An Address to Indian Patriarchy is conceptualised as a
direct address to Indian Patriarchal system. It is an attempt to
voice out the feelings that almost every woman has felt at
some time of her life. As such it seeks to create a sense of
empathy among all. Women Empowerment in India is
different from what it has been in the west. The issues like
job opportunities and voting rights that has been the agenda
of western revolutions in favour of women were taken care of
by Indian constitution from the start. Their implementation
however was not that successful because Indians till date have
their feet deeply rooted in mythology which they believe
doesn’t favour women coming in limelight. I haven’t touched
much upon those issues that the government is working upon
because soon enough those issues will be dealt with. Instead I
have attempted to unearth those issues that escape being
In this book, I have tried to retell mythological facts and
fiction to reveal that side of its coin that actually favoured
women and thus was always kept hidden from the general
point of view. The contemporary stories of female success
and empowerment is a thing everyone talks about and knows
but how this can be lineated with the age-old stories that show
them as a continuation of the tradition is what is being shown
here. In a culture that prides itself for its mythological heritage,

8 9
which binds its women stating mythological examples, what But all of it was essential to suit my purpose, a factor which is
can be a better source to bring out the facts that favoured accepted in the post-colonial debates.
women from the start and what can be a better way to make Remembrance and understanding of the ideas is the main
men understand that women are actually their equals and not purpose of this book. For remembering a thing, there isn’t a
subordinates! form more appropriate than rhyme and poetry. I have
Despite having references from mythology, the issues and consciously put in effort to thread the pearls of my thoughts
ideas addressed in this book are contemporary and of onto the string of rhyme. Also it is said that “Brevity is the
significance in the world of today. The examples that we see soul of wit” and poetry is appropriate form for presenting
in our homes and follow unconsciously have been presented what has to be said in a brief and interesting manner. As for
in a new light. providing an understanding and insight as poetry tends to be
The book is distinctively divided into two parts. It starts quite obscure at times, I have added a section called “Author’s
with a poem about my father whom I call upon as the Muse Note” at the end of each poem to merge the beauty of language
of my work and who is an apt example of how men can with simplicity of meaning derived from prose. I also added
incorporate equality within their families. The first lot of references for those who are unaware of mythology or unread
poems are assertive in their approach while the others are in literature.
combative. The first half addresses the burning women issues I have tried to include all the major issues but there always
of the decade meant for awakening the eyes of the readers remains a scope for something new. There are issues that the
with regard to them. The reality of atrocities portrayed is for fraction of progressive lot will consider obsolete but the
sensitive souls to stand and react against them. And these souls statistics tell that for majority of population it is still relevant.
include both men and women-those who want the change. So if you can’t relate with them do feel blessed and empathise
The issues dealt with in this book are not of female interests with those who are not. As Nelson Mandela said:
alone but it covers the interests of men as well. “For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains,
The second half of the book contains poems that invoke but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom
self-realization in Women about their capabilities and powers. of others”
This section shuns the very belief that women are the weaker This book aims to bring all together leaving aside their
sex with the help of concrete examples. It rediscovers the scope personal motives to stand for a cause of social change. It does
of female identity as one that is powerful than their male not advocate replacement of patriarchy by matriarchy but calls
counterparts. for EQUALITY.
I must apologise for taking a great deal of liberty from
standard English verse forms and metres, and also for deviating Nishtha Mishra
from the commonly accepted sentence syntax at many places.

10 11
My Father
an Inspirational Patriarch
My f irst educator, my father taught me to:
Never settle for the second best-
“Even in a similarly clad crowd,
you are different from the rest.”

From every single stroke of my sketch

to the words I pen down;
from every single word of wit
that I use to win an argument in the town!

He is the unconscious example

whose steps I follow.
He is the inspiration that prevents me from
becoming a person, shallow.

Starting penniless,
into a learned doctor, he grew.
Whether on professional or personal front,
he never left a due.

He was the one who settled for a less promising job

on family’s f irst call.
He was the one, who held the professional ladder for
my mother,
So that she can ascend without fall.

12 13
Making sacrif ices and compromises, He passed away,
he was an ever-supporting spouse. crippling us in all forms.
He was always the cook behind All fell apart,
the delicious aroma coming from our house. as there was no norm.

Not only the bread-earner, He was truly,

he also baked one. the family’s head.
Lending a personal touch to everything, His leaving left us,
he leaves nothing undone. half-dead.
He was my f irst best friend
who gave me the courage to voice out my thoughts.
Because of him I refrained from lies
and spared myself from being a part of some plot.

He wasn’t someone
who just helped making me;
But who stayed throughout my development,
nurturing me!

He was the loving string

that kept the pearls of family together.
Always organised and particular,
my father was our actual home-maker.

Always carrying the mountain with strength,

he kept us safe from the rain.
Showing us only the sunshine,
he was the blood, running the family’s vein!

14 15
Mechanisms of She would be wedded for a body,
that has to be kept chaste,
Patriarchy Exposed even when her husband,
has a character disgraced.
In the court of the Holy Trinity of Indian Patriarchy,
occupies the throne, the husband most high. Child bearing and rearing,
Backed is his crown by the father, household and love;
whom no one questions, eye to eye. Fasting for her husband’s seven lifetimes,
worshipping him once is not enough.
And then sits the son,
under the shadow of the crown; Fasting for the missing chromosome
Keen and observant; recording every custom will purge her body and bear her a son.
to reiterate, when he will wear the king’s gown. She should starve for him on auspicious days
for indeed he is the prized possession.
And there in the middle stands the accused woman,
with no defences to her side. She will be refrained from reading,
Chained in her own bangles and anklets, the texts that breed reform.
she hears the verdict with her swallowed pride. We will emphasize on instances demanding
silence and submissiveness as a norm.
Her birth will never be
an occasion of joy and mirth. She would have to follow the rules
No matter how hard she tries to excel, with unquestioning compliance.
we will never recognize her true worth. Equality wouldn’t replace patriarchy here,
because women lack both resistance and alliance.
A burden to her dowry drained parents,
to their wishes, she ought to have bowed: She will ensure the passage
“Once sent clad in a bridal dress, of patriarchal norms as a source latent.
she must return wrapped in a shroud.” Women standing against women
will def initely serve as our agent.

16 17
Trying to fulf il her darling deities’ desire, Freedom Denied, Girl Child
She will spend a lifetime in bother;
Her crime being that- A tear from womb;
She is not a man, but the “other”. As blood, she was shed.
 If managed to survive,
she was underfed.

Toddler phase,
she had not seen.
Shackled by all, she was made
to stand on her knee.

Clad in a frock,
she was told a fairytale.
The princess, there,
was rescued by a male.

Her big brown eyes

And wavy soft curls
were drowned under a veil
decorated by pearls.

She could have jumped; she could have smiled.

She would have laughed at the top of her voice.
But you took her decisions
without asking her choice.

She is wild as a wind,

untamed as a tide.
Don’t put her in chains,
she is your girl child.
 19
Menstruation Tabooed
Tabooed Yes we do bleed!
Because we can breed!
For years since my birth, For our bodies health, the unfertilized egg,
you sat on your knee, we cannot keep.
praying to me to grant Bleeding for your future, you consider our crime.
a wish to thee. If nature will spare us the pain, your species will end
But with the coming of my menarche in no time.
the Goddess vacates me and I am dark?
I feel it’s a blessing;
Three days since then But you call it a curse.
starting approximately every new moon, You say because of it,
I am socially isolated and conf ined, I am not allowed to sing my verse.
cornered to the ‘dakkhini’ room. How could my entering the temple, to Gods be
The pickle if I touch, will convert into pine? detrimental?
I have to bathe myself pure, before I could again touch Why my entering the temple, makes the priests fumble?
the shrine.
It’s nothing to be ashamed of!
Energies: positive and negative It’s nothing to hide!
we give out and absorb! We bleed so that we could give you
Magic, witchcraft and sorcery children who will stand by your side.
You conf ine us, to dissolve? If you still judge my periods as something wrong,
Stop building those forts! the stone age is the place, where you belong!
Do you fear us being the powerful lot?
We bear more than enough period pain
Punishment for Eve’s crime that we don’t want any more coercion.
or as the carrier of Indra’s sin: All we really need to be spared from
It’s the menstrual blood where is unnecessary exertion.
the seeds of future have been! So when I am menstruating, I am not impure.
How can you call it impure, When I am having those cramps, you ought to help
when you were carried in it for sure! me with their cure.
20 21
Appearance Valued
Valued She had her face marred
with marks of her struggle.
The colours of the setting sun gave Those scars held beauty
her dusky face a glow of gold. of the strength and spirit of survival.
Her warm and compassionate nature, She didn’t have a limp,
a pale body was too cold to hold. she tap-danced to the music of life.
She had an average height; She knew the magic of feeling with touch,
She wasn’t very tall. she wasn’t a sight deprive.
But she held her head high You called her coloured;
when others were ready to fall. She was either too thin or too stout!
She had pink chubby cheeks; She was short or scarred,
She was all health and not in pain. but what made you so proud?
She tasted and held all f lavours of life Who are you to judge her looks
that a slim body couldn’t contain. who as ugly urchin herself is mistook!
She presented a skinny f igure; Who are you to judge her looks,
She was compared to a latch. Whose own identity relies on your wife’s look!
But she had agility
Who are you to judge her looks
that the most proud cat couldn’t match.
who stand in the society with its foundations shook!
She wore glasses; Who are you to judge her looks
She looked like a geek. who being blinded is bound to overlook:
She had a pair of braces on
She is unique; she is different;
to adjust symmetrically her teeth.
She is the accomplisher of her own quest.
She had cut her hair short; Her beauty is not in being the best;
She dressed as a boy; But it lies in being not like the rest!
But she had a sharp wit 
that you can’t deny.
22 23
Rape Justified III

I She was clad in a dress

that flaunted her curves.
Ten years of imprisonment, It wasn’t your upbringing’s fault,
a petty sum for f ine! it gave a boost to your nerves.
Death sentence in some “special cases”,
rest are all treated same in a line. You raped her because it eased out your nerves.
It was her fault, she couldn’t hide
Proofs and witnesses bought with coins that shine.
her nature bestowed curves.
The victim girl remains with none
who will call her: “mine”. “This fault of hers invited the rapist to her side.
Her rape for dressing according to the vogue, serves
You called it justice!
her right”.
and considered it right.
The right to feel beautiful, conf ident and comfortable
But what about the crime of denial of rights?
How could that rape be justif ied?
And yet was that rape justif ied!
In the court of law, she is pried
with the questions of her trauma, out loud. Intelligent and conf ident is what she was.
Once she was raped in seclusion, Her skills made her on the professional ladder to rise.
now endlessly robe-robbed in crowd. Her continuing progress thus became
the cataract of your eyes.
Her match now will never be found;
although her criminal will wear the groom’s gown. You raped her to prevent her dreams f rom being
Disrobed for eternity, she should wear the shroud. actualized.
The only way you could bring her down
“Boys are innocent and naive. went up through her thighs.
Because they are mistaken, we cannot cut off their life.”
Her right to be honoured was denied.
Yet was that rape justif ied!
24 25
“In a man’s world, she dared to stride. But she was the one beyond your claim.
Being the weaker sex, how could she put up the f ight”? You raped her to possess her
Her right to progress was denied. by subjecting her to public defame.
Yet was that rape justif ied!
“Waiting for the right one, led to her being victimised.
V Had she been wedded away, she would have escaped
the plight.”
She was a soft, little cherub; delicate as a bud.
Her right to belong to herself was denied.
Her tiny pair of hands, hardly two springs old
Yet was that rape justif ied!
lie squashed on the ground drowned in her own blood.
You raped her because your sick mind was beyond any
hold. VII

She had no curves, she was controlled. “You should call the rapist your kin
She couldn’t even understand what was told. to prevent his organ from going in.”
She wasn’t capable of producing any urge that you But what should be done when the kin’s
couldn’t withhold. well known hands have committed the sin.

“Don’t cry over her, its better she died. Her rapist stood in brother’s, cousin’s, uncle’s or father’s
A girl-born is always a stake to family’s pride”. skin.
Her right to live was denied. Tired or angry, she couldn’t refrain
Yet was that rape justif ied! her husband’s advances, for they are meant to be given in.

VI “Family is an institution, sanctif ied.

Don’t blacken the family’s name that is bright.”
She was beauty; she was brains. Right to trust and object, both are being denied.
Her voice was sweet and disposition the same. And yet is that rape justif ied.
She was the product of her parents’ pain.
She was every man’s marital aim.

26 27
VIII “A good girl knows to be with the light.
Only a slut sneaks out in the night.”
Independent ways and free will; beauty and life
Her right over her body was denied.
with lots of skill, Youth did her bestow.
Yet was that rape justif ied!
Soaring in its fragrant flight,
she was being coloured in her beloved’s hue.
But you thought if she can take one, she could take
another few. Shock stilled eyes with all dreams drained.
To you she was no more than a whore; Doctors used anesthizers but all in vain.
her fault being that, she was that night with her beau. Her lips quivered but she couldn’t explain.
She had scars far more than just inhumane.
“She had a relationship with a boy, thus she was already
impurif ied. Constant bleeding body; continuous writhing in pain;
If my daughter did so, I would have strangled her tight.” She got nightmares from her real life
Though the right to sexual freedom was denied, that were driving her insane.
yet was that rape justif ied!
You too had wept; you too have cried;
Had your own sister or daughter in their place had lied.
All their human rights were being denied.
You could not have called it: “justif ied”.
A mutilated body was found on the street’s side:
a sight which even hungry hounds disliked.
Gang rape done to her was identif ied.
Her crime was being alone at night.

Assaulted by two while she cried;

Another two preyed when her body stopped to try;
And as she bled her last, she was stormed by another

28 29
Marriage Advertised That Sex unwanted!
A fair and Beautiful bride desired. Born in this world with cries
(capable of lighting the kitchen’s f ire.) and welcomed further with mourning,
Convent educated with a disposition benign. she watched her family spreading sweets
(who could breed sons in a line.) at each stage of her brother’s upbringing.

Decorating herself with family’s ornamental pride. All privileges and facilities provided
(No matter who’s wrong, she will be tried.) to him for education and sports.
Precious and valuable like a sapphire. If she at all is allowed to pursue her interests
(with a purity to withstand the burning pyre.) she has to accompany them with household.

A girl who will make the Fortune in favour, turn. Her brother’s career strengthens
(with skills and qualif ication that will help her earn.) the family’s monetary might.
Her in-laws will not let tears glisten her eye. But if she works, it’s a shame
(Bruises of childhood will now become scars on thigh.) taken as a symbol of family’s plight.

“Laxmi of the house”: wealth personif ied, she is. Her husband is treated as the king
(Yet no wealth is as easy to part, as this.) in her very own house.
Her purpose in life, since birth is told: In all rituals and poojas,
(to breed for a family she hardly know.) she is the inferior spouse.

“The princess will now become the queen.” She tends to your sick and dying self;
(Her reign however is nowhere to be seen.) She prepares the meal you survive on;
Her nuptial makes all happily grieven. She makes your house worth living;
(Darling Daughter with dowry is driven.) From her your children are born!

30 31
Why then, is her destiny drowned Domestic Violence redefined
either in milk or tears?
Why is she so unwanted, I
far more than King Lear?
A three year old daughter full of zeal
All her work, all her sacrif ices throughout your life went to her father with an appeal.
Out valued by that one funeral rite that a son does after She just wanted him to reveal,
you die. how beautifully she had painted the sun riding on wheels!
Whether it actually does go that way as is told in
scriptures, She had expected him to raise her in his lap
no one living could testify. but instead she got a tight slap,
 for disturbing her job frustrated father’s nap!

Her f irst lesson of silence then she learnt;

All the enthusiasm in her got burnt.
“You hit those whom you love”, you justif ied your
violence by saying so.
Bearing violence is something all approve of, you
imprinted upon her soul.


Another five year old daughter rushed to her mother’s side.

She and her brother had a f ight.
He pushed her hard against the concrete roadside
while all she did was gave him a blow, light.

32 33
She had expected her mother to nurse the bruise on The lesson they learnt was that they hardly deserve
her knee any respect.
instead she got to see, her mother checking her brother Even when they are abused there is none to whom
for wounds while she they could protest.
scolded her for letting her hands free. You had no justif ication for this abuse.
All you could say is that they were from your fore-
The second lesson of not to complain and bear the fathers’ time in use.
pain, she learnt.
No matter how much she is hurt no one will feel IV
You justif ied your actions saying “It’s a sibling f ight”. Under the homely shelter of a Peepal tree,
However, you also knew you didn’t do the right. sat a Khap Panchayat to hear the lover’s plea.
The decision to be made was how to set them free
III because Egeus could never be made to agree.

A f ight on street or when the boys friendlily meet, They had expected that their parents loved them right,
With abuses to their mothers’ and sisters’ name they greet. who will save them f rom being slaughtered for
The ladies on hearing these do in their rooms retreat; community’s false pride.
How can by abusing the ladies of opponent’s family, But instead they were torn to pieces by the majority’s
one can win the feat? might.

They had expected some respect for being the In this world, love is the eternal crime,
nurturing mother or loving sister; punishment for which remains, being cut short of life
Instead they found their names used as abuses, without at its prime.
doing anything to bother. If the whole species descended only from Satrupa and
And then to provide amusing variety to these abuses, Manu,
you also added “daughter”. there can be any family or individual you aren’t related to?

34 35
V From the beginning she learnt her lessons wrong!
She was told being intimate was crucial to keep her If she had protested then, she could have lived long.
married life in shape. “It was an accident”, on being accused they said.
But she was in a state that intimacy was a thing, she It wasn’t their fault that sent her wrapped on her death
couldn’t take. bed.
He started playing with her nape;
when she said she was unwilling, then he raped. VII

She had expected an understanding spouse Used, abused, misused and disused: why always our
but instead she was being beaten in the house. destiny be cursed?
He displaced on her the anger, others have aroused. After burns, bruise and blisters atleast, now we must
She was in her life made to learn: become bestirred!
“Whatever husband says is meant to be done.” React against the people who make the sanctity of
His violence is taken as his right; your body and soul disturbed.
Whenever he wants he can use might. It’s time that white f lag of peace must be furled.

VI We deserve what we expect-

from love to your respect.
Her pregnant self for want of dowry or son, Against all violence you inflicted on us, we now stand
thrown down the stairs or in a f ire to burn. in protest.
Having learnt her lessons she knew she has none
to whom she can for safety run. The f inal lesson now learnt-
not to bear and to confront!
She had expected a loving household We want no justif ication but the justice;
which with guidance from her in-laws, she will mould. We aim to uproot these evils actually in practice.
But instead she was given the treatment that turned 
her body cold.

36 37
Be alarmed for each look Stop looking at me as if I am
a spare piece of meat and you a hungry hound!
undignified! Stray dogs who try to cross the road
are often found crushed to the ground.
Stop looking at me
from the angles and dimensions of your eye! Every undignif ied look from you
Don’t think I couldn’t see is strictly shunned!
through your lies. Playing with f ire will
Only leave you burnt.
Stop looking at me, making
undermining ratings of my assets! Look at me as if I am
You are too poor a judge to assess, A temple! A Shrine!
the spectrum of my facets. Worthy of worship and reverence
as there rests the divine.
Stop looking at me as if I have 
worn nothing, presenting a sight, quite obscene!
No matter how hard you try,
your eyes by no means can be an X-ray machine.

Stop looking behind me!

Don’t let your eyes search for my bust!
I am no object standing there
to satisfy your lust.

Stop looking at me threateningly

for I am not vulnerable.
Any lewd gestures directed towards me
are certainly intolerable.

38 39
How am I the Weak one? Don’t consider me weak
and for that don’t feel proud.
Born bearing our mother’s contractions, just the same At times, we have rescued you
as you, without your asking out loud.
We bear acute abdomen cramps every month; The way back to life of her husband
We bleed constantly for days without crying, Savitri’s strong will led.
and still I am the weaker one! Even Lord Shiva couldn’t
Nine months of craving; bring back his wife from dead.
Emotional restlessness every now and then; When the combined powers of all Gods couldn’t won,
Fatal, excruciating labour pains, we take; to Goddess Durga they had run.
And yet the stronger ones are men! Quickly changing her mild form into Ferocity,
Opening our eyes with the f irst rays of Sun she was the one who slayed the buffalo-demon.
and working tirelessly till next morn. Wealth and honour drained Pandavas
Preparing the meals and the worksheets right, were freed by Draupadi’s urge.
while you complain how in your morn to dusk job you It was her pledge that made her culprits
are torn! die at their most vulnerable verge.
You call me weak and tell me I need Made of same material,
to be defended by you and your following. You are in no way any stronger.
But I haven’t known a single man yet Gone are the days, we consider ourselves weak,
who hadn’t writhed in pain when hit in the loin. we do not underestimate ourselves any longer.
We both sigh in pain; 
We both bleed when are cut;
We both bend alike
when the old age struck.

40 41
Learn to respect the meaning If I refuse to be intimate
it surely not does tantrum indicate.
of my “NO” It’s my right to prefer myself over your want and make
you wait.
If I choose a pursuit of study or career and you forbade So when I say “No”, remember no coaxing or force can
me to do so, agree me to mate.
I will stand by my decision and tell you: “No”.
If your interests are in conflict with mine, I will let If I decide to move out of marriage
you go. It’s no means for my patience and love to gauge.
So when I say “no”, remember, you left me with no It means I know I deserve better,
option but to say “No”. so when I say “No”, remember, I am not coming back
in future!
If I am friendly and like to hang out with you
it does not mean I intend to take you as my beau. What I don’t want to do,
I may want a relation, purely on friendly term, by no means I will be forced to do.
so when I say “No” to your advances, remember my So when I choose to say “No”,
decision is f irm! Don’t take it to be a blow to your ego!

If I confess my love to you, When I say “No”, it’s not meant to be an insult;
it does not mean I intend to move in with you. I am neither naive nor confused but an adult.
I may want to take my time, Answering your proposal in negative shows my choice.
so when I say “No”, remember, my decision for me is prime. Don’t take it as a “Yes” unless you hear the word in my
If I shake my hands with you 
it does not mean you have the liberty to touch me
wherever you want to.
It was just a professional salutation,
so when I say “No”, remember, I am ready for further

42 43
What’s wr
What’s ong in being Feminine?
wrong Knowledge thus is initially
embedded in female psyche.
I saw you applauding her Unravelling the secret mysteries
for showing qualities masculine. is again a feminine quality.
But he was snubbed for making sobs
As it is a habit feminine. Durga, Menhit, Andarta and Athena signify
valour and warfare in their pictures and sculptures.
Being feminine is not a taboo! There is a reason why war deities are
So stop treating it as one. Goddesses in every culture.
If you start classifying qualities,
she will have her sides won. You scolded him for wearing pink
You despised Eve for bringing and called it feminine;
the sin upon mankind. Now tell me how you can escape effeminacy
But the only thing she did is when it is fused with everything genuine?
sharing the sweetness of the fruit she just f ind.
Femininity encompasses all qualities
It was Adam who chose “charm” from meek modesty to ferocious valour;
over his better discretion. Fused in masculinity should be
Eve only had the will to explore the traits of compassion and manner.
where Adam lacked motivation.
Presence of anima and animus
Thus, the spirit of adventure that led to discoveries; testify composite human fate.
The risk of exploring possibilities to innovate; Totality that lies beyond duality
Does not come from your fathers Ardhanareshwar f igure state.
but is inherently a “feminine trait”.
Virtue is a garden
Having eaten the fruit f irst
full of flowers of different colours;
Eve got the knowledge before!
which from the spectrum of light
Mother of Vedas, Saraswati-
absorbs one and ref lect back others.
the deity of wisdom and knowledge for sure.
44 45
Savitri’s unparalleled determination Parenting Reformed
brought back her husband’s soul.
Here contrary to the common belief Mother, do teach me and my brother
she took the saviour’s role. to respect the dignity of other gender.
So individual choices and not the stereotypical ones Do tell him we do not live
must work when the gender roles, we decide. a borrower’s life and he that of a lender.
Lioness hunts and is the meat earner Father, when you check whether
while the lion just protects the pride. my brother’s feet f it in your shoes,
 let me try them once, for may be
I am the one on whom they are not loose.

Mother, do tell us that the rakhi

I tie on my brother’s wrist is a promise, mutual.
Sometimes he and sometimes I,
would play in other’s life a role crucial.

Father, do make me and my brother

compete for the resources and privileges you provide.
Do let the deserving one win regardless of
societal sanctions and gender roles to abide.

Mother, do tell me what are the limits;

But do teach your son not to cross his!
Father, do make the rules for the time of staying out;
But also make your son, follow this!

46 47
Mother, do teach me Mother-in-law, do teach me the marital value
how to dress like a lady; of each of the ornaments I wear.
But also restraint your son from moving around Father-in-law, do show your son his marriage ring
with a bare chest as he is no longer a baby. and tell that sanctity of marriage is not meant to tear.

Father, do stand by me when someone Dear parents-in-law, do tell me

has with me been rude. what is expected from me as your son’s bride.
But do admonish your son’s lewd behaviour But prior to this, teach him that the car of marriage
and tell him it won’t make him a dude! needs the wheels to be equal and together for a safe
and smooth ride.
Mother, do tell me how to protect
myself from becoming pregnant. Dear parents it’s your decision to treat us
But do make your son, if violates other girl’s body, equally or to stoop to obsolete norms.
take the responsibility of being a parent. It’s up to you to make your children responsible and
happy for future
Father, do tell me what attire by subjecting traditional parenting to reform.
is expected of me. 
But don’t sit there abusing girls for their dresses
while you watch them enthusiastically on TV.

Mother, do teach me how to cook.

But don’t spare your son from this skill.
Father, take me out with you
and show me how to pay the bills.

Mother, do teach me the skills

to be a home maker.
But don’t bear the domestic abuses to show me
how to prevent being a home breaker.

48 49
Self Empowered People will judge anything you wear
and present a twisted tale.
I They have judged women for
the length of their veil.
Do pursue your own interests;
May it take you to an off ice or your place of rest!
Do venture in forbidden f ields; Do make and follow your own sexual mores;
Show them you can increase the productive yield. In this world, there is a lot of possibility to explore.
Exploring and experience will help you make choices, clear:
Make yourself the queen of domestic sphere;
to remain single, date more or settle down with a dear.
Boss an off ice with male majority;
Take the remuneration even for the household; Making love to the ones you love
Never let your work and efforts gone for charity. should be your own personal decision.
It must not be guided by
People will judge you
fear of judgement or societal sanction.
For whatever you achieve.
They have judged women
People will judge you
for taking the maternity leave.
for your sexual life anyway.
They have judged a rape victim far worse
although she had in that situation neither choice nor sway.
Do wear whatever you want;
Do wear whatever others think you can’t; IV
Do wear what you are comfortable in;
Do voice out what you think
Dressing according to vogue is not a sin.
if you do not want into oblivion, to shrink.
A saree has exposed midrib; Put yourself before your signif icant other;
A short skirt exposes thigh; Your inaction and silence will leave none for you to bother.
A gown may be bare shouldered
but they are all worth a try.

50 51
Do make friends with boys, VI
they will teach you what is alliance.
Choose your choice and take your stand Stop compromising your choices for the judgement of
instead of looking for reliance. other people;
It will lead you nowhere and make you a cripple.
Don’t worry about people who judge Stop fearing being an outcast;
your character as unworthy to admire. It’s your own opinion that matters till last!
An only daughter had been adversely judged for
showing strength The tree with its roots strong
and not crying while performing the rituals of her withstands and defeats the revolt of wind.
father’s funeral f ire. The empowerment that we talk about
comes out from within.
The judgement and verdict of others
Don’t pay heed to the opinions of people who are hardly ever true.
themselves are unsure. Your choices are what
Into making wrong Governments, they are often lured. actually empowers you.
Take the chances; follow the choices; do not feel forced! 
Pages of history sing names of those who had their
limits crossed.

Occupying the fraction of seats reserved

is no representation of our power.
Changing societal concepts and seeking independence
from the opinion of others is the need of the hour.

When had the opinion of others

done good to those who enquire?
People didn’t spare Sita of their judgements
who proved her chastity on the burning pyre.

52 53
Existence Ceased Over her body and her child
she owes no claim.
In the coming of the new world, If she carries a girl within herself
tired of her least fortunate fate, she is sure to receive the blame.
Women decide to cease life
and terminate human existence at any rate. Mercilessly her connection with
her daughter is torn apart.
You threatened her with her own extinction; Broken, she secretly wishes,
You begged her before its too late. never to mother again, at heart.
But she knew, it had always been a man’s world
and never a female state. Working tirelessly from dawn to dawn;
Satisfying every wish of yours before you could
Nurturing the foetus with her bones and blood, demand;
its health and life becomes her only aim. And yet she is the one always blamed;
But after undergoing the excruciating labour pain, making a place for your displaced anger to land.
her baby gets the father’s name.
Such state of affairs will ultimately
All her life, she was told: reduce their number to nil.
“Motherhood places her next to God.” If this day has to come
Never worshipped yet always sought; they decide to have the gap f ill.
fulf illing all demands against all odds.
She clamped her tubes;
She was the one bestowed with She refused to mate;
the power to give birth to a child. Declining her dependence on you in any form,
But your envious norms turned her blessing she gave up the need to be straight.
into a sin before she becomes a bride.
With all your science, you can make
No offence was charged in the name a stored egg and sperm fertilize;
of the person who fathered the child. But you can’t create a gestate
But she was left to her own resources where the foetus can materialize.
for being victimised or lied.
54 55
You wanted to chain her in motherhood
to exercise your power on her.
She broke your institution of patriarchy
by refraining from making you the father. Author’s Notes
Her womb that had been
the place of birth,
My Father, an Inspirational Patriarch
Now refused to carry, making the tomb of species,
below the shifting sheath of Earth. A patriarch is the head of family, a true inspiration to all his
children. He sets examples to be followed after him. He is
Against the centuries of oppression, like the roots of a strong fruitful tree whose branches flourish
she now retaliate; because of the strength and nutrition provided by it. Sadly
And showed that it is a woman’s wish enough, the true meaning of the word is replaced by a dictator
that decides the man’s fate! like figure who forces people to have things his way. Whose
 lust for power gradually becomes detrimental to the benefits
of all those he proclaim to support. Thus the need is to have
this word reclaim its original meaning. And the nearest
example that I found suitable for this purpose is my father.
And as one reads the poem, he will really appear to be a role
model as far as the actual role of a patriarch is concerned.

1. In the 11th stanza, in the lines, “Always....... rain”, there is
a metaphorical allusion to Krishna leela. Krishna, the
incarnation of Lord Vishnu lifted the Goverdhan hill on his
little finger to provide shelter to his village folks against
the continuous rains and floods caused by an angered Indra,
the king of gods who reside in heaven.

56 57
Mechanisms of Patriarchy Exposed is believed that on keeping fasts on these days the women
In this poem, in the form of patriarchal verdict the condition will not only secure a long and healthy lifetime for their
of women in our society is shown and the reason why the age husband but will also get the same husband if ever
old norms still continue to exist has been evaluated. Women reincarnated. But no such fast is done for a wife.
are from the beginning made to believe guilty for anything 2. In the 8th Stanza, in the lines, “Fasting..... possession”, the
and everything. Thus to remove her sense of guilt she had to fasts mentioned here are those kept while listening to
undergo the purgation process of these atrocities. The major Haribansh Purana and on Putrada Ekadashi etc which are
role in the transference of this folly of undermining customs considered to be miraculous for son bearing. Also to ensure
is played by women themselves who without understanding a long life for their sons, mothers keep the fast of Chhat
the true relevance of these, teach their daughters and daughter and the like. But no such fast is done for a girl.
in laws to continue the tradition. The religion in the name of
which all these customs are followed actually do not preach
that women alone should be the follower of these customs.
But very cleverly the sections of Vedas, Puranas, Upanishads Freedom Denied, Girl Child
and other holy scriptures that bestow equality with their male A tear from womb;
counterparts in terms of privileges and power to women are As blood, she was shed.
either hidden from the readership of women or remain This poem is about the struggle in the life of a girl-born. Ever
undermined. Instead stress has been placed on those tales where since that cradle-figure of a baby girl begins to take shape, her
the role of women has been wrongly interpreted as subservient quest for survival begins. The cells in her body aren’t sure of
and subordinate. Also, out of jealousy sometimes women prove the extent they could multiply because at any time a pair of
to be the greatest hurdle in the path of other progressive surgical scissors can cut of their union with life (womb) forever.
women. Men actually can’t exercise power over women unless The few drops of blood that were helping her breathe through
they allow them to do so. The need thus for every woman is the process of her creation leaves the crying womb without
to re-evaluate her condition and the reasons behind it with an any mercy for it knows the hands that are tearing her tissues
open eye by untying the blindfold the patriarchal mechanisms off are obeying the desire of her parents who created her but
have tied. hated the fact of having to accept her. She, the product of
their love, is not destined to be the object of their love.
References As if physical crimes were not enough, every girl child is
1. In the 7 stanza, in the lines, “Fasting...... enough” the a victim of psychological crime done to her while teaching
fasts being referred to are that of Karwachauth and Teej. It her gender roles. They are told to accept the subordinate

58 59
position, next to boys. She is never taught to stand on her because they were at a lack of reason. The sense of mystery
feet but her knees. Walking and standing on knees when one made them associate menstruation with all kinds of fearful
is fully capable of running with feet is crippling physically as things like the cycle of the moon. Since moon is a part of
well as psychologically. And this is what a girl-born is subjected night when dark spirits have their reign, a menstruating woman
to. Her wings are clipped before she could explore her might be evil and impure. Then when advancement had its
horizons. She has to limit the expansions of her goals and advent, as an attempt to subordinate women’s status, mythical
dreams to certain fields. She is warned not to penetrate a man’s tales about the mystery of menstruation were created, in which
world. Even the fairytales told to her tell her that a girl is the menstruation that is actually a sign that a woman is ready
meant to be a “damsel in distress” and her rescuer will be a for reproduction was told as a punishment for sin. As I told
boy who is as human as her yet powerful then her. She is earlier it’s one of the mechanisms of patriarchy to make
conditioned into surrendering to men even through these women subservient to them by making them feel guilty.
stories. Her freedom to feel her beauty, her wish to celebrate The menstruation taboos that Asian cultures still hold
her uniqueness, her desire to be happy is often subjugated. are about pickles, women having extra terrestrial powers that
She has to be bashful for shyness and modesty are her may even be harmful for the dignity of gods and the like.
ornaments. The basic right denied to her since time And to be spared from being coming in contact with these
immemorial thus is that of CHOICE. energies women are confined to the extreme dark of the corners
of the house.
So now here by mentioning the actual scientific reasons,
Menstruation Tabooed I hope I have de-mysterified the mystery. Having known the
scientific facts, I further testify that none of the taboos are
No other issue can portray the hypocrisy and undermining
actually valid because I have tried myself against all of them
mechanisms of patriarchy than menstruation. When we get a
with none of the pre-told consequences. So from now ladies
bruise and we bleed, we seek nursing. That blood is our essential
and gentlemen make it clear that menstruation is as natural a
body fluid. The same blood if oozing out of a women’s vagina
process as excretion and breathing and not something evil. I
is impure! It’s a matter of shame! She can run to the school
am still worship worthy at Durga poojas when I menstruate,
nurse for a bandage to cure a scratch but she has to be ashamed
I can touch the pickles, worship and play music when I
of asking for a tampon when she is having her periods. How
scientific and logical is this?
The time when discoveries were still to be made, humans
feared even waves and winds. At such a time, they created a
1. In the 1st stanza, in the lines, “For.......dark?” the custom
lot of myths and considered a menstruating woman a taboo
of worshipping little girls as an embodiment of Goddess
60 61
Durga is referred to. Appearance Valued
2. In the 2 stanza, in the lines, “Three......shrine”, the It is quite amusing to see that in a country where all stood up
relation of menstrual cycle with moon cycle is shown which in protest and sympathy when someone from our Nation was
happens approximately around new moon though it may racially abused, people never refrain themselves from
vary for different individuals. The myth that if a commenting on a girl’s colour. No matter what is their skin
menstruating woman touches the pickle it will become
colour, they will always make a girl feel ashamed of her dark
rotten is one of the popular ones, still in practice. Also the
custom of bathing oneself before being considered pure
enough is mentioned. ‘Dakkhini’ room is a room in the All they want in a girl is a perfection of appearance. She
southern most corner of the house. must not fall short on any of the criteria- colour, height, style,
3. In the 3rd stanza, in the lines, “Energies......lot?” the belief
voice, senses, walk, talk, nature, disposition etc. How deep
prevalent in many Indian and Asian cultures that a an impact of rejection done on the basis of appearance goes,
menstruating woman gains evil powers which she utilises no one cares to understand. The situation is worse when a
in performing the witchcraft on these days is told. Thus, differentially able girl subjected to the realisation of her
they think she must be kept confined. Another belief is insufficiency which in reality is not true. Surprisingly these
that women become like a large vessel extracting energy great judges of appearance do not ever judge their appearances.
from all the sources. At such a time their energies may They themselves might not be presenting a perfect figure but
clash with those radiating from the temples and God’s idols they want what they idealize. What they fail to realize is
and may cause damage. everyone in this world is differently beautiful but at the same
4. In the 4 th stanza, the lines, “Punishment.....sin” refer to time all are definitely beautiful. The line “who as ugly urchin
the Biblical story of the curse given to Eve for bringing the herself is mistook!” signify the pain one feels when judged for
sin upon mankind. In Hinduism, there is a description in appearance in the same way they do to others and at the same
Puranas about Indra’s Brahmahatya when he killed the time the word “mistook” signify that there is nothing ugly
Brahmin demon Vritra. Part of this sin is believed to be but only differently beautiful. The moment all realize this,
carried by women which becomes active during half of the world’s grudges and disappointments will end.
But the reality is people continue to make others feel
5. In the 6 th stanza, the line, “I.....verse”, the tradition of
inferior in looks which is the thing definitely in need to be
considering all art and music as pious and thus a
menstruating woman are not allowed to indulge in them is

62 63
Rape Justified Hyde refers to the alter ego of Dr. Jekyll in the novella The
Rape is not a single crime. It comes with multiple offshoots. Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde written by R.L.Stevenson.
A rape may not be committed in gang for having a whole By referring to Hyde, someone like him is implied.
houseful of culprits. One culprit is the rapist while the other
culprits are the numerous members of society who make the
mainstreaming of a rape victim impossible. While Indian Law
Marriage Advertised
still doesn’t have a proper sentence for the crime of rape, it
leaves the numerous other culprits roaming in society who re- In our country, arranged marriages are still valued over love.
rape a victim again by their words. It is a symbol of a family’s upbringing and culture. How deeply
they are rooted to their grounds is judged by the kind of
In this poem, some rape situations have been described
marriage alliance their children choose to make. In this time
in the first stanza of each section. The second stanza covers
of online dating and matrimonial sites, the newspaper
the reasons, the rapists shamelessly confess and the third stanza
advertisements have yet not lost their significance. Majority
includes quotations from the common patriarchal public that
of people till date, continue the match making process through
captured the attention of news columns recently. The reason
newspapers. In this poem, I have taken some common and
for describing these situations is to make these people realise
popular lines from the newspaper advertisements. However,
what they have actually commented about.
ironically the flattering lines of the advertisements might
People can spend their lives in the lap of sluts. They can actually mean what I have mentioned within the brackets.
marry non-virgins without having any idea of it. But a rape
victim is forever doomed, unacceptable as a marriage material.
Even drug addicts, mental patients and criminals can be References
mainstreamed and accepted, forgiven and given a chance at 1. In the 2nd stanza, the line, “(with.....pyre.)”, refers to the
life. But a rape victim who wasn’t at fault in the whole situation story of Sita in the Ramayana who proved her chastity by
can never be accepted. coming out alive, without being burnt from inside the
We live in a society where we condemn the rape victim burning pyre.
and justify her rape and her rapist. Is it not a crime? Is it not a 2. In the 4th stanza, in the line, “”, an allusion to
violation of Human Rights? Until when will you let such the Goddess of wealth, Laxmi is given. A girl-born is
treatment to continue? The answer lies with you! euphemistically referred to as Laxmi.

In the 2nd stanza of ninth segment, in the line, “And ......Hyde”,
64 65
That Sex unwanted! couldn’t be a more prominent proof of superstition blinding
In a country where sex-ratio is always on decline, it’s not hard the eye because this is believed even by those who claim to
to imagine how rare is the case where the birth of a girl is fight against superstitions all their lives.
actually celebrated. The initial reaction after the arrival of news
from the labour room is that of mourning. Even though the References
educated and so-called progressive lot tend to accept their
1. In the 6th stanza, the lines, “either.......Lear?” the reference
daughter, the fact remains the same that she is unwanted.
that has been made is to the fact that in many towns and
Not mentioning those who never had the opportunity villages of India, a girl born is killed immediately after her
to go to the school, despite the numerous beneficial birth by drowning her in milk.
programmes government started to lure parents monetarily,
2. In the same stanza, Shakespeare’s tragedy King Lear has
the language of common appreciation, no matter how well
been referred to. Ironically, King Lear forsakes his only
she is performing in academic or sports, do have the following
deserving child, Cordelia who actually loved him, in favour
words: “No matter how well she is excelling, ultimately she
of ungrateful Regan and Goneril. And after giving away all
only has to perform the household. Actually that is the proper
that he had got they returned his favours by disowning
kind of education for a girl and proper assessment of her skills.”
Though the scenario has changed to a large extent today
3. In the 7 th Stanza, the lines, “Out.......die”, refer to the
but still if the women of the family have to work outside the
funeral rites of Hindu mythology, according to which the
household it is looked down upon. In all the traditional family
rituals performed only by the male members of the family
rituals, the husband of their daughter could be given
can lead to salvation after death even though there is no
importance but not the daughter alone as a daughter’s respect
proof for it.
is united with her husband’s. She being the multi-tasking one
performs the role of mother, cook, teacher, and nurse along
with her professional duties. In spite of all this, her worth
always remains subordinated to the sons of the house because Domestic Violence redefined
they are the one who might make their parents achieve Whenever we hear the phrase “Domestic Violence”, we jump
salvation. to the conclusion that it has something to do with the person’s
Whatever she does for her family during their lifetime, in-laws. What we fail to recognise is that domestic violence
the things that their senses can perceive and feel are nothing in includes everything that comes within the purview of
comparison to what a son will do for them after they die, domesticity. It is not limited to a particular gender and to the
when all senses, all feelings, all knowledge will cease. There in-laws household.

66 67
The domestic violence starts when a member of the family References
does violence against the other. This violence can be physical 1. In the 1 st stanza of fourth segment, in the lines,
as well as psychological. “Under......agree”, Khap Panchayats are village governing
The violence done to a girl may begin in her parent’s bodies that have a history of having passed the orders of
house in the form of man-handling or the make-belief attitude killing those who dared to have love and marriage against
for bearing them. The parents are equally responsible for the community norms.
atrocious behaviour she bears in her in-laws house because 2. The name Egeus is a reference to the unloving and
owing to our culture, this is what she is taught. Instead of authoritarian father in Shakespeare’s comedy A Midsummer
standing against any violation to her body and soul we force Night’s Dream, who wanted to avail the law that allowed
her to submit and make her realize that she is the inferior sex. her daughter Hermia to be killed for refusing to marry the
The worst kind of violence that is passed on from man his father chose for her.
generations is that of abuses. Using a family relation as the 3. In the 3 rd stanza of the fourth segment, the line, “If....
name of an abuse is potent enough to inflict in the female Manu”, holds reference to Manu and Satrupa who according
mind that she is something dirty and meant to be abused. As to Hindu mythology are the first man and woman born
such the increasing trend of abusing nowadays as a friendly from whom all other humans have descended.
gesture is the worst trend to pass on to coming generations.
The violence on a girl is not necessarily inflicted upon by
her spouse. Often her parents are the one who beat her black
and blue till her death for not doing as she is told to, may it Be alarmed for each look undignified!
be a marriage alliance or any other sphere of life. Let us play “one word for”. If I ask you what will you call a
The decisions of Khap Panchayats are invariably to set woman who stands at the side of road passing seductive gestures
the lovers free from life for securing community or family’s and remarks on complete strangers that pass by? Well yes! You
pride. Marital Rape is also a violence done to a woman. It’s all are right. We call her a prostitute, a woman with dirty
equally criminal as any other rape. Just because you are married, character who had sex with numerous strangers for money.
your spouse does not have any right to force you without Now let me ask you, what will you call a man who stands
your consent. It is clearly a violation of human rights and at the side of road passing lewd gestures and remarks on
right to freedom. complete strangers that pass by? Did I hear pervert, debauched,
So there definitely is a need to stand against all these kinds flirt, lusty etc? Now analyse how many of these words are as
of violence and make provisions in the court of law for them undignified as prostitute. I think none. Can you see, the same
to be treated as equally punishable crimes. work if done by a woman is prostitution and if done by a
man is not!
68 69
Why is it so? It is because doing this is accepted as the the same. So here I am with this poem that gives an answer to
part of the process of a boy’s growing up. I have seen boys all those who call us weak.
making ratings about a girl’s each and every feature, learning Pain and tears is no sign of weakness they are actually
to whistle not because they can call a cab but just to make a what makes us more human than feminine. The male members
girl notice their remark. Sometimes under peer pressure, of the society who claim that they never cried, I want to
sometimes after observing their elders which may even include remind them, they came crying out loud in this very world.
their fathers and sometimes out of curiosity, this cycle of
In our culture, all the saviour roles of women in our
unacceptable behaviour passes on. And since at no stage they
mythology are either undermined or veiled under the name
receive a reaction, they consider this unacceptable behaviour
of Pativrat Dharma, which comes as a duty for being one’s
as accepted.
wife. But people forget that even the duties are executed only
Who is at fault here? The boys or the girls who do not when one choose to do so.
make them realise the impropriety of their behaviour. If there
In this poem, I list down numerous examples of our
is any girl who claims that she has never faced a sexually
strength from contemporary as well as mythical world. I have
inappropriate behaviour may be it is some remark or gesture,
attempted to remove dust from those sections of our
then there can’t be a greater lie.
mythology that prove at innumerable times it was a woman’s
The people who are moral at heart not just pass ignoring strength that protected men. And thus, I urge women to stop
a prostitute’s gestures, but they report it to the Police or take considering themselves the weaker gender and recognise their
some other appropriate action for her to be removed out of true strength.
their sight because they want their society clean. The same
needs to be done in this case. A person who passes lewd glances
at you is no dude but a male prostitute who must be removed References
for the individual society’s benefit. And all must be done to 1. In the 7th stanza, the lines, “The......led” refer to the story
ensure this instead of ignoring and letting it pass to the next of Savitri who went alive to the underworld in order to
generation. bring her dead husband’s soul from the God of Death, Yam
and succeeded in her enterprise.
2. The lines, “Even.....dead” are an allusion to the story of
Lord Shiva and his wife Sati. Sati burnt herself alive by her
How am I the Weak one?
Yog Shakti when her husband was insulted at her father’s
The most commonly accepted and generalised belief is that a Yagya. Lord Shiva grieved and performed destructive Tandav
woman belongs to the weaker sex. How? No one cares to but still he couldn’t bring her back.
test. Even sadder is the situation when women tend to believe
70 71
3. In the 8 th stanza, the lines, “When......Demon” tell the being she has every right to tell so. The need is to develop in
story of Goddess Durga who killed the demon Mahishasur our boys an understanding for this concept of “no” so that
who had the head of a buffalo. they can take rejection more positively. This poem is written
4. In the 9th stanza, the lines “Wealth.....verge” incident from with the same purpose. It tells you to respect other people’s
the Mahabharata is mentioned where enslaved Pandavas choice and restraint yourself from entering their area of
were granted freedom on Draupadi’s request. She was forbiddance without any grudge.
dishonoured in front of her husbands and the royal court
even when she had been married to five husbands who were
known for their unconquerable strength. Even after that
What’s wrong in being Feminine?
she requested for the freedom of her husbands so that they
could gain back their self respect by avenging her. It was Among the most common binary pairs that encompass
the sheer strength of her vow that is considered as the main whatever exists is nature and nurture. Both of these aspects
reason for the downfall of Kauravs. are considered feminine. If the classifiers of qualities draw a
distinct line that tells what is definitely masculine and what is
definitely feminine, then the masculine area would end
without one. Because there isn’t a field females can’t venture,
Learn to respect the meaning of my “NO”. there isn’t a thing females don’t dare to do for the fear of it
“It is a fact universally acknowledged” that when a girl says being considered masculine; there is hardly any area of male
“no”, what she actually means to say is yes!” .If this is true dominance left where females haven’t made their presence felt.
then I think you people seriously need to check your dictionary. They have walked among the stars and floated with the fishes;
Even a dumb person who knows language cannot mistake they have conquered mountains and built the bridges. But on
two words having exactly the opposite meanings as having the other hand our male counterparts wrinkle their nose for
the same. So no matter how dumb you believe your female anything, any field, any quality that they consider to be
counterparts to be, when they say “no”, they actually mean feminine. This has thus limited the power of their horizons
“no” and in such a case if you believe the opposite, it will be while girls continue to expand theirs in practice. In spite of
yourself who will be proved both deaf and dumb. If a girl this fact, if there are people who still pride themselves for
first says “no” and then “yes”, it does not mean that what first having masculine qualities, this poem is for you. Read and
time she meant was yes. It only means that she had a change conclude for yourself that the qualities you boast of as
of opinion which is possible for you too. masculine are actually of feminine origin. And for my female
community it’s yet another example showing what you cannot
A girl’s no or rejection is never meant to insult you. It is
do. And that is nothing! Since the beginning, it was you and
just meant to tell what she does not want and as a human
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even now it is you. People may not realize and recognize your Parenting Reformed
worth but you should do that definitely for yourself. Parenting is an unquestionable field as far as Indian Parents
are concerned. They find nothing more offensive than being
References questioned about their child’s upbringing. Each pair of parents
considers their parenting style to be perfect. They feel that
1. From stanzas 3 rd to 6 th , there is a retelling and new
interpretation of the same story of Adam and Eve and their they are not answerable to any other member of society about
act of eating the fruit from the Forbidden Tree. parenting. What they fail to realize that even their daughters
2. In the 4th stanza, the phrase, “chose “charm”” is a reference
should be answerable just to them and not the society. Thus,
taken from Milton’s Paradise Lost. with regard to a girl’s upbringing most of them fail largely as
a parent. The societal norms are always forced on girls but
3. In stanza 6 th, Goddess Saraswati is being referred to, who
is the Goddess of Knowledge and Wisdom according to what a boy does becomes new norms.
Hindu Mythology. Why the permissions for night outs and parties should
4. In Stanza 8th , Durga, Menhit, Andarta and Athena are being be taken for girls and unquestionably granted to boys? The
referred to. Durga is the Goddess of war according to Hindu reason given for not allowing girls is of safety and
Mythology. Menhit is the Goddess of war according to responsibility. But where both these factors go with regard to
Egyptian mythology. Athena is Greek Goddess of wisdom, boys? A correct form of parenting would have tested the sense
warfare, strategy, heroic endeavour and reason while Andarta of responsibility for both the kids and then have permitted
is the Celtic Goddess associated with victory and
the responsible one may be it was their boy or girl. The same
overpowering of enemies.
pattern must be adapted for making any other decisions instead
5. In stanza11th, Anima and animus are mentioned which are of the age-old, outdated, and obsolete sentence –”You can’t
one of the key concepts in Carl Jung’s theory of personality.
do it because you are a girl”.
Anima is the female aspect of male psyche while animus is
the male part of female psyche. Thus, every human has As for safety, it also issues from home to society. If
both feminine and masculine aspects. someone makes your daughter pregnant, you are at your knees
6. Ardhanareshwar is one of the many forms of Lord Shiva. In doing almost anything to get the matter settled. But if your
this form, he remains fused with his spouse Parvati in one son does the same, it is assumed that she is unworthy and
body. This figure promotes the equality of both the sexes must be left to her own means. This will only make the affairs
in all aspects. It also signify presence of feminine and continue as they are going. Instead if you teach your children
masculine aspects in one body. to take the responsibility of being the parent and share what
7. In the 13th stanza, again the story of Savitri,described earlier they have done, it will be a lot better. I am not advocating the
is being referred to. marriage between these two because the trust is the foundation
needed for any marriage and that would have already been
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broken. What I am suggesting is sharing the common your power. You are a river which if dammed without gates
responsibility as the parents towards the baby they have causes flood and destruction all around. Such is your power!
created. Your children do not need approval and support from Why you look for reliance? Why you seek approval? You are
society. They need it from you. Whatever you will teach your as free by law as any other individual.
son at home, the same amount of security he would provide
Your choice should govern your vocation, your dress, your
to other girls from himself. Now people will say that no parent
sexual life, your thoughts, your decisions and your mistakes.
ever teach a son to be misbehaved directly. But they do teach
Yes mistakes! If you fear those let me remind you even now
him this, indirectly. What is he to learn is he watches his father
you cannot blame others for the mistakes that arise from the
staring agape at the short dresses of girls on television and
decisions they took for you. So what’s the difference? The
when caught abuses them for vulgarity. What is he to learn
difference is once you take the responsibility of your mistake
when he watches his mother being beaten up daily? What is
which is actually done by you, you will feel powerful in that
he to learn when you send him to supervise and watch his
too. This is empowerment! When you need not rely on anyone
elder sister’s actions?
for anything! If you fear judgements by the people, let me tell
As it is said “Charity begins at home” so does equality. If you once more as I did in the poem. They will judge even
the next generation wants equality of sexes as a reality, all have when you are perfect. They are moulded from their childhood
to put in their own individual effort in a parenting providing to find flaws. Nothing you do will ever satisfy them. So at
equal opportunities. And When I say all it means all. It must least do what satisfies you.
be a collective effort on individual front. For as it is said one
Remember, none other than you can bring the
spoiled apple spoils the other, likewise one spoilt peer can
empowerment for yourself because empowerment is defined
spoil the mind of his teenager friends.
differently for each of us. There are girls for whom the
empowerment means education. For the educated others
empowerment means vocation. For those who are working,
Self Empowered empowerment means freedom to rest and so on. No law can
encompass what we want but we ourselves can achieve what
This poem is for those females who sit at their homes waiting
we want. So work for it! We are the power, so fear fears us!
for that Bill of Parliament which like the wave of a wand will
Your own choices guide your true empowerment. Remember
change the scenario in their favour. Let me tell you, it is never
going to happen unless you yourself learn to stand for yourself.
You don’t need to be empowered; you already are the source
of all power. Even those powers that are used against you are References
powerless without your consent. All you need is to recognise 1. In the last stanza of 1st segment the example of “Maternity
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leave” is given because it is one of those things that strikes to make sure the next generation of individuals that is created
a balance between a working woman and a mother and is female dominant, at the mercy of a female. How this
unites together professional and domestic spheres. imagination sounds like? I am leaving the question unanswered
2. In the 2nd stanza of 2 nd segment it has been pointed out to be thought upon.
that even an Indian wear, Saree does exposes body parts If the true worth of women remains unrecognised and
while a western wear like jeans exposes none. they are not given the status of equality, this unforeseen
3. In the last stanza of 5th segment, the lines, “People ......pyre” possibility of future is possible. Yes, we are capable of doing
again make an allusion to Sita. In the Ramayana, Sita was that!
again disowned by her husband Ram when people started
questioning her character even though she was the queen
and had her chastity proved.

Existence Ceased
This is an apocalyptic poem showing the world’s end if
women refuse to breed. Yes, the real possibility of an
apocalypse do exist but not at the hands of genetically modified
zombies but the living women. As Lord Krishna also
mentioned in the Bhagvad Geeta, for a complete establishment
of new order, a complete destruction of old chaos is required.
The crimes and atrocities against women have taken a
monstrous shape and once a state of total disorder is reached,
women will be forced to unite in a revolution not to breed.
The advancement of science has reached a stage where a
stored sperm and egg can actually create foetus. But for foetus
to develop still a female uterus is needed. In this way no matter
how hard the male population try they couldn’t get to recreate
life without a woman’s consent. Once united the educated
female doctors might perform tubectomy and abortion just

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End note
About the Author
Having stated and proved my points in the light of all the Nishtha Mishra is a D.Phil scholar at Department of English
above discussion, I think EQUALITY is not a big price in the and Modern European Languages, University Of Allahabad.
bargain where the female community has been proven to be Her area of research is “Feminism in the plays of George
powerful. I rest my case here and end the address to Indian Bernard Shaw: Pygmalion, Candida, St.Joan and Mrs.Warren’s
Patriarchy with the hope that my gender is soon going to Profession.” She has been the recipient of Prof S.G.Dunn Gold
consider itself equal and will claim its equality by refusing to Medal and Rai Bahadur R.N.Bhatia Gold Medal for being
remain the subordinate. the best academic performer in English Literature at
Graduation level. She was the second position holder in
Graduation at Faculty of Arts, University of Allahabad. She
has also been awarded University Gold Medal for Subject
Toppers at the Post-Graduation level and had received PG
Rank Holder Scholarship for University Toppers given by
UGC. Writing is her hobby and she is planning to pursue it as
her full-time profession. Her area of interest is social issues
with a psychological understanding of reasons responsible for

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