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Executive summary _________________________________________________________5
1. Market Analysis_______________________________________________________6
PESTLE analysis____________________________________________7
2. Customer profiles ____________________________________________________8
Problem, habits and needs_____________________________________9
3. Value Propositions and Product description________________________________12
Our value__________________________________________________12
Product description___________________________________________13
4. Business objective____________________________________________________15
Vision _____________________________________________________15
Market growth strategy________________________________________15
5. Key Activities ________________________________________________________16
6. Key resource ________________________________________________________17
7. Sustainable production process_____________________________________________18
Production process___________________________________________18
7.1. Production and quality control (QC) ________________________________________18
7.2. Research and development (R&D) ________________________________________19
7. Key partners ________________________________________________________20
8. Channel____________________________________________________________22
9. Customer relationship_________________________________________________24
10. Cost and revenue structure_____________________________________________25
10.1. Cost structure________________________________________________________25
10.2. Revenue streams_____________________________________________________26
11. Sustainability business model___________________________________________27
11.1. Eco-social costs______________________________________________________27
11.2. Eco-social benefits____________________________________________________27

Mommate intends to disrupt traditional educational toys for children business in the UK
by offering a new business model, a leasing platform. While offering a new service, Mommate
also helps reduce waste occurred from used toys. Mommate will provide the toys together with
consultation service based on subscription model. The company will start off with certain set of
education toys packaged based on each stage of children. The company intends to grow and
expand its services to other products such as child car seat and breast pump, including opening
actual stores for building parental communities and let customers have real experience with its
products, while keeping in mind the business direction which is to be sustainable and green
business. While this is an ambitious goal, the company believes it is achievable through the
step by step process outlined in this report.

In the initial stages of the company, the targeted group will be a first-time mum group.
This group is increasingly concerned on their children, but still have several pain points in term
of buying toys for their children such as deep understanding of children development and
limitation of spending. Through our platform and service, this group will not only benefit from
cheaper products, but also gain more insight for their children development. The company
intends to acquire this group through online platforms as well as networking events by mainly
showing the benefits from using our services, such as reducing waste for the world. The basis
pricing model utilised will be a monthly subscription fee based on our clients’ budget. This will
smoothen the company’s revenue stream.

With ease to access and eco-social benefits from leasing business model, Mommate
believes that it can grow its business and also help children grow properly. Moreover, it hopes
to encourage sustainability business including achieving UN goal no.4 and 12.

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