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Published March, 2000

Alfalfa Root and Shoot Mulching Effects on Soil Hydraulic Properties and Aggregation
Daniel P. Rasse,* Alvin J. M. Smucker, Djail Santos

ABSTRACT to fresh organic matter inputs into the soil profile, which
Although alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) stands have been reported promotes soil aggregation (Angers and Caron, 1998).
to improve soil physical properties, little is known about the specific Soil structure and the development of soil cracks is
influences of above- and belowground alfalfa components on soil influenced by shrinking and swelling cycles (Angers and
physical properties. A 2-yr study was conducted to investigate alfalfa Caron, 1998; Sissoko and Smucker, 1999, unpublished
root and shoot mulch modifications of soil physical properties and data). Amplitude of these cycles is increased by plant
water movement in the root zone of a Kalamazoo loam soil (fine- roots, which absorb water from the soil, and decreased
loamy, mixed, mesic Typic Hapludalf) in southwest Michigan. Four by crop residues, which reduce soil evaporation rates
treatments were considered: bare fallow (BF), bare fallow with alfalfa
(Prasad and Power, 1991). Although the separate effects
shoot mulch (BFSM), alfalfa with shoots removed and roots remaining
(AR), and alfalfa with alfalfa shoot mulch (ASM). Volumetric soil on soil physical properties of alfalfa roots and shoots
water contents were measured by time domain reflectometry (TDR). have been suggested in the literature, few studies have
Development of fine roots was monitored by minirhizotron technol- investigated the different contributions of these compo-
ogy. Alfalfa root systems increased saturated hydraulic conductivity nents. A better understanding of the specific influences
(Ksat) by 57%, total and macroporosities by 1.7 and 1.8%, respectively, of above- and belowground alfalfa components on soil
and water recharge rate of the soil profile by as much as 5.4% per day. physical properties is essential before we can determine
These effects of alfalfa roots on soil porosity were mainly attributed to the full contribution of alfalfa to the rotation effect. In
increased amplitudes of wetting and drying cycles and high rates of this study, the influences of alfalfa roots and shoots on
root turnover in the Ap horizon. Ksat was significantly correlated with soil physical properties and water movement in the root
macroporosity (r ⫽ 0.90, P ⱕ 0.01). Mean weight diameter (MWD)
of aggregates from bare fallow soils was 20% higher when alfalfa
zone were investigated for a loam soil for 2 yr in south-
shoot mulch was applied. Our results suggest that aggregate stability western Michigan.
was more affected by C sources from shoot mulch and root turnover
than by factors specific to root activities such as physical enmeshment MATERIALS AND METHODS
of aggregates and increased soil wetting and drying cycles. Experimental Design and Treatments
A field experiment was conducted at the Long-Term Eco-
logical Research site of the Kellogg Biological Station in south-

T he rotation effect of legume crops has been attrib-

uted in part to improved soil physical properties
(Folorunso et al., 1992; McVay et al., 1989). Alfalfa is
western Michigan. Four treatments were evaluated: bare fal-
low soil (BF); bare fallow soil to which alfalfa shoot mulch
was applied following each harvest (BFSM); alfalfa with shoots
the most frequent perennial legume in rotation with removed following each harvest and roots remaining (AR);
corn (Zea mays L.) in the north-central states (Eberlein alfalfa with shoot mulch applied to the soil surface following
et al., 1992). Improved soil structural stability under each harvest (ASM). Each treatment was replicated four times
alfalfa stands has been reported by several authors in a randomized complete block design. Experimental plots,
(Angers, 1992; Perfect et al., 1990; Chantigny et al., 6 by 10 m, were installed in a Kalamazoo loam soil (fine-
loamy, mixed, mesic Typic Hapludalf) in late August 1994.
1997). Alfalfa root systems have been reported to in- The preceding crop was corn, fertilized at 123 kg N ha⫺1. Corn
crease the Ksat of soils free of previous root channels residues were moldboard plowed to a depth of 23 cm. All
(Li and Ghodrati, 1994). Meek et al. (1992) observed a plots were tilled and trafficked equally. Alfalfa (Pioneer 5246)
sixfold increase of Ksat when compacted sandy loams was planted in one-half of the plots at a rate of 22 kg seed
were planted with alfalfa. Mitchell et al. (1995) reported ha⫺1 on 30 Aug. 1994. The bare soil plots (BF and BFSM)
that alfalfa root systems have the ability to increase the were also drilled without seeds. The bare soil plots were kept
Ksat of swelling soils. free of weeds by applications of glyphosate [n-(phosphono-
Improvements of soil physical properties by alfalfa methyl)glycine] at ≈ 6-wk intervals between April and August
stands appear to result from a combination of effects of each year. No N fertilizer was applied to the research plots.
from above- and belowground plant materials (Angers Potash was applied to all of the plots at a rate of 280 kg ha⫺1
of K2O equivalents, together with 2.2 kg ha⫺1 of B, on 13 June
and Caron, 1998). Alfalfa stands have to be destroyed 1996. Lime was applied at a rate of 2500 kg ha⫺1 on 14 June
prior to planting the following crop. This operation is 1996. The alfalfa plots were harvested on 9 June 1995, 24 July
generally conducted by spray-killing the stands when 1995, 31 Aug. 1995, 31 May 1996, 3 July 1996, and 21 Aug.
substantial amounts of aboveground plant material are 1996. Plants were cut 5 cm above the soil surface by a 90-cm-
present (Baldock and Musgrave, 1980; Robbins and wide sickle-bar mower. After cutting, the alfalfa shoots were
Carter, 1980). Both alfalfa roots and shoots contribute raked from the AR and ASM plots and weighed. Equal
amounts of alfalfa shoots were then applied to all ASM and
D.P. Rasse, A.J.M. Smucker, and D. Santos, Crop and Soil Sciences
Department, Plant and Soil Sciences Building, Michigan State Univer- Abbreviations: AR, alfalfa with shoots removed and roots remaining;
sity, East Lansing MI 48824-1325. Received 22 Dec. 1998. *Corre- ASM, alfalfa with alfalfa shoot mulch; BF, bare fallow; BFSM, bare
sponding author ( fallow with alfalfa shoot mulch; Ksat, saturated hydraulic conductivity;
MWD, mean weight diameter; MR, minirhizotron; RIM, root-induced
Published in Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 64:725–731 (2000). macropore; TDR, time domain reflectometry.

726 SOIL SCI. SOC. AM. J., VOL. 64, MARCH–APRIL 2000

BFSM plots. At the end of the second growing season, cumula- was determined by the wet sieving method (Kemper and
tive shoot mulch biomass applications approached 16.4 Mg Chepil, 1965), using a stack of sieves with 4.000-, 2.000-, 1.000-,
ha⫺1 dry matter. All sampled areas were located at least 1 m 0.500-, 0.250-, and 0.106-mm opening diameters. The results
from the edge of the plots to avoid border effects. The surface of wet sieving were expressed as the MWD calculated as the
area of each plot was allocated to (i) nondestructive sampling mean fraction of soil on each sieve multiplied by the mean
using in situ instruments (2 by 4 m), (ii) a yield assessment diameter of adjacent sieves (Kemper and Chepil, 1965). A
area (4 by 4 m), and (iii) a destructive sampling area (2 by correction was applied for primary sand particles.
4 m). Plots were separated by surface plastic barriers installed Disturbed samples for total C analyses were collected from
to depths of 10 cm and protruding 5 cm above the soil surface the Ap horizon of each plot to a depth of 0.23 m on 11 Oct.
to prevent runoff and runon between plots. 1996 . Ten subsamples per plot were collected, mixed into one
composite sample, air dried, and finely ground (⬍0.5 mm).
Measurements Analyses were conducted by dry combustion method (Kirsten,
1983) using a C–N analyzer NA1500 series 2 (Carlo Erba
Volumetric soil water contents were assessed at three Strumentazione, Milano, Italy). Modifications of total soil C
depths by TDR measurements. Stainless steel TDR probes by alfalfa and bare fallow systems for this experiment are
(28.5 cm long) were inserted at 15-, 35-, and 60-cm depths to reported in Rasse et al. (1999). Here soil C is considered only
intercept the water in the central regions of the Ap, Bt1, and for its interactions with the soil physical properties.
Bt2 horizons. Probes were inserted horizontally into undis-
turbed soil layers from the wall of an access pit, about 0.4 m Statistical Analyses
long by 0.25 m wide, dug in each plot before planting. Soil
profiles were described in each access pit, and each horizon Statistical analyses were conducted using the general linear
was replaced and compacted to its original density. Volumetric model of the SAS system (SAS Institute, 1989). Mean separa-
soil water contents were collected by an in-line cable tester, tion tests were conducted using Fisher’s least significant differ-
TDR meter, model 1502C (Tektronix, Beaverton, OR). Volu- ences (LSD0.05) when global F tests were significant. Factorial
metric soil water contents were derived from the TDR-meter analyses were conducted with a root factor (i.e., presence
readings using the equation developed by Topp et al. (1980).
Alfalfa root demographics were monitored three times each
year by minirhizotron technology, using a micro video camera
(Bartz Technology, Santa Barbara, CA) as described by Fer-
guson and Smucker (1989). Three clear polybutyrate tubes
(0.05 by 2.4 m) were installed at 45⬚ angles in AR and ASM
plots. One control minirhizotron (MR) tube was placed in
each of the BF and BFSM plots. Root intersections with the
upper surfaces of MR tubes were recorded on identical frame
positions, 1.35 by 1.80 cm each. Alfalfa roots that did not
display signs of decomposition were hand counted in each of
the video frames. Root numbers were added every 10 frames,
which represents a vertical depth increment of 9.5 cm. Total
root numbers were then reported per square meter by dividing
by the cumulative surface of 10 frames. Root turnover rates
were assessed by the difference in root populations between
consecutive dates. Assumption was made that one root-in-
duced macropore (RIM) was generated each time the decom-
position of one root was observed in one MR frame.
Four undisturbed soil cores, 0.076 m in diameter by 0.076 m
deep, were collected in each plot in October 1996 for analyzing
Ksat and soil porosity. Cores were collected on the soil surface,
after gently removing the top 0.5 cm of soil and residues.
Cores were saturated from underneath for 48 h prior to Ksat
measurements using the constant head method (Klute and
Dirksen, 1986). Following Ksat measurements, cores were re-
saturated and placed in pressure chambers at 0.006 and
0.033 MPa for 4 d, corresponding with macro- and gravimetric
porosities, respectively. Cores were dried for 48 h in a forced-
air oven at 105⬚C. Total porosity was calculated from the
amount of water contained in the cores at saturation. Macro-
porosity was calculated from the difference between water
contents at saturation and at 0.006 MPa. Microporosity was
defined as the difference between total porosity and macropo-
rosity. Gravimetric porosity was calculated from the difference
between water contents at saturation and at 0.033 MPa.
Four subsamples of soil were collected from the 0.00- to
Fig. 1. Volumetric soil water contents in the Ap, Bt1, and Bt2 horizons
0.20-m region of each plot in October 1996. Air-dry aggregates of soils under bare fallow (open circle), bare fallow with alfalfa
were manually sieved to obtain the 4.75- to 6.30-mm fraction. shoot mulch (open square), alfalfa with shoots removed and roots
Aggregates, 25 g per sample, were rewetted by nebulizing remaining (filled circle), and alfalfa with alfalfa shoot mulch (filled
for 12 h with distilled water (Sissoko and Smucker, 1999, square), and daily rainfall measurements in 1995. Fisher’s least
unpublished data). Aggregate stability of rewetted samples significant differences (LSD0.05) represented.

or absence of living alfalfa roots) and a mulch factor (i.e., impact on soil water contents (Fig. 1 and 2). Alfalfa
application or no application of alfalfa shoot mulch at harvest). shoot application to bare fallow soil reduced the rates
Normality tests indicated that the Ksat data were not normally of water loss from the Ap and Bt1 horizons in 1995 and
distributed, while logarithmic transformation of these data 1996. During drier periods in 1995 and 1996, volumetric
resulted in a more normal distribution. Consequently, mean-
separation tests were performed on log-transformed data. Me-
soil water contents of bare fallow soils were significantly
dians of the nontransformed Ksat data were reported. greater when shoot mulch was applied (Fig. 2), sug-
gesting that accumulated amounts of alfalfa shoot mulch
reduced soil evaporation, resulting in greater accumula-
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION tion of soil water in the Ap horizon. This result concurs
Volumetric Soil Water Contents with other studies reporting that mulch applications to
bare fallows reduced evaporation from the soil profile
Variations of soil water contents with time were of (Prasad and Power, 1991; Steiner, 1994; Walsh et al.,
greater amplitude under alfalfa stands (AR and ASM) 1996).
than bare fallows (BF and BFSM) (Fig. 1 and 2). Soil Water-recharge rates of the Ap horizon were signifi-
drying rates were modified by the presence of living cantly increased by alfalfa root systems. For example,
alfalfa root systems, as exemplified by the two continu- from 8 July to 9 July 1996, increases in soil water content
ous soil drying periods of 3 Aug. 1995 to 13 Oct. 1995 of the Ap horizon of unmulched plots were significantly
(Fig. 1) and of 29 July 1996 to 13 Sept. 1996 (Fig. 2). greater (P ⱕ 0.05) under alfalfa (⫹12.6%) than under
During these two drying periods, soil water contents in bare fallow (⫹7.2%). Similarly, precipitation between
AR and ASM plots followed similar trends, becoming 26 July and 29 July 1996 increased water contents of
progressively lower than water contents for the BF and the Ap horizon by 11.9% in the AR plots, which was
BFSM treatments. Application of alfalfa shoot mulch significantly higher (P ⱕ 0.001) than the 5.7% increase
to soils under living alfalfa stands appeared to have little observed in the BF plots. These different increases in
soil water contents following rainfall events suggest al-
falfa roots augmented soil porosity during the first 2 yr
of treatment. Maximum soil water contents in the Ap,
Bt1, and Bt2 horizons in 1995 were observed in the BFSM
plots, while in 1996 maximum soil water contents were
reached in the AR and ASM plots. Consequently, alfalfa
root systems appeared to have increased soil porosity
with resultantly greater infiltration rates in alfalfa treat-
ments than for the bare soil treatments.

Root System Distributions

By the end of the second growing season, similar
quantities of alfalfa fine roots colonized the soil profile
in the Bt1, Bt2, and C horizons at depths from 40 to
130 cm (Fig. 3). Substantial root numbers were observed

Fig. 2. Volumetric soil water contents in the Ap, Bt1, and Bt2 horizons
of soils under bare fallow (open circle), bare fallow with alfalfa Fig. 3. Minirhizotron observations on 20 Sept. 1996 of fine root distri-
shoot mulch (open square), alfalfa with shoots removed and roots bution patterns in soil profiles in alfalfa plots with shoots removed
remaining (filled circle), and alfalfa with alfalfa shoot mulch (filled and roots remaining (filled circle) and with alfalfa shoot mulch
square), and daily rainfall measurements in 1996. Fisher’s least applied (filled square) on 20 Sept. 1996. Standard errors given for
significant differences (LSD0.05) represented. n ⫽ 4.
728 SOIL SCI. SOC. AM. J., VOL. 64, MARCH–APRIL 2000

Fig. 4. (A) Minirhizotron root counts and (B) root turnover rates in the upper 9.5 cm of alfalfa plots. Data from alfalfa with shoots removed
and roots remaining and alfalfa with alfalfa shoot mulch were combined because no significant difference between treatments was observed.
Standard errors given for n ⫽ 8.

by MRs to the maximum sampling depth of 140 cm in shoot mulch (Rasse et al., 1999) without inducing signifi-
September 1996. These data confirm a previous report cant modification of alfalfa root demographics. Larsson
that alfalfa roots grow deeper than 140 cm in stands and Jensén (1996) reported that mulching significantly
older than 2 yr (Pietola and Smucker, 1995). High root modifies root populations of black current bushes (Ribes
turnover rates were observed in the surface 9.5 cm of nigrum L.) as a result of increases in soil water contents,
the Ap horizon, where death of fine roots exceeded 75 while mulch-induced modifications of soil temperature
and 50% during July to October of the 1995 and 1996 had no apparent effects on root growth. In our study,
growing seasons, respectively (Fig. 4). A similar pattern water contents of soils under alfalfa stands were never
of alfalfa fine root turnover has been reported by Goins significantly modified by shoot mulch application (Fig.
and Russelle (1996). The high rate of root mortality in 1 and 2). Soil temperatures at the three TDR-probe
the uppermost soil layer appears to result from the large depths recorded on five dates in 1995 were also not
fluctuations of soil water contents within the Ap hori- significantly different between mulched and non-
zon. Several times, volumetric soil water contents mulched alfalfa plots (data not reported). In conclusion,
dropped below 12%, which is the wilting point for the application of alfalfa shoot mulch to living alfalfa stands
Ap horizon of Kalamazoo loam soils (Fig. 1 and 2). increased soil N (Rasse et al., 1999) but did not signifi-
These water deficits were not observed in deeper hori- cantly modify soil water contents nor temperatures,
zons. Alfalfa root turnover rates did not appear to be which resulted in no consistent modifications of alfalfa
significantly modified by mulch treatments in any soil root distribution patterns or turnover rates.
horizons (data not reported), as the application of alfalfa
shoot mulch did not significantly modify alfalfa fine root Soil Physical Properties
numbers for any 9.5-cm depth increment on any given
date (Fig. 3 is an example). Investigators have reported Total, macro-, and gravimetric soil porosities were
no significant differences between alfalfa root produc- significantly higher when alfalfa root systems were pres-
tion by nodulating and non-nodulating alfalfa varieties, ent, while no overall significant effect of shoot mulch
when monitored by MRs (Goins and Russelle, 1996) or was observed (Table 1). Total porosity was significantly
by destructive root extractions (Blumenthal and Rus- higher by 2.3% in unmulched alfalfa compared with
selle, 1996; Goins and Russelle, 1996; Lory et al., 1992). bare fallow treatments (Table 2). Macro- and gravimet-
These studies suggest that the development of alfalfa ric porosities were significantly higher, by 3.0 and 2.8%,
root systems may not be sensitive to the availability of respectively, in AR than in BFSM treatments. Micropo-
N within the soil profile. Accordingly, in this study, rosity was significantly higher when shoot mulch was
availability of inorganic N was increased under alfalfa applied to bare fallow, although the factorial analysis

Table 1. Factorial analyses for root and mulch effects on saturated Table 2. Saturated hydraulic conductivities (Ksat); mean weight
hydraulic conductivity (Ksat); mean weight diameter (MWD); diameter (MWD); total, gravimetric, micro, and macroporosi-
total, gravimetric, micro-, and macroporosities; and total C ties; and total C contents in soils under bare fallow (BF), bare
contents in the Ap horizon of soils under bare fallow (BF), fallow with alfalfa shoot mulch added (BFSM), alfalfa (AR),
bare fallow with alfalfa shoot mulch added (BFSM), alfalfa and alfalfa with alfalfa shoot mulch added (ASM), following
(AR), and alfalfa with alfalfa shoot mulch added (ASM), fol- 2 yr of treatment.
lowing 2 yr of treatment.
Source of Ksat† MWD Total Micro Gravim. Macro Carbon
variation Ksat MWD Total Micro Gravim. Macro C
cm hr⫺1 mm %
Probability of a greater F BF 1.14b‡ 3.76b 38.7b 27.3b 13.9ab 11.4ab 0.90a
Root ⬍0.001 0.102 0.032 0.772 0.012 0.027 0.145 BFSM 0.86b 4.57a 39.0ab 29.0a 12.5b 10.0b 0.92a
Mulch 0.437 0.003 0.667 0.068 0.135 0.116 0.849 AR 1.64a 4.26a 41.0a 27.9ab 15.3a 13.0a 0.96a
Root ⫻ mulch 0.360 0.091 0.414 0.105 0.461 0.776 0.553 ASM 1.50a 4.56a 40.1ab 28.1ab 14.8a 12.0ab 0.95a
† Median reported; means separation test conducted on log-transformed
indicated that overall root and mulch factors were non- data.
‡ Means and medians followed by the same letter are not significantly
significant (Tables 1 and 2). Total porosities (TP) were different by Fisher’s LSD0.05.
correlated to total soil C contents (C) and root numbers
(R) in the Ap horizon. The regression equations were: water through soils. Living alfalfa roots have the poten-
TP ⫽ 28 ⫹ 13.0C (r ⫽ 0.76, P ⫽ ⱕ0.001) tial to plug empty soil macropores, thereby reducing
water fluxes through soils (Gish and Jury, 1983; Rasse
TP ⫽ 39 ⫹ 5.0 ⫻ 10⫺4C (r ⫽ 0.68, P ⫽ ⱕ0.01)
and Smucker, 1998; Smucker et al., 1995). Root popula-
TP ⫽ 30 ⫹ 9.8C ⫹ 3.1 ⫻ 10 R (r ⫽ 0.84, P ⫽ ⱕ0.001) tions in the upper 9.5 cm of the soil profile were reduced
Total soil C and root numbers independently increased from 4800 roots m⫺2 on 26 May 1995 to ⬍1000 roots
total porosity, as demonstrated by the absence of a sig- m⫺2 on 8 Aug. 1995, generating ≈4000 potential RIMs
nificant correlation between soil C contents and root m⫺2 (Fig. 4). From summer to fall 1996, root populations
numbers (r ⫽ 0.45), and by the improved coefficient of were reduced by more than 1000 roots m⫺2. Conse-
correlation when both factors were considered in the quently, during the 2-yr period, ≈5000 potential RIMs
regression. Though a trend towards greater soil C con- m⫺2 were opened by alfalfa root turnover, which is four
tents under alfalfa stands was observed, these differ- times as much as live root populations observed on
ences could not be proven significant for the 2-yr period 26 Sept. 96. Consequently, increased soil macroporosity
(Tables 1 and 2). These observations imply that total and Ksat appeared to result in part from high rates of
porosity was modified faster than total soil C contents alfalfa root turnover in the upper 9.5-cm soil profile.
by alfalfa root systems. Increased total, macro, and Additional soil drying by alfalfa roots potentially in-
gravimetric soil porosities by alfalfa root systems poten- creased the number and extent of soil cracks, which also
tially resulted from an increase in the amplitude of wet- may have contributed to increasing Ksat in alfalfa soils.
ting and drying cycles (Fig. 1 and 2), which have also The stability of soil aggregates, ranging from 4.75 to
been reported to enhance the development of soil cracks 6.30 mm in diameter and sampled from 0.00- to 0.20-m
(Angers and Caron, 1998). soil depths was significantly improved, as indicated by
Saturated hydraulic conductivity was significantly comparisons of MWD, when alfalfa shoot mulch was
higher in soils with alfalfa roots growing than under applied to the soil surface (Table 1). No significant effect
bare fallows (Tables 1 and 2). This result confirms that on soil aggregation by alfalfa roots was observed when
alfalfa root systems increase soil Ksat, as previously re- mulched and unmulched plots were considered together
ported by several authors (Caron et al., 1996; Li and (Table 1). Nevertheless, when unmulched plots were
Ghodrati, 1994; Meek et al., 1992; Mitchell et al., 1995). considered separately, aggregate stability was signifi-
Application of alfalfa shoot mulch to soils under bare cantly higher in the Ap horizon of soils with alfalfa roots
fallow and alfalfa stands did not significantly modify (AR) than when devoid of root systems (BF) (Table
Ksat (Table 1). Though little information is available for 2). Although alfalfa improvements of soil structure have
mulch effects on Ksat, Prasad and Power (1991) estimate been reported (Angers, 1992; Perfect et al., 1990; Chan-
that mulching is likely to increase Ksat because of higher tigny et al., 1997), this is the first report of the separate
soil faunal activity. Lal et al. (1980) reported significant and combined contributions of alfalfa shoots and roots
increases in Ksat by mulch application on recently cleared for improving soil aggregate stability. Chantigny et al.
tropical Alfisols. Such an effect was not observed in (1997) reported that alfalfa promotes soil aggregation
this study. to a lesser extent than canary grass (Phalaris arundina-
Saturated hydraulic conductivities were significantly cea L.) and timothy (Pleum pratense L.). When incorpo-
correlated with macroporosities (Fig. 5A) and gravimet- rated, alfalfa improved the stability of soil structure
ric porosities (Fig. 5B). Root turnover and increased more than poultry manure or sewage sludge (Martens
amplitude of wetting and drying cycles under alfalfa and Frankenberger, 1992). In this study, soil aggregate
stands are potentially responsible for increased Ksat and stability was not significantly correlated with Ksat, bulk
soil macroporosity in alfalfa systems. Meek et al. (1992) density, porosity, total C, root numbers, or root turnover
reported that RIMs have to be devoid of alfalfa root rates (data not reported), suggesting that other factors
tissues before contributing to the preferential flow of besides these soil and plant root parameters were modi-
730 SOIL SCI. SOC. AM. J., VOL. 64, MARCH–APRIL 2000

Fig. 5. Regression of log Ksat vs. (A) macroporosity and (B) gravimetric porosity for the upper Ap horizon of plots under bare fallow (open
circle), bare fallow with alfalfa shoot mulch (open square), alfalfa with shoots removed and roots remaining (closed circle), and alfalfa with
alfalfa shoot mulch (closed square). *** Significant at P ⱕ 0.001.

fying the mechanisms associated with forming stable not appear to be the driving mechanism for differences
aggregates. The absence of correlation between root in MWD between treatments in this study. Transient
populations and aggregate stability suggests that the soluble C pools and associated microbial biomass activi-
physical enmeshing of soil aggregates and enhanced ties, as reported by Haynes et al. (1991), Angers and
wetting and drying cycles by alfalfa roots were not the Mehuys (1989), and Sissoko and Smucker (1999, unpub-
primary mechanisms of structural stabilization by alfalfa lished data), may have been the primary stabilizing fac-
roots. Similar conclusions were reported by Degens et tors for aggregates during these field studies.
al. (1994), who found no significant stabilization of mac-
roaggregates by clover roots in sandy soils, while oppo-
site results were obtained by Perfect et al. (1990), who
reported significant correlations between wet aggregate Alfalfa root systems increased water flow, as indicated
stability and root parameters. Wetting and drying cycles by higher Ksat, total and macroporosities, and water re-
can increase soil fragmentation (Angers and Caron, charge rates of the Ap horizon. Increases in Ksat ap-
1998). Highest MWD of aggregates in the BFSM treat- peared to have resulted from greater macroporosities.
ment corresponded with the lowest amplitudes of wet- Increases in soil porosity by alfalfa root systems appar-
ting and drying cycles. Nevertheless, greatest amplitudes ently resulted from greater amplitudes of wetting and
of wetting and drying cycles were observed in the alfalfa drying cycles and the formation of RIMs under alfalfa
plots, although aggregate stabilities did not significantly stands. Root turnover, disappearance, and resultant
differ among AR, ASM, and BFSM plots. In addition, connected porosities associated with RIM formation ap-
lowest MWD was observed in the BF plots, where soil peared to have greater impacts on Ksat than living root
water varied less over time than in AR and ASM plots. densities. Minirhizotron technology was successfully
Therefore, modifications to the soil water regime did used for better understanding modifications of soil wa-

ter flow induced by growth and decay of alfalfa root Kemper, W.D., and W.S. Chepil. 1965. Size distribution of aggregates.
p. 499–510. In C.A. Black et al. (ed.) Methods of soil analyses.
systems. It is also concluded that both living root systems Part 1. Agron. Monogr. 9. ASA, Madison, WI.
and root history (i.e., turnover rates) should be consid- Klute, A., and C. Dirksen. 1986. Hydraulic conductivity and diffusivity.
ered when analyzing the impact of root systems on soil Laboratory methods. p. 687–734. In A. Klute (ed.) Methods of
physical properties. It is suggested that aggregate stabil- soil analyses. 2nd ed. Part 1. Agron. Monogr. 9. ASA and SSSA,
ity was more affected by sources of C from shoot mulch Madison, WI.
Lal, R., D. De Vleesscauwer, and R. Malafa Nganje. 1980. Changes
and root decomposition than by factors specific to root in properties of a newly cleared tropical Alfisol as affected by
activities such as physical enmeshment of aggregates mulching. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 44:827–833.
and increased soil wetting and drying cycles. Additional Larsson, L., and P. Jensén. 1996. Effects of mulching on the root and
research should be conducted to further confirm the shoot growth of young black currant bushes (Ribes nigrum ). Acta
specific contributions of above- and belowground com- Agric. Scand., Sect. B, Soil Plant Sci. 46:197–207.
Li, Y., and M. Ghodrati. 1994. Preferential transport of nitrate through
ponents of different plant species to soil aggregation. columns containing root channels. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 58:653–659.
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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS symbiotically fixed nitrogen in soil surrounding alfalfa roots and
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